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In the 21st century humans are increasingly dependent on technologies developed by humans,

one of which is mobile phones. As if something is missing if the cellphone is not in our hands, or

if there is no signal where we are. But if you think about it, there is actually one thing that makes

humans more dependent, namely electricity. Electricity is an important component of life

composition, especially in this millennium. Almost all human life requires electricity. Electricity
comes from various sources, hydroelectric power plants, steam and diesel power plants. And the

fact is that the Hydroelectric Power Plant and Steam Power Plant are still not running well,

causing the use of coal-fired power plants to be more dominant. This causes smoke as a result of

the increasing number of electricity generating machines where the fuel comes from fuel and

coal. These fuels and coal produce significant CO2 and CO emissions which certainly contribute

to the role of global warming. The WWF environmental organization notes that nearly 40

percent of the world's carbon emissions are generated by electricity generation. From this it can

be concluded that the more use of electricity will increase global warming. What's more, in this

day and age many people are doing wasteful electricity as in the picture above because of the

lack of awareness of the dangers of excessive use of electricity.

The fact that the population in the world, especially in Indonesia is increasing, indicates that

electricity consumption in Indonesia is increasing. If a solution is not sought in terms of

electricity usage, then the condition of the earth will be increasingly severe, getting hotter, and

endangering living things. But don't worry, there is one simple thing, but if all humans on earth

do it, then global warming can be slowed down significantly. Of course if more people save on

electricity, then electricity consumption will be less and indirectly will reduce carbon emissions

from electricity generation


But the fact is different, the more people there are, the more people will waste electricity which

will lead to global warming. Basically the problem is in producing electricity for human needs on

earth. Electricity is produced mostly from coal burning. Some large countries that produce

electricity with large percentage of coal are America, Australia and China.
For each unit of electricity that is produced, three coal units that are burned, are considered

inefficient. In addition, because coal is almost pure carbon, the effect of coal combustion - that is

combining oxygen - produces carbon dioxide which ultimately causes air pollution and has a big

effect on global warming. Currently carbon dioxide emissions occur around 60% due to burning

fossil fuels, one of which is electricity generation.

What's more, nowadays we often feel global warming, especially in erratic weather changes. The

rainy season and summer it doesn't feel like it used to. The area where the temperature was cool

was sharply increased or the opposite was the area that had been hot like the coastal area, the

temperature became colder at night. Global warming is indeed caused by many factors and will

be very dangerous when global warming with a temperature increase of 2 degrees Celsius. Will

result which might have been unimaginable beforehand.

Unfortunately, because our dependence on electrical energy sometimes makes us use more than

the limit. In fact, it is very important for us to save electricity as early as possible, because it will

have a positive effect both for now and in the future. When we do waste electricity, there will be

a lot of negative effects that we feel include:

• The occurrence of an increase in global temperature due to the heat of electrical energy that is

too long to use or its use exceeds the limit.

• Waste of electrical energy can also cause the possibility of extreme weather in a certain area.

• Electricity reserves for future generations are diminishing, so that they can create electrical


• The occurrence of rotating blackouts decided unilaterally as an effort to save electricity.

• And the last bad impact is spending that is getting bigger because the bills will increase.

There are many factors that can affect the use of electricity, such as negligence of users (as in the

picture on the start page), or the quality of installing some components on electricity that is not

correct so that the current cannot be distributed perfectly and causes electricity to be wasteful

even if you don't wear it

Therefore, it's time for us to start saving electricity to reduce global warming by changing the

following simple habits:

• Participate in the earth hour program or turn off electricity for one hour for the earth, I think it's

simple and very big effect. Based on the records of the State Electricity Company, we can save

350 Watts for Java, Madura and Bali. Imagine if the whole world did it. Maybe our earth will be

good and more stored energy for a few years later.

• Using electricity-saving electronics, although the price is more expensive but the effect of our

electricity usage will be more efficient.

• Use electricity wisely, turn off the lights while sleeping, turn off the TV when finished

watching, turn off the computer when it's not in use.

• If possible, don't turn on the dispenser to heat water, it's better to just cook water on the gas

stove. Because to heat the water in the dispenser is quite wasteful of electrical energy.

• Most often we do is forget to unplug an HP charger or another from the electrical terminal.

Now we have to eliminate this because we can throw away electrical energy in vain.
• Do not forget for those who have laptops and the like, unplug the charger when the laptop

battery is full, because in addition to wasteful electrical energy can also damage the battery itself

if excessive.

• During the day minimize the use of lights, and use sunlight as a source of lighting besides

saving is certainly more healthy


In essence, the waste of electricity in modern times must be immediately prevented considering

the many impacts caused by the waste of electricity are like global warming, which has been

explained that when more electricity is wasted then more coal will be burned and cause gas CO2

and CO that will cause our earth to get hotter.

Therefore to prevent this from happening, start saving electricity from now on by following the

steps that we have said above.

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