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The term “wicked problems” is found in nanotechnology, gun control, air quality, sus-
many disciplines, including public administra- tainable development, biodiversity, environ-
tion, policy science, health education, ecology, mental restoration, forest fire management,
forestry, and business administration, but the and animal welfare. Other wicked problems
term is relatively unknown in applied eco- include the locating of not-in-my-backyard
nomics. Applied economics needs to become (NIMBY) projects (e.g., a freeway or a half-
better acquainted with wicked problems; they way house); reengineering a food supply chain
are pervasive, and they present challenges if to address food safety problems; constructing
applied economics is to retain its relevance or removing a hydroelectric project; or open-

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in today’s world. This paper explores these ing of a new mineral mine.
challenges but is necessarily exploratory, as Wicked problems, which are sometimes
widespread recognition of the complexity of called social messes or untamed problems,
wicked problems is leading to new kinds of are dynamically complex, ill-structured, pub-
research, but these research approaches are lic problems. The causes and effects of the
still evolving. My basic thesis is that normal problem are extremely difficult to identify and
science assumptions and approaches are in- model; wicked problems tend to be intractable
adequate for addressing the complexities of and elusive because they are influenced by
wicked problems in a policy context, but that many dynamic social and political factors as
science, including social science, remains cru- well as biophysical complexities (Rittel and
cial for the development of alternative poli- Webber 1973). Also, most wicked problems
cies. This exploration, therefore, is about both are connected to, or are symptoms of, other
the characteristics of postnormal science nec- problems (Carroll et al. 2007). As a result,
essary to inform alternative policies designed there is no consensus on what exactly the prob-
to address wicked problems as well as their lem is. Indeed, a wicked problem is not well
implications for policy contributions from ap- understood until after formulation of a po-
plied economics. Because many wicked prob- tential solution, and therefore, the problem
lems involve sustainability issues, I will focus definition tends to change over time. However,
mainly on sustainability problems. because of their complex interdependences,
wicked problems are never solved (Conklin
Wicked vs. Tame Problems 2006), but rather they become better or worse
(Rittel and Webber 1973).
Examples of wicked problem issue areas in- Wicked problems always occur in a social
clude terrorism, global climate change, nuclear context, and there can be radically different
energy, healthcare, poverty, crime, ecological views and understanding of the problem by
health, pandemics, genetically modified food, different stakeholders, with no unique “cor-
water resource management, trade liberaliza- rect” view (Horn and Weber 2007). Thus,
tion, the use of stem cells, biofuel production, their wicked nature stems not only from their
biophysical complexity but also from multi-
ple stakeholders’ perceptions of them and of
Fellows Address. potential trade-offs associated with problem
Sandra S. Batie is the Elton R. Smith Chair in Food and Agricul- solving. Identification of solutions becomes as
tural Economics Policy in the Department of Agricultural, Food,
and Resource Economics at Michigan State University, East Lans- much a social and political process as it is a sci-
ing, MI. Her email is entific endeavor (Kreuter et al. 2004). Also,
Thanks are due to Dave Ervin, Patricia Norris, Christopher Pe- wicked problems are characterized as hav-
terson, David Schweikhardt, Carol Shennan, Leonard Shabman,
and Kurt Stephenson, whose suggestions helped to improve this ing high uncertainty associated with them, not
article. only with outcomes but also with the poten-
Fellows Address was presented at the 2008 AAEA annual meet- tial causes and effects underlying the problems.
ing in Orlando, FL. Invited addresses are not subjected to the jour-
nal’s standard refereeing process. In addition, there are multiple stakeholders’

Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 90 (Number 5, 2008): 1176–1191

Copyright 2008 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8276.2008.01202.x
Batie Wicked Problems and Applied Economics 1177

Table 1. Summary of Differences Between Tame and Wicked Problems

Characteristic Tame Problem Wicked Problem
1. The problem The clear definition of the problem also No agreement exists about what the
unveils the solution problem is. Each attempt to create a
∗∗∗ solution changes the problem
The outcome is true of false, successful The solution is not true or false—the end
or unsuccessful is assessed as “better” or “worse” or
∗∗∗ “good enough”
The problem does not change over time The problem changes over time
2. The role of The causes of a problem are determined Many stakeholders are likely to have
stakeholders primarily by experts using scientific differing ideas about what the “real”
data problem is and what its causes are
3. The “stopping The task is completed when the problem The end is accompanied by stakeholders,
rule” is solved political forces, and resource

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availability. There is no definitive
4. Nature of the Scientific based protocols guide the Solution(s) to problem is (are) based on
problem choice of solution(s) “judgments” of multiple stakeholders
∗∗∗ ∗∗∗
The problem is associated with low The problem is associated with high
uncertainty as to system components uncertainty as to system components
and outcomes and outcomes
∗∗∗ ∗∗∗
There are shared values as to the There are not shared values with respect
desirability of the outcomes to societal goals
Source: Adapted from Kreuter et al. (2004).

viewpoints with respect to the desirability of of stakeholders in problem definition and anal-
alternative outcomes. ysis; (3) a deterministic “stopping rule”; as well
Wicked problems can be contrasted with as (4) the unique nature of the problem.
tame problems. While frequently complex and
difficult, tame problems are those that can be Challenges Posed by Wicked Problems
clearly delineated and solved by experts who
produce workable solutions using the analyt- Wicked problems pose a dilemma for normal
ical approaches of their disciplines (Kreuter science activities. Normal science, as defined by
et al. 2004). Examples include landing men on Thomas Kuhn (1962) in his book The Structure
the moon; determining the specific source of a of Scientific Revolutions, is the routine work of
food contamination outbreak; identifying the disciplinary scientists “puzzle solving” in their
cost effectiveness of different crop practices to paradigm. Normal science research (i.e., con-
reduce soil erosion; or determining the costs ventional or mainstream research) adds to the
and benefits of expanding an irrigation project. details of the established theory but does not
Tame problems are characterized by clear def- challenge it or test its assumptions.
initions of the problems which do not change Historically, normal science has had a close
overtime. Also, the problem definition reveals relationship with the creation of policy alter-
potential solutions because of clear cause and natives (Funtowicz and Ravetz 1993; Stokes
effect mechanisms. Unlike wicked problems, 1997). Since World War II, normal science
there is little conflict over the desirability of has been guided by a linear model1 which
these potential solutions. Tame problems can is illustrated in figure 1 and can be sum-
be addressed primarily by experts with little marized as: “[B]asic research, conducted by
or no involvement of stakeholders, and unlike scientists that are largely autonomous, is a
wicked problems, they can be solved.
Table 1 summarizes these differences be-
tween wicked and tame problems as being The linear model of normal science and its relationship with
policy development can be traced to concepts articulated in Van-
about whether there is (1) a common defini- nevar Bush’s 1945 report Science—The Endless Frontier (Stokes
tion of the problem; (2) a direct involvement 1997).
1178 Number 5, 2008 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

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Source: Pielke and Byerly (1998).

Figure 1. The linear model of science

resource for applied research. Applied re- model, because the reservoir [of scientific find-
search is the source of results useful to prac- ings] isolates science from society; science
tical concerns, including policy development” assumes no responsibility to apply the knowl-
(Pielke 2007, p. 81). In this model scientific edge it puts into the reservoir, and society does
findings flow into a reservoir that can then not set scientific priorities” (Pielke and Byerly
be drawn on by society to create beneficial 1998, p. 42). This division implies that reduc-
technologies and outcomes. Basic science is ing scientific uncertainty will reduce political
judged by criteria internal to science, such uncertainty, and reaching a consensus on the
as disciplinary standards, whereas applied re- science is a prerequisite for a political consen-
search and development is judged by criteria sus and for policy action to occur (Vatn and
external to science, such as the potential use- Bromley 1994).
fulness to society. There is also more status These assumptions are tantamount to con-
conveyed to those engaged in basic re- flating the “what is” and the “what if” prod-
search than to those undertaking appli- ucts of science with the “what ought to be”
cations that involve the integration of product of politics. They are also quite prob-
science into decision-making processes (Pielke lematic but tend to be more realistic (1) where
Byerly 1998; Stokes 1997). Many research there is widespread agreement by stakehold-
institutions—universities and agencies—are ers as to what are desirable outcomes as well
reflective, supportive, and reinforcing of this as (2) where there is low uncertainty surround-
linear model of normal science (Bonnen 1986; ing the system components and outcomes of
Peters 2007; Stokes 1997). alternative course of actions (Pielke 2007).
With respect to policies and decision mak- That is, they tend to be more realistic with
ing, linear, normal science models maintain un- the “tamer” problems of society. For example
derlying assumptions that scientific progress the research to develop a vaccine for a seri-
leads to societal progress (Frodeman and ous human disease falls in this tame problem
Holbrook 2007) and getting the science right category. With most vaccines, there tends to be
is necessary to settle political disputes and for widespread agreement that protecting humans
effective policy making to occur (Pielke 2007; from the disease is desirable, and there is low
Sarewitz 2004). However, as figure 1 illustrates, uncertainty about the system components or
normal science frequently has a division be- outcomes. Thus, for vaccine development the
tween those who do the science and those who assumptions of the linear model of normal sci-
use it: “Autonomy is implicit in the [linear] ence are apt.
Batie Wicked Problems and Applied Economics 1179

Normal Science and Applied Economics types of questions (e.g., there ought to be a
vaccine) with broad acceptance and support.
To illustrate Pielke’s points, consider applied The same cannot be said for the “what ought
economics. As with all disciplines, normal to be” research with wicked problems. Con-
science is applied economists’ “bread and but- sider water management, where the old west-
ter” work. The American Journal of Agri- ern saying of “Whiskey is for drinking and
cultural Economics showcases normal science water is for fighting” highlights water manage-
research, most of which tends to follow what ment’s wicked nature. An example of a “what
Lindbloom (1965) calls the “rational analytical ought to be” research question is: “What is
method.” That is, applied economics research the efficient reallocation of water among com-
projects normally follow formal decision logic, peting interests?” The implicit assumption is
and the applied economist is the expert— that efficient allocation is a policy goal, but
selecting assumptions and methods, defining policy goals do not emanate from disciplinary
significance, and using theory (e.g., welfare paradigms (Bromley 2008b; Stephenson 2003).
theory) as criteria to isolate end states such As an approach to making policy decisions,
as equilibria or optimal outcomes (Stephenson “[the] rational analytic approach vests power

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2000). Examples include formal benefit-cost and decision-making authority in the hands of
analysis, nonmarket valuation techniques, dy- unelected analysts” (Stephenson 2000, p. 11),
namic optimization, multiattribute utility anal- thereby substituting the researchers’ values of
ysis, econometric demand modeling, spatial what is considered to be the best outcome for
equilibrium modeling, and willingness to pay those of others. Also, the assumption of the lin-
estimations. And for much of applied eco- ear model that all research will ultimately add
nomics policy research, “getting the science value to decision making is flawed with wicked
right” can equate with “getting the prices problems. Failure to recognize its inappropri-
right.” ate nature for wicked problems may account
Advocates for the rational analytical ap- for much of the limited acceptance of such pol-
proach, following the linear model, defend its icy research (Batie 2005; Bromley 2008b; Shu-
use in policy making as a systematic and ratio- lock 1999). The assumption of “build it and
nal way for decision makers to decide between they will come” is not appropriate; there is no
competing ends (Shulock 1999; Stephenson assurance that the supply of knowledge about
2000). That is, research can be placed in a wicked problems (e.g., nature–human interac-
reservoir to be drawn out by policy and de- tions) will have demanders.
cision makers as needed. As discussed above,
the potential for this research to influence
policy is higher when the system components Normal Science and Wicked Problems
and outcomes are known and probable out-
comes are generally viewed as desirable. Thus, Normal science is ill suited for wicked
the selection of, say, the least-cost alternative problems—with their attendant conflict over
to reduce (the relatively tame problem of) values and high uncertainty about system com-
erosion is more likely to have policy accep- ponents and outcomes. By their nature, wicked
tance than is the identification of the optimal problems cannot be easily categorized into
allocation of resources to reduce (the more separate disciplinary boxes nor can they be di-
wicked problem of) perceived global warming vided into more manageable parts under the
threats. assumption that there are clear and known ca-
The distinction being made is that within a sual paths (Weber and Khademian 2008). With
policy context, there is a difference with “what wicked problems it is difficult to decide what
is” (and “what if”) types of research and the facts to gather without first discussing values;
“what ought to be” types of research as they thus, it is necessary not only to have many dis-
address tame and wicked problems. “What is” ciplines involved, but also to have interaction
issues, such as “What are the impacts of land with those whose resources and cooperation
uses given the new Energy Act?” and “what if” are indispensable for tackling the problem—
issues, such as “What would be the impact on that is, with stakeholders (Bueren, Klijn, and
the economy if there was more development of Koppenjan 2003).
wind power sources of energy?” are appropri- These various actors bring different values
ate for both tame and wicked problems. Where and perceptions to the policy dialog. For ex-
societal goals are broadly known and accepted, ample, with respect to sustainability of ecosys-
such as in the vaccine research example, re- tems, environmental ethicists may focus on the
searchers can proceed with “there ought to be” intrinsic value of nature; applied economists
1180 Number 5, 2008 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

may focus on the instrumental value of na- now questioned belief that more knowledge
ture; and nonacademics may bring tacit knowl- will reduce uncertainties, increase capacity for
edge garnered from practical experiences and control of nature, and permit the remedying
personal values associated with nature and of past mistakes is stripped away—along with
resource use (Norton 2005). Also, manage- the “ideological privilege” that gave presump-
ment agencies might consider natural re- tive preference to the intended outcomes of
sources from the viewpoint of wildlife survival, scientific research while discounting any unin-
whereas project agencies might consider nat- tended side effects.
ural resources as commodities (Ingram and Second, wicked problems do not fit the lin-
Bradley 2006). Even when dialog occurs and ear model of science, which has smoothed
includes all of the actors, clear solutions rarely over its wicked, rough edges with abstracting
emerge; rather, via negotiation processes are assumptions.2 In ecosystem sustainability de-
identified which are judged as better or worse bates, for example, many question the assump-
(not right or wrong) in addressing the wicked tions that there are simple linear causes and
problem (Norton 2005). effects of problems; science can control nature;
the past is a good predictor of the future; or

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there are equilibrium conditions to which nat-
Why the Concern About Wicked Problems ural systems will return following disturbances.
Now? For sustainability issues, the alternate assump-
tions are that there is nonlinearity and un-
Linear model and normal science were not predictability to system components; science
challenged as long as society and policy mak- cannot control the negative and cumulative ef-
ers felt that they were meeting social needs fects of technologies on nature and society; and
(Bonnen 1986; Pielke and Byerly 1998; Stokes there are thresholds (e.g., tipping points) that
1997). But over the last several decades, that can cause irreversible outcomes.
situation has changed. It is no longer widely Thus, while normal science assumptions
assumed that scientific progress leads to soci- might have fitted well with earlier conserva-
etal progress (Frodeman and Holbrook 2007; tion practices of the progressive conservation
Peters 2007). The reasons are multiple. period—when natural resources were viewed
First, our improved understanding of system as commodities and there was considerable
connections as well as recent volatility in nat- public consensus about the goals of resource
ural resource and commodity prices has raised management—that fit is no longer the case.
widespread concerns about the sustainability Now, these assumptions are challenged in the
of many of our current development paths and age of environmentalism because ecosystems
practices (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment are assumed to provide many functions and
2005). The complex connections between na- services, including life support, and when there
ture and society are seen as vulnerable. The is considerable public conflict about which ser-
warming of the global climate, for example, vices are the most valuable and about how
appears to be threatening the prosperity of to practice environmental management (Batie,
economies as well as the functioning of ecosys- Shabman, and Kramer 1986; McCool and
tems and the survival of many species. As more Guthrie 2001).
sustainability concerns arise, and as technolo- As a consequence, there is increasing dis-
gies appear to produce more risks than they satisfaction with curiosity-driven, disciplinary-
resolve, many are challenging the post–World based science. Criticisms abound with the
War II concept that our science can control “stove-piped” or the “silo” nature of the disci-
the risks that it produces (Gallopin et al. 2001; plinary approach for addressing wicked prob-
Nowotny, Scott, and Gibbons 2001). Further- lems. As the old saying goes: “The world
more, the aforementioned critics note that sci- has problems, while universities have depart-
ence itself introduces new risks For example, ments.” It is becoming more evident that
the use of pesticides may reduce pest damage
but may increase the risk of damages to human 2
An example in applied economics would be the assumption
health (Russell 2001). that Pareto-irrelevant externalities (i.e., where there are no fur-
Gallopin and his colleagues (2001) note that ther gains from trade) should not be addressed by environmental
policies (Bromley 2008a,b). As Bromley notes, labeling an exter-
what is at stake is not an admission of par- nality as Pareto irrelevant implies that all costs of the status quo fall
tial ignorance but rather the significance to on the victims, who probably desire regulation to change that situ-
be attached to the inability of science to exer- ation regardless of their ability to pay. Similarly, Norgaard (2002)
argues that environmental problems are thought of as market fail-
cise mastery over eventual outcomes. The ear- ures when they more accurately could be considered to be evidence
lier protection that provided science with the of the applicable limits of the market model.
Batie Wicked Problems and Applied Economics 1181

normal science is inadequate in resolving Addressing Wicked Problems

wicked problems with their attendant conflicts
over whose values will prevail in deciding (a) Society is changing what it is asking of sci-
what future is desirable; (b) what trade-offs ence; as a result, the role of science in deci-
are worth making; and (c) who bears the costs sion making is becoming quite complex (Pielke
or gains the benefits of decisions (Weber and 2007). Addressing wicked problems in a policy
Khademian 2008). When values are in conflict context requires both use-driven science that
and when outcomes are of high consequence, recognizes and addresses uncertainties and
but uncertain, or where there is significant meaningful engagement of stakeholders in de-
scientific disagreement,3 scientific experts are cision making that propels knowledge into
not allowed to dictate preferred policies (Fear action. While science can offer new ways of
et al. 2006). Indeed, if normal science is used thinking or catalyze new technologies, only
to address wicked problems, the frequent re- changes in policies and management lead to
sult is controversy and gridlock (Pielke 2007; action (Ingram and Bradley 2006). The latter
Sarewitz 2004). The decision of whose values requires engagement of stakeholders.
count is made in the political world, not in the There is a large and growing literature about

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world of science (Bromley 1997). various approaches to postnormal science that
Third, globalization has also challenged the addresses uncertainties (e.g., Funtowicz and
monopoly of the western science’s arbitration Ravetz 1993; Nowotny, Scott, and Gibbons
of what constitutes valid knowledge. Within 2001). An example is the field of ecologi-
policy discussion, there is broader acceptance cal economics (Funtowicz and Ravetz 1994),
of the experience of practitioners as tacit which has its own transdisciplinary journal and
(e.g., silent) knowledge; there is more focus focuses on the human/nature nexus, frequently
on unique local situations that contextualize in a policy context. Ecological economics has a
knowledge, and there is inclusion of alterna- pluralistic but scientific approach to the study
tive knowledge as well as hybrid knowledge of environmental problems and policy solu-
which combines various types of knowledge. tions. It is characterized by systems perspec-
The distinct boundaries between science and tives and appropriate physical, biological, and
nonscience are dissolving to be replaced with social contexts as well as a focus on long-term
a wider framework of sources of knowledge to environmental sustainability.
inform policy (Nowotny, Scott, and Gibbons Another postnormal science example is
2001). complexity economics, some of which traces its
Fourth, these challenges to normal science roots to the Sante Fe Institute’s exploration of
are enabled and reinforced by new ways of relationships between economics and physics.
communicating among stakeholders that pro- Complexity economics is highly mathemati-
vide civil society low-cost access to a wealth cal and statistical, and it focuses on complex
of data and information as well as low costs to adaptive systems in pursuit of “real world” rel-
political organizing (Hawken 2007). Currently, evancy. The core components of complexity
for example, food companies are struggling dynamic models include the psychology of the
with how to meet some consumers’ demands economic agents, the process of learning, adap-
for more sustainability attributes in their prod- tion to a changing environment, and coevolu-
ucts and processes; they know that even small tion processes. Complexity economics stresses
groups of consumers can effectively organize nonlinearities, disequilibria, and path depen-
and communicate their concerns to others via dences5 (Colander 2000). Both ecological eco-
the Internet4 and impact company revenues, nomics and complexity economics emphasize
but the companies struggle to determine what postnormal science and assumptions but do
they should do to profitably address the wicked not necessarily address engagement or policy
problem of sustainability. applications.
Another postnormal science is that of sus-
For a good discussion of types of conflict in science in policy- tainability science. It is highly integrated and
making context, see Lord (1979).
The uncertainties surrounding wicked problems can easily lead
to the “scientization” of politics, where there is a selective use of sci-
entific findings to support particular political positions, and where As Brock and Colander (2000) write with respect to complex-
some scientists may become issue advocates (Pielke 2000; Sarewitz ity economics, “Complexity . . . takes away the reference point for
2004). Sarewitz explores how to avoid such scientization via such [economic] theory’s defense of the market. In the complexity vi-
means as articulating value positions from the beginning of a con- sion there is not proof that the market solves problems. There is
troversy. Scientization of politics further confuses the distinction not unambiguous way of stating what is and what is not an exter-
between “is” and “ought” types of policy research and undermines nality and there is no guarantee that the market leads to the most
the legitimacy of scientists in policy. desirable equilibrium” (p. 82).
1182 Number 5, 2008 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

multidisciplinary; it has a direct focus on into emerging models and conceptualizations

wicked problems (e.g., sustainable develop- that integrate the Earth system, social de-
ment) and includes engagement with stake- velopment, and sustainability? What systems
holders through such institutions as boundary of incentive structures can most effectively
organizations. Therefore, sustainability sci- improve social capacity to guide interactions
ence is a good example to illustrate how sci- between nature and society toward more sus-
ence can address wicked problems in a policy tainable trajectories? (Bolin et al. 2000).
Engagement Using Boundary Organizations
Sustainability Science
Effective engagement of stakeholders is chal-
Sustainability science has emerged in the last lenging (Jacobs, Garfin, and Lenart 2005; Mc-
two decades; it is defined by the problems Dowell 2001). While there are resources that
that it addresses rather than the disciplines help to guide critical engagement, and exten-
involved. It seeks to inform and facilitate a sion faculty have been pursuing such engage-
societal transition toward sustainable devel- ment for decades, there remains more to learn

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opment (Clark 2007). It is integrative in that (Fear et al. 2006).
it is committed to bridging the communities One approach to critical engagement is the
engaged in promoting environmental conser- use of a boundary organization, which is a
vation, human health, and economic develop- bridging institution which links suppliers and
ment. It includes research knowledge from the users of knowledge and recognizes the im-
natural, social, and engineering sciences with portance of location-specific contexts (Ruttan
insights from the humanities. It also incorpo- et al. 1994). As defined by Ingram and Bradley
rates knowledge from those who move knowl- (2006): “Boundary organizations are situated
edge to action (Clark 2006). Thus, sustainabil- between different social and organizational
ity science needs to be engaged, since it is worlds, such as science and policy. According
stakeholders who will help frame the problem, to advocates, boundary organizations succeed
determine goals, and implement the desired when three conditions are met. First, they must
change. provide incentives to produce boundary ob-
Thus, sustainability science, while still evolv- jects, such as decisions or products that reflect
ing, has become an integrated, multidisci- the input of different perspectives. Second,
plinary use-driven science that seeks to (1) they involve participation from actors across
analyze and predict the behavior, at multiple boundaries. Third, they have lines of account-
scales, of complex self-organizing systems; (2) ability to the various organizations spanned
identify and characterize the irreversible im- [by the boundary organization] (Guston 2001).
pacts of interacting stresses on such systems; Adaptive and inclusive management practices
and (3) assess the roles of people in the func- are essential to the functioning of boundary
tioning of such systems (Cochran 2000). Cen- organizations.”
tral questions include the following: How can Figure 2 presents a figure of a boundary or-
dynamic interactions be better incorporated ganization: on the left side is science and on the

Explicit Knowledge Boundary Tacit Knowledge

Producers Dual Accountability
Policy Makers
Scientific Community
(e.g. Sustainability Resource Managers
The Public
of New Knowledge Technology
User-Driven Science & Adopters

Safe Harbor

Source: Clark and Holliday (2006)

Figure 2. Boundary organizations: Linking knowledge with

Batie Wicked Problems and Applied Economics 1183

right side are users of science. The boundary Arizona’s water managers with over 400 water
organization is used to link scientific knowl- researchers at three Arizona universities; the
edge (in this example sustainable science re- Institute’s mission is to support water resource
search) to the users. The arrow goes both ways management and technology development in
because boundary organizations link those real-world applications. The program includes
who have explicit knowledge, such as faculty, stakeholder engagement and use-driven sci-
with those potential users of knowledge—such ence in support of water management objec-
as resource managers, civil society, or policy tives as well as intermediaries who translate
makers—who have tacit knowledge garnered and connect science to users.
from experience.6 Thus, a boundary organiza- One method used is the formulating of sce-
tion by combining tacit and explicit knowledge narios of alternative water futures. Scenario
can co-create new, transformational knowl- work enhances integration across themes and
edge and shared understanding which may be serves as a mechanism for interdisciplinary
critical to the innovation in the policy process work that engages stakeholders. With dynamic
(Conklin 2006; Guston 2001; Peterson 2008).7 scenario development, alternative futures are
This cocreation process, by allowing partici- identified (sometimes with forecast models),

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pants to critically reflect on each other’s views, and then the analysis works backward in time
enables participants to reflect not only on their to identify crucial pathways that avoid unde-
own preferences and viewpoints but also on sirable outcomes or result in desirable ones.9
how they might be changed (White 1994). What is a desirable future is arrived at through
Boundary organizations can function to rec- a negotiated process among stakeholders.
oncile supply and demand of existing knowl- The role of science is fundamental as a con-
edge; cocreate new knowledge; translate, ne- vening focus for AWI partnerships between
gotiate, and communicate among the multiple faculty and water managers. In the language
parties on both sides of the science–use nexus; of boundary organizations, science can be a
make transparent tacit assumptions and val- “boundary object” but only if a better under-
ues embedded in models, paradigms, and asser- standing of physical and socioeconomic condi-
tions; identify uncertainties; seek alternative tions is desirable from all parties’ perspectives.
framing of problems; build hybrids (objects An illuminating outcome of AWI’s ap-
such as indicators or maps that contain both proach is how engagement can change the
science and policy information); and build ca- identification and framing of problems. Prior
pacity to link knowledge to action (Miller to engagement of stakeholders in a science
1999). In addition, boundary organizations can center associated with the AWI, faculty an-
provide process accountability and “safe har- ticipated that the critical questions to be an-
bor” to all parties when there is serious conflict swered by water management research might
by functioning in a nonpartisan manner. be: (1) What are the costs and benefits of ri-
To illustrate how a boundary organization parian preservation/restoration? and (2) What
can function, consider the Arizona Water In- kinds of water markets and banking are feasi-
stitute (AWI).8 As Ingram and Bradley (2006) ble? Once the project commenced, it was de-
note, water management disputes are not nor- termined that these were not key questions for
mally solved by the revealing of a scientific water managers. Questions that emerged af-
finding; rather, they emerge from negotiated ter discourse with managers were largely re-
consensus with water users and water man- lated to climate change and drought (Jacobs
agers. Thus, in addressing water management 2008). Sharing viewpoints and knowledge went
issues, the AWI combines the expertise of both ways. For example, the faculty found
that stakeholders did not always distinguish
between important concepts such as weather
Explicit knowledge is that which is codified, rational, separable and climate, nor between risk and uncertainty
from context, and thus transmittable by formal means such as text- (Jacobs, Garfin, and Lenart 2005).
books or manual. Tacit knowledge is context specific and informal Linking insights and knowledge to action is a
arising from experience and practice (Peterson 2008).
See Peterson (2008) for a discussion as to how this framework large challenge (Ingram and Bradley 2006; Ja-
of the cocreation of transformational knowledge can be applied to cobs, Garfin, and Lenart 2005; Stephenson and
supply chain and network performance management.
For an excellent discussion of the history and use of another
Shabman 2007); achieving and implementing a
boundary organization, the California Bay Delta Authority, see
Ingram and Bradley (2006). Jacobs, Garfin, and Lenart (2005) also
provide a discussion of a climate-themed boundary organization in Analogue scenarios are those which use similar situations
Arizona. Another boundary organization called Oregon Solutions (sometimes from the past) that shed light on future conditions
is at Portland State University ( (Jacobs, Garfin, and Lenart 2005).
1184 Number 5, 2008 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

negotiated consensus on which actions will be a broad range of potential choices. That is, the
undertaken is a complicated process that takes models are in service of decision making, and
time and resources (Jacob, Garfin, and Lenart. they are neither substitutes for the decision,
2005). And as the scale of a problem expands nor the means of deciding. They are not deci-
to include regional, national, or global phe- sion models designed to maximize some goal;
nomena, the challenges become even larger rather, they are used to fashion mutual under-
(witness the Doha rounds in World Trade Or- standing through discourse and are based on
ganization negotiations!). However, the end the premise that decision making is an itera-
result of using a well-functioning boundary tive process with learning taking place as stake-
organization can be a product that is dis- holder preferences are developed or discov-
tinctly different and more broadly accepted ered when confronting choices (Stephenson
than would have emerged from either the re- and Shabman 2007). Stephenson and Shabman
searchers or the stakeholders if they operated (2007) note that effective models are those that
independently (Ingram and Bradley 2006). are credible, understandable, and useful to the
decision participants and which avoid hiding
Engagement Methods or embedding those value judgments in the

Downloaded from at ETH Zürich on October 16, 2012

model that should instead be the appropriate
There are many engagement methods and domain of the discourse and collaborative ne-
techniques that can enhance engagement and gotiations.
link researchers with users. One technique is Using policies as experiments (e.g., pilot
discourse10 enabled by computer-aided dis- programs) can be another way to address
pute resolution models; another is the explo- wicked problems. Consider environmental
ration of alternative policies as experimental management of agricultural lands. Because
case studies using adaptive management. system responses (including social systems re-
Discourse between stakeholders and re- sponses) are fraught with uncertainties and
searches can be added with computer-aided significant unknowns (e.g., lags, thresholds,
dispute resolution (Stephenson and Shab- cultural influences) as well as confounding in-
man 2007). These decision aids provide an fluences of spatial and temporal fluctuations
approach to resource management decision and variability (e.g., climate changes, land use
making which engages stakeholders in a mean- changes), no research can predict with cer-
ingful manner and manages (but does not tainty the results of large landscape changes on
avoid) conflict. The technical relationships of the environment or agricultural sector (Shen-
the model (traditionally the domain of model- nan 2008). Thus, there is a strong argument that
ers with the support of scientists) are jointly policies should be viewed as experiments; ba-
constructed with stakeholders. The involve- sically they provide “learning by doing” but
ment of stakeholders provides another way to with extensive monitoring of environmental
verify technical relationships, level the techni- outcomes that then provides information for
cal playing field over diverse stakeholder in- adaptive management (Watzin 2007). As illus-
terests, and build trust in science. The fact trated in figure 3, adaptive management in-
that there is some mechanism for collabora- volves feedback loops.
tive model development sets computer-aided In adaptive management when policy is im-
dispute resolution apart from the decision sup- plemented (frequently with experiments built
port literature which builds “user-friendly”
models. Adaptive Management
Computer-aided dispute resolution models
Goals Information Technology Existing Data
have no single disciplinary focus, but they sup-
port negotiation among various stakeholders
using computer simulation models. Their ob-
Revised Goals Research &
jective is not to simplify the range of choice, Analysis
but rather they are used to separate arguments New technology
Policy & Rule
about “what is” from “what should be” across New information Evaluate
Monitoring data

White (1994), in an article entitled “Policy Analysis as Dis- Monitor
course,” discusses three types of discourse: analytic, critical, and
persuasive. Analytical discourse draws on multiple theories and Source: Batie and Rose (2006).
data sources; critical discourse emphasizes critical reflection and
links evidence to value discussion; and persuasive discourse focuses
on the roles of ideas and persuasion by policy entrepreneurs. Figure 3. Adaptive management
Batie Wicked Problems and Applied Economics 1185

Wicked Problems
Engaged Sustainability Science
Adaptive Management


Tame Problems
Normal Science
Conv. Env. Mgt.


Low Value Conflict High

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Figure 4. Wicked versus tame problems

into the policy design a priori), the results are into decision-making processes has expanded
monitored using key indicators as identified the roles for the social sciences. These demands
by stakeholders. These results are compared for integrated, use-driven science are reflected
to the overarching goal(s) of the stakeholder- in funders’ requests for proposals (Moll and
identified goals of the policy. If monitoring in- Zander 2006). Consider the National Science
dicates that the goals are not being met, then Foundation (NSF). At one time NSF’s re-
additional research and stakeholder involve- quests for proposals emphasized disciplinary-
ment is undertaken, and policy or goal ad- expanding, curiosity-driven basic research and
justments are made. Adaptive management arguably favored the biophysical sciences. In-
usually includes a close relationship between creasingly, the requests are for integrated,
scientific research, managers, and local users use-driven, multidisciplinary scholarship that
of resources (Ingram and Bradley 2006; includes social sciences. The NSF now lists
Norton 2005). social impact as a criterion for selection of
Figure 4 illustrates the differences, when projects along with scientific excellence and
addressing tame and wicked problems, be- intellectual merit (Pielke 2007); if grant pro-
tween normal and postnormal science (e.g., posals fail to address the connection between
engaged sustainability science) as well as the proposed research and its broader ef-
the differences between conventional environ- fects on society, they are returned without
mental management and adaptive manage- a review (Frodeman and Holbrook 2007).
ment. Conventional environmental manage- The Cooperative State Research, Extension,
ment refers to such issues as the cost-effective and Education Service (CSREES) of the
placement of riparian buffers and can be con- U.S. Department of Agriculture, which man-
trasted with adaptive management issues such ages the National Research Initiative, now
as changes in whole watersheds to improve the requests specific proposals directed at per-
survival of endangered migrating salmon. ceived societal goals, such as small farm
prosperity, that integrate many disciplines’
Implications for Applied Economics research, outreach to and inclusion of stake-
holders, and education. The committees of
the National Academy of Science’s National
Should applied economics play a role in ad- Research Council now include practitioners,
dressing wicked problems? There is little doubt private businesspersons, nongovernmental or-
that most wicked problems include issues of ganization representatives as well as scien-
high consequence to society. The role that tists.11 Many federal regulations now require
should be played by applied economics, how- participation of both the general public and
ever, depends on the nature of the subject mat-
ter boundary placed on the discipline. Yet, to
exclude wicked problems risks the relevancy 11
While it is not always obvious that those projects which excel
of applied economics. at integration and engagement are always selected (Frodeman and
The good news for those who view wicked Holbrook 2007), the trend is clear as to what is wanted. Presumably,
the selection criteria will mature overtime to show even greater
problems as appropriate work for applied preference to excellent projects that are accountable to societal
economics is that the integration of science goals.
1186 Number 5, 2008 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

problems and their complexities. The argu-

Number of
ment for more appropriate attention to wicked
Publications problems is an argument that the profession
should shift the curve upward and to the right
2012 (e.g., to the one labeled 2012).
Many of the same tools and concepts used in
addressing tame problems will be used in ad-
dressing wicked ones. Normal science can be
2008 used to address the “what is” and “what if”
components of both wicked and tame prob-
lems. For example, participants in a negotiated
Tame Wicked process may want an applied economics anal-
Problems Problems
ysis of, say, trade-offs associated with the se-
lection of one policy alternative over another,
so that the participants can decide what trade-
Figure 5. Shifting applied economics research
offs are worth making, or they may desire a

Downloaded from at ETH Zürich on October 16, 2012

toward wicked problems
cost analysis for the implementation of alterna-
tive policies (Stephenson 2003). However, the
agencies on federal projects; integrated as- value of such analysis is likely to be enhanced if
sessments12 are part of many federal pro- it is undertaken after an exploration of values
grams (e.g., the U.S. Global Climate Change underlying the dispute are made transparent if
Research Program); and there are increasing their implications for society are explored and
congressional demands for greater account- if suitable goals are identified (Sarewitz 2004).
ability of federal science budgets to benefit so- On the other hand, the necessity for the
ciety (Jacobs, Garfin, and Lenart 2005; Pielke cocreation of knowledge to address wicked
and Byerly 1998; Shabman 2000; Stephenson problems challenges many of the assumptions
2000). of mainstream neoclassical economics, such
It is important to note that addressing as the argument that preferences and ratio-
wicked problems does not equate with aban- nal choice guide market choices, that the mar-
doning normal science. Instead, it is an ar- ket is a mechanism for making social choices,
gument to allocate more of the discipline’s that prices (market and nonmarket) equate
resources to wicked problems. Consider figure with valuation, and that economic valuations
5,13 where the number of publications is used can be mapped into what is socially preferred
to proxy the discipline’s attention to societal so that analysts can weigh competing alterna-
problems. Assume that the curve labeled 2008 tives and select the outcome that yields the
represents applied economists’ current atten- highest societal benefits (Bromley 1997, 2006,
tion to tame and wicked problems. The shape 2008b; Funtowicz and Ravetz 1994; Shabman
of the curve reflects the large volume of ap- and Stephenson 2000; Stephenson 2000, 2003;
plied economics articles that are about testing Vatn and Bromley 1994).
of theoretical propositions or disciplinary and Wicked problem analysis provides new op-
method puzzle solving but which have little or portunities for alternative methodologies, such
no policy application as well as articles address- as behavioral economics, Austrian economics,
ing tame problems. Also included are those or original institutional economics. Consider,
articles which address wicked problems but for example, the contributions to wicked prob-
reduce them to their reductionist components lems that can be made from the methodol-
in a manner that inappropriately substitutes an ogy of original institutional economics—with
analyst’s decision for stakeholder-negotiated its emphasis on processes as to how decisions
decisions. In contrast, there is a paucity of are made via political negotiation approaches
articles which appropriately address wicked and how people behave under alternative in-
stitutions. Since addressing wicked problems
involves improving negotiation processes
Integrated assessment is a formal approach to provide compre- (Norton 2005; Sarewitz 2004), original institu-
hensive analysis of existing biophysical and social scientific infor-
mation in the context of policy. Stakeholders (e.g., citizens, industry
tional economics has much to offer.
representatives, scientists, and policy makers) define and evaluate Other challenges associated with the cocre-
policy options for wicked problems.
ation of knowledge can emanate from dif-
Thanks are due to Carol Shennan, Professor of Environmental
Studies at University of California, Santa Cruz, who suggested this fering disciplines’ worldviews. For example,
figure. applied economists tend to have a greater faith
Batie Wicked Problems and Applied Economics 1187

in innovation in the face of scarcity so that, analyst to that of the honest broker14 whose
say, environmental scarcity can be successfully job is not to narrow the range of policy choices
overcome; many ecologists do not share that to the optimal one but rather to expand the
optimistic worldview (Norgaard 2002; Sare- range of choice (Pielke 2007). To do the honest
witz 2004). Stakeholders, too, bring worldviews broker role well, applied economists need to
that can be in conflict with each other and with better understand the values and assumptions
disciplines. Since there is much uncertainty embedded in their particular methodological
about “facts,” and therefore many competing approach. They need to practice transparency
alternative “futures” are supported by avail- in deliberative processes while maintaining sci-
able knowledge, conflicts are inevitable. De- entific credibility.
fusing these conflicts will require that applied All of these needed skills suggest that alter-
economists abandon any prescriptive certitude native methodologies and the history of eco-
and disciplinary hubris they might have and nomic thought should be taught in our grad-
engage in respectful discourse (Bromley 2006; uate training and included in professional’s
Johnson 2007; Klamer 2007). continuing self-education. In a recent review
of conversations with economic graduate stu-

Downloaded from at ETH Zürich on October 16, 2012

dents throughout the nation, Klamer (2007)
What Is Needed? lamented: “Particularly worrisome is the per-
ception of this cohort of graduate students
The types of skills that are needed to un- concerning the science of economics. . . . In
dertake such postnormal science activities contrast to their counterparts in the eighties,
are neither well taught in applied economics they do not question the scientific approach
graduate programs, nor do they appear to that they are learning and they do not won-
be rewarded well in our research institutions. der about alternatives. Modeling continues to
Necessary skills not only include the ability be the way they go” (p. 230). He continues:
to respect and understand many perspectives “This cohort appears to be mindless, or at least
and viewpoints but also skills in communica- resourceless, when it comes to reflections on
tion and translational science to translate ex- the nature of their science. They have no lit-
isting scientific findings into a form suitable for erature to fall back on. Even the text of Mil-
practical applications (Batie and Rose 2006). ton Friedman appears to have dropped from
There needs to be more study of and famil- their reading lists. (Needless to say, economic
iarity with the methods of effective engage- methodology has no place in the curriculum.)
ment which would include the development of Apparently they are taught to do what they
management and leadership skills that are able are doing without giving much thought as to
to incorporate and integrate the knowledge, the ‘how so’ and ‘why questions’” (p. 231).
skills, resources, and perspectives from many As postnormal science evolves, Klamer’s re-
actors (Ingram and Bradley 2006). There needs marks about why economics as a discipline is
to be a willingness and ability to understand at risk are worth consideration as well by ap-
the social and historical contexts surrounding plied economists. To paraphrase Klamer, how
policy formulation as well as how decisions are will applied economists fare in the company of
actually made (Batie 2005; Jacobs, Garfin, and other scholars who are so much more aware
Lenart 2005). of developments in the new thinking about
There also needs to be more research science?
directed toward both understanding and fa-
cilitating collective decision making; actual Barriers to Remodeling
preferences and preference formation; and
identification of which held values are subject The barriers to such a remodeling of the ap-
to change and which are core values which plied economics discipline appear to be large.
are not easily altered (Sabatier 1988). This re-
search would need to involve other disciplines 14
In an earlier work, Batie (2005) refers to this role as a science
including psychology, decision science, and so- advocate (i.e., honest broker) who understands that to be effective
ciology. there needs to be a commitment to learning about the art and
craft of policy analysis: “Policy relevancy requires that the science
More fundamentally, however, there is a advocate understand the policy in question, the issues of concern,
need to understand that the role of the applied and the institutions and stakeholders involved in the decision(s).
economist changes with the shift from tame This requirement suggests a considerable amount of effort by the
analyst in understanding the history of the issues surrounding the
to wicked problems. In applied economics, policy, the motivation of the actors involved, and the policy process
this change involves moving from a “pure” itself” (p. 128).
1188 Number 5, 2008 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

Our research institutions are not designed to Conclusion

reward engaged, integrated, multidisciplinary
science activities well, although that may be There are many who believe that there is a
slowly changing. However, many of the poorly renegotiation underway of the contract of so-
aligned incentives or the research institutions ciety with science (Clark 2006; Frodeman and
are derivatives of the discipline’s own view- Holbrook 2007; Moll and Zander 2006; Shab-
point that there is no reason to change;15 man 2000; Sarewitz 2004; Stokes 1997); but
wicked problems can either be effectively there is little evidence that applied economics
addressed using the same methods and ap- is fully cognizant of this renegotiation. This
proaches as tame problems; or they are not renegotiation provides opportunities and risks
an appropriate subject for the field. Other ap- to the discipline.
plied economists appear to be so constrained Increasingly, the linear concept—in which
by their focus on end states such as optimiza- more science leads to less uncertainty which
tion that they cannot constructively contribute leads to improved decisions—is viewed as
to negotiated decision-making processes es- flawed with respect to wicked problems. Thus,
sential to effectively addressing wicked prob- for applied economics, as well as other sci-

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lems. Further, following the status relationship ences, what is needed are new ways of thinking
set forth within the linear model, many in about the conduct of science; validating sci-
the discipline continue to devalue engagement entific contributions; developing institutions
scholarship. Still, others may adopt a rational to facilitate engaged science–stakeholder pro-
analytical method for policy analysis, even cesses (Sarewitz 2004); and embedding ways
when doubting the utility or validity of the ap- of thinking and methods into graduate edu-
proach, because they perceive that it meets the cation. The challenges are great, but so is the
disciplinary and institutional standards for ob- potential payoff. The important questions for
jective science (Brunner 1991), whereas post- applied economists to address are:
normal science draws on such a variety of
methods and methodologies that are perceived 1. How does applied economics find its role
to be more difficult to defend as well as to un- in addressing wicked problems?
dertake. Therefore, not only do research insti- 2. How does applied economics institution-
tutions’ incentives need to be realigned, so do alize processes (including graduate educa-
the discipline’s. tion) that are relevant to successfully ful-
Until realignment happens, postnormal sci- filling those roles?
ence scholarship and engagement of wicked 3. How does applied economics survive and
problems will probably remain the task of a thrive if more resources are allocated to
small set of applied economists who are willing address wicked problems?
to take on these wicked problems regardless of
their colleagues’ or institution’s approval. But The alternative question also remains:
what are the consequences? One may well be
that those prospective graduate students who How does applied economics survive,
see a value in applied economics addressing thrive, and maintain relevancy if it neglects
society’s wicked problems may eschew applied wicked problems?
economics for schools of public policy and de-
cision science which provide education appro-
priate to their concerns. And this outcome is
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