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Muhammad Amin (081411731028) Akbar Adrian Ramadhan (081411733010)

Nicko Christanta Ervianto (081411731037) William Putra Johansyah (081411733011)

Monday 7-8 (322A)

Unit 3
Exercise 3.1
1. h. We wanted to go to One Direction concert
2. e. I often make pancakes
3. f. Shall we go to the movie
4. a. Burgers are very tasty
5. g. My neighbors are very friendly
6. b. Do you know if Jessie i sat home
7. c. Pick me up early, please
8. d. We know Diane has great dreams

Excercise 3.2
1. and
2. but
3. or
4. and
5. or
6. but
7. and
8. or
Muhammad Amin (081411731028) Akbar Adrian Ramadhan (081411733010)
Nicko Christanta Ervianto (081411731037) William Putra Johansyah (081411733011)

Exercise 3.3
1. Our kids need to eat healthy food, but we know they often prefer burgers, pizza and chips.
2. Experts say that we should all - kids and adults - eat five portions of fruit or vegetables
everyday, if we can.
3. This may be a good idea, but what we do when our kids say ‘no’? That’s the question.
4. You can give your kid a piece of fruit - a banana or an apple or a pear - to take to school, but
you won’t be there at lunchtime!
5. Last week I put an apple in my son’s lunch box every day, and he took it to school, but then
brought it home again, and said ‘I wasn’t hungry, Mum.’
6. If you’ve got any ideas, write to me or email me!

Exercise 3.4
1. So
2. So
3. Because
4. So
5. Because
6. So

Exercise 3.5
1. But
2. And
3. So
4. But
5. Because
6. And
7. But
8. Because
9. So
10. But
Muhammad Amin (081411731028) Akbar Adrian Ramadhan (081411733010)
Nicko Christanta Ervianto (081411731037) William Putra Johansyah (081411733011)

Exercise 3.6
1. b.) and
2. b.) because
3. a.) and
4. b.) and
5. a.) or
6. c.) because
7. c.) and
8. c.) but
9. a.) so
10. b.) and

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