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Recent research has taught us—parents and educators—to observe our students and have them take

quizzes to find out their learning style, which would seemingly unlock the mystery of how they study
best. While this language around learning styles and multiple intelligences has diversified instructional
styles in a great way, it has brought with it a number of myths and misconceptions. The following
debunks four myths about learning styles, and includes suggestions for how multiple learning styles can
be accepted and celebrated.

Myth 1: Students have only one learning style

Psychologist Howard Garner, who revolutionized education through his 1983 book, Frames of Mind:
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, claims that there is “strong evidence that human beings have a
range of intelligences.” He calls each of our unique profiles of varying strengths and weaknesses
“jagged profiles of intelligences.”

For example, a student may signal strong linguistic intelligence because of learning a foreign language
quickly, but this intelligence is closely tied with the aural learning style. Similarly, a student may be
visually inclined—if he or she enjoys drawing pictures and diagrams—but can also be a kinesthetic
learner as said student is also using his or her body to process information.

To support multiple learning styles, teachers and parents can look for apps and programs that tap into
various senses and styles. Google Drive and Dropbox are two platforms that encourage a collaborative
environment for students, who can then draw on their different intelligences to share information and
create projects. Popplet is an app that allows students to make concept maps, which draws on visual and
kinesthetic styles. Evernote and Notability are two note-taking apps that encourage students to collect
mixed-media notes—through text, photos, web links, audio recording, etc.—which allows them to
process information in a multifaceted way.
Myth 2: Students only benefit from learning in one specific style

Articles on learning styles have encouraged “matching” instructional activities with certain learning
styles. However, a 2008 study on learning styles did not find that optimal learning occurred when the
instructional activity corresponded with a student’s specific learning style.

A 2009 study from David J.M. Kraemer and Lauren M. Rosenberg of the University of Pennsylvania
found that effective processing transpired when a learner was presented material not in their preferred
modality; the learner would then convert material to their own modality, thus “[facilitating] processing
and later recall.” Relatedly, Howard Gardner calls for teachers to diversify their instructional activities,
not only to reach different learning styles, but also to “convey what it means to understand something

Myth 3: One intelligence can predict strength or weakness in another subject — or another

In a classroom, teachers may pick up on a student’s tendency toward drawing pictures and diagrams, and
then label said student as a visual learner. This teacher’s habit of close observation is great, but this
thought process can be misleading. Howard Garner says that “learning styles” as a term is incoherent, as
there is no defining criteria for how they are recognized and evaluated.

He essentially asks, if a teacher labels a student with a certain learning style, how can one tell if the
student is that type of learner in everything? A great idea for teachers is to keep anecdotal
documentation on what works for students individually, and to prioritize learning as much as they can
about their students. Likewise for parents: notice what works for your children, but refrain from boxing
them into one type.

Myth 4: Learning styles are the only way in which students differ

Researcher and educator Mark Smith cites a 1988 study that calls for paying attention to various kinds
of “selfhood.” In particular, he points out “differences in cognitive and communication styles that are
culturally based.” Consider factors like socioeconomic status and racial and ethnic background and how
they’ve shaped your students—both the way they learn and the knowledge, especially cultural capital,
that they’ve come in to school with. Teaching Tolerance, for example, is a project that provides
classroom resources—in addition to a magazine for educators—and promotes anti-bias in classroom

One of the most important things to do as a parent or educator is to see your student as a growing and
changing individual, full of seeming contradictions and complexities. Try different activities and pay
attention to what clicks with students. Get together with other teachers to pool a variety of instructional
strategies that have worked or could work in the future.

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