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List of Documents needed during the conduct of validation LRMPA

1. Executive Order, Office Order, or similar document that creates the road
management structure ( List of members , Minutes of meetings)
2. List of employees with the required LRM knowledge and skills. (Personal
Data Sheets, list of training)
3. 2015, 2016, 2017 Road inventory, Maps showing the required information
4. Traffic count and other related traffic records
5. List of roads with RROW
6. Inventory of road safety devices

7. List of road maintenance project for the current year and the last two
previous years

8. 2018 Annual Budget

9. Copy Appropriations Ordinance indicating the amount of allocation for

road maintenance projects

10. Copy of the PDPFP/CDP, LDIP. AIP

11. Proceedings and attendance sheets of meetings that show multi-

stakeholder participation during the road management planning process
12. Minutes of meetings on inter-department processes for road management

13. List of CSOs involved in the planning process

14. Detailed engineering designs, program of works, detailed estimates

15. List of road projects for the year with DED, POW, Detailed estimates
16. Notice of Award, Bid Evaluation Reports or Notice to Proceed for road
projects that underwent public bidding
17. Proceedings of BAC meetings for road Projects

18. Executive Order or SP Ordinance creating an internal audit unit.

19. Sample of Audit reports prepared by the internal audit unit in the last
three years.

20. Annual accomplishment report of the Local Engineering Office for the
current and immediately preceding year

21. Monitoring reports

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