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Mass And Energy Analysis

of Control Volumes

GENESYS Laboratory
1. Develop the conservation of mass principle
2. Apply the conservation of mass principle to various systems including
steady- and unsteady-flow control volumes
3. Apply the first law of thermodynamics as the statement of the
conservation of energy principle to control volumes
4. Identify the energy carried by a fluid stream crossing a control surface
as the sum of internal energy, flow work, kinetic energy, and potential
energy of the fluid and to relate the combination of the internal energy
and the flow work to the property enthalpy
5. Solve energy balance problems for common steady-flow devices such as
nozzles, compressors, turbines, throttling valves, mixers, heaters, and
heat exchangers
6. Apply the energy balance to general unsteady-flow processes with
particular emphasis on the uniform-flow process as the model for
commonly encountered charging and discharging processes

GENESYS Laboratory
Conservation of Mass
•Mass is a conserved property, and it cannot be created or destroyed during
a process (absolute theory)
F = ma (Newtonian mechanics)

•Energy and mass can be converted to each other (relativistic theory)

E = mc 2 (Relativistic mechanics)

•For closed systems (control mass), the conservation of mass principle is implicitly
used by requiring that the mass of the system remain constant during a process.

•For open systems (control volumes), mass can cross the boundaries,
so the amount of mass entering and leaving the control volume should be tracked.

GENESYS Laboratory
Mass and Volume Flow Rates
• m&
Mass flow rate ( ): the amount of mass flowing through a cross section per unit time
d m& = rVn dAc
m& = ò d m& = ò rVn dAc
Ac Ac
m& = rVavg Ac (kg/s)
velocity Vavg = ò Vn dAc
Ac c A

• &
Volume flow rate ( ): the volume of the fluid flowing through a cross section per unit time
& = V dA = V A = VA (m3 / s )
V ò n c avg c c

• Relation between the mass and volume flow rates

& =
m& = r V (kg/s)
m = rV =

GENESYS Laboratory

GENESYS Laboratory
Conservation of Mass Principle
æ Total mass entering ö æ Total mass leaving ö æ Net change in mass ö
ç ÷-ç ÷=ç ÷
è the CV during Δt ø è the CV during Δt ø è within the CV during Δt ø

min - mout = Dmcv (kg)

m& in - m& out = (kg/s)

GENESYS Laboratory
Conservation of Mass Principle (Continue)
Total mass within the CV : Dmcv = ò r dV

dmcv d
Rate of change of mass within the CV : = ò r dV
dt dt cv
Net mass flow rate through the entire control surface :
r r
m& net = ò δm& = ò r Vn dA = ò r (V × n )dA
cs cs cs
d r r
General conservation of mass : ò r dV + ò r (V × n )dA = 0
dt cv cs

ò r dV + å ò r Vn dA -å ò r Vn dA = 0
dt cv

d dmcv
ò r dV = å m& - å m& or = å m& - å m&
dt cv
in out dt in out
GENESYS Laboratory
Mass Balance for Steady-Flow Processes
Steady flow : å m& = å m& (kg/s)
in out

Steady flow (single stream) : m& 1 = m& 2

® r1V1 A1 = r 2V2 A2

& = åV
Steady, incompressible flow : å V & (m3 /s)
in out

& =V
Steady, incompressible flow (single stream) : V &
1 2

® V1 A1 = V2 A2

GENESYS Laboratory
Conservation of Mass

GENESYS Laboratory
Flow Work And The Energy of A Flowing Fluid
• Flow work (or flow energy): some work required to push the mass into or out of
the control volume

W flow = FL = PAL = PV (kJ)

w flow = Pv (kJ/kg)

GENESYS Laboratory
Simple Schematic

GENESYS Laboratory
Total Energy of a Flowing Fluid
• The total energy consists of three parts for a non-flowing fluid and four parts
for a flowing fluid

q = Pv + e = Pv + (u + ke + pe)
h = Pv + u
q = h + ke + pe = h + + gz (kJ/kg)
GENESYS Laboratory
Energy Transport by Mass
Amount of energy transport
Emass = mq = m(h + + gz ) (kJ)
Rate of energy transport
E& mass = m& q = m& (h + + gz ) (kW)

GENESYS Laboratory
Energy Analysis of Steady-Flow Systems
• Steady-Flow process : process during which a fluid flows through a control volume steadily
(Steady : no change with time)

GENESYS Laboratory
Energy Analysis of Steady-Flow Systems (Continue)

& & dEsystem

Ein - Eout = =0
Energy balance
Þ E& = E&
in out(kW)

for a general steady-flow system

Q& in + W&in + å m& q = Q& out + W&out + å m& q
in out

a flowing fluid per unit mass q = h + ke + pe = h + + gz
2 2
æ V ö æ V ö
Q& in + W&in + å m& ç h + + gz ÷ = Q& out + W&out + å m& ç h + + gz ÷
in è 2 ø out è 2 ø

GENESYS Laboratory
Energy Analysis of Steady-Flow Systems (Continue)
2 2
& & æ V ö æ V ö
Q - W = å m& ç h + + gz ÷ - å m& ç h + + gz ÷
out è 2 ø in è 2 ø
For single-stream devices,
2 2
æ V - V ö
Q& - W& = m& ç h2 - h1 + 2 1
+ g ( z2 - z1 ) ÷
è 2 ø
the energy balance on a unit-mass basis
v22 - v12
q - w = h2 - h1 + + g ( z2 - z1 )
if Dke @ 0, Dpe @ 0
q - w = h2 - h1

GENESYS Laboratory

Thanks for “Q,”

Surrounding System Here’s work

Work hard I am losing
my “Q”

GENESYS Laboratory
Some Steady-Flow Engineering Devices
• The components of a steam plant (Turbines, compressors, heat exchanger, and pumps)
can be conveniently analyzed as steady-flow devices.

GENESYS Laboratory
Nozzles and Diffusers
• Nozzle: a device that increases the velocity of a fluid at the expense of pressure
• Diffuser : a device that increases the pressure of a fluid by slowing it down

2 2
æ V - V ö
Q& - W& = m& ç h2 - h1 + 2 1
+ g ( z2 - z1 ) ÷
è 2 ø
Q& » 0 (the fluid has high velocity)
W& = 0
Dpe @ 0

V22 - V12
h1 - h2 =

Subsonic flows
GENESYS Laboratory
Turbines and Compressors
• Turbine: a device that drives the electric generator
• Compressor: a device that increases the pressure of a fluid

2 2
æ V - V ö
Q& - W& = m& ç h2 - h1 + 2 1
+ g ( z2 - z1 ) ÷
è 2 ø
Q& » 0 (well insulated)
Dpe @ 0
Dke @ 0 ¬ DkeááDh

W& = m& ( h1 - h2 )

GENESYS Laboratory

During the same t

GENESYS Laboratory
Throttling Valves
• Throttling valve: a device that cause large pressure drops in the fluid

2 2
& & æ V - V ö
Q - W = m& ç h2 - h1 + 2 1
+ g ( z2 - z1 ) ÷
è 2 ø
Q& » 0 (well insulated)
W& » 0
Dpe @ 0
Dke @ 0 ¬ DkeááDh

h2 @ h1 ¬ isenthalpic device or constant enthalpy device

Þ u1 + Pv
1 1 = u2 + P2 v2

GENESYS Laboratory
Mixing Chambers
• Mixing chamber: a section where the mixing process takes place

2 2
& & æ V - V ö
Q - W = m& ç h2 - h1 + 2 1
+ g ( z2 - z1 ) ÷
è 2 ø
Q& » 0 (well insulated)
W& = 0
Dpe @ 0
Dke @ 0

m& ( h1 - h2 ) = 0

GENESYS Laboratory
Heat Exchangers
• Heat exchanger: a device where two moving fluid streams exchange heat without mixing

2 2
& & æ V - V ö
Q - W = m& ç h2 - h1 + 2 1
+ g ( z2 - z1 ) ÷
è 2 ø
Q& ® depending on the control volume
W& = 0
Dpe @ 0
Dke @ 0

m& ( h1 - h2 ) = 0
m& ( h - h ) = Q&
2 1

GENESYS Laboratory
Pipe and Duct Flow
2 2
æ V - V ö
Q& - W& = m& ç h2 - h1 + 2 1
+ g ( z2 - z1 ) ÷
è 2 ø
Q& ® depending on the control volume
W& ® depending on the control volume
Dpe @ 0
Dke @ 0

Q& cv - W&cv = m& ( h2 - h1 )

at incompressible substance
Δh = h2 - h1 = ( u 2 -u1 ) + v ( P2 - P1 )
= c(T2 - T1 ) + v ( P2 - P1 )

GENESYS Laboratory
Energy Analysis of Unsteady-Flow Processes
• Unsteady-flow : processes involving changes within the control volume with time
• The shape and size of a control volume may change during an unsteady-flow process
• Uniform flow process: the fluid flow at any inlet or exit is uniform and steady, and
thus the fluid properties do not change with time or position over the cross section
of an inlet or exit. If they do, they are averaged and treated as constants for the
entire process.

GENESYS Laboratory
Energy Analysis of Unsteady-Flow Processes II
• Energy balance for a uniform-flow system

æ ö æ ö
ç in + W in + å mq - Q
÷ ç out + Wout + å mq ÷ = ( m2 e2 - m1e1 )system
è in ø è out ø
where, q = h + ke + pe
e = u + ke + pe
If DKE @ 0, DPE @ 0
Q - W = å mh -å mh + ( m2u2 - m1u1 )system
out in

Q = Qnet,in = Qin - Qout

W = Wnet,out = Wout - Win

• Although both the steady-flow and uniform-flow processes are somewhat

idealized, many actual processes can be approximated reasonably well by one of
these with satisfactory results

GENESYS Laboratory

An universal form of Energy balance equation

ein - eout = =0
mass balance
mi - me = (m2 - m1 )CV
for a general steady-flow system
æ ö æ ö
ç Qin + Win + å mq ÷ - ç Qout + Wout + å mq ÷ = 0
è in ø è out ø
for a general unsteady-flow system
æ ö æ ö
ç in + W in + å mq - Q
÷ ç out + Wout + å mq ÷ = ( m2 e2 - m1e1 )system
è in ø è out ø
where, q = h + ke + pe
e = u + ke + pe
GENESYS Laboratory

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