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& Layout:
•  One page article, featuring the model sitting on a chair with high key Colour Palette:
•  Black, white and red; this colour scheme
lighting – indicates this is an uplifting article, or an inspirational article.
suggests sophistication, class and
•  The serif font connotes class, sophistication and tradition. However,
there is a slight variation of fonts, with the drop caps letter in a sans-
•  It also gives the impression that this model
serif font – emphasizes the concept of breaking conventions and
norms. This connotes that this article may be about the featured is an iconic figure, being painted in black
and white, which is a common convention
model breaking norms in society.
used to make an image look older, or more
•  This article does not have a title, it simply states the name of the
model – “Leona Chin, 28, Professional Motor Sport Racer”. This is an
unconventional job for women in society, so she is breaking gender
norms within society, and sharing her inspirational story with the
reader. The target psychographic for this article would be females
aged 16-28, with an interest in the model and her work, or interested
in inspirational stories, sports or social issues.
•  There is a small portion of text on top the image in the bottom right
corner that talks about what the model is wearing.

•  Model is dressed in a stereotypically masculine way, with dark, baggy
clothes and shoes instead of heels, which is most commonly seen in
magazines of this genre.
•  She is using direct mode of address to engage the audience, her eyes
are captivating due to the heavier eye make up; she has natural make
up on, except for on her eyes, that are dark and almost sultry (links can
be made to the Male Gaze, by Laura Mulvey).
•  The model has relaxed and casual stance, posing effortlessly; her body
language indicates she is confident and in control.
•  Moreover, her black and white outfit matches the black and white of
the article text, creating synergy within the article page.

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