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Mary Munter in her Guide to Managerial Communication describes a useful strategic starting

point for deciding on the purpose of your memo. Your purpose may be To Tell, To Sell, To
Consult/Confer or To Join. you must understand your purpose before your set down a single
word. Successful communication of your thoughts stands or falls on taking the proper
approach to your audience.

Tell Style:
i) When you are in complete command of the necessary authority and
information. For example you are asking a subordinate to carry out a
routine task or you are reporting standard information, such as
monthly sales figures, to the boss.

ii) If you want simply to instruct or explain something (e.g. use this
exit in an emergency) use a “tell” style

Sell Style:
i) When you are in command of the information, but your audience
retains the ultimate decision-making power. For example, you are
asking other members of the team to buy into your idea.
ii) communicator speaks for 60 – 70 % of time
iii) Audience are slightly more involved in participating and sharing views
iv) 30 -40 % of time is consumed by the audience
v) If instead, you want to persuade your audience to do something (as
in the previously noted request for funding) use a “Sell” style.

Confer Style:

i) When you are trying to build consensus toward a given course of

action. For example you are adding your opinion to multiparty
proposal to top management.

ii) If you need to confer with your audience and require more
information from them (as in a question and answer session
after a presentation) use a “consult” style

Join Style:
i) When your point of view is one among many. For example, you are
serving as a representative to an interdepartmental strategy session
and providing background to other participants.
ii) If you need collaboration (as in preparation for meeting) use a “join”
style of communication.

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