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3/12/2019 Slow Drawing Performance in Global Workshare

Slow Drawing Performance in Global Workshare

Answer ID: 24085 | Published 8/21/2015 | Updated 3/27/2018

Relevant Product(s) SM3D; SP3D; SP3D MHE

Drawings open, create, and update in reasonable times at the host site in a Global Workshare configuration (GWC),
but the same operations take significantly longer at a satellite site.

Not version specific.

Check that satellite drawings are not attempting to read information from the host location. This includes at least
checking the following:

Ensure host and satellite catalogs are pointed to symbol shares at host and satellite locations, respectively.
Ensure the drawings resource path for the styles is pointed locally at the satellite. The path to the resource file
Styles.sha should be pointing to the local file at both the host and the satellite. The path should be set in both the
border templates and in Emptyvw.sha (used as a view template). In SmartSketch Drawing Editor, select
Format > Style > Resources to change the path.
If drawings contain R3D file attachments, ensure the R3D files are replicated from the host to the satellites and
that the R3D attachments are set up such that the satellite sites use the local copies rather than the host copies
of the files.
If border templates contain linked graphic files, like a company logo, ensure the satellite drawings are pointed to
local copies of the graphic files. Alternatively, the graphic files could be embedded instead of linked. Refer to the
SmartSketch Drawing Editor help documentation for more information

Regarding the last point, SmartSketch Drawing Editor supports the mapping of linked paths in a drawing to a local
path. The steps to do this follow:

1. Edit a new text file and key in Version 1 on the first line.
2. On the next line, key in the name of a linked path in the drawing followed by a TAB character followed by the
path to the link file in the local location.
3. Repeat the previous step for each linked path in the drawing.
4. Save the text file in a location that is accessible to users at that workshare site, typically somewhere in the shared
5. Create a new key in the registry called SubstituteDrives at
6. Set the value of the default variable of the key to the location and name of the text file created previously.

Once this configuration is complete, the software will use the local path when resolving the linked file. Note that only
one redirect is allowed per location. You cannot set multiple redirects , as after it sees the first entry it will ignore
successive entries. Also keep in mind that this will have to be done for every user, as it resides in the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive of the registry.

Drawings at satellite may be linked to data at the host location. 1/1

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