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TESDA Monitoring System

Editing and Encoding Guidelines

MoNet Prescribed Forms/Templates

General Instruction

 Check/review the appropriateness/correctness and completeness of the responses

written in the prescribed forms.

 Whenever applicable a drop down list is provided with pre-coded responses. Select
the appropriate response and do not add any items not included in the drop down

 Format of the date should be in numerical format - mm-dd-yy.

 Do not use more than one cell if the answer does not fit the cell width. For example,
if the TBP name is too long to read do not cut the name or use two cell in encoding
instead, use “word wrap” formatting if you wish to view the whole TBP name.

 Avoid using acronyms; spell out the names of the institution, region, municipality

Specific Instruction on how and what to encode:

TVET Providers Profile

a Region use the drop down list provided.
b Province use the drop down list provided. The drop down list
will only appear if you select a region from the region
c District use the drop down list provided
d Municipality/City encode the complete name of the municipality/city
the TVET provider is located. (don’t abbreviate)
e Name of Provider encode the complete name of the Tek-Bok provider
(don’t abbreviate)
f TBI ID Number encode the unique ID number of the Tek-Bok
provider (provided by the TESDA Provincial Office)
g Address encode the complete address of the Tek-Bok provider
h Type of Institution use the drop down list provided
I Classification of use the drop down list provided. The drop down list
Provider will only appear if you have pick from the
Classification of Provider list
Program Profile
j Full Qualification (WTR) use the drop down list provided
k Qualification
(Clustered) use the drop down list provided
l Qualification (NTR) encode the qualification with NTR
m CoPR Number encode the unique CoPR number of the Qualification
n Delivery Mode use the drop down list
o Industry Sector of use the drop down list provided. However, if the
Qualification answer is others, pls. specify, encode the answer in
the next column
p Others, Please Specify encode the industry sector if the sector is not found
in the drop down list
Students Profile
q Student ID Number encode the unique student number provided by
r Family/Last Name encode the family/last name of the
r First Name encode the first name of the student/trainee/scholar
t MI encode the middle initial the student/trainee/scholar
u Contact Number encode the phone or cell phone number of the
v e-mail encode the e-mail address of the
w Street No. and Street encode the street no. and street address of
address student/trainee/scholar
x Barangay encode barangay where the student/trainee/scholar
y Municipality/City encode municipality/city where the
student/trainee/scholar resides
z District encode district where the student/trainee/scholar
aa Province encode
ab Sex encode the sex of the student/trainee/scholar
ac Date of Birth encode date of birth student/trainee/scholar (as
found in his birth certificate) use the format
ad Civil Status encode the civil status of the student/trainee/scholar
ae Highest Educational
Attainment use the drop down list
af Scholarships Encode scholarships given to student/trainee other
than PGS (e.g. PESFA, ect.)
ag PGS Training use the drop down list
ah Scholarship Voucher encode the voucher number as indicated in the
Number scholarship voucher
ai Client Type use the drop down list
aj Date Started encode the first day of class use the mm/dd/yy
ak Date Finished encode the last day of class Qualification use the
al Reason for not finishing use the drop down list
a Assessment Results use the drop down list
Employment Status
an Employment Date encode the date when he was first employed upon
ao Name of Employer encode the company name
ap Address of Employer encode the complete address of the company
Terminologies Used
Tek-Bok Providers Profile
Region refers to the Region where the Tek-Bok
provider is located

Province refers to the Province where the Tek-Bok

provider is located
District refers to the District where the Tek-Bok
provider is located
Municipality refers to the Municipality where the Tek-Bok
provider is located
Name of Provider refers to the the official name of the Tek-Bok
TBI ID Number refers to the a unique ID number given by
TESDA to a Tek-Bok provider
Address refers to the Street number, street and
barangay of the Tek-Bok provider
Type of Institution refers to a particular type of provider whether
TESDA, private or public
Classification of Provider refers to the classification of each type of
particular provider (see drop down list)
Program Profile
Full Qualification (WTR) refers to programs registered under the
UTPRAS with the appropriate promulgated
Training Regulation. (see drop down listing)
Qualification (Clustered) TVET programs covered by the clustering of
units of competency based on the prescribed
clustering under TESDA Circular No. 1 of 2007
(see drop down list)
Qualification (NTR) Refers to the qualification without any training
regulation promulgated but is registered with
CoPR Number refers to the unique code assigned to a
certificate of program registered
Industry refers to the industry sector the qualification
Sector belongs (see drop down list)
Date Started refers to the date start of the program (use
the format MM/DD/YY)
Date Finished refers to the end date of the program (use the
format MM/DD/YY)
Students Profile
Student ID Number refers to the unique ID number issued by
TESDA to student/trainee/scholar upon
entering the Tek-Bok System to be use in
tracking/monitoring the progress of the
Family/ Last Name refers to the surname or last name.
First Name refers to the first name (sometimes known as
“given name”). Some first name actually
involved more than one name as in MARIA
Middle Initial/s refers to the maiden name of the mother.
Contact Number refers to the telephone or cell phone number
of the student/trainee/scholar
e-mail refers to the e-mail address of
Street No. and Street refers to the street no. and address of the
address student/trainee/scholar at the time of
Barangay refers to the barangay where the
student/trainee/scholar is residing
Municipality/City- refers to the municipality/city where the
student/trainee/scholar is residing
District refers to the city where the
student/trainee/scholar is residing
Sex refers to the biological sex of the
Date of Birth refers to the date of birth in the official birth
certificate in order to keep track of the age.
using the format (Month-Day-Year)
Highest Educational refers to the highest grade or year completed in
Attainment school, college or university, by person 5 years of
age and over.
Scholarship refers to a scholarship given to a
student/trainee (excluding Pangulong Gloria
PGS Training Component refers to the components of Pangulong
Gloria Scholarship Voucher (for PGS use
Voucher Number refers to the voucher number found in
the Pangulong Gloria Scholarship
Voucher (for PGS use only)
Assessment Results refer to the result of the assessment
examination given whether competent or not
Reason for not finishing refers to the result of the program
Employment Date refers to the date of his employment
Name of Employer refers to the name of company/employer
Address of Employer refers to the complete address the

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