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Chemosphere 68 (2007) 2080–2084

The effect of pH on the kinetics of spontaneous Fe(II) oxidation

by O2 in aqueous solution – basic principles and a simple
heuristic description
Barak Morgan a, Ori Lahav b,*

Department of Human Biology, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel

Received 23 November 2006; received in revised form 6 February 2007; accepted 6 February 2007
Available online 21 March 2007


The spontaneous chemical oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) by O2 is a complex process involving meta-stable partially oxidized interme-
diate species such as green rusts, which ultimately transform into a variety of stable iron oxide end-products such as hematite, magnetite,
goethite and lepidocrocite. Although in many practical situations the nature of the end-products is of less interest than the oxidation
kinetics, it is difficult to find in the literature a description of all the basic steps and principles governing the kinetics of these reactions.
This paper uses basic aquatic-chemistry equilibrium theory as the framework upon which to present a heuristic model of the oxidation
kinetics of Fe(II) species to ferric iron by O2. The oxidation rate can be described by the equation (in units of mol Fe(II)/(l min)):
d½Fe2þ =dt ¼ 6  105 ½Fe2þ  þ 1:7½FeðOHÞþ  þ 4:3  105 ½FeðOHÞ02 . This rate equation yields a sigmoid-shaped curve as a function
of pH; at pH values below 4, the Fe2+ concentration dominates and the rate is independent of pH. At pH > 5, ½FeðOHÞ02  determines
the rate because it is far more readily oxidized than both Fe2+ and FeOH+. Between pH 5 and 8 the FeðOHÞ02 concentration rises steeply
with pH and the overall oxidation rate increases accordingly. At pH values > 8 ½FeðOHÞ02  no longer varies with pH and the oxidation
rate is again independent of pH. The paper presents a heuristic overview of the pH dependent kinetics of aqueous ferrous oxidation by
O2(aq) which we believe will be useful to professionals at both research and technical levels.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ferrous iron; Oxidation rate; Oxygen; Kinetics; pH; Aqueous phase

1. Introduction (e.g. green rusts) which are difficult to characterise or pre-

dict. These Fe-intermediates ultimately transform into a
Ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe3+) ions in aqueous solu- variety of stable iron oxide end-products such as hematite,
tion occur in a wide variety of commonly encountered magnetite, goethite and lepidocrocite. The exact end-prod-
aquatic contexts such as incidents of ‘‘red water’’ in water uct(s) formed depends upon environmental conditions
distribution systems, acid mine drainage problems, a chief among which are pH, temperature, solution composi-
diverse range of industrial water treatment processes and tion and oxidation rate. Yet in many practical situations
natural cycles in fresh and marine water environments. the nature of the end-products is of less interest than the
The spontaneous chemical oxidation of ferrous to ferric oxidation kinetics which are primarily independent of the
by O2 is a complex process involving a variety of partially final iron oxide species formed. This paper presents a heu-
oxidized meta-stable ferrous–ferric intermediate species ristic overview of the kinetics of aqueous ferrous oxidation
by O2(aq) which we believe is a valuable synthesis of an old,
dispersed and somewhat forgotten literature that is none-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +972 4 9292191; fax: +972 4 8228898. theless increasingly relevant in a great number of practical
E-mail address: (O. Lahav). situations encountered today.

0045-6535/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

B. Morgan, O. Lahav / Chemosphere 68 (2007) 2080–2084 2081

The theory underlying the kinetics of oxidation of Fe(II)

in aqueous solution begins with a consideration of empiri-
cal observations of the rate in relation to pH. Stumm and
Morgan (1996) present the following kinetic equation for
the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ with O2(aq) as the electron

d½Fe2þ  2
¼ k½Fe2þ ½OH  pO2 ð1Þ

This empirical equation was derived by curve fitting tech-

niques from data attained from the oxidation of ferrous
solutions of no more than 0.5 mM/l (28 mg Fe/l), and
at pH values between 4 and 6. In Fig. 1 it can be seen that
below pH 4 the rate of oxidation becomes very low, and Fig. 2. Rate constants for oxidation of soluble Fe(II) species in water as a
is fundamentally independent of pH. Millero (1985) also function of pH (from Millero (1985) based on Stumm and Lee (1961) and
presented data for the rate of oxidation of Fe(II) in solu- Roekens and Van Grieken (1983)).
tion which, among other observations, includes observa-
tions at pH values higher than 6 (Fig. 2). Millero’s results tion of soluble Fe(II) species is so low that it is very difficult
indicate that at pH values greater than 8 the rate of fer- to obtain reasonably accurate empirical kinetic data.
rous oxidation (these data were obtained from seawater The trend apparent from these observations can be
but the author extrapolated it to freshwater) is also inde- explained in terms of the equilibrium chemistry of Fe(II)
pendent of pH. At pH values lower than 8, Millero’s re- in aqueous solution. Fig. 3 is a log species–pH diagram
sults are in agreement with Fig. 1. Thus the overall Fe(II) for Fe(II) species in single phase aqueous equilibrium (Total
oxidation rate versus pH plot shows a central region where Fe(II) concentration = 103 M) and Fig. 4 is a log species–
the rate is strongly pH dependent flanked by regions on pH diagram for Fe(II) for a two phase, aqueous-solid equi-
either side where the rate is principally not effected by librium, in the absence of complexing agents for ferrous
pH. Note that in freshwater above pH 9.0 the concentra- iron other than water (i.e. in the absence of Cl, CO2 3 ,
SO24 , etc.). Inspection of Fig. 4 reveals that in order to
reach saturation at pH values below 8, the total Fe(II)
concentration must be much higher than that used to
construct Fig. 1. In other words, below pH 8 all Fe(II)
solutions are effectively non-saturated solutions. The
equilibrium chemistry of Fe(II) solutions below pH 8 is
therefore better described by Fig. 3 (single phase aque-
ous equilibrium) while solutions above pH 8 are best
described by Fig. 4 (two phase aqueous-solid equilibrium),
which shows the fraction of the ferrous concentration that is
in the solid phase (Fe(OH)2(s)).

0 2 4 6 8 10
1 12 14
Fe2+ Fe(OH)3
log [species]

-6 +
)2 0


Fig. 1. Oxidation rate of ferrous iron species as a function of pH

ðpO2 ¼ 0:20 barÞ. Partially redrawn from Stumm and Morgan (1996). At -15
low pH the oxidation rate is independent of pH, while at higher pH values
(>5) the second order dependence on [OH] as described by Eq. (1) is Fig. 3. Log species–pH diagram of soluble ferrous hydroxide species at
fulfilled. infinite dilution.
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2082 B. Morgan, O. Lahav / Chemosphere 68 (2007) 2080–2084

pH 0 FeðIIÞT
½FeðOHÞ2  ¼ þ þ 2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 þ KðH3 KþwÞ þ KðH2 K wÞ þ KðHK Þ
1 2Kw
Fe2+ ½FeðOHÞ
3 ¼ þ 2 ð6Þ
ðHþ Þ3
-2 1 þ KðH3 K wÞ þ KðH Þ
þK 3
log [species]

-4 where log K1 = 4.5, log K2 = 2.93, log K3 = 3.57 (Benjamin,
FeT 2002).
FeOH+ Eq. (2) implies that in the course of soluble ferrous spe-
Fe(OH)02 cies oxidation, and in contrast with the approach presented
-8 in Eq. (1), more than one oxidation reaction occurs simul-
Fe(OH)3- taneously (Stumm and Morgan, 1996), viz.
-10 a Fe2þ ! Fe3þ þ e
þ 2þ
Fig. 4. Aqueous-solid phase equilibrium for soluble ferrous hydroxide b FeðOHÞ ! FeðOHÞ þ e
species at infinite dilution (in the absence of both inorganic carbon species
and ion pairing species such as Cl, SO2 3
4 , PO4 etc.). c FeðOHÞ02 ! FeðOHÞþ
2 þe

Stumm and Morgan (1996) also provide one-electron steps

Once formed, the rate of oxidation of Fe(OH)2(s) has for the reduction of the terminal electron acceptor, O2(aq):
been shown to be independent of pH, and dependent only A O2ðaqÞ þ e ! O2  ð ¼ radicalÞ
on the rate of the introduction of the oxidant (typically O2) þ
into the water (Prasad and Ramasastry, 1974). The current B O2 

þ e þ 2H ! H2 O2ðaqÞ
paper focuses only on the rate of oxidation of soluble fer- C H2 O2ðaqÞ þ e þ Hþ ! OHðaqÞ þ H2 O
rous species. Note that when the carbonate system is pres- D OHðaqÞ þ e þ Hþ ! H2 O
ent in concentrations exceeding about 5 · 103 M, ferrous
iron solubility is controlled by siderite (FeCO3) rather than Combining sets of equations (a, b, c) with (A, B, C, D),
by Fe(OH)2 and the overall Fe(II) solubility becomes much Stumm and Morgan (1996) show that the free energy
lower, e.g. at pH 8.0 the combined concentration of ferrous changes which occur during the oxidation of Fe(II) by oxy-
iron species is around 106 M (Singer and Stumm, 1970). gen are more negative for the oxidation of FeðOHÞ2ðaqÞ
+ 2+
According to Eq. (1) the oxidation rate is first order with than for either Fe(OH) and Fe . In all three reactions
respect to PO2 and [Fe2+] and second order for [OH]. The a, b, c step A is endergonic but is least endergonic for reac-
following rate equation given by Millero (1985) which tion b; and for all three reactions a, b, c steps B, C, D are
separates the individual species found in aqueous Fe(II) all exergonic but in each case reaction b is the most
solution is useful for the purposes of understanding the oxi- exergonic.
dation rate in relation to pH. Thus by explicitly making a kinetic argument from ther-
modynamic data, Stumm and Morgan (1996) deduced that
d½Fe2þ    þ
¼ k 0 ½Fe2þ  þ k 1 FeðOHÞ step A is the slowest step in each case (because it is the most
dt h i  endergonic) and is therefore rate-limiting; and that step A
þ k 2 FeðOHÞ2ðaqÞ þ k 3 ½FeðOHÞ3  DO ð2Þ is the fastest for reaction b (because, of the three, it is the
least endergonic). Similarly, they deduce that since reaction
where: k0, k1, k2 and k3 are oxidation rate constants b is most exergonic for steps B, C, D, all in all FeðOHÞ02ðaqÞ
(time1). produces the fastest oxidation sequence. This conclusion is
In Eq. (2) the value of dissolved oxygen concentration backed up by two other sources. Firstly, it has been shown
(DO) is used instead of PO2 since it is in fact DO which that ‘hydrolysed’ ferrous iron species are more readily oxi-
participates in the oxidation reaction and the DO concen- dized than non-hydrolysed ferrous species in the following
0 þ
tration will vary for a given PO2 for a variety of reasons order FeðOHÞ2ðaqÞ  FeðOHÞ  Fe2þ , the reason pre-
such as temperature, ionic strength and the oxygen con- 
sumably being that OH ligands donate electron density
sumption rate of the solution (Millero et al., 1987). through both the r and p systems to the reduced metal
In Eqs. (3)–(6) the individual species in Eq. (2) are ion which increases reducing power and stabilises the
expressed explicitly as a function of the total ferrous iron Fe3+ formed during the oxidation (Luther, 1990). This
concentration (Fe(II)T), pH and stability constants. hypothesis was experimentally substantiated (in retrospect)
FeðIIÞT by Millero (1985), who showed that the rate constant for
½Fe2þ  ¼ 2 3 ð3Þ 0
the oxidation of FeðOHÞ2 is five orders of magnitude
1þ K1Kw
ðHþ Þ
þ KðH
þ 2 þ
ðHþ Þ3 higher than the rate constant for FeOH+, which, in turn,
þ FeðIIÞT is five orders of magnitude greater than the rate constant
½FeðOHÞ  ¼ ðHþ Þ 2 ð4Þ for Fe2+ reported by Lowson (1982). Secondly, Wehrli
1þ K1Kw
þ KðH2 KþwÞ þ KðH
þ 2
Þ (1990) showed a linear free energy relationship between
Author's personal copy

B. Morgan, O. Lahav / Chemosphere 68 (2007) 2080–2084 2083

the free energy of the reaction (log K) and the rate (log k) aqueous-solid equilibrium. Here at pH 8 although Fe2+
of the reaction for the oxidation of Fe2+, FeOH+ and exceeds both FeOH+ and FeðOHÞ2 in concentration, the
FeðOHÞ2ðaqÞ . Based on the studies of Lowson (1982) and latter two species are far more easily oxidized due to the
Millero (1985) the following explicit rate equation for sol- presence of the hydroxyl groups. As one moves from pH
uble ferrous species oxidation can be written. Note that 8 to the right in Fig. 4, both the Fe2+ and FeOH+ concen-
no rate constant has been reported for the oxidation of trations drop steeply whilst the FeðOHÞ2 concentration is
FeðOHÞ 3 probably due to empirical limitations, however constant. As the pH increases above 8.0 the oxidation rate
the concentration of this species is exceptionally low at (Eq. (2)) therefore becomes dominated by FeOH02 . Since
pH values < pH 10 and thus from a practical standpoint this species is constant with respect to pH ‘throughout’
this rate constant is of a lesser importance. Also note that the range, the rate above pH 8 becomes independent of
the rate constants in Eq. (7) should probably be considered pH.
only with respect to their order of magnitude, rather than Note that although Fig. 4 shows the FeðOHÞ2 concen-
as accurate quantities. tration is constant below pH 8, in practice this never
0 arises for the reasons stated above, i.e. all Fe(II) solutions
d½Fe2þ  @ 6  105  FeðIIÞT of concentrations of the order of 103 M are unsaturated
¼ 2 3 below pH 8 and single phase liquid equilibrium (Fig. 3)
dt 1 þ K 1 Kþw þ K 1 Kþ2 K2w þ K 1 Kþ2 K3w
ðH Þ ðH Þ ðH Þ rather than two phase aqueous-solid equilibrium (Fig. 4)
1:7  FeðIIÞT applies. As the pH moves below 8 the threshold for satu-
þ þ
1 þ KðH1 K wÞ þ KðH2 KþwÞ þ KðH
ration rises logarithmically so that in practise saturated
þ 2
Þ Fe(II) solutions hardly ever occur at pH < 8.
4:3  10  FeðIIÞT A
þ þ þ 2
ð7Þ 2. A simple heuristic description
1 þ KðH3 KþwÞ þ KðH2 K wÞ þ KðHK Þ
1 2Kw

The arguments above account for the shape of the curve

where dFe(II)/dt is the rate of ferrous oxidation in mole describing the oxidation rate of Fe(II) in solution versus
Fe(II) per litre per min. Rate constants were determined pH plot. Taken together, the approach suggests a sig-
with pO2 ¼ 0:2 bar. moid-shaped curve for the Fe(II) oxidation rate as a func-
The effect of ionic strength and temperature on Eq. (7) is tion of pH as seen in Figs. 1 and 2. This is because:
determined correspondingly by adjusting the equilibrium
constants by the Davis equation (based on the Debye– • At pH values below 4, Fe2+ dominates in Eq. (2) (see
Huckel approach) and the Van’t Hoff equation (Benjamin, Fig. 3).
2002). • At pH > 5, FeðOHÞ02 dominates in Eq. (2) because it is
Having established the relative rates of oxidation of far more readily oxidized than Fe2+ and FeOH+ as
Fe(II) species one can now rationally explain the oxidation reflected by the magnitude of its rate constant.
rate curve seen in Figs. 1 and 2. It has already been estab- • Between pH 5 and 8 the FeðOHÞ2 concentration rises
lished that Fig. 3 applies only to Fe(II) solutions at strongly with pH (Fig. 3), and the oxidation rate
pH < 8. Examination of Fig. 3 shows that in this pH range increases accordingly.
0 0
the concentrations of FeOH+ and FeðOHÞ2 rise steeply and • At pH values > 8 FeðOHÞ2 dominates in Eq. (2) and
linearly with pH. Since these species (especially FeðOHÞ2 ) its concentration does not vary with pH.
are far more readily oxidized than Fe is, this explains
the pH-dependence of the oxidation rate between pH 4– In saturated Fe(II) solutions Eq. (2) reduces to
d½Fe2þ  0
8. Indeed, above pH 5 both the first two terms on the right dt
¼ kDO because the ½FeðOHÞ2  concentration is con-
hand side of Eq. (2) fall away (Stumm and Morgan, 1996), stant (or in Eq. (1) the solubility product is a constant).
which accounts for the second order dependence of the rate Thus, at pH < 7–8 the rate limiting factor governing the
law shown in Eq. (1) for this pH region. Below pH 4 the oxidation rate appears to be pH whereas at higher pH val-
concentrations of FeOH+ and FeðOHÞ2 are so low as to ues, the DO concentration is the rate-limiting factor.
be negligible and Fe dominates. Since the oxidation of Fig. 5 shows the change in concentration with time of
Fe2+ is independent of hydroxyl groups, the oxidation rate ferrous in aqueous solution as a consequence of oxidation
is no longer pH dependent. by oxygen at different (constant) pH values.
As already established for all pH values above 8, all Although the exact positions of the curves depend upon
Fe(II) solutions of the order of at least 103 molar concen- temperature and a variety of other factors (see remarks
tration (again, under the assumption that ferrous below), Fig. 5 provides an extremely simple heuristic model
complexes only with H2O; in the presence of other com- reflecting the dramatic differences in oxidation kinetics of
plexing or ion pairing agents saturation pH increases, ferrous in aqueous solution which occur as a function of
and in the presence of the carbonate system FeCO3(s) rather pH.
than Fe(OH)2(s) dominates) will be saturated solutions. The presented approach can be complemented by the
Fig. 4 shows the speciation of Fe(II) in two phase following observations:
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2084 B. Morgan, O. Lahav / Chemosphere 68 (2007) 2080–2084

120 of the association with OH (Stumm and Morgan,

Fe(II)T concentration (mg/l)

100 pH 4.0
• The rate constants of the three meaningful Fe(II) soluble
80 species (Fe2+, FeOH+, FeðOHÞ2 ) differ from each
pH 5.0 other by five orders of magnitude (6 · 105, 1.7, and
4.3 · 105 1/min), respectively. In practical terms this
pH 6.0
40 means that the overall oxidation rate depends dramati-
cally on the distribution of these three species in the
20 aqueous phase, which is mostly pH dependent, but to
pH 7.0 pH 6.3
a lesser degree also depends on temperature and ionic
0 pH 7.6 50 100 150 200 strength.
pH 7.75 Time (min) • No rate constant has been reported for the oxidation of

Fig. 5. Oxidation rate of soluble Fe(II) in a batch test as a function of pH FeðOHÞ3 probably due to empirical limitations, how-
(according to Eq. (7)). Assumptions: infinite dilution and DO saturated at ever the concentration of this species is exceptionally
25 C. Note that at pH 7.75 the curve starts at a ferrous concentration of low at pH values < pH 10 and thus from a practical
90.18 mg/l rather than 100 mg/l, because at this pH 9.82 mg/l precipitate
standpoint its rate constant is of a lesser importance.
as Fe(OH)2(s).
• Further empirical work is required in order to quantify
the rate constants of common complexes of Fe(II),
• It has been observed that catalysts such as Co2+ and encountered in natural waters. Such study is imperative
Cu2+ dramatically enhance the oxidation rate (Stumm for design purposes of, for example, oxidation reactors
and Lee, 1961). aimed at treatment of acid mine drainage, comprising
• The presence of anions such as Cl, CO2 and SO2 a variable, but always high SO2 4 concentration, or for
3 4
have been shown to retard the oxidation rate (Millero, Fe(II) containing groundwater that also includes a high
1985) because they form complexes with Fe(II) that Cl concentration.
are less favourably oxidized as compared to the hydrox-
ide complexes. The exact rate constants associated with References
each of these complexes have not been established to
Benjamin, M.M., 2002. Water Chemistry, International Edition.
date. Part of the difference in the rate curves for seawa-
McGraw-Hill series in Water Resources and Environmental
ter and water seen in Fig. 2 are a consequence of such Engineering.
anion effects, the other part being due to temperature. Lowson, R.T., 1982. Aqueous oxidation of pyrite by molecular oxygen.
• In water high in alkalinity (such as ground waters) the Chem. Rev. 82, 461–499.
overall solubility of Fe(II) is lower and controlled by Luther, G.W., 1990. The frontier-molecular-orbital theory approach in
geochemical processes. In: Stumm, W. (Ed.), Aquatic Chemical
siderite rather than by ferrous hydroxide. However,
Kinetics. Wiley-Interscience, New York, pp. 73–199.
the principles governing the rate equation (Eq. (7)) Millero, F.J., 1985. The effect of ionic interactions on the oxidation of
remain valid. metals in natural waters. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 49, 547–553.
Millero, F.J., Sotolongo, S., Izaguirre, M., 1987. The oxidation kinetics of
3. Conclusions Fe(II) in seawater. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 51, 793–801.
Prasad, T.P., Ramasastry, V.V., 1974. Oxidation of ferrous hydroxide
suspensions. Int. J. Appl. Chem. Biotechnol. 24, 769–775.
• The fundamental equilibrium and thermodynamic prin- Roekens, E.J., Van Grieken, R.E., 1983. Kinetics of iron(II) oxidation in
ciples governing the pH dependent (5 < pH < 8) and seawater of various pH. Mar. Chem. 13 (3), 195–202.
pH independent (5 > pH > 8) kinetics of oxidation Singer, P.C., Stumm, W., 1970. The solubility of ferrous iron in carbonate
of ferrous iron to ferric iron where oxygen is the oxidiz- bearing waters. J. Am. Water. Works Ass. 62, 198–202.
Stumm, W., Lee, G.F., 1961. Oxygenation of ferrous iron. Ind. Eng.
ing agent have been described. The result is a simple Chem. Res. 53, 143–146.
heuristic description of the oxidation kinetics as a func- Stumm, W., Morgan, J.J., 1970. Aquatic Chemistry: An Introduction
tion of pH. The visual simplicity of this model assures Emphasizing Chemical Equilibria in Natural Waters. Wiley-Inter-
that it can be easily remembered and applied to any sit- science, New York.
uation where it may be needed. Stumm, W., Morgan, J.J., 1996. Aquatic Chemistry: Chemical Equilibria
and Rates in Natural Waters. Wiley-Interscience, New York.
• The oxidation rate is both thermodynamically and Wehrli, B., 1990. Redox reactions of metal ions at mineral surfaces. In:
kinetically enhanced by adsorption of dissolved iron Stumm, W. (Ed.), Aquatic Chemical Kinetics. Wiley-Interscience, New
species to hydrous oxide surfaces. This is also because York, pp. 311–337.

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