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Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 49. No. 248. pp. 5747X.

5762, 1994
Copyright 0 1995 Elsevier Science Lfd
Printed in Great Britain. AIL rights reserved
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Institut fiir Chemische Verfahrenstechnik, UniversitPt Stuttgart, Biiblingerstr. 72, D-70199 Stuttgart,

(Received 10 May 1994; accepredforpublicazion 15 Seprember 1994)

Abstract-Gas-liquid bubble flow was studied in a flat bubble column with rectangular cross-section
and essentially two-dimensional flow structure. Both a bubble column and an airlift loop reactor
arrangement have been considered. The experimental techniques used comprise visual observation of
the flow structure and photographic documentation of the bubble distribution as tie11 as detailed
measurements of the two-phase flow characteristics at distinct levels over the column width. The
experimental results arc compared with numerical simulations based upon the dynamic laminar
two-dimensional two-phase Euler-Euler model presented in Part I. The steady state as well as the
transient behaviour was well reproduced in the simulations. Good quantitative agreement could bc
obtained if the value of the laminar viscosity used was increased by a factor 100 to account for the
influence of turbulent viscosity. The standard k--~ model results in a much higher increase in the
viscosity which does not give satisfactory agreement in the range of the bubble flow regime considered.

1. INTRODUCTION by implicit integration in time using finite volume

In Part I of this contribution the modelling of the discretisation in space. A special modification of
hydrodynamics of gas-liquid reactors in the bubble the SIMPLER algorithm (Patankar, 1980) allows
flow regime based upon first principles has been for a very efficient iterative solution of each time
discussed. To support the conclusions drawn, a step.
detailed comparison between experimental results
and model simulations will be given in the follow- 3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
ing. Various flow configurations in a flat bubble The experimental studies have been performed
column with rectangular cross-section are con- in a flat apparatus with rectangular cross-section.
sidered. They comprise steady as well as unsteady Its main dimensions are depicted in Fig. 1. Glass
flow situations and show the necessity of dynamic plates on the front and back allow for the observa-
modelling and simulation. tion and photographic documentation of the multi-
phase flow. The plates are removable and enable us
2. HYDRODYNAMIC MODEL to modify the flow geometry through installing
The hydrodynamic model used is presented and different internals. Measuring probes can be
discussed in Part I of this contribution and will mounted at different heights through both side
briefly be summarised in the following. The model walls. In this study four locations were used (Fig.
is a two-dimensional, two-phase Euler-Euler model 1). For gas distribution, up to five individually
where the continuous phase is represented through regulated frits, flush-mounted on the bottom of the
a continuity and a Navier-Stokes equation. The apparatus, or a tube sparger can be used. There-
dispersed gas phase can be split into several classes fore, both a fairly homogeneous and a locally
for bubbles of different mass. Each bubble class is varying gas distribution are possible.
modelled through a continuity equation and a One aim of this study is the detailed ex-
steady state momentum balance, which can be perimental investigation of the hydrodynamics of
considered as a generalisation of a conventional slip gas-liquid reactors under essentially two-
relation for the actual pressure field. Coupling dimensional conditions. For comparison with the
between the two phases takes place through in- numerical simulations the local velocities of both
teraction forces which are considered to be pro- phases and the local gas hold-up are measured.
portional to the slip velocities. Laminar viscosity is Since the model offers the possibility to consider
assumed in the liquid phase and coalescence or several bubble size classes which can represent
bubble break-up is neglected. The model is solved measured bubble size distributions, the local bub-
ble size distributions are also measured. In Table 1
the measured hydrodynamic properties and the
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. measuring devices used in this study are summa-


MS #9

MS #7


MS #5

- .! ,__~__o__~__~_z:


Fig. 1. Sketch of the flat bubble column with main dimensions and heights of the measurement
used for this contribution (in mm).


Table 1. Measured hydrodynamic parameters and rised. All these techniques yield local values, which
measuring techniques used were automatically averaged in time.
The Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) used
Hydrodynamic Measurement technique was able to measure the liquid velocity along two
perpendicular directions. However it is restricted to
Liquid velocity Laser Doppler anemometer a small gas hold-up because the bubbles disturb the
microturbine anemometer penetration of the laser beams into the middle of
Bubble velocity Double-channel fibre the apparatus (Buchholz et al., 1982).
optical probe The photoelectrical suction probe and the elec-
Gas hold-up Electroconductivity probe
Bubble size troconductivity probe are well established measur-
Photoelectrical suction probe
ing techniques for gas-liquid flow, the limitations of
Gas-liquid flow in bubble columns and loop reactors-Part II 5749

-___ Channel 2

I __ Channel 1 -
1 I I I I I ,

Fig. 2. Trace of the two fibre optic probe signals (above) and its cross correlation r for bubble velocity

which are also well known (Buchholz ef al., 1979). All measuring techniques except for the LDA
They can be applied for a predominantly one- require a predominantly one-dimensional flow.
dimensional flow with a small gas hold-up and a Therefore, they are suited for the upflow and
narrow bubble size distribution. downflow regions in riser and downcomer only.
A double channel fibre optical probe was applied All subsequent experiments were run with air
for the measurement of the bubble velocities in the and tap water in the bubble flow regime where
riser part of the column. The principle of this bubble coalescence and breakage was negligible.
technique is known from the measurement of
particle velocities in gas-solid fluidised beds
(Hartge et al., 1989). Both tips of the probe contain 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
an optical fibre bundle. One part of the fibres emits
light of a laser diode (5mW power, 670 nm 4.1. Partially aerated bubble column
wavelength) into the gas-liquid flow system. This Bubble columns are characterised by a simple
light is scattered and reflected on the surface of a construction and a complex flow structure. Among
bubble. The reflected light is led back to a photo- the multiple influences, the location and the type of
transistor through the second part of the fibre the gas sparger play important roles. At low gas
bundle. A bubble passing both tips is detected velocities and with uniform gas distribution over
through the currents in the phototransistors (Fig. the whole bottom of the column, the bubbles rise
2). A cross-correlation of both signals gives the vertically. At higher gas throughputs the bubbles
time lapse which allows for the calculation of the tend to gather in the column centre. The resulting
bubble velocity. radial gas hold-up profile causes liquid circulation.
A microturbine anemometer is used for liquid Both overall circulation patterns with upflow in the
velocity measurements. Gas bubbles will not move column centre and downflow near the walls as well
the turbine blades because their density is much as multiple steady state or unsteady circulation cells
smaller than the liquid density. Therefore, their have been reported (Joshi and Sharma, 1979;
influence on the measured velocity can be neg- Zehner, 1982). In columns with circular cross-
lected (Zehner, 1982). section an unsteady spiral upflow of a bubble hose



I.2 m

lo1 v

l-O w

0.9 -

0.8 -


0.6 -

0.5 -

----_-_ ----.



12 1

o-o*o11. 0.4 0.5

a b
Fig. 3. Partially aerated bubble column (c G = 8 Ilmin): (a) calculated gas hold-up profiles; (b)

has also been observed (Franz et al., 1984; Fischer ported by Fan and co-workers (Tzeng et al., 1993).
et al., 1994). In the following, similar results arc presented and
In flat bubble columns an essentially two- compared with detailed model simulations. The flat
dimensional flow structure will develop where the box of Fig. 1 was equipped with one frit sparger
flow structure depends on the uniformity of the located 10 cm to the left of the column centre. The
aeration and on the gas flow used. The causes and porous frit was made of sintered plastic with 40 mm
consequences of flow instabilities in uniformly aer- disc diameter and 40 ym mean pore width. Results
ated bubble columns have been discussed for the obtained with an air flow of 8 l/min (wo = 3.3 mm/
rectangular two-dimensional case in Part I of this s) are given in Figs 3 and 4.
contribution. Due to the uneven gas distribution, a gross
Experimental results for Rat bubble columns with circulation flow over the whole height of the
different gas sparger configurations have been re- column develops, which pushes the bubble swarm
Gas-liquid flow in bubble columns and loop reactors-Part II

1 \ -
( I
\ -. *
, . _
\ . _


- “.‘I






0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3

a b
Fig. 4. Partially aerated bubble column (tic; = 8 Vmin, wG = 3.3 mm/s): comparison of (a) calculated
and (b) measured liquid velocity field.

to one side. As bubbles approach the bed surface, vortices in three corners of the apparatus can be
their upward flow is influenced by a secondary observed. First simulation results on a spatial grid
vortex near the left corner. Part of the bubbles of 18 X 25 points were in reasonable agreement
sharply change their path and move downward with the experiments. A stationary solution was
towards the column centre. The liquid flows up- obtained but with the laminar liquid velocity used,
ward in the bubble swarm and downward along the the small vortices in the three corners of the
side walls. column were not obtained. For a better reproduc-
The photography [Fig. 3(b)] shows the local tion of the vortices the liquid viscosity of the model
variation of the bubble density. The corresponding was increased by a constant factor of 100 in the
local gas hold-up distribution at several column whole simulation domain. This led to the results
heights as obtained by numerical calculation is given in Fig. 4(a). It has to be noted however that
given in Fig. 3(a). The liquid velocity field as the turbulent liquid viscosity as calculated for
measured by LDA is shown in Fig. 4(b). Small example by the k--E model results in a viscosity

Fig. 5. Partially aerated bubble column (cG = 1.6l/min, wG = 0.66 mm/s): binary and inverted
photographs of the oscillating bubble swarm at two different times.

increase up to a factor of 20,000, which would sient liquid circulation flows. The LDA measure-
dampen the small vortices completely. A finer ments [Figure 6(b)] have been conducted with local
space grid exhibits local instabilities but they do not integration times of 3CMOs. In the case of the
influence the flow pattern and are eliminated after higher gas throughput this duration was long
time averaging. enough to get time-averaged steady state mean
After reducing the gas throughput a remarkable velocities. Because of the transient flow characteris-
transition of the flow pattern takes place. This is tics in the second case this short measuring time
shown by the results obtained with a gas through- was not sufficient to produce longtime-averaged
put of 1.6 limin (wG = 0.66 mm/s). Several liquid flow patterns. Since the LDA measurements were
circulation cells now are changing their location performed successively, the measured directions of
and their size continuously. As a result, the bubble the velocity vectors seem to be not consistent at
swarm partially follows these vortices in a meander- some locations [Fig. 6(b)]. Longtime measurements
ing shape (Fig. 5). The direction of the lower part at a point A near the sidewall in the upper part of
of the bubble swarm is stable and directed against the column show a periodical change of the vertical
the near sidewall. The upper part changes its (Fig. 7a) and the horizontal velocity component.
appearance and location corresponding to the tran- The measured period time of 41 s agreed with
Gas-liquid flow in bubble columns and loop reactorspart II

1 ,

0.0 ,
/ 0.0 ,
. . .k<
I ,
Y ‘/
/1 .f

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

a b

Fig. 6. Partially aerated bubble column (cc = 1.6 Ilmin): (a) calculated steady state liquid velocity
field on a 18 x 25 space grid; (b) results of LDA measurements.

visual observations of the bubble swarm move- Longtime-averaging of the instantaneous velocity
ment. fields (Fig. 10) basically agrees with the stationary
The flow simulation based on the laminar model solution obtained by the coarse spatial grid [Fig.
and a coarse spatial grid (18 x 25 points) gave a 6(a)l.
stationary result. The calculated liquid velocity field
agrees with the measured one qualitatively (Fig. 6). 4.2. Airlift loop reactor
Refining the spatial grid to 36 x 50 points leads to a Loop reactors have a much more defined flow
transient solution. Now the simulation shows the structure than bubble columns because of the
observed and measured periodical movement of the separation into riser and downcomer. Nevertheless
bubble swarm. This is demonstrated with two the hydrodynamics of the circulating flow is in-
instantaneous simulation results (Figs 8 and 9). The fluenced by the geometrical pecularities. Gas spar-
calculated ueriod time in noint A is 40s (Fig.\-, 7). ger
- and gas disengagement and the flow around the

0.412 .<

-0.488 A-


-,, -0.038
-0.488 : I

Fig. 7. Partially aerated bubble column (eo = 1.6 Ymin): (a) local longtime measurement of the liquid
velocity at position A; (b) respective simulation result.

upper and lower edge of the draft tube influence local hydrodynamics of the circulation flow, the
the flow structure in riser and downcomer and can velocities of liquid and bubbles, the gas hold-up
cause maldistribution and recirculation of the gas and the bubble size distribution at different loca-
phase. tions of riser and downcomer have been measured.
Flat and essentially two-dimensional circulation The liquid velocity was measured with a microtur-
flow arrangements have already been employed to bine anemometer. The other measurement techni-
study the flow structure of airlift loop reactors. ques are electroconductivity method, electro-
Merchuk (1986) found in a flat apparatus (main optical method and a fibre optical measurement
dimensions: 0.15 m width, 0.015 m depth, 2Sm system as given in Table 1.
height) essentially the same flow characteristics as One point of interest of the experimental study
in big loop reactors. Chisti (1989) studied the was the influence of the type and location of the gas
circulation flow of the liquid phase and the in- sparger on the resulting hydrodynamics. Therefore
fluence of the sparger location on the bubble two different spargers were used. One is a tube
distribution in the riser of a flat apparatus (main (8 mm diameter, 45 holes of 0.3 mm bores), which
dimensions: 0.46m width, 0.155 m depth, 1.372m extends over the whole width of the riser. The
height). In both studies the flow effects have been other is a frit as described above. Two of the frits
described qualitatively. The hydrodynamics were are mounted flush at the bottom of the riser
summarised by specifying an integral gas hold-up section. Both gas distributors produce similar bub-
and a mean circulation velocity. ble size distributions with a mean diameter of 3 mm
In the following we look at the local hydrodyna- but the resulting flow structure in the loop was
mics in a flat apparatus in more detail. Local remarkably different [Figs 12(c) and 16(c)]. Be-
measurements have been performed at different cause of their location at the bottom of the riser
heights of the riser and downcomer sections, In section the frits produce a more heterogeneous flow
these regions a predominantly one-dimensional pattern in the riser. This is due to the fact that the
flow, required by our measurement systems, was circulating liquid sweeps over the bottom of the
established. column and pushes the bubbles to the left side of
The flat apparatus described above was modified the riser [Fig. 16(c) (later)]. The asymmetry of the
through inserts in order to produce a defined gas flow remains over about half the height of the
circulation flow (Fig. 11). The width of the riser riser and causes a pronounced liquid circulation in
and the downcomer are now both 16 cm. Again, this region. In contrast, the flow structure looks
visual observation supports the assumprion of an much more uniform if the tube sparger at the
essentially two-dimensional flow. The height of the beginning of the river is used (Fig. 12). In this case,
liquid level was adjusted at 1.75 m. The shape of no major flow circulation can be observed in the
the separating wall between riser and downcomer riser. Because of the differences the experimental
was designed to also allow for gas-liquid-solid results and the corresponding simulations for both
experiments. To obtain detailed knowledge of the gas distributors are presented separately.
Gasfiquid flow in bubble columns and loop reactors-part II 5755
















Fig. 8. Dynamic simulations of the partially aerated bubble column on a 36 x 50 space grid
(V, = 1.6 l/min): momentary results of (a) liquid velocity field and (b) gas hold-up.

4.2.1. Sparger lube. A detailed study of the local tion of the riser the velocity difference of bubbles
hydrodynamics reveals a deviation in the apparent and liquid is nearly the same (IS-20 cm/s). This is a
homogeneity in the riser section. Local flow veloc- characteristic of the homogeneous flow structure.
ity measurements of bubbles and liquid show a In the downcomer section, the liquid velocity
nonuniformity for both phases which is particularly profile is rather flat with a slight maximum at the
pronounced in the lower part of the riser [Figs external wall (Fig. 13). Therefore bubbles en-
12(a) and 12(b)]. It is caused by a small vortex trained by the liquid circulation flow rise slowly
behind the lower edge of the separating wail. In the along the internal wall.
upper part of the riser the velocity maximum shifts The flow structure described remains basically
from left to right. Two vortices can be observed at unchanged up to superficial velocities of 2Scmls.
the top of the column. One is in the upper left Bubble coalescence plays a minor role. This
corner of the riser and the other above the upper observation is supported by the fact that the size
baffle edge (Fig. 12). At each measurement posi- distribution of the rising bubbles changes only in

, 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5

Fig. 9. Same as Fig. 8 at a different time.

accord with the decreasing static pressure. The are in good agreement. Calculations with a finer
biggest bubbles are measured in the regions of spatial grid can resolve local instabilities, but the
circulation flow near the bottom and the top of the appearance of the flow pattern does not change
riser. because of the mainly stationary gross circulation
Figure 14(a) summarises the local measurements flow. (Only the computation time becomes much
and observations. For comparison the calculated longer because the time steps have to be adapted to
liquid velocity field from the laminar model based the transient flow characteristics.)
on a spatial grid of 20 x 70 is shown in Fig. 14(b). Simulations using one bubble class corresponding
No adjustment of the laminar viscosity as in the to the measured mean Sauter diameter of 34mm
partially aerated bubble column was necessary but and simulations with three bubble classes, repre-
the gas distribution in the model of the sparger senting the measured bubble size distribution, gave
tube had to be adjusted (see below). All relevant nearly identical results for the overall flow struc-
features are well reproduced in the simulations and ture.
the liquid circulation rates in model and experiment Figure 15 gives a comparison between the mea-
Gas-liquid flow in bubble columns and loop reactorspart 11 5757

1.s ,__C. I , ,..-



- 77, -













0.1D Oil 012 0.4 0.5 G G

Fig, 10. Partially aerated bubble column (e, = 1.611 Fig. 11. Sketch of a flat loop reactor.
min): longtime averaged simulation result of the liquid
velocity field on a 36 x 50 space grid.

sured and computed gas hold-up profiles at diffe- distribution and the vortex at the beginning of the
rent levels of the riser. It turned out that the tube riser section.
sparger (which was used) obviously did not produce The absolute level of the measured gas fraction
a uniform gas distribution. At the beginning of the profile at position No. 3 is obviously too high by a
tube (left) the gas distribution is larger than at its factor of about two as can be seen by comparison
right end. Since the simulations showed a strong with the measurements at levels Nos 5-10. The
influence upon the gas distribution over the length reason is that the tube sparger produces the gas
of the tube, the lateral gas distribution of the gas bubbles only in the centre plane of the cross-
sparger was modified in the simulation to obtain section. During their rise the bubbles fill the
better agreement with the saddle shape of the gas cross-section of the column but at position No. 3
fraction profile at position No, 3 (Fig. 15). The most of the bubbles are still close to the centre
saddle shape profile is caused by the uneven gas plane where also the measurements are taken.

T 0.5 t9
- i
L 0.4


- L
_ 0.4 Ids tr

2 0.2 &/+----

cl.0 r-----I
0.2 -
0.6 y


- II

0.2’ (“1 I ’ 1 I ’ I
! / 1 , I I I I
0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160
x Emml x [mm1

a b c

Fir. 12. Airlift loop reactor with tube sparser Cw,: = l.Scmkl: measurement results of liauid and
bubble velocities at-diff&nt positions’in the riser.

Therefore an apparently higher gas fraction is

- 0.4 measured in No. 3 than further upwards.
& 0.2 4.2.2. Frit sparger. Using frit spargers, an in-
homogeneous flow structure, caused by a nonuni-
form bubble distribution, develops (Fig. 16). An
>JO.O -MS #7
asymmetrical gas fraction profile prevails through-
out the riser section. The shift of the velocity
maximum from left to right does not occur before
the end of the riser [Figs 16(a) and (b)]. In the
lower part of the riser, up to level No. 7, a liquid
- 0.4 circulation can be observed visually and through
measurements. The flow structures in the head and
the downcomer correspond to the case of the tube
A 0.2
The simulation based on the laminar model
$0.0 MS #3 (20 x 70 spatial grid points) does not agree too well
I I I with the observed and measured flow structure.
0 40 80 120 160 Deviations appear in the riser and downcomer
x [mm1 section [Fig. 17(a), every 4th point is shown].
Fig. 13. Airlift loop reactor with tube sparger Contrary to the measurements the calculated liquid
(WC = 1.5 cm/s): measurement results of liquid velocity at velocity field shows a circulation flow in the whole
two positions in downcomer. riser and the whole downcomer. Furthermore, the
Gas-liquid flow in bubble columns and loop reactors-part II 5759

1.75 m


L 1

0.5 m

a b

Fig. 14. Airlift loop reactor with tube sparger (wc = 1.5 cm/s): sketch of: (a) observed flow field; (b)
calculated liquid velocity field.

vortex in the upper left corner is missing and the section (Fig. 18). However, due to the high turbu-
circulation flow above the upper baffle edge is lent viscosity the two significant vortices in the head
entrained into the riser circulation flow. A better of the apparatus are not recognised.
agreement between experiment and simulation is
obtained by raising the liquid viscosity used in the 5. CONCLUSIONS
model by a constant factor of 100 [Fig. 17(b)]. 1. The comparison of experiments and model
For comparison the circulation flow with the frit simulations in the non-coalescing bubble flow
sparger was calculated with the commercial soft- regime shows that the two-dimensional two-
ware FLUENT using the k+ turbulence model fluid model with constant viscosity proposed
(Fig. 18). The basic two-phase hydrodynamic mod- in Part I is able to reasonably represent the
el of this software is stationary. The simulation steady as well as the unsteady flow behaviour
results show reasonable agreement with our in a flat bubble column.
measurements in the riser and the downcomer 2. In cases where the whole column section is
6 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’
MS #lo ::

0 40 [Fk7l] 120 160

Fig. 15. Airlift loop reactor with tube sparger (WC = 1.5 cm/s): comparison of (a) measured and (b)
calculated gas hold-up profiles in the riser.


0.6 ,

T;; 0.4
L 0.2

>JO.O MS #7

Ti- 0.4 #5
Y 0.4 LO.2

PO.* MS #5 >“o.a MS 15
0.0 K K
/ 0.6,
O.BC,_ tm

0 40 160
x [mmJ xtmml
a b

Fig. 16. Airlift loop reactor with hit sparger (w G = l.Scm/s): measurement results of liquid and
bubble velocities at different positions in the riser.
Gas-liquid flow in bubble columns and loop reactors--Part II 5761

a b
Fig. 17. Simulated liquid flow field for the airlift loop reactor with frit sparger: (a) laminar model; (b)
results with a liquid viscosity increase of factor 100.

aerated uniformly, a constant laminar viscos- that can be observed experimentally. The
ity gave reasonable results. In cases where appropriate consideration of the influence of
only part of the respective cross-section is turbulence on the continuous phase viscosity
aerated, the actual turbulent viscosity has to has to be investigated further.
be taken into account. In the examples consi- 4. A sufficiently fine space grid and dynamic
dered so far this can be done by increasing the simulation are often necessary to obtain a
value of the laminar viscosity by a constant convergent solution in agreement with ex-
factor of 100 for the whole simulation domain. perimental observations.
3. A standard k--E model for the liquid phase 5. The experiments as well as the simulation
would result in much higher turbulent viscosi- results show a strong influence upon the
ties which dampens the number of vortices details of the gas distribution system used.

u voltage, V
V velocity, m/s
Y volume, m3
V throughput, m31s
WC; superficial gas velocity, m/s
X coordinate. m

Greek letters
E hold-up, dimensionless

G gas phase
L liquid phase


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