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School Culture and Structure that Support High Quality Learning Environments for LEP
Students. ... Staff at each of the exemplary schools were engaged in a continuous process of
restructuring, rethinking the school's basic organization andstructure to support and enhance
the education of LEP--and all--students.


A director is a person from a group of managers who leads or supervises a particular area of a
company. ... Regional directors are present in companies that are organized by location and
have their departments under that. They are responsible for the operations for their particular

superintendent or superintendent of schools is an administrator or manager in charge of a
number of public schools or a school district, a local government body overseeing public schools.
All school principals in a respective school district all report to the superintendent.
What does a school superintendent do?
The superintendent is the top executive ("CEO") in the school district.The superintendent
implements the school board’s vision by making day-to-day decisions about educational
programs, spending, staff, and facilities. The superintendent hires, supervises, and manages the
central staff and principals. Superintendents must work with school leaders -- principals -- to
serve the needs of students and meet the district goals.The superintendent must also respond to
the demands of all the other constituencies and interest groups in the district: teachers,
students, parents, staff, advocates, and the community at large. She or he must consider how to
use the financial and human resources of the district in order to achieve the best results. While
being mindful of competing demands, a great superintendent will be guided by what is best for
all students.
Financial Duties. The assistant superintendent is the chief bean counter. She
handles school district finances and makes purchasing decisions. This means creating and
monitoring the school district's budget and approving all spending.
School support staff
play an important role in ensuring students are learning in a safe and supportive learning
environment. They can foster positive, trusting relationships with students and
improve school climate by encouraging parent and family involvement in education.

A school supervisor may also monitor students' progress, keep teachers trained and motivated,
formulate mission statements, visit classrooms to evaluate teaching methods and provide
performance standards for teachers and other employees. They prepare reports on student
attendance and performance.
What does a school principal do?
 Manages staff and student body
 Manages day-to-day operations of the school
 Reports to the superintendent
The principal is the top educator at a school. The principal provides vision and direction to
increase student performance, manages day-to-day operations, provides staff development and
evaluation, and builds relationships with parents and the community.
Right now in Washington, a principal does not have any say in which teachers teach at his or her
school. Instead, hiring and staffing decisions are made at the district-level.

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