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I – YOU – HE – SHE – IT – WE – THEY I – YOU – HE – SHE – IT – WE – THEY

1. Mary > 1. Mary >

2. Karlos > 2. Karlos >
3. My house > 3. My house >
4. Peter and Ruth > 4. Peter and Ruth >
5. Lima > 5. Lima >
6. Karl and I > 6. Karl and I >
7. My dog > 7. My dog >
8. My cars > 8. My cars >
9. You and Mary > 9. You and Mary >

Complete the sentences with the verb TO-BE Complete the sentences with the verb TO-BE
I (‘m / ’m not) YOU/THEY/WE (‘re / ‘re not) HE/SHE/IT (‘s / isn’t) I (‘m / ’m not) YOU/THEY/WE (‘re / ‘re not) HE/SHE/IT (‘s / isn’t)

1. My mother _______ (-) from Lima. 1. My mother _______ (-) from Lima.
2. Ceviche ______ (+) my favourite food. 2. Ceviche ______ (+) my favourite food.
3. Facebook _______ (-) important for me. 3. Facebook _______ (-) important for me.
4. Lima ______ (-) a dangerous city. 4. Lima ______ (-) a dangerous city.
5. Venezuelan people _____(+) very friendly. 5. Venezuelan people _____(+) very friendly.
6. Traffic in Lima ______(-) terrible. 6. Traffic in Lima ______(-) terrible.

7. Where ______ your house? 7. Where ______ your house?

8. What _____ your favourite colour? 8. What _____ your favourite colour?
9. How old _____ you? 9. How old _____ you?
10. ______ your memory good? 10. ______ your memory good?

Are the sentences in 1-6 TRUE or FALSE for you? Answer questions 7-10 Are the sentences in 1-6 TRUE or FALSE for you? Answer questions 7-10
e.g. Number 1, for me, is TRUE, because my mother is from Ayacucho. e.g. Number 1, for me, is TRUE, because my mother is from Ayacucho.

e.g. Question number 7: Well, my house is in Chorrillos e.g. Question number 7: Well, my house is in Chorrillos

Source : RBM Source : RBM

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