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Richardia Ayu Christy Ardianti


1 - A3 Internasional


Norms are benchmarks / tools for measuring the true errors of a human attitude and

action. Norms can also be interpreted as rules that contain signs that describe a certain size,

which contains true / false values (Margono, 2001: 67). In English, the norm is defined as a

standard. In addition, norms can also be interpreted as rules of living which are used to

regulate human behavior in social and state life. If the norm is understood as a standard

(measure) of human behavior, which can be used as a "tool" to judge (justification) a human

behavior (right or wrong), then in the reality of everyday life there are at least 5 norms,

namely (1) norm religion, (2) legal norms, (3) moral or moral norms, (4) habit norms, and (5)

politeness norms.

Religious norms are a set of rules or rules of human life whose source is from God's

revelation. Adherents of religion believe that what is regulated in the norms of religion comes

from God Almighty, which is conveyed to His prophets and messengers to be distributed to

all humanity in the world. Religious norms in their implementation not only regulate the

relationship between humans and God, but also regulate how humans relate to other God's

creatures. Humans as God's creatures are equipped with reason and mind. With that reason,

humans are given the responsibility by God to not only utilize the natural surroundings, but

also must maintain and preserve it as human life.

Legal norms are rules that arise regarding human behavior in the community and

made by official state bodies and are force so that they have orders and prohibitions and must

be obeyed by the whole community. Udin S. Winataputra, (2008: 6.18), states that, legal

norms aim to achieve order and peace in life. Order and peace can be achieved by creating a

harmony between order (which is physical) and tranquility (which is inward). The main

characteristic of legal norms is to have the power of sanctions in the form of punishment. The

power of sanctions in legal norms can be imposed and carried out through the power of state

equipment, namely law enforcement officers. Law that has a compelling nature.

Decency norms are the rules of life that are derived from the voice of human

conscience. This rule of life concerns the whisper of the heart and the voice of human

conscience. Decency norms aim to make people have a moral life or have a clean conscience.

The source of this decency norm is the heart of the human being itself, which is autonomous

and is not aimed at things that are outward, but aimed at the inner nature of man. This means

that with a clear conscience, humans will be able to distinguish which is a bad behavior and

which behavior is not good. (Chairun Arrasjid, 2004: 8).

Customary norms are a measure of human behavior based on things that have taken

place in society as a custom or daily habit. For example the habit of visiting people in the

afternoon, not during the day. That means, if there is someone who visits at noon it is

considered unusual and if there is no prior commitment to the homeowner, then it can cause

problems, because it is considered to violate customs.

Udin S. Winataputra, (2007: 6.18) said that, the norms of decency are norms related

to the rules of life that arise from the association of a group of people in daily life. The decency

norms aim to achieve life in a social life with fun. The regulations that arise are adhered to as
guidelines that regulate human behavior towards humans around them. The decency norms

are derived from the system of rules of human life or the system of life or culture in the form

of the habits of the community in regulating the life of the group based on agreements made

by humans in certain areas. Violation of the norms of politeness, sanctions are in the form of

reprimand, ridicule, reproach, exclusion from the community, and so on.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the norm is a guide to life for

citizens in the community. Norms in the community should be obeyed by community

members, because these norms contain sanctions. Anyone, both individuals and groups, who

violate the norms are punished in the form of sanctions, such as religious sanctions from God

and religious departments, moral sanctions, politeness, law, and habits given by society in the

form of moral sanctions.


The word "moral" comes from Latin, mores, plural from mos, which means habits,

customs (Bertens, 2002: 4). In the dictionary Indonesian moral language is defined as: (1)

(teachings about) good and bad that are generally accepted about 4 actions, attitudes,

obligations, etc .; morals; character; susila; and (2) mental conditions that keep people brave,

passionate, passionate, disciplined, willing to sacrifice, suffer, face danger, etc .; heart content

or state of feeling as revealed in the act (Language Center of the Ministry of National

Education, 2008: 1041). In general, this moral meaning is almost the same as ethics, but if

observed it turns out that the moral meaning is more focused on the teachings and mental

condition of a person that makes him behave and behave well or badly. So, moral meaning is

more applicable when compared to the meaning of more normative ethics. In general view

these two words of ethics and morals are indeed difficult to separate. Ethics is a study or
philosophy about morals, and morals are an embodiment of ethics in real everyday attitudes

and behavior.

Moral words always lead to good and bad human actions. The point of talking about

morality is related to the field of human life judged by the good or bad of its embassy. Another

word that is also attached to the word moral is morality, immoral, and immoral. The word

morality (English: morality) is actually the same as moral (English: moral), but morality is

abstract. Morality can also be understood as a moral nature or an overall principle and value

that is both good and bad (Bertens, 2002: 7). Amoral and immoral words have the same

meaning, which is the opposite of the moral word. Amoral means immoral, not moral (Center

of Language Depdiknas, 2008: 53). While the immoral word is not contained in the Indonesian

Language Dictionary. This word is an English word which means impolite, spoiled, evil, and

immoral (Echols & Shadily, 1995: 312).

In interacting in the midst of society, ethics and morals are indispensable in order to

create a peaceful, harmonious and peaceful society (ethical and moral). Although these two

words are profoundly different, in the daily practice these two words are almost

indistinguishable. In everyday life differences in normative concepts are not important as long

as the results are the same, namely how positive values (good and true) can be realized and

negative values (bad and wrong) can be avoided.

Konsep, Nilai, Norma, dan Moral dalam PKn. From http://idr.uin- (access : September 30, 2018)

Marzuki. Etika dan Moral dalam Pembelajaran. From

dalam-pembelajaran-marzuki-2013.pdf (access : September 30, 2018)

Nababan Ramsul, dkk. 2018. Pendalaman Materi Norma, Hukum, dan Peraturan Perundang-

Undangan. Kemenristekdikti RI. From

/Kegiatan%20Belajar%201%20Modul%202.pdf (access : September 30, 2018)

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