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Anal Bioanal Chem (2017) 409:1185–1194

DOI 10.1007/s00216-016-0116-6


In ovo sexing of chicken eggs by fluorescence spectroscopy

Roberta Galli 1 & Grit Preusse 1 & Ortrud Uckermann 2 & Thomas Bartels 3 &
Maria-Elisabeth Krautwald-Junghanns 3 & Edmund Koch 1 & Gerald Steiner 1,4

Received: 6 October 2016 / Revised: 11 November 2016 / Accepted: 24 November 2016 / Published online: 14 December 2016
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract Culling of day-old male chicks in production of component (PC) analysis showed that the blood of males was
laying hen strains involves several millions of animals every characterized by a specific fluorescence band located at
year worldwide and is ethically controversial. In an attempt to ∼910 nm. Supervised classification of the PC scores enabled
provide an alternative, optical spectroscopy was investigated to the determination of the sex of 380 eggs at day 3.5 of incubation
determine nondestructively in ovo the sex of early embryos of with a correct rate up to 93% by combining the information
the domestic chicken. The extraembryonic blood circulation derived from both fluorescence and Raman scattering.
system was accessed by producing a window in the egg shell
and the flowing blood was illuminated with a near-infrared Keywords Optical spectroscopy . Fluorescence . Raman
laser. The strong fluorescence and the weak Raman signals scattering . Chicken embryo . Sexing . In ovo
were acquired and spectroscopically analyzed between 800
and 1000 nm. The increase of fluorescence intensity between
3.5 and 11.5 days of incubation was found to be in agreement Introduction
with the erythropoietic stages, thus enabling to identify hemo-
globin as fluorescence source. Sex-related differences in the The possibility to determine the sex of birds Bin ovo^ is driv-
fluorescence spectrum were found at day 3.5, and principal ing increasing attention as a potential method to overcome the
culling of day-old male chicks in poultry industry. Laying hen
strains of modern breeding differ from broiler strains, so that
Dedicated to Professor Reiner Salzer on the occasion of his 75th birthday.
Professor Reiner Salzer is an internationally recognized leader in male birds of the laying strain are not profitable for meat
analytical chemistry and pioneered spectroscopic methods. production. Therefore, day-old cockerels are culled directly
in the hatchery. This practice involves a very large number
* Roberta Galli of animals: approximately 370 million in North America and 420 million in Europe every year [1]. Only in Germany, 40
* Gerald Steiner millions of chicks are killed every year according to animal welfare legislation by asphyxiation with carbon dioxide or by
grinding [2]. Killing of day-old chicks is considered as prob-
Faculty of Medicine, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, lematic and ethical issues have triggered increasing research
Clinical Sensoring and Monitoring, Technische Universität Dresden,
Fetscherstrasse 74, 01307 Dresden, Germany
aimed to provide alternatives [3].
The optical spectrum contains information about the bio-
Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus,
Neurosurgery, Technische Universität Dresden, Fetscherstrasse 74,
chemical composition and/or the structure of a biological sam-
01307 Dresden, Germany ple and can provide the information about the sex as well.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Clinic for Birds and Reptiles,
Vibrational spectroscopic techniques have been applied to
University of Leipzig, An den Tierkliniken 17, the sexing of birds, either of hatched birds as well as of incu-
04103 Leipzig, Germany bated and unincubated eggs. UV resonance Raman spectros-
Faculty of Physics, Vilnius University, Sauletekio av. 9 bl. 3, copy [4] and Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectros-
10222 Vilnius, Lithuania copy [5, 6] were used to retrieve the sex of hatched animals
1186 R. Galli et al.

based on DNA differences by analyzing cell material extract- Methods

ed from the feather pulp. The use of Fourier-transform infrared
spectroscopy was also reported earlier by our group for sex Egg handling
recognition based on the spectrum of germinal cells obtained
from unincubated eggs [7]. Fertilized eggs of a white layer strain (LSL—Lohmann
Optical methods for in ovo sexing have the advantage of Selected Leghorn) were used in all experiments. They were
being applicable in situ without taking samples, and can pro- obtained from Lohmann Tierzucht GmbH (Cuxhaven,
vide real-time sexing by eliminating the need to wait for the Germany). The freshly laid eggs were inspected for any shell
results of chemical or genetic analyses performed on previ- damage and then stored at approximately 14 °C. Immediately
ously extracted samples. Therefore, optical methods have before starting the incubation, egg shells were windowed
clear advantages toward an industrial exploitation when com- using a 30 W CO2 laser (Firestar v30, Synrad, Mukilteo,
pared to other non-destructive approaches proposed for in ovo Washington, USA) equipped with scanning head (FH Flyer,
sexing that are based on measurement of hormone [8–10] and Synrad, Mukilteo, Washington, USA). The shells were laser-
DNA analysis [11–13], which all require the extraction of egg scribed at the pointed end along a round path of 12 mm diam-
material or fluids. Totally non-invasive methods, like the se- eter, without removing the shell window. The incubation was
lection of unincubated chicken eggs based on morphometric performed in an automatic egg incubator (Favorit Olymp 192,
parameters, can only bias to a low extent the ratio between Heka-Brutgeräte, Rietberg, Germany) at 37.8 °C and humidity
sexes [14]. There is also evidence that egg odor encodes sex of 53%, in vertical position with the pointed end downward. A
information; however, this was not exploited for sexing [15]. ±45° tilting at an interval of 3 h was applied during the incu-
We recently reported near-infrared Raman spectroscopy for bation time until day 3.5 (i.e., 84 h). At this time point, the
in ovo sexing of incubated chicken eggs, showing that it pro- eggs were subjected to the measurement.
vides correct sexing up to 90% without hindering embryo The shell window was gently removed using a scalpel and
development [16]. We demonstrated that, already during the the spectrum was acquired. After measurement, embryonic
fourth day of incubation (i.e., 84 ± 4 h), Raman measurements tissue samples were isolated for subsequent molecular sexing,
can be performed directly on the blood that flows in the ex- or the shell windows were closed using a biocompatible ad-
traembryonic vessels of the vitelline circulation avoiding all hesive tape (Leukosilk, BNS Medical GmbH, Hamburg,
damage to the embryo. The Raman spectra delivered the bio- Germany) and further incubated to perform time-course ex-
chemical fingerprint of the embryonic blood, from which the periments. Measurements were repeated at day 4.5, 5.5, 6.5,
sex information was obtained by use of supervised classifica- 7.5, 9.5, and 11.5. At each time, the tape was removed before
tion algorithms. In this study, we observed that the fluores- the measurement and reapplied afterwards. The incubation
cence background intensity was significantly different be- between the measurements was performed with the egg in
tween sexes, but this information was not exploited because upright position to maintain the embryo and the main blood
of the very high overlap between sexes. vessels optically accessible. Before measurement, the eggs
In Raman spectroscopy, the presence of an intense fluores- were inspected and the spectrum was acquired only on blood
cence background is normally considered a pitfall rather than a vessels of vital embryos. Otherwise, samples of embryonic
source of information and thus suppressed or removed during tissue were isolated and kept frozen at −80 °C for subsequent
data processing [17]. Fluorescence spectra of biological tissue sex determination. After the last measurement at day 11.5, all
are broad compared with Raman and FT-IR spectra, and they do embryos were isolated and kept frozen for sex determination
not carry such detailed biochemical information. However, as well.
spectral fluorescence-based methods have continuously evolved
and improved enabling to address new cellular features [18]. Molecular sexing
Here, we show that spectral analysis of the near-infrared
fluorescence signal of the blood flowing in the extraembryon- Reference sexing was obtained with genetic analysis on em-
ic vessels can indeed provide sex information of the domestic bryonic tissue based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
chicken eggs (Gallus gallus f. dom.). For this purpose, we Alkaline extraction of DNA was performed as described else-
analyzed spectroscopically the backscattered radiation of where [19]. The samples were treated in NaOH for 20 min at
blood illuminated with a 785 nm laser, repeating the measure- 75 °C and subsequently neutralized with Tris–HCl (pH = 7.5).
ments at different time points of the incubation and comparing Afterwards, the samples were centrifuged for 10 min at
with the time course of erythropoiesis to identify the source of 14,000 rpm and the supernatants transferred to reaction tubes.
the fluorescence signal. Afterwards, we exploited the fluores- The DNA content of the supernatant was measured using the
cence spectral profile for sex determination and compared the Genesys 10 Bio UV–vis spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher
results with the combination of fluorescence and Raman Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). The amplification of the
scattering. CHD-1 gene was performed in the PCR cycler T Gradient
In ovo sexing of chicken eggs by fluorescence spectroscopy 1187

(Biometra GmbH, Göttingen, Germany). The primers and the image of the sample. For this purpose, a CCD camera with
temperature profile are described elsewhere [20, 21]. Finally, 50 mm focal length lens and a NIR hot mirror were mounted
the amplified PCR products were separated by ethidium bro- on the aperture of the filter cube that faces the objective. In
mide agarose gel electrophoresis and visualized by UV light. order to maximize the visibility of perfused blood vessels, side
illumination with green LEDs was employed. A motorized x-
Spectroscopy y-z micrometer stage was used to move the egg and bring a
blood vessel in the laser spot. Blood vessels with diameter
Spectroscopy was performed with a spectrometer RamanRxn larger than 100 μm were manually chosen for the measure-
(Kaiser Optical Systems Inc., Ann Arbor, USA). The excita- ment. An autofocus system based on blood flow detection in
tion was obtained with a diode laser emitting at a wavelength the camera images was used to set the laser focus inside the
of 785 nm (Invictus 785-nm NIR, Kaiser Optical Systems blood vessel. A tracking system remained active during the
Inc., Ann Arbor, USA). A fiber optic probe (MR-Probe-785, whole acquisition to compensate all movements of the blood
Kaiser Optical Systems Inc., Ann Arbor, USA) was used in vessel. The autofocus and tracking software modules are de-
the experiments. The excitation fiber had a core diameter of scribed elsewhere [22]. An enclosure of the system provided
62.5 μm and the collection fiber of 100 μm. The fiber probe rejection of ambient light and protection from reflected or
was coupled to a self-build microscopy system that enabled scattered laser light during acquisition.
coaxial vision. The microscopy system was composed by Total acquisition time was set to 40 s (20 accumulations of
commercial elements and it is pictured in Fig. 1. 2 s). The acquired spectral range was from 794 to 1054 nm
A Keplerian telescopic system was used as beam-expander (i.e., from 150 to 3250 rel. cm−1) and the spectral resolution
to collimate the laser beam and to match the diameter to the was 0.3 nm (i.e., approximately 4 cm−1).
objective pupil. The beam-expander was connected to a 45°
filter cube that contained a short-pass dichroic mirror with Data analyses
edge at 670 nm (FF670-SDi01, Semrock Inc., Rochester,
New York, USA). The mirror reflected to 90° the laser exci- Spectroscopic data were analyzed using the MATLAB pack-
tation in the microscope objective ×20/0.4NA Plan Apo NIR age (MathWorks Inc., Natick, USA) and statistics were calcu-
(Mitutoyo Corp., Kanagawa, Japan), which was also mounted lated with Prism 6.0 (Graph Pad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA,
on the filter cube. The laser spot in the focus had a diameter of USA).
∼55 μm and the measured laser power was 160 mW. The light The intensity of the fluorescence was calculated as sum
was collected in reflection mode by the objective. The collect- area under the spectra in the range 820–1000 nm. Principal
ed near-infrared light with wavelength above 670 nm was component analysis was performed on the raw spectra by
reflected by the dichroic mirror back to the fiber probe and using the MATLAB function princomp. Classification was
propagated to the spectrograph. The collected visible light was performed using supporting vector machine. The MATLAB
transmitted through the dichroic mirror and used to obtain the functions svmtrain was employed to train the classifier, by

Fig. 1 Schema of the microscopy

system with inset showing the egg
shell window and the main
vitelline vessels suited for in ovo
spectroscopic measurement
1188 R. Galli et al.

using a quadratic kernel and least-square method to find the

separating hyperplane. Afterwards, the function svmclassify
was employed in order to retrieve the classification.

Results and discussion

Spectral analysis of blood fluorescence

In the chicken egg, blood islands appear toward the end of the
first day of incubation and already at day 2 of incubation the
blood circulation starts driven by the primitive heart. Between
day 3 and 4, the vascularized area of the yolk sac is roughly
circular and reaches a diameter between 3 and 4 cm at day 4.
The major blood vessels are the paired lateral vitelline arteries
and veins, and the unpaired anterior and posterior vitelline
veins. The branching pattern of arteries and veins is dichoto-
mous, creating a treelike topology. Around day 8, the respira-
tory function is transferred to the blood vessels of the newly
formed chorioallantoic membrane [23]. When the egg is
brought in vertical position at day 3.5 of incubation, the
vascularized area moves on the top and, after opening of the
shell window, it remains on the surface, so that the vessels can
be optically sampled through the shell window (Fig. 1, inset).
The position of measurement was always chosen on a large
vessel (diameter larger than 100 μm), preferably in main lat-
eral or anterior/posterior veins.
The backscattered signal generated upon irradiation of ex-
traembryonic blood vessels with a laser beam at 785 nm was
spectroscopically analyzed daily on a set of 27 eggs from 3.5
to 7.5 days of incubation, and then at 9.5 and 11.5 days. Six
embryos died during the time course of experiments because
of egg incubation in upright position without the required
periodic tilting, repeated egg removal from the incubator, or
opening of the shell window in order to perform the measure-
ments. The mean spectra calculated for each day of measure-
ment are shown in Fig. 2a. A weak Raman signal is
superimposed on the strong fluorescence. The fluorescence
intensity was calculated as area under the curves and is shown
in Fig. 2b. The signal above 1000 nm (2740 rel. cm−1) was not
included in the calculation as it is dominated by the Raman Fig. 2 a Mean blood spectra acquired in ovo from day 3.5 until day 11.5
bands of CH and OH. The fluorescence increased with the of incubation. b Time course of total blood fluorescence acquired in ovo
in the range 820–1000 nm (mean ± SD). The number of eggs included in
incubation time until day 7.5 and tended to decrease the statistics is indicated. c Spectra of plasma and erythrocytes (red blood
afterwards. cells—RBC) separated by centrifugation of embryonic chicken blood
Different erythropoietic phases take place starting at day 2. extracted at day 11.5 of incubation; the RBC spectrum was acquired
The primitive erythrocytes undergo six rounds of mitosis until using a twentieth of the laser power to avoid thermal damage
day 5. In the middle of day 5, the definitive erythrocytes start
entering the circulation and gradually replace the primitive increase of hemoglobin content was reported until day 5,
line by day 7. By day 8–9, the erythrocytes have completed followed by a plateau between day 5 and 6, corresponding
their maturation [24]. The time course of fluorescence is in to the transition from the proliferative to the post mitotic phase
agreement with the time course of hematocrit observed during of primitive erythrocytes. This plateau can be seen also in the
erythropoiesis [25], and mimics the increase of hemoglobin time course of fluorescence. Afterwards, the hemoglobin con-
measured in embryonic and mature erythrocytes [26]. A linear tent increases again until day 9 and slightly decreases
In ovo sexing of chicken eggs by fluorescence spectroscopy 1189

afterwards, when the erythrocyte maturation is concluded. fluorescence of male blood at early incubation stages may be
Fluorescence intensity displays a similar trend at day 9.5 and likely related to faster erythropoiesis in male embryos. It is
11.5 as well. The comparison between the time courses of known that in the first phases of incubation (∼30 h), male
fluorescence intensity and hemoglobin content indicates that embryos display faster development [32]. Moreover, it was
hemoglobin is the main source of the observed NIR reported that at later incubation stages (after day 13), male
fluorescence. embryos possess higher hematocrit [33]. Our data evidenced
Heme in red blood cells is a molecule that belongs to the that developmental differences between sexes exist for the
family of porphyrin complexes. Porphyrins normally display whole first third of incubation.
strong reddish-orange fluorescence. However, heme consti- The spectral differences between male and female blood
tutes an exception, as the fluorescence of the porphyrin ring fluorescence detected at day 3.5 may be used for in ovo
is quenched by the coordinated iron [27]. Steady state fluores- sexing. We also have shown previously that at this time point,
cence of heme in the UV range is nevertheless observed and it is possible to measure in ovo without impairing embryo
attributed to fluctuations in the protein structure that partly development [16].
neutralize the quenching. The source of steady state fluores-
cence is identified in the tryptophan residues [28]. Moreover, In ovo sexing by means of fluorescence
it was already shown in vitro that excitation at 785 nm of
methemoglobin over the concentration range spanning the In order to verify whether the differences between the fluores-
normal capillary blood range produces a fluorescence that cence spectra of male and female blood at day 3.5 of incuba-
increases linearly with increasing hemoglobin volume percent tion enable a reliable sexing of eggs, the measurements were
[29], although fluorescence detected in vivo was attributed to performed on 380 fertilized eggs incubated until 84 ± 4 h.
both plasma and hemoglobin [30]. Reference PCR showed that 199 eggs contained a male and
In our experiments, the fluorescence was observed only 181 eggs a female embryo. Figure 4a shows the mean spectra
during irradiation of blood (i.e., acquiring the signal from and the corresponding standard deviations. The spectral dif-
perfused blood vessels and from the heart chambers), while ferences of the fluorescence between the sexes were con-
other embryonic tissue, egg components (egg white and yolk), firmed, being the average intensity of fluorescence much
as well as extraembryonic tissue (vitelline and corioallantoic stronger for males. However, there is overlap between the
membranes) did not display any fluorescence, but only Raman two groups. In Fig. 4b, the signal intensity calculated as area
scattering. Moreover, blood taken from embryos at day 11.5 of under the spectra in the range 820–1000 nm is shown for all
incubation was centrifuged to separate erythrocytes from plas- measured eggs, together with the mean value and the standard
ma and then the two components were subjected to spectros- deviation. It becomes evident from these data that the lower
copy. While the erythrocytes displayed strong fluorescence signal intensities are rather close for both sexes, while higher
signal, plasma displayed Raman scattering only (Fig. 2c). intensities are characteristics of males, with only one excep-
It is also worth to note that any bleaching of fluorescence tion in the female group. This indicates that, although carrying
during irradiation of perfused blood vessels is prevented by sex information, the evaluation of the fluorescence intensity
the blood flow itself. The blood flow velocity in the center of alone is not sufficient for sex recognition with high correct
large vitelline vessels is around 1 mm/s already at early devel- rate. Moreover, the intensity of males is affected by a larger
opment stages [31], and therefore the exposure time of blood variability compared to the one of females, as indicated by the
cells traveling through the laser spot is as short as 0.05 s. larger standard deviation (SD).
The embryos were sexed by PCR and the time course of the Principal component analysis was applied in order to gain
fluorescence for both sexes was analyzed on a subset of eggs insights in the different spectral contributions that are related
that survived until the end of experiments. The mean spectra to the sex. Mathematically, principal component analyses en-
for both sexes are shown in Fig. 3a from day 3.5 until day 11.5 ables extraction of the most important information from the
on incubation. Male and female egg fluorescence exhibited observation data table, by performing a procedure of linear
the largest difference and lowest variability at day 3.5 decomposition and computing new variables called principal
(Fig. 3b). Starting at day 4.5, the intensity difference progres- components (PC). The values of these new variables are called
sively declined. Male blood was characterized by more in- scores, and can be interpreted as the projections of the obser-
tense fluorescence until day 7.5. While the fluorescence inten- vations onto the PCs [34]. This approach allows discrimina-
sity of female blood steadily increased with the incubation tion among spectral groups using scatter plots of scores, and
time, fluorescence intensity of male blood did not increase the loading vectors convey the spectral variations that differ-
from day 3.5 to day 4.5. At this point of the incubation, the entiate the data [35].
main changes in the fluorescence of male blood affected the Score intensities for the PC #1 to #8 are shown in
spectral shape. After day 9.5 of incubation, the mean fluores- Fig. 5a, and the corresponding loading vectors in Fig. 5b.
cence intensities of both sexes became similar. Higher The mean scores of PC #1, #2, #3, and #7 are significantly
1190 R. Galli et al.

Fig. 3 a Mean blood spectra of

male (blue) and female (red)
embryos (n = 7 for each sex)
acquired in ovo from day 3.5 until
day 11.5 of incubation. b Intensity
difference (male − female), mean
and SD

different between the sexes (two-tailed t test with Welch spectrum and includes both fluorescence and Raman scat-
correction, p < 0.001). The first PC score is higher for tering signals. The higher components describe the
males and accounts for the overall higher fluorescence in- Bspectral^ variance of the data. For instance, PC #2 ac-
tensity. The loading vector of PC #1 represents the mean counts for a variance as high as 97.5%. The score is higher
for males and the loading vector represents a fluorescence
band which is typical of male blood. PC #3 accounts for a
variance of 1.3%; the score is higher for females and ac-
counts for differences in the Raman signal. The Raman
bands of the loading vector indicate presence of proteins
(at 1003, 1085, 1304, 1445, and 1665 rel. cm−1 [36]) and
of nucleic acids (at 780 and 826 rel. cm−1 [36]), while
bands of hemoglobin were not observed. Therefore, this
component might be interpreted as blood cells different
from erythrocytes. The overall spectrum appears very sim-
ilar to the one reported for blood immune cells [37].
Although the immune system of the embryo is not yet
developed, early presence at least of macrophages is
known [38]. Moreover, hematopoietic stem cells and pro-
genitor cells of myeloid and lymphoid lineages were found
in the embryonic blood during the fourth day of incubation
[39]. Therefore, the interpretation of this component
remained tentative. PCs #4 and #5 account for a variance
of 0.6 and 0.2%, respectively. Both loading vectors of PC
#4 and PC #5 are dominated by Raman bands of unsatu-
rated lipids at 1300, 1440, 1656, and 1748 rel. cm−1 [36].
For instance, the loading vector of PC #5 was found fully
consistent with the Raman spectrum of yolk, which has
been shown earlier [16]. This component likely accounts
for sampling of egg material outside the blood vessel and is
justified by the large laser spot and non-confocal micro-
scope configuration that was used in the experiments. PCs
#6 and #7 account for variances close to 0.1% and were
interpreted as variations of the protein profile: the loading
Fig. 4 a Mean spectra of blood acquired from female and male eggs in
vector of PC #6 is characterized by bands typical of pro-
the range 820–1000 nm; the overlapping range of SD is indicated in gray.
b Total area intensity calculated in the same range as shown in (a) with teins with cyclic ring at 1003, 1210, 1545, and 1606 rel.
mean value and SD cm−1, and the one of PC #7 by Raman bands of amide
In ovo sexing of chicken eggs by fluorescence spectroscopy 1191

Fig. 5 a First eight PC scores;

two-tailed t test with Welch cor-
rection, ***p < 0.001. b First
eight PC loading vectors; the po-
sition of Raman bands discussed
in the text is indicated in rel. cm−1

vibrations at 1225, 1563, and 1637 rel. cm−1 [36]. Finally, classification model, while the test set was used to deter-
the loading vector of PC #8, which accounts for a variance mine model performances. Supporting vector machine
lower than 0.1%, contains vibration bands of protein cyclic (SVM) was used as solution to the two-class (that is to
rings at 1210 and 1545 rel. cm−1 [36] and thus represents say, sexes) problem. SVM creates a boundary in the form
changes in the protein profile, too. of a hyperplane between two groups that maximize the
In order to test a classification for in ovo sexing based margin between the most similar samples in each group
on PC scores, the dataset was randomly split in two groups, [40]. For instance, SVM was applied on the PC scores to
which were used as training set (n = 190) and test set find the quadratic hyperplane that separates the sexes of the
(n = 190). The training set was used to create the training set. By using the scores of the first two PCs only—
1192 R. Galli et al.

i.e., the fluorescence information alone (Fig. 6a)—the differences in the viability and vigor of embryos, size of indi-
training set was reclassified with a correct rate of 81% vidual eggs, or from local temperature gradients inside the
(females 76/91, males 78/99), and the test set was classi- incubation chamber [41]. Experimental effects related to dif-
fied with a correct rate of 85% (females 75/90, males 86/ ferent volume sampling due to blood vessel dimensions or
100). By including higher PCs, the correct rate of classifi- variation of the focal position did not affect the classification.
cation increased with the dimensionality (Fig. 6b), and the This is proven by lack of any correlation between the score of
best performances were attained by using the first eight PC #5 (representative of yolk) and the misclassified spectra.
PCs. In this case, the training set was reclassified with a The mean score intensity calculated for wrongly classified
correct rate of 93% (females 85/91, males 91/99), and the spectra is −0.002 ± 0.062 (mean ± SD, n = 31) vs. 0.002 ±
test set was classified with a correct rate of 91% (females 0.050 calculated for the correctly classified ones (mean ±
81/90, males 91/100). By further increasing the dimension- SD, n = 349). The mean score intensities are not statistically
ality, the algorithm became overfitted: the classification different (two-tailed t test, p = 0.7).
rate of the training set further increased, while the one of Compared to our previous research, the present study pro-
the test set decreased. vides significant improvements. We first proposed infrared ab-
The accuracy is limited by the variability of the data, which sorption spectroscopy of the feather pulp to distinguish the sex
was likely related to intrinsic variability of blood composition. of hatched birds [5, 6]. The studies were performed on a small
Both intensity and spectral shape of fluorescence depended number of animals (turkeys and pigeons), as pilot studies aimed
from the development stage of the embryo. The measurements to demonstrate that optical spectroscopic methods can retrieve
spanned over ∼8 h, and it is expected that developmental sex-related biochemical differences in birds. Furthermore, we
variations may occur in embryos even though all eggs are investigated infrared spectroscopy of the germinal disk extract-
placed in the incubator at the same time. These differences ed from unincubated chicken eggs [7]. Sexing was achieved
exist inside the same setting of eggs depending from with high accuracy, but the approach is not transferrable in the
practice because windowing of unincubated eggs causes high
occurrence of embryo mortality and morbidity [42, 43]. By
analyzing the Raman spectra of embryonic blood, we achieved
sex determination with an accuracy comprised between 88%
and 90% [16]. Moreover, the use of NIR laser excitation
avoided phototoxic effects on embryos, so that healthy chicks
hatched from the measured eggs. Here, we retained the exper-
imental configuration with NIR excitation in order to rule out
negative effects on embryos, but all spectral features of the
backscattered spectra were used for sexing, thus exploiting
the sex information conveyed by fluorescence too, and increas-
ing the correct classification rate well over 90%.
The exploitation of multiple information contained in the
backscattered light might open new possibilities for improve-
ment of in ovo sexing accuracy. Fluorescence intensity, fluo-
rescence spectral shape, and Raman scattering encode sex-
related information that are associated to different blood com-
ponents. Several approaches of spectral preprocessing could
be applied in order to Bamplify^ a specific feature and after-
wards a multi-parameter classification strategy developed to
better comply with intrinsic data variability, thus further in-
creasing the sexing accuracy. Moreover, the exploitation of
fluorescence may contribute to overcome some disadvantages
associated with Raman spectroscopy of biological samples, as
Raman scattering is a low-intensity process which requires
highly efficient laser sources, low-noise detectors, effective
Rayleigh filters, and high-throughput optics [19]. As fluores-
cence intensity is some orders of magnitude larger than the
Fig. 6 a Scatter plot of PC #2 vs. PC #1 scores and separating quadratic
Raman scattering signal, it might enable to largely simplify
function found with supporting vector machine. b Classification rate as the experimental setup and facilitate the future industrial de-
function of the dimensionality ployment of optical techniques for in ovo sexing.
In ovo sexing of chicken eggs by fluorescence spectroscopy 1193

Conclusion References

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