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Predestination Part 2

3 The further man traveled, coming down through the genealogies of his pilgrimage, chronologically
speaking, his imperfection grew to a greater measure as his lifeline continued to shorten, so that his
children of posterity in the earth, have come to a total consummation, which is shown by the death of
Jesus at Calvary, and there is no escape, except by Calvary.
4 Now, look at it in reverse! By faith of Calvary, we take on perfection and put off imperfection. Now, as
imperfection has reigned unto death, so shall perfection reign unto life; but, you say, “How can this be, or
with what body can the dead come forth?” Paul said, “Oh, thou fool!” Does it stand to reason that if the
great God of heaven could place within His human machine, a depraved mind of frustration and
debauchery, to develop or humble, and to bring it to a place of godly recognition, so that it might see its
need for the Spirit of Life. If God has so schooled and tutored His creature by this mind or by law of sin
and shame, unto death, can He not, in return, place within His creature, a mind of purity, of joy and
hope, to rearrange and to refrain from the act of demolition, and mete out to the apple of his eye, a
constructive rehabilitation to life?
5 If the subjection is for the purpose, by use of time elements and seasons, to subdue and abuse the
bodily framework to its original and elementary composition, this being for the purpose of letting it know
that its existence and dependability hinges altogether on the Spirit of Life; so then, the creature has been
subjected to vanity, by reason of God, giving it the hope of glory, through Christ, of a more blissful and
superb state of existence, thus, faith is born. Having been separated from its godly position and securities,
the need for life is now recognized within the creature. In search
of a remedy, faith suddenly comes to light or birth. So, we see, by this, that from faith to faith, beginning
with the instigation of Calvary, we are being changed into the predetermined image of God’s
foreknowledge; that is to say, Christ.
1 Now, let us formulate our thoughts, so we can get the fullness of the expression. Let’s capture the
intents of God’s heart. Paul speaks of the measures of faith, every man and his measure. He also speaks
of the measures of the mind of Christ, which he refers to as the Gospel. He calls it knowledge in part.
Again, he speaks of a pre-ordination of a full measure unto a full stature of Christ, yet, Jesus said,
“Thirty-fold, sixty-fold, and an hundred-fold,” while we say, “body, soul and spirit.”
2 Let us consider it after this fashion, from the aspect of relativity. Let us say that a measure of faith is
relative to a measure of the mind of Christ, or Gospel knowledge in part; and also, that a measure of a
mind of the Word knowledge in relative to the measure of the Spirit; for, Paul speaks of the Spirit, by
measure. This of course, is God, as the Holy Ghost. We are taught to be filled with the Spirit. We are also
taught that Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit, which, of course, is virtue, by which our body is
charged or illuminated, as the inner man continues his relation or fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This
virtue is what healed the little woman. So, you see, that virtue is power.
3 By this, we can see that, whereas imperfection reigned unto death, that perfection is reigning unto life.
The mind of Satan, being the tutor, from measure to measure, brought man to death, by means of an
eternal separation from God, for each measure of growth in iniquity brought a greater generation, until
the full cup had to be drank by Christ as He prayed, “Father, let this cup pass from Me, nevertheless, not
My will, but Thy will be done.” God, knowing that this was the only way that He could make an eternal
creature, processed him, and then, came to suffer the penalty of his fate, Oh, what love!
4 Now, look at this, as we go uphill from Calvary. The grade is steep, but not too strenuous for the inner
God-strength. At the birth of the church, it is but an infant, but, remember, the measure of knowledge,
according to its age and season; this, of course, being cell upon cell, is comprehended by the individual, a
divine transformating glory, being released from his inner being; that is to say, a spiritual relativity.
5 A brief explanation of what I mean is that God is an existing mind. So then, all that exists, whether
visible or invisible, tangible or non-tangible, the entirety of consistency is termed as one thing; an eternal
composition of living and creative thoughts that are relative one to another, and are spiritually diagnosed
as a creational act of constitution, according to the desire of godliness, whether by divine providence or
through faith in one’s heart.
6 A thirty-fold, toward the increase of the fullness of the stature, may result in death; and even with a
sixty-fold, you may go by way of the grave, but, should we obtain an hundred-fold, this results in
translation. Now, I am not perverting the Word. Those that are in the grave, shall also be resurrected,
but, my brother and sister in Christ, I would have you to under-
stand, that a natural comprehension of godliness, as to the accepting or acknowledging that God is the
creator of the worlds of mankind, is good for the first dimensional step; and it is a good foundation for a
second dimensional acknowledgement of an intellectual concept of godliness, as pertaining to the
understanding of God, but, neither of these are to be compared to the last dimensional or revelated
spiritual acknowledging of God, which is received by the triple composing of the natural, physical and
spiritual, into a oneness with God. Did Jesus do the same thing that Enoch did? Most assuredly, He did!
What did He do? First, he perfected holiness in the fear of God. This resulted in a fixed heart, which
produced the perfected faith. The writer said, “We wish even this, the perfecting of your faith,” which
faith worketh by God, the Spirit of Love, charity, the bond of perfectness. The results of a perfect faith
was a pure heart. The Spirit of God, flowing through His life, without hindrance, transfigured His body,
as He appeared in the fullness of God’s glory on the mount of transfiguration; not a glory in part, but,
the constituted measures, because the constituted measures of faith had become “The Faith.” See, the
constituted measures of the God-knowledge had unveiled a constituted measure of glory, by means of a
constituted measure of faith; perfect knowledge brought perfect faith. Perfect faith brought perfect glory,
for, when that which is perfect is come, part is done away with, in that charity is that which is perfect.
Once that it emerges in our heart, it bonds together the stones that were in part, just as it does the
membership in the church, charity, being the bond that holds together, or that which constitutes
perfection by constructive means. If then, having finished its work by the act of patience, for the Bible
tells us to let patience have its perfect work; it then results or transpires into the glorious, the bright and
brilliant daystar, which is Christ within you, the hope of glory. Paul said, “I travail, until Christ be
formed within you.”
1 Now then, it is no more you that liveth, but Christ that liveth within you, and the life that you now live,

in the outer man, you live, by the Son of God; therefore, your fruit remaineth. Ask what you will, and it
shall be done unto you. Say, what you will, for the perfect faith will not let you doubt in your heart, and
you shall have whatsoever you say; for now, ye are the heir, even Christ, the sole heir, to all the glories of

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