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Fungi have cell walls as well; do not use information re fungal cell wall to answer questions on
bacterial cell walls
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Plants have cell walls too; do not use information on plant cell wall structure and function to answer
your questions on bacterial cell wall structure.
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What is the function of the middle lamella?

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When the question asks for cell wall structure you need to draw a diagram which represents the
biomolecules which for the layers of the cell wall.
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When asked to draw the structure of the bacteria cell; use the diagrams which show the cross section
of the bacteria cell as seen in the diagrams above.
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When asked for the morphology of the bacteria use diagrams similar to those in the slides below.
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Classification and Identification of bacteria – Grouping bacteria based on various characteristics

The diagram below uses: Gram Reaction (Cell wall structure) then Morphology (shape) then
requirement for oxygen

Here again Gram reaction then Morphology then requirement for oxygen
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Bacteria can also be identified based on biochemical tests, medium requirements, endospore
formations etc.
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Bacteria are also classified (grouped) based on: Growth requirements – pH, temperature and type of
metabolism- based on nutrition and on the their adaptations to extreme environmental stresses of
high pressure, high radiation etc.
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Nutritional requirements
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Note that chemoheterotrophs can be separated into bacteria which use energy from inorganic
compounds and those which get energy from organic sources.
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Classification three domains

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Classification – Three domains

Growth and reproduction – Binary fission

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Plant body plans

Symplasmic continuity – the cytoplasm of cells in the multicellular body forms are interconnected via
plamodesmata. This allows movement of water and ions from cell to cell.

Plane of cell division

Cell enlargement occurs after formation of daughter cells

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