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Name : Sutandhanny Sinatria Kusuma

Student ID Number : 170511623079

Offering : A3
The Development of Information and Communication Technology
In Indonesia
I. Introduction
Currently, the development of information technology has affected all areas of life of
mankind. Technology has now entered into various many fields up so far, to the point that none of the
equipment that is not the result of technological innovations utilizing information technology devices.
The role of ICT in engineering, especially in the field of industry, technology is very helpful
in making, collecting (acquisitions), processing, storage, distribution and presentation of information.
Some of the tasks are done in the field of IT industry including data management, networking,
engineering computer hardware, database, software design, as well as the management and
administration of entire systems

II. Main Content

1. Function of Information and Communication Technology in Industrial Sector
 Application of Information Technology in the Field of Industry
Information Technology is a world that is always dynamic and volatile, which is now a trend
but not necessarily a trend in the future. Several years ago, the programmer Indonesia may still use
Visual Basic, Delphi, C ++ Vicual and various other programming language using object orientation,
but this time the programming has been switched to the Internet-based programming. The rapid
changes in the world of information technology helped bring a great influence on the fields that are
implemented, including the industrial world.
The application of information technology in the field has been expanded indrustri now used
because it allows the industry in the production process more efficient and more effective. In the
production process, the computer can be used for numeric control (numerical control) or to control the
process (process control). Supervision numeric (numerikcal control) means automatic control of the
position and operation of machines that are used, such as mowers, grenda, pressing machine and other
numerical control system is done with numeric data. Sstem working computer instruction and
organize the work of the engine in accordance with the data entered. With the computer he used for
such surveillance, the work of the machine will be more satisfying and reduce errors.

Supervision process (process control) means to provide automation in a continuous process

operation. Computer for use on indrustri surveillance process to make the automated production
process and for automatically controlling the variables that affect the production process which is
difficult for humans simultaneously. Variable factors that affect the production process can be a time
of processing, material weight, pressure, temperature, size, volume and so on. Computers are widely
used in the production process of steel, oil refining, paper production, chemical, cement, food and

 Utilization of Computer Technology

The use of computer technology in the industrial field has been widely adopted by many companies to
facilitate the process. In the production process can be used for computer numeric control (numerical
control) or control process (process control) .Digunakan to control production machines with high
accuracy, for example Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM), Computer Aided Design (CAD) and
Computer Integrated Manufacture ( CIM). The explanation about the computer technology in
mechanical engineering in the fields of industry:
1. Numerical Control
Numeric control is a machine controlled by a computer using numerical language (command data
with the code numbers, letters and symbols). Numeric control machine tool automation system is
operated by abstractly programmed commands and stored in the media storage.
2. Computer Aided Manufacture
Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) is the use of computers to assist in all operations of the
plant, including planning, transportation management, and penyimpanan.Tujuan ultimate goal is to
make the process faster production as well as components and tools with more precise dimensions and
material consistency, which in some cases, only use the necessary amount of raw material (thus
minimizing waste), while reducing energy consumption.
3. Computer Aided Design
Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the use of computer systems to assist in the creation,
modification, analysis, or optimization of desain.CAD used to increase designer productivity, improve
design quality, improve communication through the documentation, and to create a database for
4. Computer Integrated Manufacture
Computer Integrated Manufacture (CIM) is the approach of making use of computers to control
the entire production process. This integration allows individual processes to exchange information
with each other and take action. Through the integration of computers, manufacturing can be more
quickly and reduce errors, although the main advantage is the ability to create automated
manufacturing processes.
III. Conclusion
From the results of the writing has been done can be understood and known about the
application of information technology in mechanical engineering in the industrial field. The
conclusions that can be drawn from observation and scientific writing is as follows:
1. The application of information technology in mechanical engineering plays an important role
in the field indrustri peniting can be seen from the use of computer technology in the
production process. Some examples are the use of Numerical Control, Process Control,
Computer Aided Manufacture, Computer Aided Design and Computer Integrated
2. Use of information technology in the industry in addition to aid production performance can
also help to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness of the company. Thus, adoption of new
technology in a company will affect the performance of a company.

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