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Researchprogrammesleadingto awardof Ph.D. degrees(Full time and Part
time/Extemallyregistered)are offered in the teachingdepartments/centresof
the University colleges, its affiliated colleges and researchorganizations
by this Universityasresearchcentres.
Theseregulationswill comeinto force from the 2018-19researchadmissions,
1. DepartmentalResearchCommittee(DRC)
1.1Formationof DRC
Every academic department must have a Departmental Research
Committee(DRC). The term of the Departmental ResearchCommitteeis for a
period of three years or is coterminouswith Chairperson,Board of Studies
whicheveris earlier.
The compositionof the Committeeis asfollows: Headof the Department,
Chairman,Board of Studiesand minimum one (maximumthree) seniormost
of the research
faculty who have expertisein the researchspecializatior/area
scholar.It is preferredfor each specializationminimum one expert shall be
includedin the committee,in caseof availability.
The Head of the Departmentis the Convenerof the Committee.The
Chairman,Board of Studiesis the Chairmanof the Committee.All members
In the caseof certaindisciplines,wherethereis no speciflrcdepartment,
the Vice-Chancellorwill frnalize the committee members as per the
requirements, consideringthe relevantdepartmentHead of the Departmentas
1.2Functionsof DRC
The functionsof the DepartmentalResearchCommitteeare:
l. To assistthe Director,Researchand Development(R&D) of the
Universityin the admissionprocess,

2. To assistthe Director R&D of the University in approvingthe

AcademicCalendarfor Ph.D.programmes for the academicyear'

3. To assistthe DirectorR&D of the Universityin decidingareasor

topicsof researchto be pursuedby the M.Phil.A4.SlP!.D.students
for that academicyearat thetime of admission' .OUl\}
Besearch& Development
4. To assistthe Director of Academic and Planning in recommending
syllabi for Pre-Ph.D.coursework for approvalby BoS.

5. To suggest panel of examiners and paper setters for Pre-Ph.D.

examinationsto the BoS in tum. which will be submitted to the
Director R&D .

6 . To prepare Databaseof experts for each specializedareaswhich

can be used for the preparation of panel of examiners for
adjudicating the Ph.D. dissertations/thesis.The databasemay be
periodically updatedand madeavailableto the Director R&D.

7 . To evaluatethe progressin the researchwork of the scholars,twice

in a year in ResearchReview Meetings and wheneveris required

8 . To participate in all the Viva-Voce examinationsto encouragethe

scholar while the examination is conducted by extemal and
intemal examiners

9. To encourageand suggestthe modif,rcationsin Pre submission

talksof the scholarsin Ph.D.programmes.

10.Any other functionsreferredto by the DirectorR&D or the Vice-

Chancellor.The DRC shall also follow the guidelinesprescribed
by the Universityfrom time to time.

I l. All specialcaseswhich do not fall underthe abovecategories
be discussed at the AcademicSenatefor final recommendations.

12.Vice-Chancellor is final authorityto changethe DRC members,if

necessary. Also, Vice-Chancelloris final authorityto assignsome
or total functionsof DRC to othercommitteeor R & D directorate.
2. Eligibility criteria to be a ResearchSupervisorand Co- Supervisor

a) Any regular/ratified Professor/AssociateProfessor (with Ph. D

qualification)of this Universitywith at leastfive researchpublicationsin
refereedjoumals having ScienceCitation Index(SC!/SCl-Expanded or
joumals having impactfactorgiven by ThomsonReutersor UGC listed
Any regularI ralified AssistantProfessorof this universitywith a Ph.D.
degreeand at leasttwo researchpublicationsin refereedjoumalshaving
tresearch& Bevelopmenl
2 J.N.T.Univef
slty Anantaput
ScienceCitation Index (SCI)/SCI-Expandedor journals having impact
factorgivenby ThomsonReutersor UGC listedjournalsis eligible.

Further,Supervisorshallhavea minimumserviceof 7 yearsout of which

2 yearsshould be post Ph.D. ln caseof faculty ftom affiliatedcolleges
their serviceshouldhavebeenratifiedby JNTUA.

University adaptedUGC norms regardingnumberof researchscholars

allowedto guideby the facultymembersat any instanceof time. That is,
Professoris allowedto guideeightPh.D.scholars,AssociateProfessoris
allowedto guidesix Ph.D.scholarsandAssistantProfessoris allowedto
guidefour Ph.D.scholarsat anygivenpoint of time.

b) Only a full time regular/ratifiedteacherof the concemedUniversityshall

act as a supervisor/co-supervisor. The extemal supervisorsare not
allowed.However, Co-Supervisorcan be allowed in inter-disciplinary
areasfrom other departments of the sameinstituteor from otherrelated
institutions of higher leaming institutions/Govemment R&D
organizations, with the approvalof the University.

c) Any scientistworking as a regular/ratifiedemployeein an Institute/

ResearchCentre recognized by University as a ResearchCentre
satisfuingthe eligibility criteria mentionedin (a), to be consideredas
researchguidein givenDepartment

d) The Director R&D shall processthe applicationsreceivedfrom various

faculty membersfrom differentdepartments for recognitionas research
guideandgive necessary ordersfor recognitionbasedon the approvalof

e) Faculty on lien/deputationshall include an eligible teacherfrom their

departments as co-guidefor everyresearchscholarworking undertheir
guidance.Further,in casethe teacherextendshis lien periodbeyondone
year,the co-guideshall be nominatedas the Principalguideand in case
the teacheron-lienwishesto continueto guidethe candidatehe cando so
as co-guidefor a maximumof two yearsfrom the date of sanctionof
initial lien. In caseof no co-guideat the time of admission,the supervisor
hasto finalizethe co-supervisor with the consentofthe scholar,beforehe
availsthe lien, andalsowith the approvalof University.

0 A retired faculty may act as ResearchGuide for full-time scholars,if

he/sheis appointedas EmeritusProfessorand or if he/shehas a Major
ResearchProject with Junior ResearchFellowship/SeniorResearch
Fellowship.The faculty havingEmerituspositionor a ResearchProject
beyondtheir retirementcanactasguidesfor two years.
Lrtl-iLL/ | Ui'r
f:!esearch& L'eveloPmenl
3 niversityAnantaPul
ol Any retired teacherwill continueto guide alreadyregisteredscholarswith
him/trer, for two more yearsafter the retirement,and should include a co-
guide for eachof hisArerresearchscholarsoon after his/her retirement.

h) Faculty who resigned/retiredvoluntarily from service shall include an

eligible faculty from their departmentsas co-guide for every research
studentworking under their guidance.However, their guideship will be
terminatedin two years from the date of resignation/voluntaryretirement,
while the co-suide will becomethe Princioal Guide.

3. ResearchCentres
3.1 ResearchLaboratoriesas ResearchCentres
. Researchlaboratoriesof Govemmentof India/StateGovemment
located in the State/R&D Centres of Public Sector
UndertakingslPrivate R&D Centresof Industrieswith at leasttwo
eligible ResearchSupervisorsin the Departmentconcernedalong
with requiredinfrastructure,supportingadministrativeandresearch
promotionfacilities as per UGC Regulationsshall be considered
eligibleto be recognizedasResearch Centres.
r In caseof PrivateR&D Centresof Industriesa turnoverof not less
thanRs.l00 croresshallbe considered.
3.2 Affiliated Collegesas ResearchCentres
Collegesmay be consideredto supervisethe scholarsof Ph.D. fulI time
programmesonly if they satisfr the availability of eligible Research
requiredinfrastructureand supportingadministrativeandresearch
a) In case of science and technology disciplines, exclusive research
laboratorieswith sophisticated
equipmentas specifiedby the University
concemedwith provisionfor adequatespaceper researchscholaralong
with computer facilities and essential licenced software, and
unintemrptedpower and internetfacility

b) Earmarked library resources including latest books, Indian and

Intemational journals, e-joumals, extended working hours for all
disciplines,adequatespace for researchscholarsin the DepartmenV
libraryfor reading,writing andstoringstudyandresearchmaterials.Back
volumes for at least 3 years in soft copy or hard volumes
\ ^
must be
available. /c\k\nlN\
[.-esrarch& Development
F UR-515002

c) The P.G. Course in EngineeringlPharmacy (with the exception of
Mathematics/Physics/ChemistrylHumanities Departments)must be in
existencefor at leastfive yearsandthesedepartments shouldhaveNBA
accreditationand for other disciplineslike Science/Arts,Commerceand
MBA etc.,NAAC accreditation (for the institute)is required.Nameof the
Branch/Department in which Ph.D.programmeis to be offeredmustbe
declaredwith soecialization.

d) At least two ratified eligible faculty membersshould be availablefor

recognitionasresearchguidesin eachspecialization.

e) Failureto ensurethe recognizedresearchguide'sstayin the collegefor a

period of five years from the date of admissionof the candidatesinto
research,the collegehas to pay a minimum penal fee of Rs.1,00,000/-
(onelakh) for eachscholaradmitted.

Ifthe teacheris retired/leftfrom the Institution,the researchstudentmay

be transferredto any other eligibleguideor to any other researchcentre
recognizedby University.

c) In caseof admissionin affiliatedcollegesrecognizedas researchcentres

of University, there shall be no requirementof a co-guidefrom the
concemedacademicdepartment of the constituenVaffiliated
collegeof the

amountper courseasprescribedby the universityfrom time to

h) Necessary
time shouldbe investedfor procurementof latestjournalsandbooksand
Laboratoryfacilitiesfor the courses.Also, the institute/organization
be willing to providethe expenditure
for contingencies/ conferences/field
works/stationary etc.

i) A full time researchscholar has to reside at the place where the

UniversityCollegeAJnitor researchcentrein which he/shehasregistered
for researchprogram

j) Candidateswho are employedin any institution/Orgarizationare not

eligible to apply for full time programs.All other criteria such as
qualifications,coursework etc.,are samefor both full time andExternal

shall be willing to offer to the

k) The affiliated Institute/Organization
scholara minimumfellowship of the amountas per AICTE/UGCnorms
upto minimum period, for full time scholar.JRF/SRI Candidqteswith
,a Af.\NN
J -
Feserrch& Developmenl
ANA.r,i;.APUR-5i 5oo2
any other fellowships shall be admitted in University only against the

l) The Institute/Organization must give assuranceby way of an affidavit

regarding availability of allotted Supervisorfor the Researchprogramme
period continuouslytill the thesissubmission.

m) The researchscholar admitted, should not be given any teaching work

load relatedto theory courses.He/sheshould devote fulI time for carrying
out researchactivities only. However, work load relatedto laboratoriesor
Library may be assignedasper AICTE/IJGC norms.

3.3 Processof recognizingresearchcentres

The processof awarding recogrritionwill be initiated on receipt of
applicationfrom the Institutein a prescribed
Basedon the report submittedby the committee,the researchcentreis
by the University.
These institutions will be required to bear the cost of inspection.
Institutionsthus recognizedas researchcentresshall pay a recognitionfee as
prescribed by the Universityfrom time-to-time.

3.3.1Procedurefor Recognitionof New Departments/Institutionsoffering

Engineering/Pharmacy/Management Programmesas ResearchCentresl

a. Department/Institutions seeking approval/recognition to research

programmeshallapplyto the Universityin the prescribedformat.
b. They shall submit the duly filled in form along with supporting
documentaryevidencesshowingthe possession of requiredfacilitiesfor
the conductof Ph.D.Programme.
c. The Engineering/Pharmacy/Ivlanagement Colleges seeking the
recognition of the Department shall have the following facilities
accordingto the needsofthe research:-
i) Adequate laboratory facilities for Experimental Work
neededfor research
iD Adequatelibraryfacilitiesfor advancedresearchwork
An inspectionfee of Rs. 50,000/-(RupeesFifty thousandonly) or that
may be prescribedby the Universityfrom time to time hasto be paid at
thetime of submissionof the applicationform whenseekingrecognition.
After due scrutinyof the filled in applicationsand documentsreceived
thereof,an inspectioncommitteeconsistingof five members,havingthe
Rectoras a Chairman,Director R&D as a Convenorand PG Board of
andtwoexpertsin thefieldof sRecia$ffi$l
Studies be
6 R::-"""1$,ffi'xo#:i"'
constitutedto inspect all the infrastructuralfacilities availablein the
Department. The recommendations of the InspectionCommittee,if found
satisfied,shallbe placedfor approvalby the University.

In case,ifthe Universityis not satisfiedofresearch./Teaching
may rejectthe applicationandthe Institutionwill be informedaboutthe

The Institution can requestfor re-inspectionafter duly rectifuing the

deficienciespointed out in the first inspection.The University shall
deputeanotherinspectionteam for re-inspectionafter obtainingthe re-
inspectionfee of Rs. 50,000/-(RupeesFifty thousandonly) or as that
maybe prescribedby the Universityfrom time to time.

The orders recognizing the said Departmentshall be issued after

collectingthe recognitionfee of Rs. 20'000/-(RupeesTwentythousand
only) per annum per faculty or as that may be prescribedby the
Universityfrom time to time.

The Departmentoffering for doing Ph.D shall be inspectedonce in 3

yearsandthe renewalof recognitionshall be obtainedby the Department
concemedduly remittingtherequiredinspectionandrecognitionFee.

h. Full time/Extemal scholarsadmittedat researchcentresshallpay tuition

fee and other requiredfee to the University for entire durationof the
programmeandwill not be reimbursed to the researchcentres'

3.3.2Accountabilityand Responsibilityof ResearchCentres:

SuchrecognizedInstitutionshallbe accountable to the Universityin the

l. Shall submitannualreportsof the ProgressandResearchwork being
donein the Institute.
2. ProgressReportofthe Researchstudentbeingdoneshallbe submitted
periodicallyor asandwhencalledfor by the University
3. Numberof Researchstudentsregisteredafterthe grantof Recognition
shallbe informed.
4. Keep the University informed about its efforts in seeking
Grantsffundingfrom National and IntemationalAgenciesbasedon
the ResearchStatusprovidedby theUniversity'
5. All the researchscholars admitted in the institute should the
ResearchReview Meetings conductedby the University.
nescai'ch& tlevc!cPrnent
7 AiiAiJTf.rPU
3.3.3 Information to be obtained from the Institutes interested in applying
for Recognition as Research Centres:

1. Name of the Departrnent/Branchin which Ph.D. Programme is to be

2. Number of ratified Professors and other faculty with Ph.D. in the
Department/Branch,satisfiing the eligible criteria
3 . Numberof Facultymemberswith the Department/Branch'
4 , Has the Departmentbeen NBA (NAAC in case of non Engineering
departments) Accredited(i) Periodof Accreditation(ii) PresentStatus.
5 . Researchcentresshould be given only to institutionshaving NAAC i
Departments havingNBA, ason the dateof inspection
6 . Assurancefrom the Institute/Organization regarding Availability of
Allotted Supervisorfor the ResearchProgrammePeriodcontinuouslytill
7. No. of JoumalPublicationsof Department/Branch Faculty in the last 5
8. Academic/Infrastructural Facilitiesavailableat the InstitutelOrganization.
(i) Library/Laboratory/equipment Facilities (ii) Assurance on the
Availability of the ResearchLaboratory/Equipment to the Scholaras
needed(iii) AssuredAccommodation for the Scholarwithin theDept.
9. Networking/Intemet Facilities.
lO.Whetherthe institute/Organization is willing to offer to the Scholara
minimum fellowshipof the amountsare as per AICTE/UGC normsper
monthfor 3 years.
ll.Whether the Institute/Organization is willing to providethe expenditure
for Contingencies/Conferences/Field works/Stationery etc.
t2.Whetherthe Institute/Organization is willing to sharerevenueoutcomes-
if any, and shareIPR with JNTUA.
13.Numberof (i) R & D Projectscarriedout / completedby the Department
(ii) Research or anyotherGrantsSanctioned to the Department/Branch.
14.Any other information regarding Recogrrition of the
Institute/Organizationby any otherUniversitiesor Academiesor councils
or Organizations, or MoU with Industries/R&D Labs.etc'

In case of institutions of national and intemational eminence,the

AcademicSenatemay recognizethem as researchcentresfor offering Ph.D.
programmesbasedon the informationprovided by the institutionsand the
recommendations of the committee constitutedby the {icp-chqncellor for
examiningthe infrastructureandother facilities.
flesearchI De\'elcpmenl
Universlty An3ntapu,
Atl AliTfr.FUFI-5
i S002
4. AdmissionProcedure- Ph.D.
Therewill be direct admissioninto Ph.D. Coursewith PG qualification,or
else Ph.D. can be pursued after completing M.Phil/IvI'S., satisfring the
admissionprocedure,viz., writtentestfollowedby interview.
Ph.D. can be pursued by candidates possessingthe minimum
qualificationsas specifiedbelow eitheron Full-Time(FT)/Part-Time(PT) basis
in the Facultiesof Sciences,Humanities,ManagementStudies,Engineering,
Courses such as Food Technology, Bio-Technology and Pharmaceutical
Admissionsinto Ph.D.programmewill be madewithin the frameworkof
reservationrules in force prescribedby the Govemmentof Andhra Pradesh
from time to time.

(i) For Ph.D.

Engineering/Pharmacy streamcandidatesmust have a basic degreein
Engineering/Pharmacy and Post GraduateDegreeor equivalentdegreein
relevantdiscipline.Pharm-D degreeholdersarealsoeligiblefor Pharmacy
(ii) ComputerSciehceand Engineering: ComputerScienceandEngineeringDepartmentor
M.Sc (Comp. Sc) / M.Sc. with mathematicsas a subject/ M.C.A. and ComputerScienceandEngineeringor equivalent

(iiD Science,Humanities and ManagementStreamcandidatesmustpossess

PostGraduateDegreeor equivalentdegreein relevantdiscipline.
(iv) FoodTechnology:
B.Tech& M.Techin FoodTechnology/inany of the relevant
disciplines, viz., Bio-Technology, M.Sc. in Chemistry/
FoodTech./FoodSciences& Nutrition/VetemaryScience/M.Sc or
Technology/BiqTechnologY ChemicalEngineering/Dairy
or equivalent .-Np$
fi.ararch & Dev:lcr,=j"ncnl
(v) Bio-Technology: Bio-Technology/Chemistry/Botany/
or M.Tech.(Bio-

If the PG Oualification / M.Phil / M.S is obtainedthroush distancemode.

UGC and DistanceEducationCouncil.

(vD The candidateshouldnot haveregisteredfor any othercourse

leadingto a degreein any otherUniversity or Institution andalso
shall not registerduring researchperiod'

(a). Candidates for admissionto M.Phil'/\4.S/Ph.D.programmeshall havea
Master'sdegreeor a professionaldegreedeclaredequivalentto the
Master'sdegreeby the corresponding statutoryregulatorybody, with at
least 50% marks in aggregareor its equivalentgrade in the UGC 7-
point scale (or an equivalentgradein a point scale wherevergrading
systemis followed) or an equivalentdegreefrom a foreign educational
Institutionaccreditedby an Assessment andAccreditationAgencywhich
is approved,recognizedor authorizedby an authority,establishedor
incorporatedunder a law in its home country or any other statutory
authority in that country for the purpose of assessing,accrediting or
assuringquality and standardsof educationalinstitutions.Educational
qualificationsthat are mentionedin 4'l under (a) and (b) are also
(b). A relaxationof 5o/oof marks, from 50%oto 45%o,ot an equivalent
relaxationof grade,may be allowedfor thosebelongingto SC/ST/OBC
(non-creamylayer)/Differently-abled and other categoriesof candidates
as per the decisionof the UniversityGrantsCommissionfrom time to
timl, or for thosewho had obtainedtheir Master'sdegreeprior to 19fr
September, 1991.The eligibility marksof 50% (or an equivalentgradein
a point scalewherevergradingsystemis followed)andthe relaxationof
5Yoto the categoriesmentionedabovearepermissibleonly basedon the
(c). The full time Ph.D. coursesare offered at the researchcenters
recognizedby the Universityonly as notified Universitywebsite.The
centersare required to provide all the necessaryfacilities to the
admittedcandidates. The candidates haveto stay at the centerfor the
periodofthe researchand are not allowedto take up any teachingor
otherjobs. All other eligibility, supervisors,coursewg$-u admission
andfee aresameas externalcandidates. -F\\E
Flesearch& 0evelopment iversltyAnantaput
Candidatesatisfringthe eligibility conditionsnotedunder4.1 and4.1.1
abovecan be admittedas Part-timecandidatethroughentrancetest, as per the
followingorderof.priority. Admissioninto Part-timecategorywill be madeon
thebasisof serviceseniorityin therespectivecategories'
1. Facultyworking in the Universityor in the P.G. Centresor in affiliated
collegeswith minimumoneyearpostqualificationexperience.
2. (a) Faculty working in Post graduateand Professionalcolleges(affiliated
institutionsandconstituentcolleges)offeringUG iPG, havingcompleted
at least one yeaxpost qualificationexperience.This provision is also
applicableto Faculty teachingPhysics,Chemisfiry,Mathematiesand
Humanitiesin professionalcolleges.
(c) Faculty working in Polytechnic/ Govemmentor private aided Junior
Collegeshavingcompletedoneyearpostqualificationservice. Seniority
undereachcategoryshallbe calculatedwith the following
for candidates
(D Teachingat P.G. levellProfessional- five points for each
in 2(a)
completedyearof servicein collegesasspecif,red
(ii) - two pointsfor each
Teachingat graduatelevel/Professional
completedyearof servicein collegesasspecifiedin 2(b).
(iii) Teachingat Polytechnic/juniorcollege- onepoint for every
completedyearof serviceasspecifiedin 2(c)'
3. Employeesworking in researchinstitutes/ industrieshavingcompletedat
leastfive yearsof servicewith minimumoneyearpostqualification.
4.1.3Conversionfrom Full-Timeto Part-Timeand Vice-Versa
(a) Conversionof Full-timePh.D. candidatesinto Part-TimePh.D. scholars
shallnot be entertained.
(b) Conversionfrom Part-timeto fuIl-timeis permitted.

4.2Procedurefor admission
a. UniversitiesshalladmitM.Phil.A4.S/Ph.D. studentsthrough a Common
EntranceTest conductedat the Statelevel on behalf of the Universities
Fesearch& Development
b. The Universitiesshall decideon an annualbasisthroughtheir academic
bodiesa predetermined and manageable numberof Ph.D. scholarsto be
admitteddependingon the numberofavailableResearchSupervisors and
other academicand physical facilities available,keeping in mind the
normsregardingthe scholar-teacherratio, laboratory,library and such

The Universitiesshallnoti$ well in advancein the institutionalwebsite,

the numberof seatsfor admission,subject/discipline-wise distributionof
availableseats,criteriafor admissionandprocedurefor admissionandall
other relevantinformationfor the benefit of the candidates.The same
shallbe communicated to the Convenerfor CommonResearchEntrance
Test. In tum the Convenerhasto notifu throughadvertisementin at least
two nationalnewspapersof which oneshallbe regionallanguage.

The advertisement shall containthe informationwith respectto number

of seatsfor admission,subject/discipline wise, distributionof available
seats, criteria for admission,procedurefor admission,examination
centresandall otherrelatedinformationfor the benefitof the Candidates.

d. Admissionsto the Foreignnationalswill be asperthe UGC guidelines.

Universityshall admit candidatesby a two stageprocess,i.e., entrance
testandinterview. the EntranceTest
An Entrance test shall be conductedfor 180 marks by the state
Govemment.The EntranceTest consistsof two parts,i'e., Part-A and Pad-B'
Part-Ashallbe the TeachingandResearch Aptitudefor 90 marks,whereasPart-
B shallbe the subjectspecificfor 90 marks. Therewill be l/6 negativemark
for eachwronganswer. the EntranceTest
Part-Ashallbe the TeachingandResearchAptitudeon the linesof UGC
NET Paper-ISyllabus. For Paper-II,Syllabusshall be PaperII of the UGC
NET for the subjectsfor which UGC is conductingNET; CSIR-NETSyllabus
for Sciences;GATE Syllabus for Engineering;and GPAT Syllabus for
Pharmacy.For the othersubjects,Universityshallpreparethe syllabus' the EntranceTest
An EntranceTest shall be conductedwith qualiffing marks,q 50%ofor
opencategorycandidatesand45Yofor OBC/SC/ST/PHcategoriesiA\\NN
s .:;-I:r'-.,i
fl.itrearcil & Deyeioplnenl

Qualified Candidates in the Entrance Test will be called for

interview/viva-voce by the concemed University Directorate where the
candidates are required to discuss their research interesVareathrough a
presentationbefore a duly constitutedCommittee. Interview is for 20 marks.

Interview Committee shall consist of five members; Director R&D,

Director of Admissions, Chairman- Board of Studies and one Senior Faculty
memberfrom the Departmentand one extemal subject expert nominatedby the
Vice-Chancelloror any other committee constitutedby the Vice-Chancellor of
the University. Marks
AdmissionsCommitteewill give ranks/final marks awardedout of 200
after adding the marks of entrancetest (180 marks) and interview marks(20
4.2Admissionwithout EntranceTest

Ph.D. Admissionsshall be given without EntranceTest for thosestudents

eligible GATE/GPATruGC-NETruGC-CSIR NET JRF/teacherfellowship
fellowship,etc.,twice in a year,i.e., in Januaryand in July
of the calendaryear preferably.Separatenotification will be provided'
Candidateshaving thesequalificationswill be interviewedby the expert
committeeand admissionwill be provided based on performance.The
numberof admissions is basedon availabilityof the supervisors.
4.4 Allocation of ResearchSupervisor
l. The registration of a candidatecan be done either at university
departmentor any Institution recognizedby the university as a centreof

2 . The allocationof ResearchSupervisorfor a selectedresearchscholar

shall be decided by the DepartmentalResearchCommittee (DRC)
concernedunder the chairmanshipof Director R&D dependingon the
numberof scholarsper ResearchSupervisor,the availablespecialization
amongthe Supervisorsandresearchinterestsof the scholarsas indicated
by themat the time of interview/vivavoce.

J. In case of topics which are of inter-disciplinarynature where the

Departmentconcernedfeelsthatthe expertisein the Departmenthasto be
supplementedfrom outside,the Departmentmay appoint a Research
Supervisorfrom the Departmentitself, who shall be. lqown as the
i-l: ;', t-;"i {,.i;:
Ft.aa rclt & L.it7:!Cprnenl
13 J .N . T .U ; ii r , e r s l t yA n a n t a p u r
Research Supervisor, and a Co-Supervisor from outside the
on such terms and conditions as
may be specified and agreed upon by the consenting

4. The Number of ResearchScholarsto be allotted to each teacher is as

A ResearchSupervisor,who is a Professor,at any given point of
time, cannot guide more than three (3) M.Phil., and Eight (8) Ph.D.
scholars(both Full-time and Part-time and as a guide or co-guide)' An
AssociateProfessoras ResearchSupervisorcan guide up to a maximum
of two (2) M.Phil. and six (6) Ph.D. scholars(both Full-time and Part-
time and as a guide or co-guide) and an Assistant Professoras Research
Supervisorcan guide up to a maximum of one (l) M.Phil. and four (4)
Ph.D. scholars(both Full-time and Part-time and as a guide or co-guide).
However, not more than two Ph.D. scholarsshould be registeredwith a
supervisorper year.

4.5Changeof Guide
If a candidatewishesto changea guideor a co-guidefor valid reasons'
the requestmay be consideredby the Universityas per the meritsof the case.
However,suchcaseswherethe candidateis permitted,he/shecan submitthe
thesisonly after one year fr.omthe date of changeof guide or inclusionof
additionalguide.Publicationswith earliersupervisor/ co-supervisorsatisffing
the normsarepermittedto submitafter oneyear.
4.6 Changeof Area/Topic
Candidatehas to submitthe applicationform in the prescribedformat for the
Changeof Topic/areaand it will be donebasedon the recommendation of the
Chairman,Board of Studiesand with the approvalof the Vice Chancellor.
However,submissionof thesisis permittedonly after oneyear from the dateof
changeoftopic/area.The exacttitle ofthesis shall be finalisedduringthe Pre
submissionseminarby the Presubmission seminarcommittee.

5. Cancellationof Ph.D

5.1 Cancellationof Ph.Dby the Candidate

Full Time Ph.D. scholarsshall submit a letter requestingfor cancellationof

registrationwith the recommendation(s) of the Superviso(s) through the
Principal of the College where he/sheis pursuingPh.D. WhereasExtemal
scholarssubmit a letter requestingfor cancellationof registrationwith the
recommendation(s) of the Supervisor(s)to the University. T(rpequ.est for
Besearch& Developmenl
t4 J.N.T.Un
cancellationwithout the recommendationof the Supervisorwill not be
entertained.Further,a cancellationfee of Rs.3,000/-(Rupeesthree thousand
only)hasto be paid by the scholarto the University.

I . Candidateshall cancelthe admissioninto Ph.D. progralrlmeany time

Ph.D.programme, however,he/shehasto pay the fee till the dateof
i.e.,till the completionof that semesterin that academic
yearalongwith the onetimecancellationfee of Rs. 3000/-(Rupeesthree

2. Candidateshall cancelthe admissioninto Ph.D progralrlmeat any time

afterthe minimum stipulatedperiod(i.e.,Three/Fouryearsasapplicable)
of Ph.Dprogramme,then,he /shehasto pay fee for the minimumperiod
of the programmealongwith the onetimecancellationfee of Rs. 3000/-(
Rupeesthree thousandonly). In caseif scholarhas alreadypaid fee
regularlyfor a periodbeyondminimumstipulatedperiodandrequestfor
the cancellationof registration,thenthe feepaid shallnot be refunded.

5.2 Cancellationof Ph.D. by the University

A researchscholarwill be askedfor explanationas to why his/herregistration

cannotbe cancelledunderany of the followingcircumstances:

a) Candidateadmissionshall be cancelled,if he does not completehis

four papersin maximumof five attempts(asper section6.4)
b) Whereinthe supervisorof a researchscholarwrites to the University
expressing his/trerinabilityto continueassupervisorfor the scholarunder
consideration becauseof reasonslike non-progress of the researchwork
' or the scholar not interacting frequently with the supervisoror for any
othervalid reason.
c) Whereinthe researchscholarhas startedpursuingsomeother courseor
accepted any other appointment without the written consent of the
d) Whereinthe maximumperiodfor pursuingPh.Dhasbeencompletedand
the researchscholarhasnot appliedfor extensionoftime.
e) Wherein the researchscholarhas not paid the fee for more than 3

The concemedresearchscholarhasto give a reply within a monthfrom

the dateof receivingthe show causenotice,failing which his/herregistration
will be cancelled.The explanationgivenby the researchscholar t G)
B:::g:.h& Devetopmerir
tS J.N.T.UniversltyAnantapur
will be submittedto the DRC. which in turn will recommendthe futurecourse
of action,which may include either cancellationof admissionor changeof
of the DRC, will be submittedto the Vice-
supervisor.The recommendations
Chancellorfor hnai decision.
The explanationgiven by the researchscholarfor clause5 (a), 5 (c), 5
for final decision.
(d) and5 (e) will be submittedto theVice-Chancellor
In casethe registrationis cancelled,the researchscholarhas to pay a
onetimecancellationfeeof Rs.3,000/-in additionto thetuition feeasmentioned
in the clause(l) and(2) without which his/hercertificateswill not be returned.
Transfer certificate will be issued by JNTUA to all the scholarswhose

Work and Evaluation

6. Ph.D.Programme-Course
6.1Durationof the Programme
a) A full-time Ph.D. studentis requiredto spendthe minimum prescribed
period of three years (maximum of five years) admitted with PG
qualification,in the caseof admissionwith M.Phil./NI.S. minimumof
two years(maximum'of four years),in the University or in one of the
P.G. Centersor Institutionsrecognizedby University as Centersof

b) The prescribedminimum period for Ph.D. part-timeresearchadmitted

with M.Phil./NI.S. degreesis three years (maximumof five years)and
four years (maximum of six years) for those admitted without
M.Phil./fiI.S. A part-timecandidateemployedin an outsideinstitution
will be requiredto spendat leastsix weekseveryyear in the concemed
UniversityDepartmentduringtheprescribed total periodof research.

c) If a candidatepursuingPh.D. programmeunder either Full-Time/Part-

Time is unableto completethe work in the maximumprescribedperiod,
the Vice-Chancellorof the Universitycan give extensionof time up to
one year from the date of expiry of registrationbeyond which the
registrationof the candidateceases.

d) A graceperiodof 30 Dayswill be givento the Ph.D. ResearchScholars

after completionof stipulatedperiod for submissionof thesis.After 30
days the candidatehas to pay the Extension/Re-registration fee as
of thesis.
prescribedin fee structurefor submission .A\IUU
Besearch& Development
e) If a candidatehas completedthe requirementearlierthan the prescribed
period,the Vice-Chancellormay permitfor an early submissionof thesis
before three months provided that the request is justified and
substantiatedby publications(all papersmust have been published)in
refereedjoumalsandsamemustbe recommended by DRC.

f) Women candidatesand Persons with Disability (more than 40%

disability) may be allowed a relaxationof two years for Ph.D. in the
maximumduration.In addition,the womencandidatesmay be provided
Matemity Leave/ChildCareLeaveoncein the entiredurationPh.D.for
6.2Reviewof Progress
A researchscholaralong with researchwork carriedout shall appearbeforethe
DoctoralCommitteelResearch ReviewCommitteeoncein six monthsto makea
for evaluation.
) The credit assignedto the Ph.D. coursework shall be 16 credits(Four
TheoryPapers,each4 credits).
) Coursework for Pre. Ph.D. Examinationconsistsof the following four
Paper- l: ResearchMethodologywhich couldalsocoverareassuchas
and review of publishedresearchin the relevant field,
training,field work, etc.for 100marks/FourCredits

Paper-II: IntellectualpropertyRights which coverthe areassuchas

Patents, Trademarks, copyrights, Industrial designs and
Technological and Legal Developmentsin Intellectual

Paper- III: AdvancedSubjectPaper/Recent

Advancesin the Subjectfor

Paper- IV: Paperon researchArea for 100marks/FourCredits

Subjectsrelatedto PaperIII andPaperIV shallbe prescribedby theguide
Selectedpapers(PaperI, IL III andIV) cannotbe changedin future.
The subjectsselectedmust be intimated to the Director, R&D with
endorsementfrom the supervisorand co-supervisor(if any).,-.Candidates
t7 ";.'^i.ffi?,t"?:f
will be intimated aboutthe last date for registrationof thesesubjectsonce
the admissionsare over.
The coursework shall be completedin four weeks contactprogram at the
University in two spells of two weeks each.The candidatehas to acquire
minimum of 75%oattendancein eachspell and in eachsubject.Otherwise,
he/shehasto repeatthe coursework.
Pre. Ph.D. examinationsare to be conductedbefore 18 months for all the
ResearchScholars.The date of payment of fee at the time of admission
will be treatedas the date of registration.

6.4Evaluationof Ph.D.CourseWork
) The panelof papersettersandexaminersfor Paper-I,il, III & IV should
be provided by the Chairpersonand Board of Studies from the list
approvedby BoardofStudies.
) Evaluation of the Paper-I, II, ilI and IV of Course work shall be
evaluated with ExternalExaminers.
> A Ph.D. scholar has to obtain a minimum of 50%oof marks or its
equivalentgradein the UGC 7-point scale(or an equivalentgrade/CGPA
in a point scalewherevergradingsystemis followed)in the coursework
in order to be eligible to continuein the programmeand submit the
) Grades

Sl.No. Raneeof Marks % Grade GradePoints

l. 91-100 o l0 Outstanding
2. 81-90 A+ 9 Excellent
3. 7l-80 A 8 Very Good
.A1 . 6t-70 B+ Good
5. 56-60 B 6 Average
6. 50-55 C 5 Pass
<50 F 0 Fail
8. Ab 0 Ab (Absent)

The candidatemust obtaina minimum of C Gradein eachtheorypaperfor a

) Candidates who fail in first attemptwill be given only four morechances
to qualifr in the examination.Registrationfor appearingthe examination
shallnot be considered asan attempt'
6.5 Exemptionfrom Pre-Ph.D.Examination
Candidatesalready holding M. PhilA4.S.degreeand admittedto the
Ph.D. programme through the admission process,or those whqhaqe pfpeady
-t6 Research& D,:veiopment
completedthe coursework in M.PhilA4.S.andhavebeenpermittedto proceed
to the integratedcourse,may be exemptedby the University(courses
that arecompletedat M.Phil/IvI.S.only exempted)from the Ph.D.coursework.
However,if the supervisorrecommendsthe coursework, in such case,it is
requiredto completethe coursework thoughthe scholarhas admittedwith othercandidates admittedto the Ph.D.programmeshall
be requiredto completethe Ph.D.coursework prescribedby the University.
6.6Requirementsfor the award of Ph.D.Degree
for the awardof a Ph.D.degreeare

shouldhavebeenpassedin Pre-Ph.D.Examinations.
a) Candidates

b) Candidateshouldhavebeenattendedandobtainedsatisfactorystatusin
75%o of theRRMs conductedbeforesubmission.
c) Candidateshould have publishedat least two researchpapersin a
refereedJoumalsbefore the submissionof the thesis for adjudication.
Minimum one of the journal publications,must be in SCI or SCI-
Expandedjoumals. The other joumal publicationcan be in joumals
having impact factor given by ThomsonReuters/Science CitationIndex
Joumals or UGC listed joumals. Only one co-author other than
supervisor/co-supervisorwill be permitted.Scholarshaveto providethe
proofsfor the approvalsof UGC listedjoumalsandothers.

In addition,two paperpresentations
in conferences beforethe submission
for adjudicationand produceevidencefor the
of the dissertation/thesis
samein the form of presentation

d) Pre-talMPre-submission seminar/Open seminar: Prior to the

submission of the dissertation/thesis,the scholar shall make a
presentationin the Departmentbefore the DRC of the Institution
concemedwhich shall also be open to all faculty membersand other
researchscholars.The feedbackand commentsobtainedfrom themmay
in consultation
be suitablyincorporatedinto the draft dissertation/thesis
with the ResearchSupervisor.Departmental ResearchCommitteeshould
of thethesis.
certifr the eligibility for submission

e) After receipt of positive recommendationson the thesis from

adjudicators,the candidateshould defend the thesis in a viva-voce
examinationsuccessfullybefore a committeeconstitutinginternal and
extemalexaminers,appointedby the Vice-Chancellor.

"Plagiarism"includesan act of academicdishonestyand,a lreach of
ethics.It involvesusingsomeoneelse'swork asone'sotryn. -,NNJ$
& Development
19 .r.N.T..Universlty
Scholarswhose Plagiarism similarity is less than or equal to 20olosuch
Scholarsshall be allowed for submissionof the Thesis.It is emphasizedthat the
20Yoplagiarism, excludes self-plagiarism of their researchpapers contributed
for their thesisand referencesof the thesissubmittedfor the award of degree.

6.6.4Submissionof the Thesis

a. After meeting the required criterion and passing Pre-Ph.D.
examination,the candidateshall submit his/trer thesis on the
concemedtopic of research.

b. Extemal ResearchScholarsshall submit Ph.D. Thesis to the

Director,R&D whereasFull time scholarsin the ResearchCentres
shall submit their Thesis through proper channelto the Director,

c. Prior to submissionof the thesis5 copiesof the synopsisalong

with draft copyof the thesis,shouldbe submittedto the University
for the purposeofconductingPre-Talk.

d. On completing the researchwork, the candidate is required to

submitFive hard copiesof the thesis(soft bound)on the subjectof
his/her researchalong with soft copy and one synopsisreports
(hardcopies)after incorporatingall suggestedchangesby DRC in

e. A candidatemay utilize for his/herthesisthe contentsof any work

which he/shemay have alreadypublishedon the subject.But
he/sheshall not submit the whole or any substantialpart of the
work for which a degreehas been conferredon him.4rerby the
University or any other University. However, paperspublished
prior to the admissionshall not be counted for fulfilling the

The candidate shall enclose to hislher thesis, the printed

contribution(s)to the advancementofthe subjectwhich he/shehas
publishedjointly with supervisors.

g. The scholarshallinvariablypublishJNTU Anantapuras affiliation

in all his publicationsrequiredto meetthe submissioncriteria.

6.7Evaluationof Ph.D.Thesis

L The Ph.D.thesissubmittedby a researchscholarshallbe evaluatedby at

reast examiners,
threeextemal os'K$fi|$
whoarenotin employment
B:::9"r,| & Devetopmenr
20 J.N.T.
Unive rsityAnantapur
University, of whom minimum one examiner shall be from
IITs/IISc/IIITs(CentralGolt./Central GovernmentR&D Institutionsor
Equivalent, and one or two from NlTs/Central Universities/State
GovemmentR&D Institutionsor Equivalentinstitutionsand one or zero
examinersshall be from the StateGovemmentUniversities/State Govt.
IIITs within or outsideAndhraPradesh.

The supervisorhas to be submit 12 examiners(out of which, 03

examinersfrom IITs/IIScs/IIITs (Central Govt.)/CentralGovernment
R&D Institutions or equivalent, 03 examiners from NlTs/Central
Universities/State Govemment R&D Institutions or equivalent, 03
examinersfrom stateGovemmentUniversities/State Govt. IIITs outside
Andhra Pradesh and 03 examiners from state Govenirynent
Govt.IIITs within AndhraPradesh.

Vice-Chancellor,shall recommendonly three examinersout of 12

examinerssubmittedby the SupervisorandCo-Supervisor.

If the panelof the examinersis not satisfiedby the Vice-Chancellor,
the panelof examinersshallbe takenfrom the DRC/fromexpertsin that
areaby the Vice-Chancellordirectly.

Vice-Chancellorshall recommendthe three examinersfrom any of the

four groupscited.

2. The Adjudicator'ssummaryreport of the thesisshouldbe accompanied

by a detailedreport with the following options.In casethe thesis is
recommendedfor revision or rejectedoutright, the reasonfor the same
hasto be incorporatedin the report.
a) The Thesis attains the required standardsfor the Award of
b) The thesis requiresrevision and submissionto the Doctoral
c) The thesisrequiresrevisionandre-submission for re-evaluation
by the sameexaminer.
d) Thesisis Rejected.

The Doctoralcommitteeshall checkand verifr the answersto

the commentsmade by the examinersonly and they shall not evaluate
wholethesis. Ifthe answersaresatisfactoryandincorporatedin the final
thesis then the committee shall recommend for the viva voice
else recommenos
examlnatlon for me
recommendslor incorporationor
the proper lncorporatron of uthe
commentsor suggestionsmadeby the examinersonce again.UNN\\S
Fesearch& DeveioPrnent
3. TheUniversitydecisionshallbe asperthe following.

S. No. Examiner I Examiner 2 Examiner3 Decisionof the University

1. Accept Accept Accept Accepted for conducting
Viva- voce
2. Accept Accept Revise Revise the thesis and send
to examiner / Doctoral
committee for acceptance
J. Accept Revise Revise Revise the thesis and send
to examiners / Doctoral
committee for acceptance
4. Revise Revise Revise Revisethe thesisand send
to examiners / Doctoral
committeefor acceptance
5. Revise Revise Reject Send to the fourth
If the fourth examiner
rejects,it is rejected.
If the fourth examiner
recommendsfor revision.
then reviseasper the three
examinersand send it to
examiners / doctoral
If the fourth examiner
accepts the thesis, then
revisethe thesisas per ls
and zno examiners. and
send it to examiners /
doctoral committee. If
doctoral accepts,conduct
theviva voce.
6. Revise Reiect Reiect Thesisis reiected
7. Accept Revise Reject Thesis is revised as per the
2"d and 3'd examiners and
sendit to 4thexaminer.
If fourth examiner, accepts/
revise the thesis, then
thesis is revised and send it
to the examiner / doctoral
committee. If examiner/
doctoral committee
accepts, viva-voce is
conducted. .\\
22 n iv{}r;liyAnantapur
8. Accept Accept Reject Thesis is sent to the fourth
If the thesis is accepted,
then viva-voce is
If thesis is recommended
for revision,then the thesis
is revised and sendit to the
examiner / doctoral
committee. If doctoral
committee accepts the
thesis, viva-voce is
conducted. If thesis is
rejected by fourth
examiner, then thesis is
sent to fifth examiner. If
thesis is rejectedthen thesis
will be rejected.
If thesis is recommend for
revision, then the thesis is
revised and send it to the
examiner / doctoral
committee. If doctoral
committee accepts the
thesis, viva-voce is

9 . Accept Reiect Reiect Thesisis reiected.

'10. Reiect Reiect Thesisis reiected.

The gist of the abovementionedtableis that the scholaris permittedto

attendviva-voceexaminationonly if threepositivereportsare obtained.
TheUniversityVice Chancellorshallappointthe doctoralcommittee.

ExpeditingEvaluation Process
The Universityshall developappropriatemethodsso as to completethe
entireprocessof evaluationof Ph.D.thesiswithin a period of one year
of the thesis.
preferablyfrom the dateof submission

6.8 Ph.D.OpenViva-voceexamination
a) The open viva-voce of the research scholar to defend the
shall be conductedonly if the evaluatior4rppo6{s)
Besearch& Oevelopment
z.) J,N.T.UniversltyAnantaput
the extemalexaminer(s)on the dissertation/thesis
includea specificrecommendationfor awardingthe Ph.D.Degree.

b) The viva-vocerelatingto Ph.D.thesisshallbe conductedby a viva-voce

committeeto be nominatedby the Vice-Chancellor.

l. ResearchSupervisorandCo-supervisor (ifany)
2. One of the examiners who adjudicatedthe thesis (to be
nominatedby the Vice-Chancellor)
3. The Headof the Department(all the concernedHeads,in the
caseof inter disciPlinary).
4. The Chairpersonofthe Board of Studies(all the concerned
chairpersons, in the caseofinter-disciplinary)- Optional
5. Director(R&D) - OPtional
The decisionof intemal examiner(one of the supervisors)and external
examineris final for the awardof the degree.

c) In caseif the guide superannuates from the University service or is on

long leave/deputationor cannotattendon any othervalid reasonsthe co-
guide/Chairperson will be the convener.

d) The viva voce is open to all membersof the departmentand allied

departments.The candidateshall have to successfullydefend his/her

e) A candidatewho is not successfulat the Viva-Vocemay be permittedto

take the viva-vocea secondtime within a period of three months.No
candidateshallbe permittedto takethe viva-vocemorethantwice. If the
candidatefails for the secondtime, the caseshall be disposedoffby the
Vice-Chancellor on its merits.

f) After the completion of the Viva-Voce examination,the Viva-Voce

committeewill submit the recommendations along with the corrected
final copy of the thesisin Hard Boundandtwo soft copiesin DVD form
for placing them in the University library and on INFLIBNET through
UGC,respectivelyto the Directorateof R&D.

g) The Ph.D. degreeshall be awardedonly after uploading.ofthe thesisin

INFLIBNET(Shodhganga) .AN)*$
Research& Development
J,N.T.Un iverslty Anantapur

7. ProvisionalCertilicate
Prior to the actual award of the degree,the University shall issue a
provisionalCertificateto the effect that the Degree has been awardedin
accordancewith theprovisionsof the UGC Regulations,2016'

9. List of ResearchScholarson website

The Universityshallmaintainthe list of all the Ph.D.registeredstudents
on its website on year-wisebasis. The list shall include the name of the
registeredcandidate,topic of hisftrerresearch,nameof hislher supervisor/co-
supervisor,dateof enrolment/registration'
Followingthe successfulcompletionof the evaluationprocessandbefore
the announcement of the awardof the,the R & D directorate
shall submit an electroniccopy of the Ph. D. thesisto the SHODHGANGA
INFLIBNET. for hostins the same so as to make it accessibleto all
11.M.Phil./lU.S.degreesawardedby foreign Universities
If the M.Phil / M.S degreeis awardedby a ForeignUniversitywhich is
consideredas pre-requisitefor Ph.D admission,University shall recommend
sucha degreeto a StandingCommitteeconstitutedby the University for the
purposeof determiningthe equivalenceof the degreeawardedby the foreign
Tuition feeper Semester: Rs' 20,0001-
(50%concession is givenfor adhocfacultyworkingin constituentunits)
Tuition feeper Semesterfor Regularfacultyof the University:Rs2500/-
Feesfor submissionof Thesis : Rs. 20'000/-
Thefeeto be paid on stipulatedtime asgivenbelowregularlyeveryyeartil-
submissionof the thesisor the Cancellationof the admissionas
the successful
the casemavbe.
Odd Semester EvenSemester
Without late fee 1-3lstJuly 1-3lstJanuary
With latefeeof Rs 5001 August
1-1Oth l-10 February
With latefeeof Rs 1000/- 1l-20thAugust I l-20th Februarv
Till the endof
With latefeeof Rs 1500/- August Till the endof February
In .,\

25 Research& Oevelopment

Graceperiodof 30 daysis extendedto all scholarsfor thesissubmissioni.e.,up to

end of 31't July every year without any fee. Further,scholarswhosemaximum
durationof the programmeis not completedandwilling to submitthe thesison or
before31't December,have to pay semesterfee only. Scholarswho submitthe
thesis after 3l't Decembershall pay full tuition fee' Also, scholarswhose
maximumdurationof the programmeis completed,shall go for extensionafter
30thJuneandbefore31"1July andshallpaytuition feeasper above.

a. Extra Mural researchadmissionsarenot offered by the University for
this academicyear.
b. Admissionsto M.Phil. and M.S. programmesare not offeredby the
Universityfor this academicyear'
c. No stipendwill be paid by the Universityfor Full Time or External
researchscholarsadmittedin constituent/affiliatedcolleges.
d. Hostel facility is not providedby the University for Full Time or
e. The academicregulationsshouldbe read as a whole for purposeof
any interpretation.
f. Malpracticesrules-natureand punishmentsare as per the PG
regulationsof the UniversitY'
g. Whereverthe words"he", "him", "his", occurin the regulations,
they alsoinclude"she","her", "hers",respectively.
h. The wordsParttime andExtemalareusedinterchangeably.
i. In the caseof any doubt or ambiguityin the interpretationof the
aboverules,the decisionof the Vice-Chancelloris final.
j. The University may changeor amendthe researchregulationsor
syllabi at any time and the changesor amendments shall be made
applicableto all the studentson rolls with effect from the dates
notifredby the UniversitY.
k. The registrationof a Ph.D. scholar may be cancelledby the
University within the stipulatedperiod, if the candidatefails to
satisfuthe conditionsstipulatedin the admissionorderor violatethe
rules and regulationsof Ph.D' after giving notice to the concemed
l. The admittedcandidatesare advisedto see the JNTUA website instructionsfrom time to time.

For any clarifications, candidates can contact concerned

* **:F{<:f
Research& Developmenl

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