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Microstructure and cementation of two carbonatic fine-grained
Alain El Howayek, Antonio Bobet, and Marika Santagata
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY on 03/19/19

Abstract: This paper presents an investigation of the microstructure and cementation of two carbonatic fine-grained soils
obtained from a deposit of lacustrine origin formed during the Wisconsin glaciation. The two soils differ in the degree of
cementation (with average total carbonate contents of ⬃55% and ⬃38%), the dominating carbonate mineral (calcite versus
dolomite), and the forms of carbonates present. The study is founded on observations of the microstructure using scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrometry, and examination of the effects of carbon-
ate dissolution on Atterberg limits and particle-size distribution. In both soils, the majority of the carbonate is in the form of a
coating layer on the clay and silt particles, with a thickness less than 2–3 ␮m, and decreasing in the sample with lower carbonate
content. This coating layer “networks” particles and groups of particles. Carbonate cementation impacts the engineering
properties of both soils, and the site’s overconsolidation ratio (OCR) profile clearly reflects changes in carbonate content and
microstructure. One-dimensional compression tests show that cementation is associated with a moderate degree of structuring,
and that the resulting structure is stable, with no complete destructuration occurring even after the effective stress exceeds
10 times the preconsolidation stress.

Key words: calcite, dolomite, mineralogy, cementation, soil structure, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray.

Résumé : Cet article présente une étude de la microstructure et de la cimentation de deux sols à grains fins carbonatés obtenus
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à partir d’un gisement d’origine lacustre formé pendant la glaciation du Wisconsin. Les deux sols diffèrent à la fois par le degré
de cimentation (avec des teneurs moyennes en carbonate total de ⬃55 % et ⬃38 %), le carbonate dominant (calcite versus
dolomite) et les formes de carbonates présents. L’étude est fondée sur des observations de la microstructure à l’aide de la
microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) équipée d’une spectrométrie à rayons X à dispersion d’énergie (EDX); et l’examen des
effets de la dissolution du carbonate sur les limites d’Atterberg et la distribution granulométrique. Dans les deux sols, la majorité
du carbonate se présente sous la forme d’une couche de revêtement sur les particules d’argile et de limon, d’épaisseur inférieure
à 2–3 ␮m, et décroît dans l’échantillon avec une teneur en carbonate plus faible. Cette couche de revêtement « met en réseau »
des particules et des groupes de particules. La cimentation des carbonates a un impact sur les propriétés mécaniques des deux
sols, et le profil du ratio de surconsolidation (« OCR ») du site reflète clairement les changements dans la teneur en carbonate et
la microstructure. Les essais de compression unidimensionnelle montrent que la cimentation est associée à un degré modéré de
structuration et que la structure résultante est stable, sans déstructuration complète même après que la contrainte effective
dépasse 10 fois la contrainte de préconsolidation. [Traduit par la Rédaction]

Mots-clés : calcite, dolomie, minéralogie, cimentation, structure du sol, microscopie électronique à balayage, rayons X à dispersion

1. Introduction The effects of cementation on the engineering properties of

The effect of structure on the compressibility and shear natural deposits have been widely discussed in the literature (e.g.,
strength of natural soils has been long recognized (e.g., Burland Bjerrum and Wu 1960; Conlon 1966; Sangrey 1972; Fischer et al.
1990; Leroueil and Vaughan 1990; Gens and Alonso 1992; 1978; McGown and Ladd 1982; Jamiolkowski et al. 1985; Allman
Cotecchia and Chandler 1997; Chandler 2000; Fearon and Coop and Poulos 1988; Burland 1990; Burghignoli et al. 1991; Boone and
2000, 2002). Lambe and Whitman (1969) defined the term “struc- Lutenegger 1997; Bozzano et al. 1999; Burghignoli et al. 2010).
ture” as the combination of “fabric” (i.e., the arrangement of par- Cementation generally results in the development of an “appar-
ticles) and interparticle “bonding” (i.e., the electrochemical forces ent preconsolidation stress,” and is also cited as a factor in increas-
at the interparticle contacts). Cementation is one of the forms of ing shear strength. For example, Kenney et al. (1967) showed that
interparticle bonding existing in structured soils. According to
the removal of iron, using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
Mitchell (1993), these bonds are typically associated with crystal
leaching, caused a decrease in the apparent preconsolidation stress
growth and (or) chemical precipitation at the interparticle con-
tacts. Boone and Lutenegger (1997) provide a review of the many (␴p ). Similarly, Loiselle et al. (1971) reported a reduction in both ␴p and
agents that have been cited in the literature as being responsible the undrained shear strength (su) of Quebec clays, due to the re-
for cementation in cohesive soils. They include carbonates, as well moval, using EDTA, of Fe3+ and Ca2+ cementing compounds. Fischer
as amorphous and crystalline forms of oxides of iron, aluminum, et al. (1978) reported that artificial cementation by calcite precipita-
and silica. tion in Drammen clay caused an increase of su.

Received 27 January 2018. Accepted 28 May 2018.

A. El Howayek, A. Bobet, and M. Santagata. Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 550 Stadium Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA.
Corresponding author: Marika Santagata (email:
Copyright remains with the author(s) or their institution(s). Permission for reuse (free in most cases) can be obtained from RightsLink.

Can. Geotech. J. 56: 320–334 (2019) Published at on 5 June 2018.
El Howayek et al. 321

According to Mitchell (1993), carbonate is one of the most com- (1) Ca2⫹(aq) ⫹ 2HCO3⫺共aq兲 % CaCO3 ⫹ H2O ⫹ CO2
mon cementing agents present in natural sediments and, as
stated by Demars and Chaney (1982), it is one of the “few mineral
cementing agents that are capable of changing a loose aggregate The concentration of Ca2+ in solution depends on the partial
into a stiff rock.” It has been suggested that carbonate cementa- pressure of CO2 and temperature. Carbon dioxide dissolves in
tion forms over long periods of time from precipitation of calcite water, forming carbonic acid (H2CO3) and hydrated CO2. The re-
and (or) dolomite and long-term crystal growth between grains. action between CO2 and H2O is described by the following:
This process is believed to cause a physically solid link between
the soil particles, bonding them together and leading to the (2) CO2(g) ⫹ H2O % CO2(aq) ⫹ H2O
formation of larger aggregates (e.g., Mitchell 1993; Boone and
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Lutenegger 1997). However, as noted by Boone and Lutenegger (3) CO2(aq) ⫹ H2O % H2CO3
(1997), the final structure of a cemented soil “depends on the
balance of deposition, stressing, and bonding rates, as well as (4) H2CO3 % H⫹ ⫹ HCO3⫺
mineralogy and pore-water chemistry.” For example, it appears
that the effects of carbonate cementation differ significantly in (5) HCO3⫺ % H⫹ ⫹ CO32⫺
marine versus glaciolacustrine deposits (e.g., Boone and Lutenegger
1997). Adding further complexity is the fact that carbonates can
At the interface between the solution and solid CaCO3 the equi-
have different origins (see section 2), can exist in both detrital
librium is
form and as cementing agents, and can be differently distributed
across the various soil particle-size fractions.
As a result of the above, and despite the prevalence of carbon- (6) CaCO3 % Ca2⫹ ⫹ CO32⫺
atic soils around the world and the extensive literature on their
engineering properties, questions still remain regarding the mi- The reaction for the formation of calcite (eq. (1)) is obtained by
crostructure of these soils, the different forms in which carbon- combining eqs. (2) through (6).
ates can be present and the conditions that promote their Bozzano et al. (1999) discuss that CaCO3 precipitation–dissolution
occurrence, and their role in altering particle-level interactions at equilibrium is controlled by a range of physical and chemical param-
the microscopic scale. eters, and that any process that reduces the amount of CO2 in the
This paper seeks to further the understanding of carbonate system will cause calcite to precipitate. In particular, the following
cementation in natural soils and of its relationship to macro be-
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factors come into play:

havior through the analysis of the microstructure of two fine-
grained soils rich in calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and calcium 1. Temperature — While for many solids dissolved in water, the
magnesium carbonate (CaMg(CO3)2). Both soils were sampled solubility of the solute increases with temperature up to
from the same glacial lacustrine deposit in southwestern Indiana, 100 °C, calcite exhibits the unusual characteristic of having
USA. The investigation is founded on (i) direct observations of the retrograde or inverse solubility, where its solubility decreases
microstructure using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with increasing temperature (Langmuir 1997). This is caused
with energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrometry; (ii) examination by the fact that calcite dissolution–precipitation depends on
of the effects of carbonate dissolution on Atterberg limits and the abundance of CO2, and that the solubility of gases like CO2
particle-size distribution; and (iii) analysis of select geotechnical in liquids decreases with increasing temperature. Therefore,
data obtained at the site. While both soils examined in this study warming the water will result in a reduction in the amount of
are characterized by high carbonate content (>30%), due to differ- CO2, shifting eq. (1) to the right and leading to precipitation of
ent depositional environments, they show distinct index and en- calcite. In contrast, CO2 is more soluble in cold water (e.g.,
gineering properties (see details in El Howayek et al. 2016 and El during cold seasons and (or) in deep water basins). In such
Howayek 2016). This provides the opportunity to examine effects conditions, calcite precipitation is less favorable.
associated with differences in both the degree of carbonate ce- 2. Biochemical activity — Aquatic plants consume CO2 in the pro-
mentation and the forms of carbonates present. cess of photosynthesis. The carbonate system will buffer this
loss by the precipitation of calcite until reaching an equilib-
2. Origin of carbonates in lacustrine deposits rium condition.
The origin and form of deposition of carbonatic lacustrine de- 3. Acidity (pH) — Calcite solubility decreases with increasing pH.
posits have been widely investigated (e.g., Wayne 1971; Jones and In general, calcium carbonate dissolves in an acid solution (de-
Bowser 1978; Boone and Lutenegger 1997; Bozzano et al. 1999). It is creasing pH) and precipitates in a basic solution (increasing pH).
generally reported that soil carbonates originate from two major 4. Pressure — The solubility of gases like CO2 in liquids increases
sources: (i) as external to the lake (allogenic carbonates) in the with increasing load pressure (e.g., due to the mass of the overly-
form of carbonates that are eroded from the original parent ma- ing material). This causes eq. (1) to shift to the left causing calcite
terial or (ii) by a solution-precipitation process occurring within to dissolve. Nitecki (1960) reported that the solubility of calcite is
the lake water mass (endogenic carbonates). The former mecha- generally higher at greater depths than at lesser depths.
nism, also referred to as mechanical sedimentation, consists of
Fresh water lakes might also contain a host of soluble organic
fine particles of calcium carbonate transported in suspension by
and inorganic materials that may modify the types of minerals
ground water from limestone rock outside the lake proper; while
formed (Doner and Lynn 1989). For instance, the presence of mag-
the latter mechanism, also referred to as chemical and biochem-
nesium Mg2+ promotes the formation of calcium magnesium car-
ical precipitate, involves the precipitation of calcium bicarbon-
ates in fresh water as calcium carbonate. bonate (CaMg(CO3)2), also known as dolomite. Equation (7) shows
Fresh water lakes can be saturated with calcium bicarbonate the reaction for the formation of dolomite. The formation of do-
(Ca(HCO3)2), which exists only in aqueous solution. The removal of lomite as a replacement of calcium carbonate in lacustrine depos-
CO2, as a result of evaporation, photosynthesis of aquatic plants, its requires that Mg/Ca in the water be larger than the equilibrium
and (or) bacterial activity, leads to the precipitation of calcium ratio Kdz (= Mg2+/Ca2+) (Kelts and Hsu 1978)
carbonate (CaCO3), also known as calcite. The formation of calcite
in soils follows the reaction (7) 2CaCO3 ⫹ Mg2⫹ ⫽ CaMg(CO3)2 ⫹ Ca2⫹

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322 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 56, 2019

Fig. 1. Depth profiles of (a) water content and Atterberg limits, (b) calcium carbonate content, (c) clay fraction, (d) void ratio, and (e) specific
gravity. [Color online.]

Water content (%) CaCO3 content (%) Clay fraction, CF (%) Void ratio, e Specific gravity, Gs
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.65 2.75 2.85
(a) Soil M (b) Soil M (c) Soil M (d) Soil M (e) Soil M
Soil C Soil C Soil C Soil C Soil C
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Depth (m)

PL wn LL


3. Characteristics of deposit ity of soil M (mean Gs = 2.71 compared to Gs = 2.78 for soil C — see
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Fig. 1e). Another contributing factor is the mineralogy, as X-ray

A soft lacustrine deposit a few kilometres from where First
diffraction (XRD) analyses presented by El Howayek et al. (2016)
Creek joins the west fork of the White River in Daviess County,
indicate that calcite, which has Gs equal to 2.72 (Doner and Lynn
Indiana, USA, was studied to investigate the different forms of
1989; Mitchell 1993), is the dominant carbonate mineral in soil
carbonates that are present in carbonatic deposits and their ef-
M, while dolomite (with Gs = 2.85, Doner and Lynn 1989; Mitchell
fects on soil microstructure. The 4.3 m thick carbonatic soil layer 1993) is the dominant carbonate mineral in soil C.
examined in this work lies at an average depth of 6.1 m, is overlain Despite the lower clay fraction and higher carbonate content
by silty sand, clayey silt, and clay and is underlain by a sand layer (which is known to generally translate into lower values of the
containing traces of clayey silt. The bedrock, mostly highly weath- Atterberg limits and the plasticity — see section 4.1), both the
ered sandstone, is located at a depth of about 37 m. The water liquid limit (LL) and the plastic limit (PL) of soil M exceed
table, 1.9 m below the ground surface, is controlled by a creek the values measured on soil C. As discussed by El Howayek et al.
flowing through the site. (2016), this is due to the fact that smectite is the dominant clay
As discussed in detail by El Howayek et al. (2016), the deposit mineral in soil M, contributing to 10% of the bulk soil, com-
was formed in a lacustrine environment following ponding of a pared to ⬃2% in soil C.
tributary of the White river as a result of the formation of exten- The sequential loss on ignition method (Jung et al. 2011) was
sive valley trains from the debris carried by the melt-waters of the used to derive the CaCO3 content values reported in Fig. 1b. In this
Wisconsinan glaciation. Radiocarbon dating indicates that the method, the loss in mass between 455 and 800 °C is used to calcu-
age of the deposit ranges between 23 600 and 20 800 years BP, late the release of CO2 associated with the decomposition of the
with the age increasing with depth. carbonates, which occurs between 650 and 800 °C. This value is
Examination of soil samples obtained from the layer reveals used to determine the calcium carbonate content. Given that dehy-
that it is formed by alternating thin sublayers of two soils, herein droxylation of some clay minerals, such as kaolinite, illite, chlo-
referred to as “soil M” and “soil C”. This denomination was se- rite, and smectite (Bish and Duffy 1990; Velde 1992), can occur in
lected based on the fact that they can be classified as silt and clay, this temperature range, this method can lead to slightly overesti-
respectively (El Howayek et al. 2016). Soil C is found in thin layers mating the true carbonate content. Jung et al. (2011) found that for
with thickness ranging between 0.5 and 10 cm, whereas soil M is a variety of clayey soils with CaCO3 content >10%, the deviation
found in thicker layers and forms the majority of the carbonatic between the double ignition method and the chemical test per-
layer. formed in accordance with ASTM (2006) standard C25-06 did not
Soils M and C show distinct mineralogy, index, and engineering exceed 5%, and that the double ignition method provided values
properties, which can be linked to different source materials and consistent with thermal gravimetric analyses (TGA). Moreover,
sedimentary environments that alternated during the formation the ease and rapidity of the double ignition method make it prac-
of the deposit (El Howayek et al. 2016). Key index properties of tical where numerous measurements are required (e.g., to profile
soils M and C are summarized in Fig. 1. calcium carbonate as a function of depth).
Of significance in the context of this study is the difference in See El Howayek (2016) for details on the testing procedures
CaCO3 content, which has an average value of 55% for soil M and followed to derive all other index properties.
38% for soil C. A feature specific to soil M is the presence of shells,
which, along with the more open microstructure of soil M (see
4. Investigation of microstructure
SEM images described later), is responsible for the difference in 4.1. Insights from decarbonation experiments
void ratio between the two soils. The presence of internal voids Natural samples of soils M and C containing calcium carbonate
within the shells likely also contributes to the lower specific grav- (CaCO3) and calcium magnesium carbonate (CaMg(CO3)2) and lab-

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El Howayek et al. 323

Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of (a) soil M and (b) soil C in natural state and following decarbonation. Mineral codes: Sm, smectite;
Ch, chlorite; It, illite; Kt, kaolinite; Qz, quartz; Dt, dolomite; Ct, calcite; K–Fr, K–feldspar; Pl, plagioclase feldspar. [Color online.]

Soil M Soil C

Ct(104), d=3.03 Å
(a) (b)

Ct(104), d=3.03 Å
Qz(101), d=3.35 Å

Dt(104), d=2.89 Å
Qz(101), d=3.35 Å
Qz(100), d=4.26 Å
Sm(001), Ch(001), d=14.2 Å
Qz(100), d=4.26 Å
Sm(001), Ch(001), d=14.2 Å

Kt(001), Ch(002), d=7.12 Å

It(002), d=9.98 Å

Kt(002), Ch(004), d=3.54 Å

Dt(104), d=2.89 Å
Ct(012), d=3.85 Å
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY on 03/19/19

Kt(001), Ch(002), d=7.12 Å

Natural state
It(002), d=9.98 Å

Kt(020), d=4.49 Å
Natural state

Ct(012), d=3.85 Å
Dt(101), d=4.03 Å

Dt(012), d=3.70 Å
It(004), d=4.99 Å

Pl, d=3.19 Å
K-Fr, d=3.24 Å
Ct(006), d=2.84 Å
Kt(020), d=4.49 Å

Dt(012), d=3.70 Å
It(004), d=4.99 Å

Dt(101), d=4.03 Å

K-Fr, d=3.24 Å
Pl, d=3.19 Å
After After
decarbonation decarbonation

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
°2θ (CoKα) °2θ (CoKα)

oratory decarbonated samples were tested to investigate the strate that the treatment with acetic acid did not cause any
influence of carbonate minerals on the Atterberg limits and alteration to the clay minerals, which was shown to consist
particle-size distribution, as well as to gain insight into the micro- predominantly of smectite, illite, chlorite, and kaolinite (see
structure of the carbonatic soils. Two samples were analyzed: one El Howayek et al. 2016 for a detailed discussion of the mineral
of soil M recovered from a depth of 7.21 m; the second of soil C composition). Figure 2 also demonstrates the effectiveness of the
recovered from a depth of 7.82 m. Each sample was first com- acid treatment in completely removing all carbonates from the
pletely homogenized by mixing and quartering, and then divided two soils, which is indicated by the disappearance of the calcite
For personal use only.

into two portions: one was tested in its original state, while the and dolomite peaks.
other was transferred to a centrifuge bottle for decarbonation. Measurements of pH were conducted on the treated specimens,
Several techniques have been reported in the literature for car- since the acidity of the pore fluid is known to influence the Atter-
bonate dissolution. They include the use of EDTA (e.g., Griffiths berg limits (e.g., see work by Fang and Daniels 2006; Gronbech
et al. 1988), acetic acid (e.g., Hawkins and McDonald 1992), hy- et al. 2010; Tajnin et al. 2014 showing a decrease in the Atterberg
drochloric acid (e.g., Bozzano et al. 1999), and the combination of limits with increasing pH). Again, these data were compared with
hydrochloric acid and acetic acid (Musso et al. 2008). Because the those from measurements on the untreated natural samples. The
effects of HCl on pH are dramatic and may impact the clay min- pH values for the untreated samples ranged between 7.6 and 7.7,
erals present in the soil, carbonate dissolution using glacial acetic compared to 7.7–7.8 for the specimens treated with CH3COOH.
acid (CH3COOH) buffered with sodium acetate (CH3COONa) was These measurements demonstrate that the acid treatment, fol-
adopted in this study. Specifically, carbonates were removed
lowed by the washing with distilled water did not cause apprecia-
by adding a pH 5, 1 mol/L sodium acetate – acetic acid solution
ble changes in the pH of the pore fluid.
(82.03 g of sodium acetate (CH3COONa) + 27 mL of glacial acetic
The particle-size distributions obtained from the hydrometer
acid (CH3COOH) + distilled water to reach a total volume of 1 L) to
analyses and the Atterberg limits conducted on soil M and soil C
the centrifuge bottle filled with the soil sample. Following heating
before and after decarbonation are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respec-
to about 100 °C in a water bath for 20 min, the sample was centri-
tively. The untreated samples are labeled as M-orig and C-orig,
fuged and the clear supernatant was discarded. This process was
while the treated samples are labeled M-dec and C-dec. The figures
repeated five times to ensure complete removal of carbonates (i.e.,
also include data reported by El Howayek et al. (2016) for addi-
until vigorous bubbling was no longer observed). The pH was
maintained around 5, for the entire process. After the treatment, tional samples of soils M and C tested in their natural state. Table 1
the samples were centrifuge washed three times with deionized summarizes the index properties of the original and decarbon-
water to ensure the removal of the reagents. ated samples. Note that for these two samples, the percentages of
Acetic acid dissolves CaCO3 and CaMg(CO3)2 according to the CaCO3, reported in Table 1, were derived based on the mass reduc-
following reactions: tion measured using TGA between 650 and 1000 °C. This method
was employed for these specific samples to obtain a more accurate
(8) CaCO3(s) ⫹ 2CH3COOH(aq) ¡ Ca(CH3COO)2(aq) estimate because it allows the separation between the loss due to
the release of CO2 associated with the decomposition of carbon-
⫹ CO2(g) ⫹ H2O(l)
ates and that due to the dehydroxylation of kaolinite and illite,
(9) CaMg(CO3)2(s) ⫹ 4CH3COOH(aq) ¡ CaMg(CH3COO)4(aq) which occurs between 400 and 600 °C (Bish and Duffy 1990; Velde
1992). Table 1 shows that the TGA conducted on the decarbonated
⫹ 2CO2(g) ⫹ 2H2O(l) samples yields CaCO3 values equal to 5.2% and 4.3% for soils M and
C, respectively. The authors believe that these values are caused
XRD analyses were performed on randomly oriented powder of by the dehydroxylation of chlorite and smectite, which occurs at
the treated specimens and compared with those on the natural temperature >600 °C (Bish and Duffy 1990; Velde 1992), and thus
samples. The XRD patterns for soils M and C before and after cannot be separated from decarbonation (recall that the XRD re-
decarbonation are shown in Fig. 2. Each peak in the figures is sults in Fig. 2 confirm the absence of carbonates in the soil after
labeled with the mineral name, the Miller index (h, k, l), and the d treatment).
spacing. For comparison purposes, the patterns for the decarbon- Figure 3 shows that for both soils, decarbonation leads to an
ated samples are shifted downward. The XRD analyses demon- upward shift of the particle-size distribution curves, reflecting the

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324 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 56, 2019

Fig. 3. Particle-size distribution of soils M and C in natural state and following decarbonation and removal of shells. [Color online.]

Sand Silt Clay

Soil M
90 Soil C


Passing Percentage (%)


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40 2
Specimen CaCO3 (%) Sand/silt/clay (%) 3
30 1 M-orig 63.1 6 / 69 / 25 1
2 M- no shells 52.5 0 / 74 / 26 1
20 3 M-dec 5.2 0 / 60 / 40 2

1 C-orig 34.2 1 / 58 / 41
10 2 C-dec 4.3 0 / 47 / 53

1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001

Particle Size (mm) - Log scale

Fig. 4. Plasticity chart showing the variation in Atterberg limits of soils M and C caused by decarbonation and removal of shells. [Color online.]

Specimen CaCO3 (%) LL (%) PI (%)
1 M-orig 63.1 66.3 35.1 CH
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50 e2 M-no shells 52.5 63.9 33.1

3 M-dec 5.2 75.6 45.8 3
Plasticity index, PI (%)

1 C-orig 34.2 53.7 31.7
40 2 C-dec 4.3 66.6 44.2


Soil M
Soil C
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Liquid Limit, LL (%)

Table 1. Index properties before and after decarbonation. Decarbonation also induces a noticeable increase of the LL
Original soil Decarbonated soil and plasticity index (PI), whereas the PL remains practically un-
changed (Fig. 4). These changes are associated with the increased
Soil M Soil C Soil M Soil C surface area caused by the removal of the cementing agent. As
CaCO3 content (%)a 63.1 34.2 5.2 4.3 seen in Fig. 4, as a result of the changes in LL and PI (which are
1:1 water pHb 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.8 similar for both soils), the ASTM (2011) classification of soil M
Plastic limit, PL (%)c 31.2 22.0 29.8 22.4 changes from MH to CH, and that of soil C from CL to CH.
Liquid limit, LL (%)c 66.3 53.7 75.6 66.6 These observations are in agreement with findings by Hawkins
Plasticity index, PI (%) 35.1 31.7 45.8 44.2 and McDonald (1992), who showed that the progressive removal of
Clay fraction, CF (%)d 25 41 40 53 carbonates using acetic acid of a sample with 36% calcite resulted
aBased on reduction in mass measured using TGA between 650 and 1000 °C in an increase in LL from 63% to 101%, and an increase in clay
(El Howayek 2016). fraction from 52% to 82%. Contrary to this study, an increase in PL
bBased on ASTM (2013) standard D4972-13. from 21% to 33% was also observed. Similar observations were
cBased on ASTM (2010) standard D4318-10.
reported also by Bozzano et al. (1999) and Lamas et al. (2002).
dBased on ASTM (2007) standard D422-63.
The data obtained are also generally consistent with reports for
various carbonatic sediments (Bozzano et al. 1999; Fischer et al.
reduced size of the particles, and, in particular, an increased clay 1978; Tsiambaos 1991; Hawkins et al. 1988; Hawkins and McDonald
fraction. This indicates that carbonate is acting as a cementing 1992; Hawkins 1996; Lamas et al. 2002; Musso et al. 2008) showing
agent that connects clay particles together forming larger aggre- that, in general, as carbonate content increases, both Atterberg
gates. limits and clay fraction decrease.

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El Howayek et al. 325

As discussed previously, soil M is also characterized by the pres- 10 mm working distance, 50 ␮m objective aperture. All samples
ence of shells. To quantify the effect of these inclusions on the were imaged without coating to avoid the interference of the
index properties, an additional set of limits and particle-size anal- coating material (typically gold or carbon) with the interpretation
ysis were performed on the original sample of soil M (from depth = of the EDX analysis.
7.21 m), after elimination of the shells through wet sieving on a SEM micrographs of soil M obtained at low magnification (130×
0.075 mm (#200) sieve. The material retained on the sieve is al- to 4000×) reveal the presence of biological intrusions (fossils of
most entirely composed of shells and forms ⬃6% of the soil sam- snails, bivalves and diatoms) as well as framboidal pyrite. No
ple by dry mass. The results of these tests are included in Figs. 3 shells are observed in soil C, but nonframboidal pyrites are ob-
and 4 (M-no shells). It is seen from Fig. 3 that the shells have served. These observations are at the core of the hypothesis put
minimal effect on the Atterberg limits (LL reduced from 66.3% to forward by El Howayek et al. (2016) that soils M and C were formed
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63.9%). This is consistent with the findings reported in the litera- in different sedimentary environments, and that only the condi-
ture for soils with small percentages of sand. For example, Fatahi tions during deposition of soil M promoted life.
et al. (2011) show that the addition of 5% sand to kaolinite causes a The SEM micrographs (Figs. 6a–6b and Figs. 7a–7d) show that
decrease in LL from 49% to 46.7% (the LL was further reduced to calcium carbonate is present in soil M in three different forms:
41% when the sand content increased to 20%). Similarly, a 2.9% (i) shells of gastropods; (ii) calcium carbonate mesocrystals; and
decrease in LL was reported by Shiwakoti et al. (2002) when 5% (iii) integrated in the soil matrix. Included in Figs. 6 and 7 are
crushed Toyoura sand was mixed with kaolinite. spectra from EDX analyses performed at the locations identified
The table included in Fig. 4 shows that the elimination of the on the micrographs, which provide location specific elemental
shells reduces the percentage of sand-size particles from 6% to 0% analysis. In Fig. 6a, it is possible to identify part of a broken snail
and that the clay fraction remains practically unchanged. It also shell (this is the portion of the picture on the right that is shown
shows about 10% reduction in CaCO3 content. Hence it can be to contain framboidal pyrite), a hypothesis confirmed by the EDX
concluded that shells make up about 6%–10% of this particular soil spectrum (spectrum 1 in Fig. 6c), which indicates the presence of
sample. Note that the percentage of shells in soil M varies from calcium, carbon, and oxygen. See El Howayek et al. 2016 for a
one sample to another due to natural soil variability. A total of presentation of the six different species of gastropods identified
eight hydrometer analysis tests conducted on soil M collected in soil M. Based on the particle-size analyses reported above, gas-
from different depths indicate that the percentage of shells (esti- tropods contribute to less than 10% of the soil’s M dry mass, and
mated based on the mass retained on a #200 sieve) varies between thus less than 15%–20% of its total carbonate content.
2% and 6%. Calcium carbonate is also found in the form of relatively large
Similar observations to the ones presented above have been well-formed calcium carbonate crystals (Fig. 6b), which the EDX
For personal use only.

reported in the literature for soils characterized by the presence spectrum (spectrum 2 in Fig. 6d) confirms are composed of cal-
of other cementing agents. For example, Zhang et al. (2004) cium, carbon, and oxygen. Based on their very rare occurrence in
showed that in the case of a weathered old alluvium the removal the samples examined using SEM, these crystals contribute in
of the Fe-oxide cementing agents through remolding led to a sim-
minimal part to the overall calcium carbonate content.
ilar increase in LL, PI, and clay fraction. Note that while mechan-
The third, and primary, form of calcium carbonate can be ob-
ical action alone is effective in destroying the cementation
served by increasing the magnification and analyzing an area of
associated with Fe oxide, chemical treatment is required in the
the soil matrix that is free from any biological intrusions, pyrite,
case of carbonates. Similarly, Fearon and Coop (2000) showed
and calcium carbonate mesocrystals. Figures 7a–7d show the SEM
that, in the case of an Italian scaly clay, a remolding process that
micrographs for soil M at magnifications ranging between 10 000×
disaggregated the microfabric as well as the scaly macrofabric led
and 40 000×, a resolution high enough to observe individual clay-
to an increase in LL and PI. The data reported above are also
size particles (<2 ␮m). The micrographs reveal the presence of clay
consistent with the changes in limits and particle-size distribu-
platelets that are formed by groups of clay particles stacked to-
tion associated with artificially cemented soils (e.g., Kang 2018).
gether in a mainly “face to face” configuration (see arrows in
Finally, the presence of an aggregating agent such as organic mat-
Fig. 7b). These clay platelets appear to be covered by a continuous
ter has been shown to generate similar behavioral patterns in
coating layer (Fig. 7c–7d) that “networks” the particles and groups
both Atterberg limits (e.g., Huang et al. 2012) and particle-size
distribution (e.g., Santagata et al. 2008). of particles which, at some locations, are also interconnected by
“bridges” (Figs. 7a–7b).
4.2. Direct observations using SEM Note that the microstructure seen in Figs. 6–7 differs com-
SEM was employed to gain direct insight into the microstruc- pletely from that documented, for example by Bozzano et al.
ture of the two carbonatic soils, and investigate the role played by (1999) for an Italian carbonate deposit in which cementation oc-
carbonates as cementing agents, with a special emphasis on high- curred following consolidation of the soil by precipitation of
lighting the differences between soils M and C. CaCO3 inside the void space. In that case, CaCO3 was found to
Two undisturbed samples were analyzed: one of soil M recov- appear in form of “aggregates” of crystals of irregular shape that
ered at a depth of 7.28 m with CaCO3 = 66.8%; the second of soil C “filled void spaces and surrounded the clay particles.” This em-
at a depth of 8.15 m with CaCO3 = 33.7%. These two specific sam- phasizes how the microstructure of carbonatic soils strongly de-
ples were selected for the analysis because they represented the pends on depositional and geologic conditions and suggests that
extreme conditions in terms of CaCO3 content encountered in the the interpretation of carbonate cementation resulting from “long-
deposit. Each sample was allowed to dry at room temperature for term crystal growth between the grains” may not accurately rep-
about 1 week and then broken to create a free fractured surface resent all deposits, including the one studied in this work.
that was mounted on a sampler holder using graphite paste In addition to the different forms of carbonate, the micrographs
(Fig. 5). Images were obtained at Purdue University’s Life Science shown in Figs. 6 and 7 also suggest that there are different types of
Microscopy facility with the FEI Quanta 3D FEG SEM using the low porosity: one associated with larger pore spaces around the inclu-
vacuum secondary electron detector (LVSED) as well as the back- sions (shells and mesocrystals) and within the shells (Fig. 6), and
scattered BSE detector (with 20 kV, Spot 6.0, and 10 mm working one associated with the soil matrix at small scale (Fig. 7). The
distance). Magnifications ranged between 130× and 40 000×. Qual- rather “compact” nature of the clay matrix is consistent with the
itative elemental analysis on selected areas was performed by EDX low-salinity depositional environment (values of salt concentra-
spectrometry using an Oxford INCA Xstream-2 with Xmax80 de- tion determined throughout the depth of the deposit ranged from
tector (Oxford Instruments, Peabody, Mass.) with 20 kV, 6.5 spot, 2.1 to 5.1 g/L, with an average value of 3.2 g/L).

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326 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 56, 2019

Fig. 5. (a, b) Samples immediately after extrusion from Shelby tubes and (c, d) samples after mounting for SEM analyses. [Color online.]

(a) Soil M (b) Soil C

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2 cm 2 cm

(c) (d)
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2 cm 2 cm

EDX analysis was performed on the surfaces of the clay platelets spectra shown in Figs. 6 and 7, these spectra provide the average
as well as on the “bridges” connecting the platelets. Representa- distribution of the chemical elements detected in the entire mi-
tive examples of the results are shown in Figs. 7e–7g (similar spec- crograph at each magnification. The three EDX spectra show very
tra were obtained at other locations). The spectra reveal that similar results, i.e., the presence of calcium, magnesium, carbon,
calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and carbon (C) exist on both the silicon, and oxygen peaks have similar relative intensities. This
surfaces of the clay platelets, as a coating, and on the bridge indicates that the carbonate coating is uniformly distributed
connections between the clay platelets. This confirms that, as across the sample.
expected from the chemical dissolution experiments, the cement- Analogous images and spectra plots for soil C are shown in
ing agent is carbonate. Note that the chemical elements contained Fig. 9 and similar conclusions can be drawn. The main differ-
in the clay and silt particles (i.e., silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), ence observed between soil M and soil C is that the soil particles
oxygen (O)) are also shown in the recorded X-ray spectra. As the in soil C are more easily discernible in the micrographs. It can
penetration depth of the electron beam into the sample is around be also observed from the spectra that the carbonate (Ca–Mg) to
2 to 3 ␮m (McHardy and Birnie 1987; Hafner 2007), it can be con- silicon ratio in soil C is lower than that in soil M, which sug-
cluded that the carbonate coating thickness should be less than gests a smaller thickness of the coating layer in soil C. This is
⬃3 ␮m. consistent with the fact that soil C is characterized by lower
SEM-EDX analyses conducted at different magnifications reveal CaCO3 content.
that, rather than being concentrated at the particle contacts, car- The micrographs shown in Figs. 6–9 also reveal that soil M has
bonates are present in the form of a coating in the majority of the a more open microstructure compared to soil C. This observation
sample, making it difficult to recognize individual clay and silt is consistent with the void ratio values reported earlier (e ⬃ 1.7 for
particles. This is illustrated in Figs. 8a–8c that show SEM micro- soil M versus e ⬃ 1.3 for soil C).
graphs of soil M at three different magnifications (1000×, 10 000×, Further analysis was conducted on the SEM micrographs
and 20 000×). Note that Fig. 8c presents the image of the area shown in Figs. 8c and 9c by generating EDX maps that show the
identified by the rectangle in Fig. 8b, and similarly, that Fig. 8b distribution of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and silicon (Si).
provides the more close-up view of the area identified by the Figure 10 shows the distribution of these elements for the same
rectangle in Fig. 8a. The corresponding average map spectra ob- samples of soils M and C. Each figure is composed of a SEM
tained from EDX analysis are shown in Figs. 8d–8f. Unlike the micrograph overlaid by EDX maps of select chemical elements

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Fig. 6. SEM micrographs of soil M showing (a) broken shell of gastropod (containing framboidal pyrite) and (b) calcium carbonate
mesocrystals; (c, d) spectra from energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis at indicated locations.

(a) (b)
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Spectrum 2

Spectrum 1
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with defined colors. Figure 10a plots the distribution of Ca, Mg, yses showing that soil M has more calcite than soil C, but less
and Si in soil M, and Fig. 10b is an analogous plot for soil C. In dolomite (El Howayek et al. 2016). It is also consistent with the
these figures, the combined distribution of Ca and Mg is shown results of TGA analyses presented by El Howayek (2016) showing
in cyan and can be interpreted as a rough carbonate distribu- that the carbonate breakdown for soil M occurs at relatively
tion map. Si is represented in red and is thought to be indica- higher temperatures compared to soil C (⬃865 °C for soil M and
tive of the distribution of clay and silt particles. For both soils, ⬃821 °C for soil C). As the decarbonation temperature of calcite is
it can be seen that Ca–Mg and Si are evenly distributed, provid- higher than that of dolomite (Doner and Lynn 1989; Bish and
ing further evidence that carbonates are coating the clay and Duffy 1990; and El Howayek 2016), the TGA test results indicate
silt particles. As discussed earlier, as the penetration depth of that soil M contains relatively more calcite than soil C, whereas
the electron beam into the sample is around 2 to 3 ␮m the latter is richer in dolomite.
(McHardy and Birnie 1987; Hafner 2007), which is larger than As discussed in detail by El Howayek et al. (2016), the difference
the estimated thickness of the carbonate coating, the chemical in the mineral composition is related to the different origin of the
elements contained in the clay and silt particles (i.e., Si), as well material and different sedimentary environments in which the
as the elements in the carbonates (i.e., Ca and Mg) are all shown two soils were deposited. Specifically, soil M is believed to have
in the generated X-ray map. As reported above, the amount been formed from the locally derived calcite-rich highly weath-
of Ca–Mg relative to Si is much higher in soil M than in soil C, ered sediments of Illinoian age, which were transported through
indicating that soil C is characterized by a thinner coating a small creek flowing through the site; while the source of the
film. sediments for soil C was through the White River as a result of
A comparison between the distribution of Ca and Mg for soil M occasional flooding above the valley trains caused by the high
and soil C is shown in Figs. 10c and 10d, respectively. In these volume of Wisconsin melt-waters. This second source carried
figures, Ca is represented in cyan and Mg in purple. The maps much younger dolomite-rich sediments from the northern part of
reveal that the amount of Ca relative to Mg is much higher in soil Indiana.
M than in soil C, which can be also seen in the EDX spectra Additional EDX maps not presented here were obtained for
(Figs. 8d–8f for soil M and Figs. 9d–9f for soil C). This is in agree- other elements, including aluminum and iron, as Fe and Al
ment with the mineral composition determined using XRD anal- compounds are reported to often contribute to cementation

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Fig. 7. SEM micrographs of soil M showing (a, b) “bridge” connections between particles (circles) and face-to-face particle orientation (arrows)
(c, d) coating on particle surfaces (arrows); (e–g) spectra of EDX analysis at indicated locations.

(a) (b)
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Spectrum 3

(c) (d)
For personal use only.

Spectrum 4

Spectrum 5

bonding in carbonate-rich soils (Boone and Lutenegger 1997). In 5. Discussion: relationship between microstructure
the case of iron, this does not appear to be the case for the soil and geotechnical properties
examined in this work, as Fe was detected only where pyrite
crystals were observed. No crystalline compounds containing The microstructural features identified in the previous discus-
Al other than the clay minerals were detected by the XRD anal- sion manifest themselves at the macroscale in the results of both
yses. However, the presence of amorphous aluminum com- laboratory and field tests. In particular, the cementing action as-
pounds cannot be ruled out. sociated with the presence of carbonates is evident in the values of

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El Howayek et al. 329

Fig. 8. (a–c) SEM micrographs of soil M at different magnifications (1000×, 10 000×, and 20 000×); (d–f) average map spectra from EDX analysis.
Note that (c) is the rectangular area in (b), and (b) is the rectangular area in (a).

(a) (b) (c)

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For personal use only.

Fig. 9. (a–c) SEM micrographs of soil C at different magnifications (1000×, 10 000×, and 20 000×); (d–f) average map spectra from EDX analysis.
Note that (c) is the rectangular area in (b), and (b) is the rectangular area in (a).

(a) (b) (c)

the preconsolidation stress (␴p ) derived from one-dimensional using the method proposed by Lunne et al. (1997) from the values
constant rate of strain tests (CRS), incremental loading (IL) tests, of ⌬e/e0, where e0 is the initial void ratio and ⌬e is the change in
and the one-dimensional consolidation stage of triaxial tests (El void ratio measured in correspondence to the in situ vertical ef-
Howayek 2016). These tests were performed on specimens ob- fective stress, during one-dimensional consolidation. For all sam-
tained from Shelby tube samples. Sample quality was assessed ples the quality designation ranged from “excellent” to “good.”

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330 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 56, 2019

Fig. 10. Maps from EDX analyses performed on (a) soil M and (b) soil C showing distribution of Ca, Mg, and Si; (c) soil M and (d) soil C showing
distribution of Ca and Mg.
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For personal use only.

Figure 11a plots values of ␴p derived using the strain energy cementation, and similar effects on ␴p have been reported in
method (Becker et al. 1987) from tests conducted on specimens of other studies of carbonatic deposits, including Burghignoli et al.
soil M (15 tests) and soil C (eight tests) (El Howayek 2016) from (2010) and Boone and Lutenegger (1997).
samples obtained over the depth of the layer examined in this Note that the increases in yield stress due to carbonate cemen-
work. tation reported by Boone and Lutenegger (1997), who compiled
Although the deposit is known to be geologically normally con- literature data from a large number of case histories, significantly
solidated, for both soils, ␴p consistently exceeds the in situ verti- exceed the values measured in this study. Specifically, for calcium
cal effective stress (solid line in Fig. 11a). Given the relatively young carbonate values exceeding 30% the relationship provided by
age of the deposit (accurately estimated in this study using radio- Boone and Lutenegger for glaciolacustrine soils would predict
carbon dating at ⬃22 000 calendar years), this apparent overcon- increases in the yield stress exceeding 400 kPa — compared to a
solidation ratio (OCR; Fig. 11b) cannot be attributed solely to aging maximum value of ⬃100 kPa measured in this work (see Fig. 11a).
effects. The variable OCR profile with depth also does not support The data provided by Burghignoli et al. (2010) for two carbonatic
aging as the dominating preconsolidation mechanism (Jamiolkowski lacustrine soils from the Fucino area in Italy with carbonate con-
et al. 1985). Instead, the variation of OCR with soil type, and the tents between 25% and 65% show instead smaller increases in ␴p ,
greater values of ␴p , consistently measured on soil M relative to with values close to the ones reported in this study for one of the
soil C (average OCR = 1.9 for soil M versus 1.3 for soil C), suggest two soils investigated.
that carbonate cementation is the controlling mechanism, and Differences in soil composition and depositional conditions (in
that the observed ␴p profile is associated with changes in carbon- particular pore-water chemistry and the relative magnitude of
ate content. This is not unexpected as the preconsolidation stress sedimentation rate and cementation rate) are known to play a
is known to be impacted by structure forming processes including significant role in the structure and properties of carbonatic soils

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El Howayek et al. 331

Fig. 11. Depth profiles of (a) preconsolidation stress and (b) OCR. [Color online.]

Preconsolidation stress, σ'p (kPa) Overconsolidation ratio, OCR

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3
CRS (a) Soil M CRS (b) Soil M
IL Soil C IL Soil C
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Depth (m)

Soil C:
Mean = 1.3

σ'p Soil M:
Soil M Mean = 1.9

For personal use only.

Fig. 12. One-dimensional compression curves of (a, c) soil M and (b, d) soil C plotted in e–log␴v and Iv–log␴v plane. ␴v 0, in situ vertical effective stress.

(a) (b)
Soil M Soil C
Void ratio, e




1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
Vertical effective stress, σ'v (kPa) Vertical effective stress, σ'v (kPa)
(c) (d)
σ'v0 Soil M Soil C
2 σ'p σ'p
Void index, Iv

1 10 100 1000 10000 1 10 100 1000 10000

Vertical effective stress, σ'v (kPa) Vertical effective stress, σ'v (kPa)

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332 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 56, 2019

Fig. 13. Depth profiles of (a) undrained shear strength, (b) normalized peak undrained shear strength, and (c) soil sensitivity from FV

Undrained shear strength, Su (kPa) Peak Su / σ'v0 Sensitivity, St

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 2 4 6 8 10
(a) remolded Su(FV) (b) Average (c) Average
= 0.4 = 5.0
peak Su(FV)
Clay 5
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Depth (m)

Carbon- 8
atic soil

Traces of
clayey silt
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(Quigley 1980; Boone and Lutenegger 1997), and can contribute to what Burland (1990) refers to as a sedimentation structure (SCL)
explain the discrepancies between the different studies. For ex- (i.e., a structure not significantly affected by post-depositional
ample, the sedimentation rate of the soil layer examined in this processes).
study (estimated at ⬃1 mm/year based on the layer thickness and To start, the position of the in situ state relative to SCL provides
the depositional period derived from carbon dating) is similar to a measure of the additional degree of structuring associated with
that estimated for the Fucino clays, but over an order of magni- post-depositional processes. Consistent with the relatively small
tude smaller than that reported for the clays studied by Boone and values of void ratio derived from phase relations calculations
Lutenegger (1997). While the discrepancies between the different (Fig. 1) and the images reported in Figs. 7–9, which attest to a
studies cannot be attributed to a single factor, it is possible that relatively “compact” arrangement of the clay particles, the in situ
the microstructure observed in this study with great part of the stress states fall only slightly above the SCL, evidence of moderate
carbonate “distributed” on the mineral phase in form of a coating degree of structuring. This is expected given the lacustrine origin
was promoted by the slow sedimentation rate. This type of micro- of the deposit as deposition in a low salinity environment cannot
structure may be responsible for less carbonate contributing to produce the high void ratio flocculated structure typical of highly
actual bonds at the particle contacts.
structured soils that exist significantly above the SCL (e.g., quick
Additional insight into the nature of the microstructure and its
clays with Iv values as high as 4; Sheahan 2005).
impact on macro response can be gained examining the compres-
Comparison of the position of the compression curves of the
sion behavior. Figures 12a–12b report one-dimensional compres-
natural soil beyond ␴p relative to the ICL highlights the enhanced
sion curves for soils M and C, respectively.
The figures highlight the difference between soil M and soil C in resistance to compression associated with the natural micro-
the in situ void ratio, but also show that both soils are character- structure. As seen in Figs. 12a–12b, beyond the yield stress, the
ized by similar S-shaped compression curves. compression curves are steeper than the SCL indicating partial
The same data are replotted in terms of void index (Iv) versus destructuration, and at higher stresses they tend to become par-
vertical effective stress in Figs. 12c–12d. This representation, pro- allel to the ICL. The difference between the compression curves of
posed by Burland (1990), allows normalization of the compression the natural soil and the ICL observed at high applied stresses
data for clays of different composition. Note that for clarity, indicate that the specimen does not experience complete destruc-
Figs. 12c–12d only show the compression portion of the curves. turation, and demonstrates the “stable” nature of the microstruc-
In this work, the parameters (i.e., the void ratios of the recon- ture formed. Much higher stresses appear to be needed to damage
stituted soil at stresses of 100 and 1000 kPa) used to calculate Iv the remaining structure. Again this appears consistent with the
from void ratio were derived from relationships with the LL pro- role of the carbonates, as observed in the SEM images, which, in
vided by Burland (1990). Figures 12c–12d also include two reference addition to providing local bonds at particle contacts are distrib-
curves — the intrinsic compression line (ICL) and the sedimenta- uted on the entire mineral surfaces. Similar observations on the
tion compression line (SCL) — that define the position of materi- compression behavior are reported by Soccodato (2003) for Fucino
als that are completely reconstituted (ICL) or characterized by clay. The post-yield behavior observed in Figs. 12c–12d, is also sim-

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ilar to that reported for artificially cemented soils (e.g., Kang and In the Iv– ␴v space proposed by Burland (1990), the in situ stress
Santagata 2006; Bobet et al. 2011). states for both soils plot just above the SCL, evidence of moderate
The effects of cementation and the nature of the structure that degree of structuring. Moreover, one-dimensional compression
characterizes the deposit examined in this study are also evident tests indicate that the cementation structure is stable, with no
when analyzing the undrained shear strength data obtained from complete destructuration occurring even after the effective stress
field vane (FV) tests. Figure 13a summarizes the peak and re- level exceeds 10 times the preconsolidation stress. Consistent
molded strengths computed from FV tests conducted every 0.6 m with this, in situ measurements of the peak and remolded un-
at the site, using the relationship for vanes tapered at both ends drained strength conducted at the site using the FV indicate a
(ASTM (2008) standard D2573) and corrected based on Bjerrum medium-high sensitivity (St = 5, where St is sensitivity) of both
(1972). Note that the FV measurements reflect the shear behavior soils.
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of approximately a 0.3 m thick soil layer, and thus the results are
influenced by the relative abundance of soils M and C at any Acknowledgements
depth. Figure 13b shows the resulting values of the peak un- This work was supported by the Joint Transportation Research
drained shear strength normalized by the in situ vertical effective Program administered by the Indiana Department of Transporta-
stress, which for the most part tend to fall around 0.4. These tion and Purdue University. The contents of this paper reflect the
values of the undrained strength ratio are generally consistent views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and the
with the OCR of the deposit (Fig. 11b), and the effects of cementa- accuracy of the data presented herein, and do not necessarily
tion and (or) the presence of the small shells identified in soil M. reflect the official views or policies of the Federal Highway Admin-
Figure 13c shows that the average ratio between peak and re- istration and the Indiana Department of Transportation, nor do
molded undrained shear strength is about 5. This corresponds to the contents constitute a standard, specification or regulation.
a medium-high sensitivity (Holtz et al. 2011), which can be as- The authors wish to acknowledge the contribution of Mariah
cribed to the effects of carbonate cementation, as this is the mech- Schroeder, who helped perform the Atterberg limits tests, and
anism most commonly responsible for such levels of sensitivity in Debby Sherman, who performed the SEM observations and EDX
clayey soils (e.g., Boone and Lutenegger 1997). analyses.

6. Conclusions References
The microstructure of two carbonatic fine-grained soils (soil M Allman, M.A., and Poulos, H.G. 1988. Stress-strain behaviour of an artificially
with average carbonate content of ⬃55%, and soil C with average cemented calcareous soil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on
Calcareous Soil, Perth. Balkema. Vol. 1, pp. 51–60.
carbonate content of 38%) obtained from the same lacustrine de-
For personal use only.

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