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This week we participated in some enjoyable activities.In mirror activity,we

played in pairs.We faced each other and kept eye contact.One person was just
herself,making different and interesting expressions and movements.The other
person was the mirror image and simultaneously imitated what his partner did
as in a mirror.I liked this activity because we were motivated by what we didn’t
want to be like.There was a kind of cooperation between us when we reversed
the roles.We observed each other and this increased the empathy and trust
between us.I think it’s about reflection-that is,how you see yourself in another
person.I also got the underlying message that ‘WORDS ARE MEANINGLESS
UNLESS THEY ARE SUPPORTED.’In other activity,one partner of each pair
worked his finger making various movements and another partner followed his
finger movements with a big concentration.I felt like being synchronized while
following my partner’s finger movement.Indeed,I became aware of the sense of
sight as I only focuced on the direction of movements.I liked this activity
because trust,sensory awareness and creativity also combined with
motivation.Of course,this created a more relaxing class atmosphere since we
were in a harmony while following each other and had fun for this.We did
another activity in which we were back–to-back and made some facial
expressions although we couldn’t see what our partner on our back was
doing.With this activity,the aim was to become aware of the need for eye
contact in interpersonal communication.
We also talked about the importance of affective use of voice in such vocal
characteristics as vocal pitch,rate,volume and quality. We brought a poem and
read it aloud in front of the class two more times.We read our poems in a
dramatic manner,which added to the poem’s significance and gave more
pleasure and a clear meaning.But,it was not the same when we read it in a flat
monotone voice since the meaning of various lines changed when we changed
the tone of our voices.Of course, we had fun with this exercise.We varied our
volume, pitch and rate greatly.But also, we saw the effectiveness of both
reading.In fact,it’s about incorporating variations to convey the meaning.There
is an underlying message-‘HOW YOU SAY IT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN
WHAT YOU SAY.’For example,if you’re feeling nervous,it comes through your
voice and the others pick up on this quickly.We mentioned about the mutual
intelligibility-The ability to understand other and be understood by others.To
achieve this,we need to control our voice effectively.

I will use the mirror and imitation activity in my own teaching to encourage the
students to respond spontaneously to new words and instructions given by
using animation.I can practice mirroring while using mechanical drills in
vocabulary teaching.I will also use the finger activity to teach
directions.Morever,I will use my finger movements for learners who have a
difficult time hearing stress and intonation.This is another significant point for
teaching pronuncation.Furthermore,I will use vocal pitch,rate,volume and
quality,which will obviously interest the students more than a straight
reading.In fact,it is important to attract and hold their attention on lesson.As a
result,I should use my voice appropriately in my teaching process.I will vary
the speed,rate,volume and quality of my voice rather than being monotonous
to make a point and communicate in an effective way. As a teacher, I can
change the atmosphere in my class with my voice. If I'm reading aloud,
explaining a new concept, sharing information or making announcements, I
can use my voice to maintain interest in what I am saying.Morever,I believe
while teaching pronunciation,these will work to help pronounce words
distinctly so I can catch my students’ interest easily. I will be expressive as I
teach and never hesitate to add emotion into my voice. This helps the children
learn to be expressive, too

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