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Creativity at Work Quiz 

Self-Audit Ques.onnaire

How crea)ve are you?

This audit will help you Iden1fy the factors influencing crea1vity at work at the individual, organiza1onal,
leadership and team level. You can assess yourself, your team and your organiza1on using this audit.

• Diagnose your current status regarding crea1vity and innova1on
• Discover the gaps that need bridging based on the audit’s results
• Learn where to op1mize your efforts to facilitate organiza1onal development and resource alloca1on.
Rate yourself and your organiza1on on a scale of 1 to 5, using the following scale: 1 = Not at all; 2 = To a small
extent; 3 = To a moderate extent; 4 = To a great extent; 5 = To a very great extent.

A How I perceive my personality traits (crea1ve or not). 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
To a very To a To a To a Not at all
great great moderat small
extent extent e extent extent

A1 I am always looking for solu1ons no maSer how daun1ng the


A2 I approach my job with an opportunity mindset, showing

ini1a1ve and solving problems

A3 I am tenacious— I show ini1a1ve and commitment

A4 I feel confident that I can develop crea1ve ideas to solve

problems, and implement solu1ons. I

A5 My colleagues think I have good ideas

A6 I see problems, complaints, and boSlenecks as opportuni1es

A7 Being crea1ve at work is important to me

A8 I regularly ques1on conven1onal wisdom

A9 I welcome feedback and use it to grow

A10 I am open and recep1ve to ideas that challenge my way of


Linda Naiman, Founder of Creativity at Work | Tel: +1 (604) 327-1565 | | page 1
Creativity at Work Quiz 

Self-Audit Ques.onnaire

B Factors influencing individual crea1vity 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

To a very To a To a To a small Not at
great great modera extent all
extent extent te

B1 I believe that my personality traits (self-esteem, respect for

others’ opinion, extrovert/introvert, etc.) make me more crea1ve
in the workplace

B2 I am interested in my work and I find it rewarding/fulfilling (I have

a personal interest and goals in terms of what I do for my work)

B3 My previous experience makes me more crea1ve in the workplace

B4 I can easily build on others’ crea1ve ideas, and I collaborate with

others in crea1ve thinking sessions

B5 My personal contacts enhance my level of crea1vity in the


B6 I can ‘reframe’ problems to look at them from a different


B7 I am sa1sfied with my salary/remunera1on package at work

B8 I can step back from a problem and see the bigger picture.

B8 I look for ways to align myself with the strategic goals of my

organiza1on’s senior leadership

B9 I have received training in crea1vity and innova1on

B10 I can be very persuasive in influencing others to adopt my ideas

B11 I know what kinds of innova1on ideas my company is looking for

B12 I take 1me to think through situa1ons, look at the big picture,
bounce ideas off of peers, and experiment

B13 I can see what the root cause of a problem is to challenge the
current situa1on

B14 I can see what is required to turn a crea1ve idea into ac1on.

B15 I prefer to approach problems in a logical and ra1onal manner

before I brainstorm crea1ve ideas

Linda Naiman, Founder of Creativity at Work | Tel: +1 (604) 327-1565 | | page 2
Creativity at Work Quiz 

Self-Audit Ques.onnaire

C Factors affec1ng organiza1onal crea1vity 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

To a very To a To a To a small Not at all
great great moderat extent
extent extent e extent

Strategy & Crea+vity

C1 My organiza1on shares visions and goals clearly with all


C2 We provide training and support so people at all levels have

the knowledge and tools to generate solu1ons.

C3 In my organiza1on, we set goals for innovation (new ideas

for products, services, processes)

C4 We look ahead to the next 5-10 years, and actively seek

solutions on how to stay ahead of the curve

C5 My organiza1on rewards crea1vity in meaningful ways that

mo1vate employees

C6 My organiza1on values innova1on and is willing to take

calculated risks

C7 We minimize rules, policies, bureaucracy and rigidity to

simplify our workplace

C8 We hire people with diverse backgrounds and disciplines to

ensure more robust perspectives

C9 We have a burning desire to explore opportunities and to

create new things.

C10 We reward people for participating in potentially risky

opportunities, irrespective of the outcome

C11 We have a structured approach to navigating creativity and

innovation as a process

Freedom & Crea+vity

C12 We are able to freely voice our opinions, even about

unconventional or controversial ideas

Linda Naiman, Founder of Creativity at Work | Tel: +1 (604) 327-1565 | | page 3
Creativity at Work Quiz 

Self-Audit Ques.onnaire

C Factors affec1ng organiza1onal crea1vity 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

To a very To a To a To a small Not at all
great great moderat extent
extent extent e extent

C13 We appreciate, respect and leverage the differences that

exist within our community.

C14 In my organization, people at all levels are encouraged to

proactively take initiative to innovate.

C15 My organization provides the necessary resources for

employees to implement innovation. (Time, finances,
technology, human resources)

C16 My organization encourages proactive behaviour and ideas

Communica+on & Creativity

C17 My organiza1on supports open (frequent exchange of

ideas, etc.) communica1on amongst employees

C18 My organiza1on supports knowledge sharing (via formal/

informal mee1ngs, etc)

C19 We are good at leveraging our relationships with suppliers

and vendors to pursue innovation.

C20 My organiza1on implements creativity techniques. (such

as brainstorming, storytelling, design thinking etc.)

C21 To solve a problem in one department we oeen call for

ideas and help from other departments

C22 In my organiza1on we spend 1me thinking about the

future, not just about today’s problems

C23 My work seSing (well illuminated, quiet, clean, etc.)

supports my creativity at work

C24 My organization organizes events such as team building

and trainings to enhance leadership, team performance,
and creativity

Linda Naiman, Founder of Creativity at Work | Tel: +1 (604) 327-1565 | | page 4
Creativity at Work Quiz 

Self-Audit Ques.onnaire

D Organiza1onal leadership 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

To a very To a To a To a small Not at all
great great moderat extent
extent extent e extent

My organiza1on’s leadership/ management serves as a

D1 crea1ve model (tries out new ideas and approaches to

Our leaders inspire us with a vision for the future and

articulation of opportunities for the organization.

My organiza+on’s leadership/ management role:

• gets me to look at problems at work from many

different angles

• treats me as an individual rather than just a member

of a group

• inspires enthusiasm about what needs to be


• supports employees’ training in crea1vity and


• is approachable to employees in order to discuss

problems/ ideas

• is aware of employees’ work schedule and problems at


• doesn’t have unrealis1cally high expecta1ons towards


D10 • recognizes contribu1ons and accomplishments

Linda Naiman, Founder of Creativity at Work | Tel: +1 (604) 327-1565 | | page 5
Creativity at Work Quiz 

Self-Audit Ques.onnaire

E Team Crea1vity 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

To a very To a To a To a Not at all
great great moderat small
extent extent e extent extent

My working team is diverse (different educa1onal or cultural

background, approaches, thinking styles, etc.).

E2 When necessary, my working team uses an external expert.

I have frequent and open (trusting, candid) communication

with my supervisors/ leadership/ management.

I have frequent and open (trusting, candid) communication

with my co-workers.

When my team is looking to solve a problem, we generate a

lot of ideas before choosing one or two.

E6 There are few conflicts among team members at work.

We appreciate, respect and leverage the differences that

exist within our community.

Having an opponent increases my level of motivation and


I prefer to work with others in a team effort rather than


Linda Naiman, Founder of Creativity at Work | Tel: +1 (604) 327-1565 | | page 6
Creativity at Work Quiz 

Self-Audit Ques.onnaire

Below are guidelines for interpre1ng each sec1on of the ques1onnaire.
Ra1ngs provided are for a single respondent. This scale should be recalculated in accordance with the number of
respondents you have. For example, if you have 10 respondents the ra1ngs for 1 respondent will be mul1plied by
10 and so on.
Double-check that you gave yourself the appropriate points for each answer: Strongly Agree = 5 points, Agree
= 4 points, Neutral = 3 points, Disagree = 2 points and Strongly Disagree = 1 point

Scale for 1 respondent Scale for 10 respondents

15–23 Low 150 – 230 Low
24–38 Below average 240 – 380 Below average
39–53 Average 390 – 530 Average
54–66 Above average 540 – 660 Above average
67–75 High 670 – 750 High

Please keep in mind that this ques+onnaire is only indica+ve and explores the percep+ons of respondents.
The main aim of this ques1onnaire is to iden1fy the weak points in the organiza1on as perceived by yourself,
your team and employees, depending on the scope of your survey. When scoring yourself or groups, pay
aSen1on to the par1cular statements with lower points by the majority of respondents, then explore ways
you can increase your scores.


Start by analyzing the importance you assign to crea1vity at work; whether you consider yourself to be at
work; your feelings about what colleagues think of your work, and how you feel when facing challenges. Pay
aSen1on to the par1cular statements that you assessed with lower points and develop ways to raise that

Linda Naiman, Founder of Creativity at Work | Tel: +1 (604) 327-1565 | | page 7
Creativity at Work Quiz 

Self-Audit Ques.onnaire

score. The key to improving personal crea1vity and start coming up with new ideas is to iden1fy the factors
which suppress it.
• Seven Habits of Highly Crea1ve People
• How to Quit Stalling and Get Started on Your Crea1ve Project


In a workplace context, the crea1ve output of employees is oeen a synergy between the characteris1cs of
the individual and the environment they work in. Support from leaders and peers plus having the 1me and
opportunity to try things out in prac1ce oeen enables a crea1ve person to make a notable contribu1on. The
ability of individuals to generate more original ideas can be developed through training and facilita1on in
crea1ve thinking techniques.
• 5 Discovery Skills That Form the Secret Sauce of Innova1on
• Maximizing Your Crea1ve Thinker Talent
• Crea1vity Workshops for Business
• Whole-Brain Thinking for Crea1vity and Innova1on


Ques1ons are focused on important factors that research has shown to affect organiza1onal crea1vity,
including implemen1ng crea1vity techniques and strategies which help to enhance crea1vity.
The driving force of every organiza1on is the human capital. Hence if a leader wants to improve the crea1vity
in their organiza1on they have to start from the people – they are the most valuable company asset of all.
• The Progress Principle and the Power of Small Wins
• Design Your Workplace Culture (And Gain a Compe11ve Advantage)


Leadership is commonly seen as an important variable affec1ng organiza1onal performance. Crea1ve leaders
need to seek opportuni1es for crea1ng shared value even in the hardest of 1mes and the most difficult of

Linda Naiman, Founder of Creativity at Work | Tel: +1 (604) 327-1565 | | page 8
Creativity at Work Quiz 

Self-Audit Ques.onnaire

circumstances. They need to align crea1vity and innova1on ini1a1ves with organiza1onal objec1ves, and
encourage employees to share their ideas and opinions about ways to add value to customers and

• Crea1ve Leadership: Who is Bringing You Hot Ideas and How Are You Responding?
• CEOs Discover the Power of Art and What It Can Teach About Leadership


Ques1ons in this sec1on are focused on important factors that research has shown to affect team crea1vity.
When problems arise, having a team of people that can solve issues quickly and effec1vely with a liSle
crea1ve thinking is beneficial to everyone. Organiza1ons that encourage and carve out 1me for crea1vity
have found increased employee engagement, mo1va1on and produc1vity.
• 11 Ways to Get the Best Brainstorming Results
• 12 Ways to Enhance Crea1vity and Collabora1on in Teams
• The Alchemy Of Leadership: Transforming Leaden Thinking into the Gold of Wisdom

Write down your top three ac+on steps to improve crea+vity at work, and start dates

This self-audit was adapted from Self-Audit Crea6vity Tool & Methodology by I-CREATE and E.U Lifelong
Learning Program, 2012.

Linda Naiman, Founder of Creativity at Work | Tel: +1 (604) 327-1565 | | page 9
Creativity at Work Quiz 

Self-Audit Ques.onnaire

Would you like unlock more of the power of Crea)vity at Work in your organiza)on?

Crea1vity at Work is an innova1on consultancy specializing in arts-based

learning as a catalyst for crea1vity, and design thinking as a strategy for
We provide consul1ng, training, and coaching in crea1vity and innova1on
for leaders and their teams in business, non-profits and public sector
Feel free to reach out if you have any ques1ons or feedback, or if you’d like
to explore how we might work together.
Please contact:
Linda Naiman, Founder, Crea1vity at Work, or
call +1 604-327-1565

Selected clients:

Linda Naiman, Founder of Creativity at Work | Tel: +1 (604) 327-1565 | | page 10
Creativity at Work Quiz 

Self-Audit Ques.onnaire

1. Amabile, T.M. 1996. Crea1vity in Context. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
2. Capozzi, Marla M. et al. 2011. Sparking crea1vity in teams: An execu1ve’s guide. McKinsey
3. Duxbury, Tom. 2012. Technology Management Innova1on Review, Crea1vity: Linking Theory and
Prac1ce for Entrepreneurs
4. Elsbach, K. D., & Hargadon, A. B. (2006). Enhancing crea1vity through “mindless” work: A
framework of workday design. Organiza1on Science, 17, 470-483.
5. Elton Mayo, Social Problems of an Industrial Civiliza1on. Boston: Division of Research, Graduate
School of Business Administra1on, Harvard University, 1945, p. 64
6. Grant, A. M. 2008. The significance of task significance: Job performance effects, rela1onal
mechanisms, and boundary condi1ons. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 108-124.
7. Lombardo B., Roddy J. D., 2010, Cul1va1ng Organiza1onal Crea1vity in an Age of Complexity: A
companion study to the IBM 2010 Global Chief Human Resource Officer Study
8. Mauzy, Jeffrey H. 2006, Managing Personal Crea1vity, Ar1cle reprint, Design Management Review
9. Naiman, Linda. Interna1onal Associa1on of Business Communicators (2010) hSps://
10. Naiman, Linda, 2010. Fostering Crea1vity in the Workplace
11. Norman, Warren T., The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, Vol 66(6), Jun 1963, 574-583.
12. PaSerson, Ch., Individual and Organiza1onal Crea1vity, Halifax, Nova Sco1a, Canada
13. Rao, Jay and Weintraub, Jay. "How Innova1ve Is Your Company’s Culture?” MIT Sloan
Management Revue, March 19, 2013
14. Shalley, C. E., Zhou, J., & Oldham, G. R. 2004. The effects of personal and contextual characteris1cs
on crea1vity: Where should we go from here? Journal of Management, 30, 933-958.

Linda Naiman, Founder of Creativity at Work | Tel: +1 (604) 327-1565 | | page 11

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