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Education and Science Association " Kleine Schule " launches

Gifted for You / BE SMART ! - Testing center , discovery and

development of multiple intelligences of children with or without
impaired vision , hearing or asperger.

Get involved in Gifted

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Asociaţia pentru Educaţie şi Ştiinţă

Kleine Schule (www.kleine-schule.r 2015

Get involved in the education of children
with high potential with and without
disabilities ( hearing, vision , asperger)!
Dare to support these children!
”…Double exceptional children are special: they are generated by the crisis: they depend on crisis,
they can cause seizures, but high capitalized on their skills – they may create brilliant solutions to
the crises of humanity. "Prof. Florian Colceag – specialized in Gifted Education, July 2001, Utah
State University, Education Department)

WHO : Association for Education and Science Kleine Schule is a non -profit
association with a mission to discover and develop the potential of children with high abilities
through Gifted Education through an enriched curricula. He is associate with EduGate consortium -
UNESCO member and full membership in the international educational field of excellence: WCGTC-
World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, the Asia-Pacific Federation of the WCGTC and ECHA-
European Council for High Ability.

WHAT : Programme Pilot – Gifted for You/be S.M.A.R.T.!,

The work program has started in 2011, in Piatra Neamţ, this continues to implement the concept in the
online environment with support from the European Commission and ANPCDEFP and we want it to have
as finality the creation of an education center on a plot of 5000 square meters, with European funding.

We want to support annually, from the educational point of view, the children with hugh-potential aged
between 3 and 17 years, both among children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, asperger, and
among children without disabilities. The aim of the program Gifted for You/be S.M.A.R.T ! is to create a
harmonious environment for the development of multi- intelligences, human creativity and self-
realization, pursuant to their creative potential in the service of their development, the formation of
a balanced environment of life and at the same time, for the benefit of society, by providing a
platform for e-learning in conjunction with the development of a specialist community, business
people, teachers, parents and, last but not least, kids.

The specific of these children is not in physics but deficiency in mechanisms for accessing information in a
proper way, individualized. They need an education in the spirit of creativity as stimulus of socio -
emotional relationships and learning by e-learning system and software applications and provides a
framework for the development and use of modern materials and methods of working, in close connection
with the stimulating creativity pedagogies.

 people able to become independente , to make decisions in their own name, we promote
the creative, people able to developtheir own potential
 to test kids to discover their multiple intelligence correlating tests with the psychometric and
personality test It's important to discover all three rings, as Renzulli called it intelligence, learning
ability, creativity
 we want to develop multiple intelligence (prof Howard Gardner -there is not a single momolit of
intelligences which underlies success in life, but a broad spectrum of intelligences: linguistic,
logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, interpersonal, psychomotor (social intelligence, the ability to
understand the relationship between people), intrapersonal emotions intelligence, motivation,
purpose of the discovery).
 stimulate critical thinking, lateral thinking, dynamic thinking, to empower the creativity
and thinking in its complexity through transdisciplinary learning ((fusion of curriculum,
grade most elevated to integrate knowledges.
An online platform dedicated to training and supporting children with high abilities revealed by tests
performed by internationally patented batteries. The program will also address children with Special
Education Needs ( asperger , blind and hearing disabilities ) by adapting the platform interface Courses on
the platform will be in the form of virtual classes and screen sharing to make even more accessible the
participation of children with visual impairments, hearing impairments or asperger.

The Program Gifted for You/be S.M.A.R.T!, developped in Romania has the following aims:
Equal opportunities for children with high potential - representing children with special educational
needs and high social risk ( a scientific study in 2010 in Britain, attended by Robert Plomin too, a professor
of behavioral genetics at King's College, London , one of the experts involved in this project shows that
only 3 % of children with life high-abilities, according to social norms ) –and their right to an education
(c.f Law 17/2007, Law Gifted Education and Law 1/2011. New Education Law, SECTION 40, article 47,
point 5), to feed and let them develop their potential abilities and natural skills at such a level as high as
possible through an education suited to their particular needs.

From 3,095 million children under 18 years (cf. INS : Press release No. 282 of 20.11.2014) about
185,000 children fall under the category of high potential – that is 6 % of the total number of

Association for education and Science "Kleine Schule", located in sector 6, Street No. 6 Justice Bucharest, Romania, registered in the register of foundations and associations with
the number 91 of 16.06.2011, tax number (C.I.F): 28798450, taking Account in lei IBAN EN 15 INGB 0000 9999 03847661 opened at ING Bank Romania SA branch Opera Center
Contact :0721 – 790 840 sau 0740 – 377 951 or e-mail:;;
Promotion of new teaching technologies used throughout the world for the discovery and development of
multiple interpersonal intelligences of children
 We are among the countries that exported intelligence without having a Centre for supporting and
developing young talent and intelligence.
 Children with high abilities need an special education because they have a cognitive development
much faster asynchronous, than physical or emotional development, in relation to other children of
their age. That's why there is a major social risk needing potential feeding, otherwise into
adulthood it messes.
 Center's goal is to develop children with high performance based on their gift and talent


• It is necessary to informing the large public with regard to the current situation of the education
of children with high pontential,, with or without vision, hearing or asperger's from Romania and
regarding the real needs to invest in this type of education.
• We propose a campaign of awareness regarding this issue by testing children from schools and
kindergartens for the discovery of multi-intelligences (see Howard Gardner-multiple intelligences
theory) and the potential of r children to be able to adapt the methods of education to the real needs
of these children, not by smoothing.
• Testing will be performed in Bucharest, in the year 2016, taking tests calibrated for on-line learning
that we have created through the project European best practices project to support children
with high potential and to access training for gifted children with disabilities-Gifted (for) you
", funded by the Erasmus programme + European Commission
• The campaign will be conducted online, through social media, but also in educational units from
• Informational Content will be disseminated during the campaign, in the context of media
Taking into account the sale of sponsorship packages, I determined that this campaign testing to
have a fundraising component dedicated to a number of 10 children from underprivileged
economic or social environments that will be able to attend on the platform of on-line learning.

Association for education and Science "Kleine Schule", located in sector 6, Street No. 6 Justice Bucharest, Romania, registered in the register of foundations and associations with
the number 91 of 16.06.2011, tax number (C.I.F): 28798450, taking Account in lei IBAN EN 15 INGB 0000 9999 03847661 opened at ING Bank Romania SA branch Opera Center
Contact :0721 – 790 840 sau 0740 – 377 951 or e-mail:;;
• Associating with a brave and positive approach, recognising the values of children and youth
• Creating the image of an unconditional supporter and the objective of universal acces universe of
quality education
• Increase image capital and credibility in the online environment
• The appointment with the title of Partner/Sponsor in press releases and in project materials that will
be disseminated
• Presence of a company logo on materials produced


WHAT ? Campaign testing and discovery of multiple intelligences (IQ levels cognitive, emotional and
social intelligence )

Where? In schools and kindergartens from Bucharest

When? In the year 2016

With who? Specialists in screening (with certified psychologists practising)

Scientific Coordinator affiliated to the Program Gifted for You/be S.M.A.R.T.: Florin
Colceag, Master in pedagogia “gifted”, July 2001, Utah State University

Susţinători/parteneri: Inspectoratul Școlar Bucureşti; Colegiul Naţional de Informatică;

Infospeed; RTS Cluj; Interact Bussines Comunication; Facultatea de Psihologie şi Știinţe ale
Educaţiei; Alta Vista Group (metada E.S.P.E.R.E);

Supporters/partners: School Inspectorate of Bucharest; National College of computer

Science; Infospeed; RTS Cluj; Interactive Business Communication; Faculty of Psychology and
Educational Sciences ;; Alta Vista Group (sending metada E.S.P.E.R. E);

Simona Mitrea
Proiect Director
Mobile: +4 0721-790840/+4 0740-377951
Email: sau

Association for education and Science "Kleine Schule", located in sector 6, Street No. 6 Justice Bucharest, Romania, registered in the register of foundations and associations with
the number 91 of 16.06.2011, tax number (C.I.F): 28798450, taking Account in lei IBAN EN 15 INGB 0000 9999 03847661 opened at ING Bank Romania SA branch Opera Center
Contact :0721 – 790 840 sau 0740 – 377 951 or e-mail:;;




Association for education and Science "Kleine Schule", located in sector 6, Street No. 6 Justice Bucharest, Romania, registered in the register of foundations and associations with
the number 91 of 16.06.2011, tax number (C.I.F): 28798450, taking Account in lei IBAN EN 15 INGB 0000 9999 03847661 opened at ING Bank Romania SA branch Opera Center
Contact :0721 – 790 840 sau 0740 – 377 951 or e-mail:;;
A few pictures from our activities time:

Association for education and Science "Kleine Schule", located in sector 6, Street No. 6 Justice Bucharest, Romania, registered in the register of foundations and associations with
the number 91 of 16.06.2011, tax number (C.I.F): 28798450, taking Account in lei IBAN EN 15 INGB 0000 9999 03847661 opened at ING Bank Romania SA branch Opera Center
Contact :0721 – 790 840 sau 0740 – 377 951 or e-mail:;;

Association for education and Science "Kleine Schule", located in sector 6, Street No. 6 Justice Bucharest, Romania, registered in the register of foundations and associations with
the number 91 of 16.06.2011, tax number (C.I.F): 28798450, taking Account in lei IBAN EN 15 INGB 0000 9999 03847661 opened at ING Bank Romania SA branch Opera Center
Contact :0721 – 790 840 sau 0740 – 377 951 or e-mail:;;

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