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SEDIMENTARY ROCKS - Breaks down rock and components

and internal structure of minerals

Sedimentary Processes producing more stable constituents
1. Weathering - No change until environment’s
2. Erosion conditions are changed (e.g. temp,
3. Transport pH, etc.)
4. Deposition Types of Chemical Weathering
5. Diagenesis
1. Dissolution- solids dissolving in a liquid
Weathering o NaCl -> Na+ + Cl-
- Physical breakdown (disintegration) and o Ca2+, Mg2+, Na, K (highly soluble
chemical alteration (decomposition) of rocks in water)
at or near the Earth’s surface. 2. Hydrolysis- minerals reacting with water to
- Product: sediments and dissolved ions form hydroxides
- Earth materials’ response to a change of - Feldspar -> clay and salts
environment 3. Acidification- H+ in water accelerates
- Mechanical- accomplished by physical weathering
forces that break the rock into smaller pieces o CO2 (air) + H2O -> H2CO3
without changing the composition (carbonic acid)
- Chemical- chemical transformation of rock o CaCO3 (limestone) + H2CO3
into new compounds (carbonic acid) -> Ca(HCO3)2
- Agents of weathering: wind, water, ice (carbonic bicarbonate)
(glacier), fauna, and flora 4. Hydration- combination of a solid mineral or
element with water
Mineral Residual Mat. In Sol’n o CaSO4 + 2H2O; Anhydrite ->
Product Gypsum
Quartz Quartz Si 5. Oxidation and reduction- combination of
Feldspars Clay Mineral Si, K+, Na+, oxygen with a compound and the change in
Ca2+ oxidation number of some chemical element
Amphibole Clay Minerals, Si, Ca2+, Mg2+ o 4FeO (ferrous oxide) + O2 ->
Limonite, 2Fe2O3 (ferric oxide)
Hematite o 4Fe3O4 (magnetite) + O2 -> 6Fe2O3
Olivine Limonite, Si, Mg2+ (hematite)
Hematite o 2Fe2O3 (hematite) + 3H2O ->
2Fe2O3 + H2O (limonite)
Weathering Types
 O + Fe -> Fe-oxide
1. Mechanical Weathering  Al + Si + O -> Clay
a. Frost wedging: freezing and thawing of
Rates of Weathering
ice due to alternating seasons
b. Salt crystal growth: evaporation of Differential Weathering
saline water leaving salt
c. Thermal expansion/contraction- of - difference on rates of weathering as
water normally due to alternating dry a function of composition, climate
and wet season: desiccation of cracks and physical properties
d. Sheeting/unloading- reduction of
Rock Characteristics
pressure as overlying rocks are eroded
away (common in plutons) - Structures- joints and fractures
e. Biological activity- burrowing animals, - Composition- Goldich stability
plants, humans series; fine-grained rocks more
2. Chemical Weathering prone to weathering (competent vs.
Climate and Relief - Wind
- Ice
- Arid and high relief- less chemical
weathering and shorter transport Erosion and Transportation (greater length and
- Humid and low relief- enhanced chemical transportation, greater erosion)
weathering and longer transport
A. Sorting
Soil and Regolith - Very poorly sorted
- Poorly sorted
- Regolith- layer of rock and mineral - Well sorted
fragments produced by weathering - Very well sorted
- Soil- combination of decomposed and B. Angularity and Sphericity
disintegrated rock (mineral matter) and - Angular
organic matter (humus), water and air; - Subangular
is the portion of regolith that supports - Subrounded
plant life - Rounded
Layers of the Soil Transportation of Sediments
- O horizon (organic)- loose and partly - Grain size- measure of the energy of the
decayed organic matter transporting agent (greater grain size, mas
- A horizon (organic + minerals) - energetic, mas malayo, mas fine grained)
mineral matter mixed with some humus - Roundness- measure of angularity of the
(Silica, Mg, K, Na, etc.) corners of the sediments; degree of
- E horizon (eluviation) - zone of transportation (mas malayo, mas bilog)
eluviation and leaching - Sorting- measure of uniformity of grain size
- B horizon (illuviation) - accumulation within the rock; degree of transportation and
of clay transported from above energy of transporting agent (far from
- C horizon- partially altered parent source, mas well sorted)
- Unweathered parent material Interpretation Transport Agent
Poorly sorted Gravity and Glaciers
Controls of soil formation (and Rivers)
- Climate and topography- type, depth, degree Well Sorted Water and Wind
- Textural maturity- rounded, well-sorted vs.
and rate of weathering
compositional maturity - quartz rich + clay
- Parent material and biological factors- rate
of weathering and composition of
corresponding soil Erosion
Erosion - Seawalls along shorelines (Panget na idea)
- Vegetation along slopes (Better idea to
- Physical removal of material by gravity,
avoid erosion)
mobile agents such as wind, water, ice, or
fauna Deposition
- Traction - dragged or rolled along the bed
- Saltation - pick up and deposited (hopping) - Wind and water currents slow down and as
- Suspension - carried along the water column glacial ice melts (for materials transported as
- Solution - some materials are dissolved solids) -> detrital sedimentary rock aka
- Competence (max size) vs Capacity (max clastic sedimentary rock
load) of an agent - When chemical or temperature changes
causes precipitation (for dissolved material)
Agents of Weathering -> chemical sedimentary rocks
- When undecayed organic materials piles up
- Gravity
- Water
Diagenesis - in anoxic environments (e.g.) stagnant
swamps) when aerobic decomposition is
- sum of physical and chemical processes by scarce leading to undecomposed organic
which sediments are lithified into material
sedimentary rocks - Peat (partially altered plant material),
 Pore spaces and pore waters Lignite (soft, brown coal), Bituminous (soft,
 Compaction: burial by succeeding black coal), Anthracite (Hard, black coal)
 Cementation: precipitation of the Sedimentary structures
cement glue (“glue”) around clasts
from pore waters Bed/Strata
 Recrystallization: unstable crystals - layer of accumulated sediments separated by
to more stable counterparts bedding planes; characteristic feature of
 Replacement: dissolution of sedimentary rocks
unstable to be replaced by a more - Interbeds signifying an environment of
stable mineral alternating low and high energy: results to
 Bioturbation: burrowing animals differential weathering
 *Shells - aragonite (CaCO3) to
calcite (CaCO3, but different Types of Beds
internal structure)
- Graded beds- particles within a single
Classifying sedimentary rocks sedimentary layer gradually change from
coarse (bottom) to fine (top)
Detrital sedimentary rocks- transported as solid - Cross bedding- characteristic “bedding” type
- Clasts- large sediments; matrix- finer of dunes, river deltas and some stream
components; and cement (precipitate “glue”) channel (inclined)
- Minerals- clay minerals, quartz, micas, and Flame structures (can be found within the beds, sa
feldspars indicate source rock and climate may bedding plane)
- Lithic fragments and organic material-
indicates source rock and degree of - coarser sediments pressing down on the
transportation finer sediments causing them to start to rise,
- Classified depending in grain size (+- resulting to flame structures
roundness +-sorting
Ripple marks
Chemical sedimentary rocks- transported as dissolved
- small waves of sand that develop on the
surface of a sediment layer by the action of
- chemical or biochemical (if precipitation is moving water or air
facilitated by marine animals)
Desiccation cracks
- Clasts- large grains; and matrix (including
cement) - environment of deposition experiences
alternating wet and dry periods
Classified by composition
Sole marks- depressions that gets filled with
- Limestone- if carbonates (coquina- made up
sediments because of energy flowing water telling us
of shells ex. (Carbonate) Tests (and its
the idea of the current direction
products are chalk)
- Dolostone- if Mg-rich carbonate (dolomite) Flute marks- direction of current
- Chert- if siliceous materials
- Evaporites -if halides and sulfates Tool marks

Coal Imbrication- alignment of pebbles

- organic sedimentary rock

Bioturbation and ichnofossils- structures by b. the habitat of the fossil can be
organisms(bioturb) traces of life but not remains deduced either from its
(ichno) morphology or from studying
its living descendants (if there
Sedimentary Environments are any)
- a geographic setting where sediments is  Trace fossils (foot print) are useful:
accumulating and/or erosion occurs; they occur in situ (cannot be
- Physically, chemically, and biologically reworked, some trace fossils
distinct from adjacent terrane characterize particular environment
- Differentiated using their properties:  Coral fossils and bioturbation
 Physical: geology, geomorphology, *Water is the most important erosional agent
climate, temperature and depth sculpting Earth’s landscape
 Chemical: salinity, O2 content Fluvial (River Systems)
 Biological: fauna and flora
Drainage Basin (a.k.a. Watershed)
Sedimentary Facies
- fundamental geomorphological unit within
- a mass of sedimentary rock which can be which precipitation is transferred to the sea,
distinguished from others having the same lake or larger river
age in terms of geometry, lithology,
sedimentary structure, paleocurrent patter Stream- a water flowing through a channel;
and fossil content (Selley, 1970) River- stream that carry substantial amounts of water
How to recognize the environment and have numerous tributaries. (tributaries vs.
1. Geometry
 a function of pre-depositional o River head- where river begins
topography, geomorphology, and o River flow- downhill
its post-depositional history o Tributary- small creek or river that runs into
 fan-shape of an alluvial fan, a larger one
triangular shape of deltas o River mouth- where river ends
2. Lithology o Mouth- empties into lake or ocean often
 parameters easily observed and has forms a delta with extensive wetlands
environmental significance o Sea or lake
 grain size, sorting, shape, and Base level- lowest elevation to which a river can
texture often reflect process of the erode its channel = to the level at which the mouth of
environment a stream enters its ultimate base level- the ocean or
 sand deposits of desert temporary base levels such as a lake or a trunk
environments vs. silt to clay-sized stream;
sediments of lake environments
3. Sedimentary Structures Knickpoint- a point of sudden change in channel
 important indicators of sedimentary slope (e.g. water falls because of resistant rock type)
Graded stream- has the necessary slope to maintain
 cross-bedding for river (fluvial)
the minimum velocity required to transport the
4. Fossil Content
 one of the most important tools in Shaping stream valleys:
identifying the depositional
environment a. Valley deepening- when stream’s gradient is
 two assumptions are made: steel and channel is above base level
a. the fossil lived in the place (=rapids and waterfalls)
where it was buried
b. Valley widening- when stream approaches drainage patter on all scales; determined by direction
graded condition, energy is directed side to of slope of land
side (=erosional floodplain- a broad valley
of alluvium) Rectangular- common in faulted or fractured igneous
c. Incised meanders and stream terraces: valley rock; often control patter of streams; guides
widening phase -> uplift or base lvl directions of valleys
decreased Trellis- Most common in tilted and folded
Two types of stream sedimentary or metamorphic rocks; formed by
alternating less resistant and resistant layers e.g.
1. Meandering streams- streams that move in Appalachians
sweeping bends on deep and smooth
channels while carrying most of their load Radial- develops in isolated volcanic cones and
(mostly mud sized to fine gravel) as domal uplifts; often localized
suspension *evolution from point bats and Alluvial fans
cut banks to oxbow lakes and cutofffs
*sinuosity - Fan-shaped deposits that accumulate along
a. Flood plains- low lying areas along the steep mountain fonts;
sides of a river that during regular times - Prevalent in mountainous and arid regions
of heavy water flow can be blooded by - As mountain stream emerge onto a relatively
spill over from the river. *Yazoo flat low-land, gradient drops and a large
tributary- dating part ng mainstream portion of sediment load is deposited
b. Natural levees- levees that parallel their - Bajada- coalescing alluvial fans
channel on both banks built by eats of - *Sediments na dala ng river = Alluvium
successive floods (Bankswamps and - Alluvium: freshly eroded sediments carried
Yazoo tributary); Candon, Ilocos Sur; by streams (coarse sediments)
Pampanga Iber - usually sandstone and conglomerate
2. Braided Stream- streams that flow on - poor sorting, grading
complexly networked diverging/converging - cone-shape
channels. Stream’s load- coarse material - Sibuyan Island; Laur, Nueva Ecija
(sand and gravel) with a highly variable
discharge. (Abra River; Ilocos Stream)
a. Bars- Elongate structures where Lake- landlocked body of standing, non-marine
coarse sediments are deposited during water; ephemeral; excluding small ponds/puddles
periods of low discharge
b. Drainage Patterns- response of the How to form lakes
drainage system to the type of
1. Tectonic setting
material and structures (folds, faults,
- Lakes originate through:
and fractures) present in the area.
 Subsidence of land
Types of Drainage Patterns  Isolation of a part of the ocean either
by local constructive processes of
a. Dendritic pattern- develops on uniform sediment deposition or by crustal
bedrock uplift
b. Radial pattern- develops on isolated volcanic  Glacial erosion and deposition on
cones or domes the continents
c. Rectangular pattern- develops on highly  Volcanoes- pyroclastic damming,
jointed bedrock crater collapse (caldera) through
d. Trellis pattern- develops in areas of eruption or tectonic processes
alternating weak and resistant bedrock  Damming by landslides
 Meteorite impacts
Dendritic- uniform underlying bedrock; igneous
rocks; flat-lying sedimentary rocks; most common Tectonic Lakes- Laguna de Bay
Lacustrine - Transportation: Saltation and suspension
(loess windblown silt)
- circular or elongate in plan view; - Some prominent features shaped through
lenticular in cross section wind erosion
- Sediment sorting?  Blowouts- depressions produced by
- Oxic and anoxic conditions deflation
- Typical sequence- coarsening upward  Desert pavements- closely packed
from laninated shales, marls and layer of coarse particles (deflation)
limestones to crossbeds of sandstones  Ventifacts- polished stones by
- Quiet waters, energy: low, sedimentation : abrasion
relatively slow  Yardangs- streamlined wind
- Mud-sized sediments: laminated (beds < 1 sculpted landform oriented parallel
cm in thickness) shales, marls to to prevailing wind
limestones and sandstones, well preserved - Deposition
fossils  Dunes- mounds and ridges where
- Varves- alternating oxic and anoxic sand is deposited as wind slow
(organic rich); represents 1 year down
Paludal  Deposition: leeward side (slip fave)
and erosion stoss side migrating
- swamps and marshes, energy: low, towards the direction of the wind ->
vegetations is high Cross beds.
- Fine clastic sedimentary rocks, similar to
lakes Types of Sand Dunes:
- Laminated, thinly bedded, burrows - Barchan dunes- crescent-shaped dunes. Hard
Aeolian ground surface, a moderate supply of sand
and constant wind direction
- arid/dry climates: desert; semiarid climate: - Transverse dunes- large field of dunes that
steppe resemble sand ripples on a large scale. Form
- “Dry” if precipitation is less than potential in areas where there is abundant supply of
loss of water by evaporation sand and a constant wind direction
- Distribution: - Linear dunes- long straight dunes; form in
a. low latitude deserts: equatorial low and areas with a limited sand supply and
subtropical highs converging wind directions
- Middle latitude deserts: rainshadow effect - Parabolic dunes- are “U” shaped dunes with
- Equatorial low: heated air at the equator an open end facing upwind. Areas with
rises and cools of while spreading abundant vegetation and constant wind.
- Subtropical highs: air sinks, compressed and Most common in coastal areas.
warmed - Star dunes- dunes with variable arms and
- Transportation: saltation and suspension slip face directions. Form in areas with
- Weathering and erosion: abundant sand supply and variable wind
 two types of wind erosion: abrasion direction.
and deflation
 Deflation: erosion of ground when Aeolian
dry, loose particles of dust and salt - Lithology: well-sorted, cross bedded to
are lifted and blown away planar bedded sandstones, polished clasts
 Abrasion/sandblasting: shaping of (rounded) Low vegetation (fossils:
solid rock surfaces by constant mummification)
impact of grains by wind;
 Loess: unconsolidated unstratified Glacial
aggregation of small, angular
mineral fragments Glaciers: thick ice mass that is moving slowly
(cm/day) and is from accumulation, compaction and
recrystallization of snow; in areas where snow falls in Transitional
winter > snow melt in summer note, that movement is
fastest at the center Progradation- sediments advance towards the sea

- Zone of accumulation- more snow falls each Retrogradation- sediments retreats away from the sea
winter than melts each summer Transgression- landward migration of sea level (sea
- Zone of wastage- all the snow from the level rise)
previous winter melts along with some
glacial ice Regression- seaward migration of sea level (sea level
- Snow line fall)
- Crevasses
- Basal slip
- Plastic flow - prograding depositional bodies that form at a
- Piggy Back (cracks -> crevasses) point where a river deposits in a lake or sea
- Similar to morphology to an alluvial fan, but
Valley (Alpine) Glaciers: high elevation mountain
deposition results from ocean reduction in
tops, occupy valleys as streams of ice bounded by
velocity as a stream enters standing
steep rock walls; valley glaciers can be long or short,
wide or narrow, single or branching tributaries
Types of delta
Continental ice sheets: larger scale than valley
glaciers (Greenland and Antarctic); occupies 10% of a. River dominated (aka birdfoot delta)
Earth’s land area  large sediment volume
 Lobate shape when moderate
Ice shelves: extensions of ice sheets on the adjacent
sediment supply
 Elongated when sediment supply is
Glacial erosion large
 Mississippi River
Plucking- loosening and lifting sediments of all sizes; b. Tide dominated
when ice melts, it leaves unsorted sediments  linear feature parallel to tidal flow
generally called glacial drift and perpendicular to shore (sand
Abrasion- like a sandpaper which smoothen the bars)
interface; if glacier carries rock fragments -> glacial  Colorado River
striations c. Wave dominated
 smoothly arcuate; wave action
Fjords- valleys going into the sea reworks sediment
 Much sandier than the other types
Glacial deposition: of delta: beach ridges
Moraines: ridges of till; some are common only to  Nile River
mountain valleys (lateral and medial) others are Beach Environment
associated with areas affected by ice sheets or valley
glaciers (end and ground moraines) Beach- accumulation of sediment found along the
landward migraine of the ocean
a. Till (Tillite when lithified)- materials
deposited directly by glacier; polished and Shoreline- contact between land and sea
scratched; if boulders in the till or lying free:
glacial erratics (poorly sorted) Shore- area that extends between the lowest tide level
b. Stratified drift- glacial meltwater; well and the highest elevation on land affected by storm
sorted according to size (fluvial-like but waves
clasts are polished) Sandy or pebbly material

- well sorted sand and pebbles either from

terrestrial (e.g. volcanic fragments) or from
the seafloor (e.g. corals), smoothened and Marine
rounded by wave action
- Continental Margins
Wave Erosion  Shallow-water areas close to shore
 Shelf, slope and rise
Wave Refraction- bending of waves; distribution of  ~15% of ocean floor
energy along shore since most waves travel toward - Deep-Ocean Basins
the shore at an angle  Deep water areas farther from land
Wave impact is concentrated against the sides and - Mid-ocean ridge
ends of headlands (landmasses extending to the sea)  Submarine mountain ridge
and weakened at bays (body of water partly enclosed Shallow Marine
by land and has a wide opening)
Continental shelf
Longshore transport
- continuous with the coastal plain; part of the
Longshore current: turbulent currents moving at an continental margin that is between the
angle picks up sediments (back swash) and then shoreline and the continental slope
deposit them (swash).
Continental shelf: Reef Environment
Longshore drift: the movement of sediment along a
beach by swash and backwash of waves that - Coral reefs- composed of carbonate
approach the shore obliquely structures formed by carbonate secreting
organisms; builds up on continental shelves
Jettles interrupt the movement of sand causing
deposition on the upcurrent side Types of Reefs

Erosion by sand- starved current occurs downcurrent a. Fringing reef- coral reef that is directly
from these structures attached or borders the shore of an island or
Spit- long ridge of sand deposited by longshore b. Barrier reefs- long narrow coral reef parallel
current and drift; attached to land at upstream end to shore and separated by lagoon
Tombolo- a sand or gravel bar that connects an island c. Atoll- continuous or broken circle of coral
with the mainland or another island reef and low coral islands surrounding a
central lagoon
Deep Marine
- shallow salt water body separated from the
deeper sea by sandbar (exposed and Continental Slope
submerged) or coral reef - between the continental shelf continental
- Quiet waters: fine silt and clays to rise (oceanic trench); sedimentation is low
mudstones and shales - Carbonate compensation depth - depth at
- Overgrown with vegetation forming salt which CaCO3 dissolution >= CaCO3
marshes, coal, peat swamps, algal mats or precipitation below CCD: little to no
even evaporites carbonates
Tidal flats/mud flat Continental Rise
- coastland wetlands found in sheltered - gentle incline and generally smooth
areas such as bays, lagoon and topography; between continental slope
estuaries; affected by high and low tide and abyssal plain
water levels - May be cut by submarine canyons
- Low energy with little fauna and flora - Turbiditic deposits- chaotic deposits of
(because of changing salinity) debris from shallow environments
- Lahat ng water in between high and low
tide- brackish water
Abyssal Plains Water table - upper limit of the zone of saturation

- Pelagic: the ocean floor Groundwater zone (zone of saturation; Phreatic zone)
- Fine-grained limestones, cherts, volcanic - where all of the open spaces in the sediments and
materials e.g. pillow lavas from submarine rock are filled with water
- Covered with pelagic mud with fine sand Porosity and Permeability
from distal turbidities Porosity
Features of the Deep Marine a. Measures amount of water that can be held
Seamounts- undersea volcanoes by rocks/sediments
b. Volume of voids/total volume of material
Guyots- tablemounts, rose above sea level in the past c. Affected by grain size, sorting, and grain
then eroded to a flat top by waves packing
 poorly sorted -> less porous
If above sea level: volcanic islands  Cubic vs rhombohedral packing
Groundwater Well-rounded coarse-grained sediments usually have
- Freshwater- non-saline located beneath the higher porosity than fine-grained sediments, because
ground the grains do not fit together well.
- Largest reservoir of freshwater that is Permeability
readily available to humans
- All water: a. Ability to transmit fluids
 Oceans (97%) b. Degree of interconnection of voids in the
 Freshwater (3%) material
- Freshwater
 Ice caps and Glaciers (79%) Groundwater Transport
 Groundwater (20%) Aquifer- stores and transmits sufficient amount of
 Accessible Surface Freshwater water freely
- Accessible Surface Freshwater Other confining units
 Lakes (52%)
- Aquitard- stores but slowly transmits water
 Soil moisture (38%)
- Aquiclude- stores but does not transmit
 Water w/in living organisms (1%)
 Rivers (8%)
- Aquifuge- does not store nor transmit water
 Water vapor (8%)
Groundwater Transport
Groundwater or Run-off
An aquifer can be unconfined, perched or confined
- Amount of freshwater beneath the ground
a. Intensity of rainfall Unconfined aquifer
b. Steepness of the slope
c. Nature of surface material - bounded at the bottom by a confining
d. Type and amount of vegetation- unit\water rises up to the water table
Stored in and transmitted through:
Perched aquifer
1. Spaces between grains of
sediments and clastic rocks - unconfined aquifer defined by a
2. Cracks or openings in rocks discontinuous confining unit
- local water table (usually above the
Distribution of groundwater
main/regional water table)
Unsaturated zone (Vadose zone) - pore spaces
contain both air and water
Confined aquifer Cave

- bounded at top and bottom by confining - an elongate cavity in limestone produced by

units solution, aided by mechanical erosion of
- water rises up to the piezometric water level subterranean flowing water
(also called as the pontentiometric line or - Study of formation and development of
surface) caves is known as speleogenesis
- Its shape is directed by lithology, by the
Springs pattern of joints, fractures, and faults, and by
- Form when the water table, confined cave breakdown and evaporite weathering
aquifers or groundwater bearing fractures - Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico
and cavities intersect the ground surface Speleothems - secondary mineral deposits
formed in caves
Potentiometric surface/ Piezometric level
Karst topography: inside and out
- Level to which water will rise ina well due
to natural pressure in the rocks - Sinkhole
- Solution sinkhole
Artesian wells - Disappearing stream
- Cave entrance
- When confined groundwater under high
- Collapse sinkhole
hydrostatic pressure is forced up to a level
- Karst valley formed from coalescing
higher than the top aquifer
 Wells tapping a confined aquifer
- Giant spring
 Analogy: water supply from
- Cave
elevated water tanks
- Collapse breccia
Geologic work of groundwater
Problems associated with groundwater
Karst topography
- Pollution (groundwater contamination)
- Landforms result from the solution of highly - Saltwater intrusion (e.g. Hundred Islands,
soluble (e.g. carbonate rocks, dolomite, Alaminos)
gypsum, evaporites) by acidic groundwater; - Land subsidence due to groundwater
- Takes place more rapidly at regions with withdrawal
high temperatures, lush vegetation, intense  San Joaquin Valley, CA (1925-
microbiotic activity -> CO2 1975)
- Cockpit Country, Jamaica (Cockpit karst)  >5000 km2 in central California
- Yangshuo, China (Tower karst (turmkarst)) subsided up to 8.93 m due to over
- Chocolate Hills, Bohol extraction of groundwater for
- Palawan agriculture
 Mixed factors: camanava “enhance
Sinkhole flooding”
 Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas and
- a small, circular to oval, closed depression
Valenzuela (CAMANAVA)
formed by: -
1. Downward solution of limestone from Mixed factors CAMANAVA “enhanced”: flooding
the surface (solution sinkhole)
2. Collapse of the roof of a solution cavity Excessive groundwater extraction -> Compaction of
(collapse sinkhole) May be bowl-, aquifers -> Land subsidence (3-9 cm/yr) -> Increased
funnel-, or cylinder-shaped susceptibility to floods
- Dean’s Blue Hole, Bahamas
Does groundwater run out?
- New Zealand
- Tennessee - Aquifers are recharged by the infiltration of
- Wright Park, Florida (1981) rainwater or snowmelt from the ground
surface, but considering current situation:  Tracks and Intensity of all tropical
discharge > recharge storms
 Saffir-Simpson
Mass wasting 1. Ground shaking (e.g. earthquake or volcanic
- Downslope movement of rocks, regolith eruptions)
(unconsolidated material) and soil under the 2. Excessive rainfall
influence gravity o Jan 2012 Pantukan, Compostela Valley
- Some mass wasting processes act very  Trigger: rain
slowly; others occur very suddenly, often  Casualties: 38 dead; 16 injured, 37
with disastrous results missing
- Dingalan, Aurora (debris flow) Classification of mass wasting processes
- Real, Quezon
- Cherry Hills, Antipolo, Rizal Aug 3, 1999- Types of movement (slope failures)
not debris flow
- Maco, Compostela Valley- debris flow - Sudden failure of the slope resulting in
transport of debris down hill
Factors promoting mass wasting - Fall, topple, slide, slump, spread and
subsidence, flow
1. Slope
- Material resting on flat surface will not Water content and rate of movement
move under force of gravity
- On a slope, force of gravity is divided into 2 - Materials flow downhill mixed with water or
components: normal to surface and air
tangential to it - Slurry flows (solifluction, debris flow, mud
- If G+ (to downslope) > Gp (stay in place): flow)
mass wasting - Granular flows (creep, earth flows, grain
2. Water flows, debris, avalanches)
- Angle of repose or steepest angle at which a Types of materials
pile of unconsolidated grains remain stable
- Dry, undersaturated soil, saturated soil - Rocks, solid or debris
3. Soil Cover
- Soil is more unconsolidated, and water
percolating down may reach its contact with - sudden movement of rock, separated along
bedrock. This interface may serve as a fractures or bedding planes
sliding plane - No fluidity in the motion, only bouncing,
- Thicker soil cover, greater volume of rolling, and free fall
unconsolidated material
4. Geologic features Topple
- Type of rock
- blocks of material fall over as a unit, similar
- Presence of joints or fractures
to falling dominos
- Presence of bedding planes
- If direction of slope is the same as direction Slides (Translational)
of planar features: daylighting slope
- results when rocks (rock slides) and debris
Triggers of Mass Wasting (debris slides) slide down a pre-existing
surface such as a bedding plane, foliation
1. Ground shaking (e.g. earthquake or volcanic
surface or joint
2. Excessive rainfall that may saturate Slump (Rotational slides)
unconsolidated material
o Feb. 2012 Negros Occidental - downward rotation of rock or regolith occurs
 Trigger: earthquake along a concave-upward curved surface
 Casualties: 51 dead, 62 missing
- Leave arcuate scars or depressions on the - A small disturbance sends the dry
hill slope unconsolidated grains moving rapidly down
- materials behave in a fluid manner and move
rapidly - highly fluid, high velocity mixture of
sediment and water that has a consistency
Spread and subsidence ranging between soup-like and wet concrete
- there is compression, it is shortened, we are - Move at velocities greater than 1 km/hr and
elevated, there is subduction tend to travel along valley floors
o February 2006, Southern Leyte
Water content and rate of movement  Trigger: prolonged rainfall (La
Niña weather)
Slurry flows
 Death toll: ~1,126 people
Creep o December 2006, Mt. Mayon mudflows
 Trigger: heavy rainfall (TY Reming
- very slow, usually continuous movement if | Int: Durian)
regolith down slope  Death toll: ~1,266 people
Solifluction Debris avalanches
- flowage at rates measures on the order of - very high velocity flows of large volume
cm/yr of regolith containing water mixtures of rock and regolith that result
- Produces distinctive lobes in hill slopes, from complete collapse of a mountainous
where the soil remains saturated with water slope
for long periods of time. - Often triggered by earthquakes and volcanic
- Solifluction lobes, Kyrgyzstan eruptions
- Goodell Creek, USA (WA)
Earth flows
- Mt. St. Helens, USA (WA)
- involve fine-grained materials that form a
Mitigation Measures
thick slurry and have a fluid motion; usually
associated with heavy rains and move at - hazard maps provide information about
velocities between several cm/yr and 100s of proper land use in certain areas identified to
m/day be prone to mass wasting
- Ooze rather than rush; form lobes rather than - “Hard” engineering measures (e.g.
long streams like debris flows construction of features to stabilize slope) or
“soft” measure (e.g. monitoring, information
Debris flows
education campaign, earthquake drills)
- occur at higher velocities than solifluction,
with velocities between 1 m/yr and 100
mm/hr and often result from heavy rains
causing saturation of the soil and regolith
with water
- Sometimes start with slumps and then flow
down hill forming lobes with an irregular
surface consisting of ridges and furrows
- Hokkaido, Japan

Grain flows

- usually form in relatively dry material, such

as sand dune, on a steep slope

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