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SUBJECT MUSIC YEAR GROUP 4 TERM Autumn 1 TOPIC: Animal music and Harvest


Objectives Skills Knowledge and Understanding Attitudes Behaviours
All All pupils will develop instrumental control, Pupils listen to the Firebird suite and analyse how the Focus Empathy
particularly over dynamics and help to create music takes on the characteristics of the creature. They Resilience Reflection
a piece which matches their invented then invent their own animals and compose music to Integrity Growth Mindset
creature match. Drive Responsibility
Most (Av.) Most will be able to describe their piece Adaptability Curiosity
effectively using their own words and some As this topic involves group work, it necessitates the Optimism Self-control
musical terminology. Use note names or a behaviour of cooperation, ensuring that all in the group Discernment Service
graphic score to record their ideas. work together, respect and listen to each other and Courage Charity
Some (Av.+) Some children may use notation to record respect each other’s ideas and need to be heard. They Self-Awareness Cooperation
their ideas and incorporate more complex need to be adaptable and flexible in their creative work Interdependence
ideas such as harmony, or multiple layers of and at the end of the topic, will take time to reflect on
rhythm or more than one melody what worked well in their composition.
KEJS CORE VALUES - What we believe in - fundamental things we all think are important to be a good citizen
Respect, Tolerance, Courage, Honesty, Trustworthiness, Gratitude, Appreciation, Thoughtfulness, Kindness, Patience

KEJS Key Questions Evaluation and

Suggested Activities Resources/support
(Objectives) Assessment
1 Pupils explore their ideas about Pupils write down their instrument and any groups which they are signed up to. Initial form to collate Both classes offered
what the Firebird music could information about some excellent
be about, learning to express Listening activity- discussion and sharing ideas as a class pupils’ musical suggestions. Sam-
themselves and make Listen to the firebird- talk about the treatment of the elements of music and background and new boy very well
observations about the pupils justify why they think it sound like a certain animal.
involvement in focused and good
treatment of the elements of
music. Use post it notes ensembles contributions.
Pupils understand the meaning Firebird music
of crescendo Post it notes Vicky- excellent
How brass instruments can contribution and
create a feeling of celebration listening during
Use of repetition piece.
Music and ballet.

All – Will be able to suggest

suitable animals and get louder
on their instrument
Most – Will be able to justify
why the music sounds like a
particular animal with some
musical terminology
Some – Will be able to use
musical terminology confidently
and make more detailed
observations about rhythm, key
and instrumental techniques.
KEJS Key Questions Evaluation and
Suggested Activities Resources/support
(Objectives) Assessment
2 Creative composition and Listening activity- Listen once again to the firebird and ask the children what Some thoughtful
performance work they want to take from it and use in their own version. Eg speeding up, getting responses today.
louder, percussion etc. Katy struggled with
Composition task- Pupils select the instruments and discuss treatment of tempo, tuned perc, as did
Continue to work on the firebird pitch, dynamics etc.
seb. Alex Ch, v good
piece. Use tuned perc, g, f, eg d
c Teach the melody. GFEGDC, FEDFECD------- focus and effort
In two groups. today.
Children improvise and follow Some children on shimmer sounds- inverted pedal (c) First class got a
conductor to make up their own Some on drums, crescendo. Crashes on cymbal. marble for amazing
version of the piece listening. Second
Try it as a round class did not get far
All – Will be able to follow Bass line of oscillating 2 pitches. with learning the
direction from the conductor to melody.(Shorter
change dynamics. All will be
able to play untuned
percussion. Mackenzie- needs to
Most- Will be able to express focus. Gave up after
how we can use our music to finding it tricky.
sound like the firebird. Will be Laura, William,
able to play the melody on Freya and many
tuned percussion using the more did v well
letter names learning the melody
Some – May use written on tuned perc.
notation to help, Some may
Excellent effort and
learn the melody quickly by ear
answers from Peter

3 Invented animals- Listening task We did not have

Listen to Smetana’s Vltava as Pupils plan animal designs and how their animal may sound. time to loko at
inspiration for water dwelling graphic scores. Look
animals. at this next lesson.

Some excellent
observations about
This lesson- the focus is to be the Smetana piece.
on effective communication- Pupils shown how to create a graphic score- perform from scores on the Particularly from
pupils must discuss with board using their voices Eleanor Toby and
eachother their ideas Arty.
Practice pieces in groups, making notes of their ideas
Children made great
observations about
the dyanmics. Toby-
KEJS Key Questions Evaluation and
Suggested Activities Resources/support
(Objectives) Assessment
v sensitive to the
changes in tempo
and articulated this
very well.
4 Composition lesson Pupils work on their animal compositions. 4C
Firstly selecting their instrument, then composing a simple pattern this Class was disrputed
lesson and aiming to notate this in their books as a graphic score or notation. by a fire bell.
Pupils are shown how to make a Choose 3 pitches as a starting point. Children made a
graphic score to make a note of very good start.
their ideas, record rhythms, Move some outside
pitch shapes and to help them of classroom next
remember their thoughts in week and aim to get
between lessons notes down as we
did not have time
this week. Help
Pippa’s groups first.

Performance of animal
All – Should be able to evoke an
appropriate mood usning the
basic elements of music and
through their selection of
instruments. All should be able
to improvise
Most- Will have a planned
performance with due thought
given to not only their
instrument, but the dynamic
level, speed and instrumental
technique that they deploy. Eg-
gentle tapping for a creeping
animal followed by rapid
rhythm to depict the chase.
Some- will give more refined
performances with greater
consideration of rhythm and
dynamics and an awareness of
the other members of their
group in terms of timing and
balance. Careful counting and
KEJS Key Questions Evaluation and
Suggested Activities Resources/support
(Objectives) Assessment
leading of the group’s
performance and a sense of
structure and contrast.
5 Composition work Pupils continue to work on animal compositions 4C Children worked
very hard and we
spoke about
creating change and
contrast in the
piece. Holly and
Tiger’s group-
worked on
dynamics. Henry’s
group had some
super ideas and
great team work.
Lovely work from
Olivia on glock.

Other two classes –

work on Conkers in
preparation for the
lsc piece in the
harvest service next
6 Composition work
7 Performance of animal

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