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A compression-ignition engine for a small truck is to operate on an air-standard Dual cycle with a

compression ratio of 18. Due to structural limitations, maximum allowable pressure in the cycle will be
9000 kPa. Light diesel fuel is used at a fuel-air ratio of FA = 0.054. Combustion efficiency can be
considered 100%. Cylinder conditions at the start of compression are 50˚C and 98 kPa.

a) Maximum indicated thermal efficiency possible with these conditions (%)
b) Peak cycle temperature under conditions of part (a) (˚C)
c) Minimum indicated thermal efficiency possible with these conditions (%)
d) Peak cycle temperature under conditions of part (c) (˚C)


(a) T1 = 50˚C = 323 K; P1 = 98 kPa

T2 = T1 (rc) k-1
= (323 K) (18)0.35 = 888 K
= 615˚C
P2 = P1 (rc) k
= (98 kPa) (18)1.35
= 4851 kPa
P3 = Pmax
Px= 9000 kPa

At constant volume (Otto cycle),

Tx = T2 (P3/P2)
= (888 K) (9000/4851)
= 1647 K
AF = 1/FA
= 1/0.054
= 18.52

(Qin)total = Q2-x + Qx-3

= mfQHVnc
= (ma + mt)cv(Tx – T1) + (ma + mf)cp(T3 – Tx)
Let nc = 1 and divide by mf,

QHV = (AF + 1) cv (Tx – T2) + (AF + 1) cp (T3 – Tx)

42500 = 18.52(0.821) (1647 – 888) + (18.52) (1.108) (T3 – 1647)
T3 = 3050 K
Pressure ratio, α = Px/P2 = 9000/4851 = 1.855
Cutoff ratio, β = T3/Tx = 3050/1647 = 1.852

Thermal efficiency
(nt)DUAL = 1-(1/rc) k-1 [{αβk-1}/ {kα (β-1) + α – 1}]
= 1 – (1/18)0.35[{1.855(1.852)1.35-1}/ {(1.35) (1.855) (1.852-1) +1.855 – 1}]
= 0.603
(nt)DUAL = 60.3%

(b) Tpeak = T3 = 3050

K = 2777˚C

(c) at constant pressure (Diesel cycle),

QHVnc = (AF + 1) cp (T3 – T2)

= 42500
= (18.52+1) (1.108) (T3 – 888)
T3 = 2853 K

Cutoff ratio, β = T3/T2 = 2853/888 = 3.213

Thermal efficiency
(nt)DIESEL = 1- (1/rc) k-1
[(βk-1)/ (k (β-1)] = 1-(1/18)0.35[{(3.213)1.35-1}/(1.35)(3.213-1)] =
(nt)DIESEL = 53.3%

(d) Tpeak = T3 = 2853 K

= 2580˚C
3-8 An in-line six, 3.3-liter CI engine using light diesel fuel at an air-fuel ratio of AF = 20 operates on an
air-standard Dual cycle. Half the fuel can be considered burned at constant volume, and half at constant
pressure with combustion efficiency = 100%. Cylinder conditions at the start of compression are 60˚C
and 101 kPa. Compression ratio is 14:1.

a) Temperature at each state of the cycle (K)
b) Pressure at each state of the cycle (kPa)
c) Cutoff ratio
d) Pressure ratio
e) Indicated thermal efficiency (%)
f) Heat added during combustion (kJ/kg)
g) Net indicated work (kJ/kg)

(a) & (b) T1 = 60˚C = 333 K; P1 = 101 kPa.

T2 = T1 (rc) k-1
= (333 K) (14)0.35-1
= 839 K
= 566˚C
P2 = P1 (rc) k
= (101 kPa) (14)1.35
= 3561 kPa

With half of heat in at constant volume,

QHVnc = (AF + 1) cv (Tx – T1)
½ (42500 kJ/kg) (1) = (20 + 1) (0.821 kJ/kg-K) (Tx – 839 K)
Tx = 2072K
= 1799˚C

With half of eat in at constant pressure,

QHVnc = (AF + 1) cp (T3 – Tx)
½ (42500 kJ/kg) (1) = (20 + 1) (1.108 kJ/kg-K) (T3 – 2072 K)
T3 = 2985 K
= 2712˚C

Px = P2 (Tx/T2)
= (3561 kPa) (2072/839)
= 8794 kPa = P3

V4 = V1 = RT1/P1
= (0.287) (333)/ (101)
= 0.9462 m3/kg
V3 = RT3/P3
= (0.287) (2985)/ (8794)
= 0.0974 m3/kg

T4 = T3 (V3/V4) k-1
= (2985 K) (0.0974/0.9462)0.35
= 1347 K
= 1074˚C
P4 = P3 (V3/V4) k
= (8794 kPa) (0.0974/0.9462)1.35
= 408 kPa

(c) Cutoff ratio, β = T3/Tx = 2985/2072 = 1.441

(d) Pressure ratio, α = P3/P2 = 8794/3561 = 2.470

(e) (nt)DUAL = 1-(1/rc)k-1 [{αβk-1}/{kα(β-1) + α – 1}]

nt = 1-(1/14)0.35{[(2.470)(1.441)1.35-1]/[(1.35)(2.470)(0.441) + 2.470 – 1]}
nt = 0.589
= 58.9%

(f) Qin = cv (Tx – T2) + cp (T3 – Tx)

Qin = (0.821 kJ/kg-K) (2072-839) K + (1.108 kJ/kg-K) (2985 – 2072) K
Qin = 2024 kJ/kg

(g) Wnet = nt Qin

= (0.589)(2024 kJ/kg)
= 1192 kJ/kg
3-5 An SI engine operating at WOT on a four-stroke air-standard cycle has cylinder conditions at the start
of compression of 100˚F and 14.7 psia. Compression ratio is 10 and the heat added during combustion is
800 BTU/lb. During compression the temperature range is such that a valve for the ratio of specific heat k
= 1.4 would be correct. During the power stroke the temperature range is such that a value of k = 1.3
would be correct. Use these values for compression and expansion, respectively, when analyzing the
cycle. Use a value for specific heat of cv = 0.216 BTU/lb-R., which best corresponds to the temperature
range during combustion.

Find: (a) Temperature at all states in cycle (˚F)

(b) Pressure at all states in cycle (psia)
(c) Average value of k which would give the same indicated thermal
efficiency value as the analysis in parts (a) and (b)


(a) & (b) T1 = 100˚F = 560 R; P1 = 14.7 psia

T2 = T1 (rc) k-1 = (560 R) (10)1.4-1 = 1407 R = 947˚F

P2 = P1 (rc) k = (14.7 psia) (10)1.4 = 369 psia
Qin = cv (T3-T2) = 800 BTU/lbm = (0.216 BTU/lbm-R) (T3-1407 R)
T3 = 5110 R = 4650˚F

At constant volume,
P3 = P2 (T3/T2) = (369 psia) (5110/1407) = 1340 psia
T4 = T3 (1/rc) k-1 = (5110 R) (1/10)1.3-1 = 2561 R = 2101˚F
P4 = P3 (1/rc) k = (1340 psia) (1/10)1.3 = 67.2 psia

(c) W1-2 = R (T2 – T1)/(1-k)

= [(0.069 BTU/lbm-R) (1407-560) R]/ (1-1.4) = -146.1 BTU/lbm

W3-4 = R (T4 – T3)/ (1-k)

= [(0.069 BTU/lbm-R) (2561-5110) R]/ (1-1.3) = 586.3 BTU/lbm

nt = Wnet/Qin = (586.3-146.1)/800 = 0.550 x 100%

nt = 55.0%

nt = 0.550 = 1 – (1/rc)k-1 = 1- (1/10)k-1

k = 1.347

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