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Communication is two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which
participants not only exchange information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share
meaning. In general, communication is a means of connecting people or places. In business, it
is a key function of management. An organization cannot operate without communication
between levels, departments and employees. The communication theorist, Frank Dance
(1970), counted over a hundred definitions of the word “communication.” Theodore
Clevenger attributes (1991) “the continuing problem in defining communication” to the fact
that “the verb ‘to communicate’ is well established in the common lexicon and therefore is
not easily captured for scientific use. According to Julia Wood (2004), communication is “a
systemic process in which individuals interact with and through symbols to create and
interpret meanings.”
There are many ways on how to improve our oral communication skill in English.
First of all, we should slow down our speaking speed. We might be an eloquent speaker when
it comes to our mother tongue, but expecting the same standards from our self when speaking
in a foreign language may not be very realistic. So, when we try to slow down our speaking
speed, we may speak slowly then audience may understand what we want to deliver to them.
Second, we should give our self time to think. We may be worried that the people we are
talking to are impatient and would like we to say what we want as quickly as possible. It may
not be true. People often prefer a well-thought-out answer rather than a rushed one. So
just relax. Another practical thing we can do is equipping our self with fixed phrases we can
use when remaining silent doesn’t seem to be an option.
When speaking in English, we might be so focused on what we are saying and
whether it’s correct or not, then we forget to listen to what others are saying. This is a big
mistake as they might be using the exact words or grammar we will need later on. So pay
attention to what’s being said around us, it is our most important resource at the time of
speaking to someone. We also need to keep in mind the fact that communication is a two-
way process. Not only does it make us seem uninterested – even rude – if we don’t ask
questions, we might also end up being the one who has to do all the talking. So, when we
have run out of ideas about what to say next, others might have something to add. Questions
from others will keep the conversation going and will show our interest in other people’s
opinion. They will also give us time to relax a little. Avoid distractions if at all possible. For
example, It’s pretty rude to use your phone while someone’s talking to you or you’re
supposed to be hanging out with them. Maybe we can’t get rid of all our distractions or put
away technology completely, but just taking the time to look up could vastly improve our
communication with each other. Moreover, do not be trying to think of next question while
the other person is giving information. When we are too focus on what question we could
others, then we might distract the flow of our conversation.
Next, to improve our oral skill in English is tell a story. Stories are powerful.
They activate our brains, make presentations suck less, make us more persuasive, and can
even help us ace interviews. Learn the secrets of becoming a phenomenal storyteller
with these rules from Pixar or by simply using the word “but” more to structure your
narrative. Everyone’s got at least one great story in them. When we practice telling stories to
others we can improve our confidence level. Moreover, we are not nervous when facing
audience or talk in front of people.
Furthermore, another way to improve our communication skill in English is to
practice speak in English at home or school or work. Practice is the basic learning process.
We cannot improve on our oral communication skills unless we interact more with people. In
order to bring out our skills and fluency in speaking, we can practice speaking with our
families, colleagues and friends in English. The more we converse with others in English, the
better we get. But some of us fear of making mistakes when speaking in English. We all can
definitely remember situations when we’ve made a mistake when speaking or attempting to
speak, and that has made us feel insecure, embarrassed and ashamed of our level of spoken
English. If we pronounce a word incorrectly, or misuse an idiom, ask others to correct us. We
will learn much faster this way. So do not shy when makes mistakes and be confident.
Last but not least, to improve our English language we should read more. Start
reading blogs and magazines about things that interest us. Moreover this can help us to gain
more knowledge and improve vocabulary skills. Also, this will aid in developing our
thinking process and enhance our sharpness in gathering ideas and expressing them in
English. If we have been exposed to topics that are likely to be discussed in conversation, we
have a much better chance of understanding people when they talk, and of being able to
express ourself well. This helps us overcome both a culture gap and language barriers.
In conclusion, there are many ways to improve oral communication in English. There
is no short cut to learning English. Persistence is the major secrets of success. If we want to
use English as our native language, don't ever give up trying to achieve our goal. If we are
prepared to work hard at it, we will be successful in the end.

Dance, Frank E. X. “The ‘Concept’ of Communication.” Journal of Communication 20

(1970): 201-210.

Wood, Julia T. Communication Theories in Action: An Introduction. 3rd ed. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth. 2004.

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