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Subject : English Language

Year : 4 Merah

Enrolment : 19 pupils (12 males, 7 females)

Date/Day : 9th August 2017 (Thursday)

Time : 9.00 a.m. – 10.00 a.m. (1 hour)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Unit 13: Our Country, Our Pride

Focused Skill : Reading

Level of students : Low - Average

Content Standard : 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to demonstrate understanding of variety of linear
and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print
materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.

Learning Standard :

2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentence from:

a.) non-linear texts

Learning Objectives :

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. Answer 2 out of 5 questions correctly based on the comic strip given.

2. Produce an ending for the comic strip given based on their creativity.
3. React to the stimulus (playing parts of the national anthem) immediately.
Educational Emphases:
i.) Moral Values : Love your country – Be patriotic
ii.) LOTS & HOTS : Problem-solving tasks
iii.) Thinking Skills : Describing and Information transfer
iv.) Multiple Intelligences : Verbal-linguistic, inter-personal and intra-personal, bodily-
kinesthetic, spatial.
v.) Entrepreneurship : Creativity and Innovation
vi.) ICT : LCD projector, computer

Resources/Teaching Aids : Comic strip, comic strip with no ending, comprehension

questions worksheet

Vocabulary : Rude, teasing, assembly.

Stages/Time Content Activities Remarks

1. Part of the national 1) Teacher will play a part of the Multiple

Set anthem national anthem. Intelligences:
Induction Questions: 2) The pupils must react based on the 1. Verbal-linguistic
(3 minutes) i. What should you do stimulus given. 2. Interpersonal
when you hear What should you do when you 3. Intrapersonal
“Negaraku”? hear “Negaraku”? 4. Bodily-
5. Spatial
1. Comic strip 1) Teacher will present a comic strip Teaching Aids:
Presentation 2. Short role play to all the pupils in power point 1. Comic strip
(10 minutes) slides. 2. Projector
2) The pupils are allowed to read the 3. Computer
comic strip for 3 minutes. Vocabulary:
3) After 3 minutes, teacher will 1. Rude
randomly pick 2 individuals to role 2. Teasing
play the characters in the comic 3. Assembly
strip. Multiple
1. Verbal-
2. Interpersonal
3. Intrapersonal
4. Bodily-
5. Spatial
Thinking Skills:
1. Information
1) Teacher will distribute the
Practice 1. Group work comprehension questions Teaching Aids:
(20minutes) - Comprehension worksheet to each group. 1. Comprehension
questions 2) The pupils are given 10 minutes to questions
worksheet answer the questions on the blank worksheet
2. Presentation of the spaces given. Multiple
answers. 3) Each group will assign one Intelligences:
3. Teacher evaluation. representative to read out their 1. Verbal-
discussed answers. Linguistic
4) The teacher will evaluate the 2. Interpersonal
righteousness of the answer. 3. Intrapersonal
Thinking Skills:
1. Information
2. Describing
1. Problem-
solving task
Assessment for
Group work 1) Teacher will instruct the pupils to Teaching aids:
Production - sit in their groups. 1. Comic strip with
(25 minute) 2) Teacher will give out the same no ending
comic strip to all groups. Multiple
3) The pupils will be given 20 minutes Intelligences:
to both study the comic strip and 1. Verbal-
produce an ending based on their Linguistic
creativity. 2. Interpersonal
4) Pupils are allowed to ask for 3. Intrapersonal
guidance regarding the words they Thinking Skills:
cannot understand or the missing 1. Describing
words that they want to convey. HOTS:
5) Teacher will collect the pupils’ work 1. Problem-solving
after 20 minutes. situations.
1. Creativity and
- Create their
own ending.
Assessment for
Closure 1. Part of the national 3) Teacher will play another part of Moral values:
anthem the national anthem. 1. Be patriotic
(2 minute) 2. Moral value 4) The pupils must react based on the
stimulus given. Assessment for
5) Teacher will stress the importance LO3.
of standing straight immediately
upon hearing the national anthem.

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