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God, our Father, full of power

Maker of the heavens,

Maker of the world

Forming all things, seen and unseen

Truly the Almighty

beyond all measured worth

Holy is His Name

We believe the Lord our God is One

Father, Spirit, Son; This is our God!

We believe forever He will reign

Let the church proclaim:

This is our God!

Our Lord Jesus sent to save us

Born unto a virgin, lived a perfect life

Greatly suffered, dying for us

From the grave He’s risen,

seated now on high

Holy is His Name

We believe the Lord our God is One

Father, Spirit, Son; This is our God!

We believe forever He will reign

Let the church proclaim:

This is our God!

Jesus will come back again

To judge the living and the dead

Usher in the age to come

Let everyone sing “Amen”

Jesus will come back again

To judge the living and the dead

Usher in the age to come

Let everyone sing “Amen”

Let everyone sing “Amen”

Spirit, holy, One in glory

Speaking through the prophets

Empowering the Church

Life is given by and through Him

With the Son and Father,

worshiped and adored

Holy is His Name

We believe the Lord our God is One

Father, Spirit, Son; This is our God!

We believe forever He will reign

Let the church proclaim:

This is our God!

This Is Our God

W and M—Neil DeGraide, Dave Fournier, Zach Jones, Doug Plank, and George Romanacce

© 2015 Sovereign Grace Praise

CCLI License #1501423

Holy, holy, holy!

Lord God Almighty!

Early in the morning 

our song shall rise to Thee.

Holy, holy, holy! 

merciful and mighty!

God in three Persons, 

blessed Trinity!
Holy, holy, holy! 

all the saints adore Thee,

Casting down their golden crowns

around the glassy sea.

Cherubim and seraphim

falling down before Thee,

Who wert, and art, 

and evermore shalt be. 

Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!

W-Reginald Heber/M-John B,. Dykes

CCLI License #1501423
I am a sinner;

You’re blameless, Lord

My sins against You

can’t be ignored

They will be punished,

I know they must

Your law demands it,

for You are just

If You would count

Everything that I’ve done wrong

Who could stand?

But there’s forgiveness

with You, God

Have mercy on me,

have mercy on me

A broken and a contrite heart

You won’t turn away

Have mercy on me,

have mercy on me

Because of Your steadfast love

Father of mercy,

You gave Your Son

To make atonement

for wrongs I have done

What You required,

Jesus fulfilled

I don’t deserve it—

I never will
If You would count

Everything that I’ve done wrong

Who could stand?

But there’s forgiveness

with You, God

Have mercy on me,

have mercy on me

A broken and a contrite heart

You won’t turn away

Have mercy on me,

have mercy on me

Because of Your steadfast love

If You would count

Everything that I’ve done wrong

Who could stand?

But there’s forgiveness

with You, God

Have mercy on me,

have mercy on me

A broken and a contrite heart

You won’t turn away

Have mercy on me,

have mercy on me

Because of Your steadfast love

Have Mercy on Me
M and W--Pat Sczebel and Dale Bischof

© 2011 Sovereign Grace Worship

CCLI License #1501423

Alas, and did my Savior bleed

And did my Sovereign die?

Would He devote that sacred head

For such a worm as I?

Was it for sins that I had done

He groaned upon the tree?

Amazing pity, grace unknown

And love beyond degree

My God, why would
You shed Your blood

So pure and undefiled

To make a sinful one like me

Your chosen, precious child?

Well might the sun in darkness hide

And shut His glories in

When Christ, the mighty Maker, died

For man, the creature’s, sin

Thus might I hide my blushing face

While His dear cross appears

Dissolve my heart in thankfulness

And melt my eyes to tears

My God, why would
You shed Your blood

So pure and undefiled

To make a sinful one like me

Your chosen, precious child?

My God, why would
You shed Your blood

So pure and undefiled

To make a sinful one like me

Your chosen, precious child?

Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed

W--Isaac Watts and Bob Kauflin M--Bob Kauflin

© 1997 Sovereign Grace Praise

CCLI License #1501423

Who else commands

all the hosts of heaven

Who else could make

every king bow down

Who else can whisper

and darkness trembles

Only a Holy God

What other beauty

demands such praises

What other splendor

outshines the sun

What other majesty

rules with justice

Only a Holy God

Come and behold Him

The One and the Only

Cry out, sing holy

Forever a Holy God

Come and worship the Holy God

What other glory

consumes like fire

What other power

can raise the dead

What other name

remains undefeated

Only a Holy God

Come and behold Him

The One and the Only

Cry out, sing holy

Forever a Holy God

Come and worship the Holy God

Come and behold Him

The One and the Only

Cry out, sing holy

Forever a Holy God

Come and worship the Holy God

Who else could rescue

me from my failing

Who else would offer

His only Son

Who else invites me

to call Him Father

Only a Holy God

Only my Holy God!

Come and behold Him

The One and the Only

Cry out, sing holy

Forever a Holy God

Come and worship the Holy God

Come and behold Him

The One and the Only

Cry out, sing holy

Forever a Holy God

Come and worship the Holy God

Come and worship the Holy God

Come and worship the Holy God

Come and behold Him

The One and the Only

Cry out, sing holy

Forever a Holy God

Come and worship the Holy God

Only a Holy God
W and M—Michael Farren, Jonny Robinson, Dustin Smith & Rich Thompson

© 2016 CityAlight Music

CCLI License #1501423

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