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The emergence of technological innovationin the manufacturing sector has conflicting consequences- both positive and
negative effects- in some of its facets. Technologies such as AIR, IIOT, AM have labor – saving impacts in the
employment of manufacturing industries as observed in most European countries for decades. Structural employment is
likely to happen. These technologies decreases the amount of labor input in production line work but leads to the
increase in the amount of labor input required in higher-skilled engineering, such as design or research and
development, and business tasks such as marketing or services. Skills requirements of those occupations are likely to
change , where a higher level of information and communication technology (ICT) competence is a requirement. Data
analysis, network manangement and security would then become core skills for manufacturing occupations. A
challenged expected on the impementation of these new technologies in manufacturing is the difficulty of finding
workers with the necessary hybrid skillset ( such as combining mevhanical engineering and ICT skills or business
management and big data analytics).

Positive effects:

1. This leads to the increase in the amount of labor input required in higher-skilled engineering, such as design or
research and development, and business tasks such as marketing or services.
2. Can help an organization run smoothly and efficiently.
3. Enable the businesses to expand production with their existing workers, and even to enter new markets.

Negative effects:

1. It decreases the amount of labor input in production line work.

2. A higher level of information and communication technology (ICT) competence is a requirement.
3. Shifting of employers to another jobs.
4. Reduce the need for people in many jobs.
5. Job decoupling (Brynjolfsson & McAfee)

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