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Afos, Jan Aldrin E.

JD-THESIS New Era University

The Effect of the Sereno Quo Warranto Decision on the Legal Community and
Philippine Jurisprudence

The rationale of this study is to gain new knowledge on the evolution of
Philippine Jurisprudence as regards to the recent Supreme Court Decision
ousting Maria Lourdes Sereno as the Chief Justice of the highest court of the

The objectives of this study include:
1.) To provide the legal community as well as the public insight on the
possible effects of such a decision on the legal field as well as how the
Supreme Court will handle similar cases in the future;
2.) To provide a reasonable and fact based explanation on why and how the
Supreme Court issued such a resolution;
3.) To inform the public on the legal bases and to defend the
Constitutionality and legality of the Supreme Court Decision;


1.) The main purpose of this study is to prepare the whole Legal Community
on the possible effects or backlashes of such a controversial decision on
the legal field.

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