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Mata Pelajaran : Mulok - Bahasa Inggris Pelaksanaan :

Kelas : V (lima) Alokasi Waktu : 90 menit

Berilah tanda silang (X) pada salah satu jawaban A, B, C, atau D yang dianggap paling benar pada lembar jawaban
yang telah disediakan!

1. Tito : Where did you go, last week?

Popo : I . . . . . to senggigi beach.
a. Go b. went c. goes d. going

2. Cindy : What did you do, yesterday?

Wandi : I . . . . . English, yesterday.
a. Study b. studies c. studying d. studied

3. Sandi : did you help your mother, yesterday?

Nita : Yes, . . . . .
a. Yes, I did b. Yes, I do c. Yes, I did not d. Yes, I do not

These question below for numbers 4 - 5

4. Yesterday – studied – English – they
1 2 3 4

a. 4-3-2-1 b. 4-1-3-2 c. 4-2-3-1 d. 3-1-2-4

5. I – senggigi – went – to – beach

1 2 3 4 5

a. 1-3-4-2-5 b. 1-3-2-5-4
1 c. 5-4-3-2-1 d. 1-2-4-5-
Read the text below to find the answer of number 6 – 10!
At the Hospital

Look at the picture. That is the “dr Soetomo” Hospital. There are doctors and nurses. There are patients, too. They
stay there because of many kinds of diseases
diseases as typhus, malaria, heart attack, diabetes, etc.
Last week, I went to the hospital with my mother. My mother checked her health. She saw dr.Jimmy, Mei Lan’s
father. Mei Lan’s father wrote a prescription for my mother and she bought the medicines aat the drugstore.
We passed mortuary and ICU rooms. The ambulance parked in front of the hospital waiting room, ready to bring
the patient.

6. Where did I go last week with my mother?

a. Post office b. hospital c. museum d. mosque
7. What did you see in the hospital?
a. Postman b. teacher c. doctors d. librarian
8. What did my mother do in the hospital? She … her health
a. Checked b. exercise c. bring d. buy
9. Did dr.Jimmy write a prescription for my mother?
a. No, he didn’t b. No, he is not c. yes, he is d. yes, he did
10. Where did my mother buy the medicine?
a. Mall b. shop c. drugstore d. market

Ulangan Umum Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 201

2011/2012 | Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 1

Di unduh dari :

11. The Rabbit is……the box.
a. on
b. beside
c. in
d. under
12. Where is the rabbit ?

a. The rabbit is under the table c. The rabbit is beside the table
b. The rabbit is on the table d. the rabbit is behind the table

13. Where is the rabbit ?

a. The rabbit is under the box c. The rabbit is in the box
b. The rabbit is between the box d. The rabbit is behind the box


14. The book is……the table

a. Desk c. Chair
a. In b. on c. under d. d. Beside

15. The student’s study English …..the classroom

a. Behind b. under c. in d. Beside

16. Toni : What did you eat yesterday ?

Doni : I…….Chicken yesterday
a. Drink b. ate c. eat d. drank
17. My Father……..tea yesterday
a. Drink b. Drank c. Eat d. Drunk
18. Lina : Did you eat satay yesterday ?
Rani : ……..
a. Yes, I do b. Yes, I did c. Yes, I don’t d. Thank you
19. Cindy……..bread yesterday
a. eat
b. ate
c. like
d. likes
20. Yerderday my father … a glass of coffee.
a. like
b. drink
c. drank
d. drunk
21. ( + ) I drank milk yesterday
( - ) ………………………….
a. I don’t drank milk yesterday c. I didn’t drank milk yesterday
b. I didn’t drink milk yesterday d. I drink milk yesterday
22. .
Anton : ……….eat pineapple yesterday
Budi : Yes, I did.
a. What do you c. Do you
b. Did you d. you

23. . Tito : Did you …….a cup of coffee yesterday

Tio : No, I didn’t
a. Eat c. Like
b. Drink d. drank

Ulangan Umum Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 | Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 2

Di unduh dari :

24. Ate – chicken – yesterday – I
1 2 3 4

a. 1 – 3 – 4 - 3 b. 4 – 1 – 2 – 3 c. 4 – 1 - 2 – 3 d. 3 – 2 – 1 – 4

25. Tea – yesterday – drank – he

1 2 3 4
a. 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 b. 2 – 3 – 4 – 1 c. 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 d. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

26. A : Do you want to drink a glass of water

B : ……. . I want to drink a glass of water
a. Yes, I did b. Yes, I don’t c. Yes, I do d. No, I do

27. I can’t drink this tea now. It is too …

a. Bitter b. sweet c. hot d. salty
28. Do you want to drink a glass of tea ?
a. Yes, I did b. Yes I do c. Fine d. Thank you
29. A : What do you want ?
B : …….cake
a. He want b. I want c. you want d. he wants

30. Jill : What do you want to eat , joe ?

Joe : I Want to eat chicken, how about you , jill ?
Jill :I ……… bread.
a. Have to b. want to c. like to d. had to

31. A : ………want to drink a coffee ?

B: : No, I don’t
a. Did you b. Do you c. Are you d. What are you
32. A: how much is the fruits?
B: it is 7.500.
What we say 7.500 in English?
a. Seven thousand and five hundred c. nine thousand and five hundred
b. Eight thousand and five hundred d. ten thousand and five hundred

33. My father buys some book. It costs Rp. 10.500,-

a. ten hundred and five Rupiah c. ten thousand and five hundred rupiah
b. ten thousand and fifty rupiah d. ten hundred and fifty rupiah

34. A : How much is the book ?

B : it is ten thousand and five hundred rupiah
a. Rp. 1500 b. Rp. 10.500 c.Rp 15.000 d.Rp. 150

35. I would like to buy two kg of grapes.

It costs eighteen thousand and eight hundred rupiah.
a. Rp. 19.800,- b. Rp. 18.800,- c. Rp.17.800,- d. 16.800,-

36. Andi : What are you going to wear to the party.

Budi : I am …… wear a dress to the party
a. Want to b. going to c. will to d. have to

37. We …… going to go to beach tomorrow.

a. am b. is c. are d. was

38. she……going to wear swim suit at the beach

a. are b. is c. are d. were

39. He….going to study English at school

a. Am b. are c. is d. go

Ulangan Umum Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 | Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 3

Di unduh dari :

40. They…..going to swim at the beach
a. Is b. am c. are d. was

41. Look at the picture!

The weather is . . . . .
a. Sunny b. rainy c. windy d. cloudy

42. There are . . . . . seasons in Indonesia

a. One b. two c. three d. four

43. Tito : How is the weather today?

Cindy : today is sunny.
The underline word means . . . . .
a. Musim b. cuaca c. keadaan d. kondisi

44. Today is windy. You must be carefully.

The underline word means . . . . .
a. Cerah b. hujan c. berangin d. bersalju

45. The snow falls in the . . . . .

a. Summer b. spring c. winter d. autumn

46. The weather is cold today. We must wear . . . . .

a. Shirt b. T-shirt c. short d. jacket

47. It’s rainy. We need….

a. umbrella b. T-shirt c. gloves d. shoes

48. Cindy wears . . . . . for swimming.

a. Jacket b. pajamas c. swimsuit d. raincoat

49. The weather is hot in the summer.

The underline word means . . . . .
a. Musim panas b. musim dingin c. musim semi d. musim gugur

50. The weather is hot. You need drink . . . . .

a. Hot water b. hot tea c. coconut ice d. oil

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Di unduh dari :

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