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ISSN Print: 2151-7517, ISSN Online: 2151-7525, doi:10.5251/abjna.2017.

© 2017, ScienceHuβ,

A comparison between tree species grown in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

on their ability and tolerance to remove some heavy metals from the
polluted soil 2-Effect on plant growth and chlorophyll
Abdullah O. Al Thobaity1; Abdullah M. Al-Ansari1 and Ansary E. Moftah2
Dept. of Botany and Microbiology; College of Science; KSU
Dept. of Plant Production and Protection, College of Agric., Qassim Univ

Pot culture experiments were conducted to investigate the remediation potentials of two native
tree species namely Tamarix nilotica and Conocarpus erectus to remove Pb or Zn (0, 100, 200,
400 and 800 soil) and Cd (10, 20, 40 and 80 soil) from the contaminated soils in
order to find out the most effective species that can be used to clean up the environment from
heavy metal pollution. Results of this study showed vegetative growth assigned by plant height,
number of leaves/plant, leaf area/plant and biomass decreased significantly at high
concentrations of Pb, Zn and Cd. Relative growth rate (RGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR)
values reduced with heavy metal pollutions in the presence of Pb and Cd; while with Zn both
parameters showed a significant increase as compared with those recorded at high HM
concentrations. The results indicated that T. nilotica and C. erectus are considered good
accumulator candidates of Pb, Zn and Cd metals.

Keywords: heavy metals, pollution, phytoremediation, growth, RGR, NAR.

INTRODUCTION the contaminated ground, and accumulate them in

roots, stems and branches. Logically, repeating
Many sources of pollution are becoming scary in
cycles of planting and harvesting of trees
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, because of the oil
accumulated with heavy metals will eventually reduce
resources, industrial development, excessive use of
the concentration of toxic metals in soils to an
chemical fertilizers, huge amounts of vehicles and
acceptable level for other uses. A green house study
other activities. All these sources are introducing
shown that Acacia mangium and Acaccia
heavy metals in the environment either in the
auriculiformis accumulated considerable amount of
atmosphere or in the soil and water resources (Al-
Pb, Cd, As and Hg from sludge treated sand tailings
Homaidan et al., 2011). Recent studies showed that
(Aba-Alkhil and Moftah, 2013). Moreover,
potentially toxic elements of heavy metals, lead (Pb)
phytoremediation is one of the cost-effective
zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd), are common in many
approaches. Using trees to remove heavy metals
sites of the region (Adham et al., 2011). These
from the contaminated sites brings other benefits
elements were found in vegetables and fruit crops
such as improving its site quality. In this regard, a
produced from these sites or grown near the tailings
tree stand was found to have ameliorated the harsh
where their concentrations were relatively high
microclimate of polluted site and also have improved
(Franco-Hernández et al., 2010). Ingestion of toxic
its soil properties (Ayangbenro and Babalola, 2017).
metals contaminated food may cause severe health
Using timber species for phytoremediation approach
problems (Hezbullah et al., 2016). This has drawn
has additional benefit as it also yields timber at the
interest to develop a scientifically cost-effective
end of its rotation. Earlier studies showed that tree
remedial measure to remove heavy metals from the
species have a great potential to remove heavy
contaminated soils. One of the established
metals for the contaminated sites (Aba-Alkhil and
approaches was through phytoremediation ( Malik et
Moftah, 2015). In this regard, Moftah and Al-Ghanim
al., 2017).
(2009) found that Eucalyptus rostrata seedlings were
Phytoremediation is a way for cleaning the polluted able to accumulate high amounts of Pb when grown
sites by using trees to extract the heavy metals from in polluted soil of Qassim region. However, this ideal
Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2017, 8(4): 159-167

cost-effective approach has many limitations, one of - Plant heights (in cm) were measured from
them is heavy metal contaminated sites are normally soil surface to the top of each seedling.
adverse to establishment and growth of plants.
- Number of leaves/plant was counted
Greening polluted sites with tree species is well
undocumented, but no documentation is available on
the phytoremediation potential of these tree species. - Leaf area in cm2/plant was determined using
Hence, this study was embarked to determine the leaf area meter (Planimeter).
bioaccumulation of Pb, Zn and Cd by two selected
tree species namely Tamarix nilotica and - Fresh weight of shoots and roots (g).
Conocarpus erectus that are successfully grown on - Relative growth rate (RGR) was determined
sand soil and harsh conditions of the Kingdom. according to Cachorro et al. (1994) following
the equation:
The present study was carried out at Qassim RGR (mg g-1d-1) = (lnW2 – lnW1)/(t2 - t1)
University, KSA during 2016/2017 to determine the Where: W1 and W2 are the dry weights at t1
ability of two tree species grow in the Kingdom of and t2, respectively
Saudi Arabia to extract Pb, Zn and Cd from polluted
soil. Six month old seedlings of Tamarix nilotica and - Net assimilation rate (NAR) was determined
Conocarpus erectus were transplanted in plastic pots as described by McCollum (1978) according
(30 cm×50 cm, diameter and depth) filled with sand to the equation:
and peat moss (2:1 proportion), pH 7.2; one plant in NAR (mg g-1cm-2d-1) = (ln A2 – ln A1)(W2 –
each pot. Before planting, soils were mixed with fine W1)/ (t2 – t1)(A2 –A1)
metal powders of PbCl2, ZnCl2 or CdCl2 to bring Pb or
Zn levels of 00, 100, 200, 400 and 800 soil, Where: ln is the natural logarithm; W1 and
and Cd to 10, 20, 40 and 80 soil). W2 are the dry weights at t1 and t2,
To evaluate the efficiency of phytoremediation, it was respectively; A1 and A2 are the leaf area at t1
necessary to homogenize the soil because the and t2, respectively.
concentration of distributed contaminants in the soil Total chlorophyll: Total chlorophyll was determined
plays a fundamental role in such studies. A at the end of the experiment following the method of
completely randomized design with 10 replicates for Metzner et al. (1965). Briefly, fresh leaves (0.4 g)
each treatment was used in this experiment. were selected randomly from the middle part of each
Seedlings were left to grow in a greenhouse under plant, washed with deionized water, and
natural light and temperature conditions. Plants of homogenized in a porcelain mortar with 80% acetone
uniform height within species were selected and solution. The homogenate was centrifuged at
located in lines with a spacing of 2 m between lines 16,000×g for 1 min twice and the measurement of
and 1 m between pots to avoid mutual shading. chlorophyll content was done by direct determination
Three weeks after transplanting, all seedlings were of the absorbance at wavelengths 663 and 646 nm at
fertilized 3 times, at 30 day intervals, with the the clear supernatant fraction using
complete water-soluble fertilizer “Sangral” compound spectrophotometer (Shimadzu 1240 UV–Vis).
fertilizer (20N-20P-20K, plus micronutrients) at the Statistical analysis: The experiment was arranged
rate of 2g/kg soil. All pots were irrigated every 3 days in a completely randomized design and was analyzed
to field capacity. Pots were weighed and supplied by analysis of variance. All data were statistically
with amounts of water equal to evapo-transpiration analyzed and ANOVA was tested according to
losses. Plants were harvested 6 months after Snedecor and Cochran (1980) with the aid of SPSS
transplanting. The following parameters were (1990) computer program for statistics. Differences
determined: among treatments were tested with LSD at 5% level
Vegetative growth: Three samples were taken to of significance.
study the growth parameters during the experimental
period: 60, 120 and 180 days after treatments. The
following parameters were measured:

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2017, 8(4): 159-167

RESULTS number of leaves in C. erectus was much higher than

that in T. nilotica. In this concern the reduction
Data recorded in Table (1) indicated that plant
percent in Tamarix at 180 days of treatments was
heights decreased as heavy metal (HM)
about 53.8%, 51.9% and 76,2% at 800 ppm of Pb,
concentration increased to reach minimum height at
800 ppm of Zn and 80 ppm of Cd, respectively. While
800 ppm of Pb or Zn and 80 ppm of Cd, at which
the corresponding decrease in number of leaves in
heights of T. nilotica plants were reduced by about
Conocarpus plants were about 59.8%, 55.7% and
27.2%, 17.0% and 33.9% , respectively at 180 days
79.2%, respectively as compared with control plants.
after treatments. The comparable decrease in C.
It seems that Cd showed more negative effects than
erectus plant heights were about 30.8%, 19.5% and
Pb or Zn, while Zn showed the minimum negative
40.3%, respectively, at 180 days after treatments.
effect on number of leaves/ plant. Data in the figure
Table (1): Effects of heavy metals on plant showed clearly that T. nilotica was more tolerant to
heights (cm) of T. nilotica and C. erectus. heavy metals than C. erectus plants.
Tamarix nilotica
180 120 60 180 120 60
Day Day Day Day Day Day
63.6 59.6 55.5 68.8 65.7 59.4 00
60.3 56.4 53.3 66.1 62.7 58.8 100
58.8 53.0 50.8 64.0 61.1 55.7 200 Pb
53.6 49.6 45.7 61.7 58.0 52.5 400
44.6 44.2 40.2 50.1 52.6 46.3 800

9.8 10.3 10.2 6.8 7.9 7.2 LSD5%

63.6 59.6 55.5 68.8 65.7 59.4 00

64.0 60.9 56.6 69.1 65.9 60.1 100 Fig (1). Effects of heavy metals on number of
leaves in T. nilotica and C. erectus seedlings.
61.1 58.2 54.8 65.2 62.5 58.8 200 Zn
Leaf area/plant: Data recorded in Fig. (2) indicated
57.0 55.2 51.6 61.1 59.6 56.2 400 clearly that heavy metals, particularly Pb and Cd
51.2 50.6 48.3 57.1 56.2 53.2 800 affected badly the leaf area of Tamarix and
Conocarpus plants. Leaf area/plant of T. nilotica and
6.3 4.7 4.1 6.2 4.4 3.4 LSD5% C. erectus showed a linear decrease with increasing
63.6 59.6 55.5 68.8 65.7 59.4 00 HM concentrations in root media. The maximum
reduction in leaf area was recorded at the highest
59.1 56.6 53.3 63.3 60.8 58.2 10 concentrations of heavy metals; at which leaf area of
54.6 53.4 51.1 58.8 57.7 55.9 20 Cd T. nilotica was decreased by about 47.5%, 46.4%
and 62.7% at 800 ppm of Pb, 800 ppm of Zn and 80
49.4 48.0 46.0 53.5 52.8 51.4 40 ppm of Cd, respectively, at 180 days of treatments.
38.0 37.8 36.8 45.5 44.0 43.2 80 The matching values of C. erectus were about
52.9%, 53.1% and 69.5%, respectively, as compared
8.5 6.4 4.5 8.4 6.1 3.6 LSD5% with control treatments.
It was clear that Cd had a deleterious effects more
Number of leaves/plant: Data plotted in Fig. (1) than those recorded with Pb or Zn treatments. In
showed clearly that number of leaves/plant addition T. nilotica was more tolerant to high levels of
decreased as HM concentration increased to reach heavy metals that C. erects seedlings.
its minimum value at the highest levels of HMs. The
reduction ratio in number of leaves of T. nilotica and
C. erectus plants reached its maximum at 180 days
after treatments; however the reduction percentage in
Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2017, 8(4): 159-167

Fig (2). Effects of heavy metals on leaf area of T.

nilotica and C. erectus seedlings.
Plant biomass: Data recorded in Figs (3 and 4)
showed that heavy metal application, particularly at
high concentrations, affected the fresh and dry
weights of the plants of both tree species. It was clear
that Cd exhibited maximum inhibitory effect on plant
weights of both species, while the effect of Pb was
less than that of Cd. On the other side low levels of
Zn was likely to improve plant biomass as compared
with control treatment at the first sample (60 days
after treatment). In this regard 100 ppm of Zn
treatment caused an increase of about 2.5% and
2.0% in fresh weights (Fig. 3) and by about 7.6% and
10.1% in dry weights (Fig. 4) of T. nilotica and C.
erectus seedlings, respectively, as compared with
control plants. It was clear that heavy metal (HM)
treatments caused a gradual decrease in the fresh
and dry weights of shoots to reach their minimum at
800 ppm of Pb or Zn and 80 ppm of Cd.

Fig (3): Effect of Pb, Zn and Cd on the fresh weight of

T. nilotica and C. erectus trees.

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2017, 8(4): 159-167

In this regard, 800 ppm of Pb caused a decrease in

the dry weight of T. nilotica and C. erectus shoots by
about 42.1% and 17.8%, respectively as compared
with control. Similarly, 800 ppm of Zn caused a
decreased in the dry weight by about 42.1% and
21.1%, respectively. The corresponding decrease at
80 ppm of Cd was about 44.7% and 35.7%,
Relative growth rate (RGR): Data registered in Fig.
(5) showed that RGR of both T. nilotica and C.
erectus was negatively affected with increasing
heavy metal concentrations. Most decrease in RGR
was reported at highest concentrations of HM
pollutants. Between 60 and 120 days of treatments
RGR of T. nilotica was reduced by about 81.0%,
77.5% and 96.5% at 800 ppm Pb, 800 ppm Zn and
80 ppm Cd, respectively. While the comparable
decrease in RGR of C. erectus was about 96.9%,
95.3% and 96.9%, respectively. These results
showed clearly that Cd was more effective in
reducing RGR that Pb or Zn, while Zn showed the
less effect on RGR of plants. In addition T. nilotica
was more tolerant to heavy metal pollution than C.

Fig (5): Effect of Pb, Zn and Cd on RGR of T. nilotica

and C. erectus trees.
Net assimilation: The results found in Fig. (6)
indicated that net assimilation rate (NAR) decreased
with increasing HM pollutants in the growth media. As
Fig (4): Effect of Pb, Zn and Cd on the dry weight of T. metal concentration increased NAR tended to
nilotica and C. erectus. decrease to reach its minimum value at the highest
levels of heavy metals at which NAR values of T.
Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2017, 8(4): 159-167

nilotica were decreased by about 35.0%, 50,4% and

72.4 at 800 ppm Pb, 800 ppm Zn and 80 ppm Cd,
respectively, between 60 and 120 days of treatments.
As for C. erectus, NAR values were decreased by
about 80.6%, 26.5% and 85.4%, respectively.
Data indicated clearly that Cd was more negative
effect than other heavy metals, Pb and Zn. In addition
NAR values of C. erectus were higher than those of
T. nilotica it might be

Fig (6): Effect of Pb, Zn and Cd on NAR of T. nilotica

and C. erectus trees.
Total Chlorophyll content: Data recorded in Fig. (7)
showed clearly that total chlorophyll contents of C.
erectus was higher than that of T. nilotica. Total Chl
of both tree species increased as time passed until
reached its maximum after 180 days. The pigment
was stimulated by low and medium HM
concentrations. Only the highest concentrations of Pb
and Zn resulted in a significant decrease in total Chl
at any sampling time as compared with control
plants, while the highest and medium concentrations
of Cd caused a significant inhibition in total Chl at any
sampling time.

Fig (7): Effects of Pb, Zn and Cd on total chlorophyll of

T. nilotica and C. erectus leaves.

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2017, 8(4): 159-167

DISCUSSION It was found that RGR nearly decreased over time

(Fig. 5) as the biomass of unstressed plant increases,
It is well known that growth inhibition is a common
The RGR decreases for several reasons - non-
response to HM stress and is also one of the most
photosynthetic biomass (roots and stems) increases,
important agricultural indices of HM tolerance. Lead
the top leaves of a plant begin to shade lower leaves
is not generally considered to be an essential
and soil nutrients can become limiting under heavy
element for plant growth. The effect of Pb on seedling
metal pollution. In the presence of heavy metal
growth seems to be different with regards to plant
stress, it was found that respiration scales with total
species, cultivars, organs and metabolic processes
biomass, but photosynthesis only scales with
(Patil and Umadevi, 2014). Growth disorders causing
photosynthetic biomass and as a result biomass
reductions in biomass yields are commonly observed
accumulates more slowly (Marthews et al.,
in plants subjected to high metal levels (Panich-Pat et
2012). The RGR of trees in particular slow with
al., 2010). In the present study, C. erectus seemed to
increasing size due in part to the large allocation to
be more tolerant to Pb, Zn and Cd than T. nilotica,
structural material of the trunk required to hold
thus high HM concentrations had less effect on the
photosynthetic material up in the canopy (Philipson et
biomass of C. erectus than on that of T. nilotica.
al., 2012).
Inhibition of plant shoot and root growth as affected
by HM treatments has been found by Ang et al. The adverse effect of heavy metals on plant growth
(2010). This negative effect could be attributed to the was accompanied by decrease in RGR and NAR.
reduction in the meristem activity. The suppression of The RGR values of plants significantly declined due
cells elongation by HM was also reported by de to the increase in the concentration of HMs (Fig. 5).
Souza et al. (2012). In this study it has been established that high
concentrations of HMs caused inhibition in RGR and
Based on growth attributes, our results indicated that
NAR of C. erectus that was higher than that of T.
C. erectus was better adapted to contaminated soils.
nilotica. In an early study, Chaab et al. (2016)
However, The seedling stage experiment
reported that reduction of plant dry weight led to
demonstrated that the toxicity of a metal, in
decrement of RGR and NAR values if leaf area was
comparison to another may not be the same at all the
affected. It was indicated that increasing heavy
stages of plant development. The toxicity of some
metals in soil, promoted their concentration in plant
metals may be so severe that plant growth is reduced
followed by chlorophyll content syntheses disruption
before large quantities of the element can be
and dwindling plant growth to reduces dry matter
translocate (Umadevi and Avudainayagam, 2013).
production and, as a consequence, RGR and NAR
The present study supported the findings of Malar et
decreases (Zeliha, et al., 2011).
al. (2014) who stated that plant biomass is a good
indicator for characterizing the growth performance of Because changes in pigment content are related to
plants in the presence of heavy metals. visual symptoms of plant disorder (Zengin and
Munzuroglu, 2005), Chl content is often measured to
In plant physiology, RGR is a measure used to
assess the effect of HM stress on plant growth and
quantify the speed of plant growth. It is measured as
physiology. Many studies reported reduced
the mass increase per aboveground biomass per
chlorophyll in different species under HM pollution
day, for example as g g−1 d−1. It is considered to be
(Liu et al., 2014, Iqbal et al., 2017). Decreased Chl
the most widely used way of estimating plant growth,
content connected with HM pollution might be a result
but has been criticized as calculations typically
of inhibition of some enzymes involved in Chl
involve the destructive harvest of plants (Hoffmann
biosynthesis. Heavy metals were reported to affect
and Poorter, 2002).
Chl formation and inhibited the synthesis of Chl
NAR is the increase in dry biomass per unit leaf area precursor, aminolevulinic acid (ALA) (Gill, 2014).
and is a complex physiological variable associated Previous studies found that HM stimulated
with photosynthetic and respiration rates, which chlorophyll degradation, and reduction in Chl content
reflects a plant’s investment in light capture (Li et al., was observed in plants grown in HM polluted soils
2016). NAR is a measurement of plant growth (Sharma and Dubey, 2005). Even moderate amounts
(weight increase per unit time) by assessing change of some HMs such as Cd affected the content of
in a particular part of the plant (usually leaf area) photosynthetic pigments, which could lead to a
rather than in the overall plant (Hale et al., 2017). reduction in photosynthetic potential and a disruption
of plant growth processes (de Souza et al., 2012). In

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