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Ns Ptuspxtlj

Upq Tusfohui
2/ Mpwf pg Mfbsojoh
Jg Mpwf pg Mfbsojoh jt zpvs upq tusfohui- zpv mpwf mfbsojoh ofx
uijoht- xifuifs jo b dmbtt ps po zpvs pxo/ Zpv ibwf bmxbzt mpwfe
tdippm- sfbejoh- boe nvtfvnt.bozxifsf boe fwfszxifsf uifsf jt bo
pqqpsuvojuz up mfbso/

Tjhobuvsf Tusfohuit 
3/ Qfstfwfsbodf
4/ Dvsjptjuz
5/ Dsfbujwjuz
6/ Tpdjbm Joufmmjhfodf

Tusfohuit puifs qfpqmf tff jo Ns Ptuspxtlj

Dsfbujwjuz — Bnb{joh QpxfsQpjout jo Tdjfodf
Mpwf pg Mfbsojoh — B qbttjpo gps ufbdijoh boe
Ljoeoftt — Bmxbzt uifsf gps b ifmqgvm dibu
Kvehfnfou — Uijoljoh uispvhi tjuvbujpot dmfbsmz


Mrs Prothero 
Top Strength
1. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence
If Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence is your top strength
you notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled
performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to
mathematics to science to everyday experience

Signature Strengths
2. Creativity
3. Gratitude
4. Honesty
5. Hope

Strengths other people see in Mrs Prothero

Creativity – Creating a lovely new learning environment
Appreciation of Beauty – The way she talks about her artworks
Kindness – In her interactions with staff and students.
Love – Showing a passion for quilt making

Ms Dong  

Top Strength
1. Love
If Love is your top strength you value close relations with others, in
particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated. The people
to whom you feel most close are the same people who feel most close to

Signature Strengths 
2. Fairness
3. Appreciation of Beauty
4. Perspective
5. Kindness

Strengths other people see in Ms Dong

Zest – Singing ‘Baby Shark’ in class
Kindness – A gentle and caring nature
Bravery – Taking on many Middle School and
Junior School classes.
Teamwork – Working with Whittington House at
the start of the year.
Mr Cameron  

Top Strength
1. Judgement
If Judgement is your top strength, thinking things through and
examining them from all sides are important aspects of who you are.
You do not jump to conclusions, and you rely only on solid evidence to
make your decisions. You are able to change your mind.

Signature Strengths 
2. Prudence
3. Honesty
4. Teamwork
5. Fairness

Strengths other people see in Mr

Fairness – Giving all students an opportunity
to succeed
Kindness – Always there to help out with a
kind heart
Humility – Highly intelligent yet modest about
Hope – Founding member of the Blakeview
Runners Club
Mrs Gregory  

Top Strength
1. Spirituality
If Spirituality is your top strength you have strong and coherent beliefs
about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe. You know where you
fit in the larger scheme. Your beliefs shape your actions and are a source of
comfort to you.

Signature Strengths
2. Love
3. Gratitude
4. Honesty
5. Perseverance

Strengths other people see in Mrs Gregory

Zest – Always in a good mood
Love – Sharing caring words with friends
Teamwork – supportive of the new staff members
Appreciation of Beauty – a closet musician

Ms Collins  

Top Strength
1 . Fairness
If Fairness is your top strength, treating people fairly is one of
your abiding principles. You do not let your personal feelings bias
your decisions about other people. You give everyone a chance.

Signature Strengths 
2 . Gratitude
3 . Kindness
4 . Love
5 . Prudence

Strengths other people see in Ms Collins

Kindness – So giving of yourself to friends
Hope – Always speaking words of
encouragement to others
Love – Towards her students in all her lessons
Teamwork – a great member of the PE Team
Ms Cioccia 
Top Strength

1. Honesty
If Honesty is your top strength, you are a straightforward
person, not only by speaking the truth but by living your life
in a genuine and authentic way. You are down to earth and
without pretence; you are a "real" person.

Signature Strengths

2. Humour

3. Kindness

4. Perseverance

5. Social Intelligence

Strengths other people see in Ms Cioccia

Honesty - Always speaking the truth

Kindness - Inclusive, caring and supportive


Judgement - Always attempting to show equity

and fairness

Bravery - The leader of the RAVE Faculty

Mr Haskard  

Top Strength
1. Spirituality
If Spirituality is your top strength you have strong and coherent beliefs about the
higher purpose and meaning of the universe. You know where you fit in the larger
scheme. Your beliefs shape your actions and are a source of comfort to you.

Signature Strengths 

2. Kindness

3. Love

4. Appreciation of Beauty

5. Gratitude

Strengths other people see in Mr

Spirituality – Sharing his Christian faith.

Love – Caring and lovely nature

Kindness – so giving of yourself to others

Teamwork – Organisation of the Daily Administration

Mrs Doudle  

Top Strength
1. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence
If Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence is your top strength you
notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled
performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to
mathematics to science to everyday experience.

Signature Strengths 
2. Fairness
3. Gratitude
4. Prudence
5. Honesty

Strengths other people see

in Mrs Doudle
Zest – Your bubbly personality
Appreciation of Beauty – Visual displays in the Art Room
Kindness – Your interactions with the students
Humour – Funny conversations in the staff room.
Mr Sharrad  

Top Strength
1. Fairness
If Fairness is your top strength, treating people fairly is
one of your abiding principles. You do not let your
personal feelings bias your decisions about other
people. You give everyone a chance.

Signature Strengths 
2. Leadership
3. Love
4. Teamwork
5. Honesty

Strengths other people see in

Mr Sharrad
Honesty – Saying it ‘as it is’. Always being
approachable and open.
Leadership – A good listener
Gratitude – Always thankful for the help
of other people.
Humour – Clever, witty with a smile on
your face

Mr Kirkby  

Top Strength
1. Curiosity
If Curiosity is your top strength, you are interested in learning
more about anything and everything. You are always asking
questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating.
You like exploration and discovery.

Signature Strengths
2. Fairness
3. Perspective
4. Spirituality
5. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence

Strengths other people see in Mr Kirkby

Curiosity – Showing and interest in other subject areas
Love of Learning – Being innovative in the Tech Shed, especially the
new Drone
Creativity – new ideas for projects in the Tech Shed
Zest – Enthusiasm for teaching students

Mrs Mason  

Top Strength
1. Curiosity
If Curiosity is your top strength, you are interested in
learning more about anything and everything. You are
always asking questions, and you find all subjects and
topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery

Signature Strengths 
2. Appreciation of Beauty
3. Love of Learning
4. Fairness
5. Forgiveness

Strengths other people see

in Mrs Mason
Creativity – So many great ideas for
teaching and learning

Leadership – an amazing level of support

to colleagues

Curiosity – always knowing what is going

on around the school

Humour – Funny conversations.

Ms Sanders  

Top Strength
1. Hope
If Hope is your top strength you expect the best in the
future, and you work to achieve it. You believe that the
future is something that you can control.

Signature Strengths 
2. Love
3. Kindness
4. Honesty
5. Perseverance

Strengths other people see in Ms Sanders

Kindness – Friendly and always willing to have a chat
Love of Learning – Learning new things so quickly and
being very adaptable
Zest – Enthusiastic about everything
Creativity – Organising a vibrant learning space
Mr Forwood  

Top Strength
1. Creativity
If Curiosity is your top strength, you are interested in learning more
about anything and everything. You are always asking questions, and
you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and


Signature Strengths  

2. Teamwork
3. Leadership
4. Appreciation of Beauty
5. Fairness

Strengths other people see in Mr

Love of Learning – Introducing innovative ideas
into PE
Leadership – A great leader of the PE Team
Honesty – Always speaking your mind in sta
Fairness – Taking into account sta allocations
on Sports Day
Nst Cvshftt
Upq Tusfohui
2/ Mpwf
Jg Mpwf pg Mfbsojoh jt zpvs upq tusfohui- zpv mpwf mfbsojoh ofx
uijoht- xifuifs jo b dmbtt ps po zpvs pxo/ Zpv ibwf bmxbzt mpwfe
tdippm- sfbejoh- boe nvtfvnt.bozxifsf boe fwfszxifsf uifsf jt
bo pqqpsuvojuz up mfbso/

Tjhobuvsf Tusfohuit 
3/ Ipoftuz
4/ Kvehfnfou
5/ Ljoeoftt
6/ Ivnjmjuz
Tusfohuit puifs qfpqmf tff jo Nst Cvshftt
Qfstfwfsbodf .xjui cfibwjpvs nbobhfnfou boe
dibmmfohjoh cfibwjpvst pg tuvefout
Ljoeoftt — bmxbzt xjui b xpse pg fodpvsbhfnfou
gps puifst xifuifs ju“t jo uif tubggsppn ps jo
uif zbse xjui uif tuvefout
Ivnpvs — Xjui ifs gvooz joufsbdujpot xjui
Ipqf — Bmxbzt ibt uif cftu pvudpnf gps fbdi
tuvefou jo njoe evsjoh mfttpot
Mr Darren Wills    
Top Strength
1. Bravery
Not shrinking from a threat, challenge, difficulty or pain;
Speaking up for what is right even if there’s opposition;
Acting on convictions even if unpopular.

Signature Strengths
2. Honesty
3. Perception
4. Humour
5. Judgement

Strengths other people see in Mr Wills.

Prudence - a genuine heart who knows how to really

listen when you need someone to chat too.

Fairness - listening and considering all voices when
there is conflict.
Social Intelligence - works well with students at their
level in a way they can connect
Creativity - Can Rock a bass guitar!
Mrs McMahon  

Top Strength
1. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence
If Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence is your top strength you
notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance
in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science
to everyday experience.

Signature Strengths 
2. Fairness
3. Honesty
4. Love
5. Gratitude

Strengths other people see in Mrs McMahon

Kindness – Her kindness is just as important as leadership as her
Leadership - A professional with a compassionate heart and a way
about her which brings out the best in her staff and the school
Fairness - when having to balance the many different requests
and needs of staff.
Self-Regulation – Running Staff meetings efficiently

Ms Cox    

Top Strength
1. Kindness
If Kindness is your top strength you are kind and generous to others,
and you are never too busy to do a favour. You enjoy doing good
deeds for others, even if you do not know them well.

Signature Strengths 
2. Humour
3. Honesty
4. Love of learning
5. Prudence

Strengths other people see in Ms Cox

Fairness – Listening to all students
Love of Learning – Wanting to try new things in
the class
Gratitude – Thankful for help with new position
Perseverance – Helping students with the demands
of Drama
Mr Bollmeyer
Top Strength
1. Gratitude
If Gratitude is your top strength you are aware of the good things that happen to
you, and you never take them for granted. Your friends and family members know that
you are a grateful person because you always take the time to express thanks.

Signature Strengths
2. Kindness
3. Humour
4. Hope
5. Love

Strengths other people see in Mr Bollmeyer

Self-Regulation – Always balance and objective
Leadership – Supporting staff and students
Gratitude – Thanking others for their efforts
Fairness – Consistency in following up behaviour
Mrs O’Brien
Top Strength
1. Perseverance
If Perseverance is your top strength, you work hard to finish what you start.
No matter the project, you "get it out the door" in timely fashion. You do not
get distracted when you work, and you take satisfaction in completing

Signature Strengths 
2. Honesty
3. Kindness
4. Social Intelligence
5. Love

Strengths other people see in Mrs O’Brien

Leadership – Being the ‘go to person’ for English at the school.
Love of Learning – Learning School Box quickly and helping
others learn the system
Fairness – Giving all students a chance to succeed to their own
Creativity – Organising a vibrant learning space full of colour

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