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John Wood

or those working in the
field of gallium nitride
(GaN) power transistors
and amplifiers, this arti-
cle’s subtitle (“A Perspec-
tive on Transistor Modeling for
GaN High-Power Amplifier De-
sign”) is probably self-explanatory.
Others may have questions: What
is transistor modeling? What is
GaN? Why is it important for pow-
er amplifier (PA) design? So, first, I
will try to answer these questions,
and others, to provide some per-
spective on transistor modeling for
GaN PA design.
I will focus on field-effect tran-
sistors (FETs), the workhorse tran-
sistor in RF and microwave circuit

and Easy to Use
John Wood ( is with Wolfspeed, a Cree Company, Durham, North Carolina, United States. He was working as a
consultant with Obsidian Microwave when the paper upon which this article is based was presented at PAWR 2018.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2018.2862540
Date of publication: 12 October 2018

80 1527-3342/18©2018IEEE November/December 2018

measurements of the tran-
sistor itself.
Often, such transistor
mo­­dels are known as com-
pact models, although this
term seems to be used quite
loosely (not least, by me)
and is frequently modified
by a number of additional
adjectives: physics-based,
equivalent-circuit, measure-
ment-based, table-based, behav-
ioral, linear, nonlinear—a sort
of glossary would be use-
ful. I associate the adjective
compact with something that
is small and neatly packed
together—like a Volkswa-
gen G o l f , perhaps. So, a
compact model should be
one whose circuit simula-
tor has a small number of
parameters or equations or
components or nodes. But
what do compact models
consist of, and what do they
look like? (Or, for the pedan-
tically erudite, how are com-
pact models compacted?)
A detailed physics-based
model will solve funda-
mental equations such as
Poisson’s equation, Schrö­
dinger’s equation, and the
c h a rge t ra n s p or t equa-
tions, given the physical
footage firm, inc.
structure, materials, dop-
i ng, a nd other m at e r i a l
properties of the transis-
applications over the past 20 or 30 years, particular­ tor—and, of course, the terminal stimuli and loads of
­ly for high-frequency and high-power applications. interest. This approach is known as TCAD—short for
While bipolar transistors, in the form of gallium arse- “technology CAD.” Such a model comprises (usually)
nide-based heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs), millions of cells covering the device structure, and
have found a sweet-spot application with the lower- the numerical solution of the equations is carried out
power PAs in cellphones, I will not be considering HBT self-consistently over this mesh of cells to produce the
modeling here [1], [2]. charge density, velocity (related to current), energy
(related to temperature), and potential (related to volt-
What Do We Mean by Modeling? age) in each cell, from which the transistor’s terminal
Essentially, a model is a mathematical representation behavior can be determined.
of the transistor’s electrical behavior. The model can Companies such as Synopsis and Silvaco produce
be as simple or complicated as you like, but circuit software to carry out this task: an example screenshot
designers generally want something that accurately of the Synopsis Sentaurus model is given in Figure 1.
represents the transistor’s electrical behavior, simu- Solving these equations of the fundamental physics
lates quickly, and can be used in their favorite circuit over the transistor structure takes a long time, and this
design (computer-aided design, CAD) tool. The folks modeling approach, while extremely useful for device
who produce the transistor models would also like designers to understand the impact of microscopic
the model parameters to be easily determined from physical changes on the transistor performance, is not

November/December 2018 81
attempts have been made with
some success. Snowden and
Doping colleagues [5]–[8] developed
Concentration (cm–3) a quasi-two-dimensional (2-D)
4.7 E+20
solution for the physics-based
2.1 E+17
model by noticing that the FET
9.8 E+17 channel is effectively a thin
–5.6 E+12 sheet; this is particularly the
–1.2 E+16 case for HEMT devices in which
–2.7 E+19 the conducting channel is con-
fined by the heterojunction
structure. If you can imagine
that the complete transistor
die is represented by a four-
story apartment block, then
the interesting physics of the
electron transport in the FET
would occur in the lighting
wires in the ceiling of a broom
c upb o a r d on the top floor.
So the focus of the quasi-2-D
Figure 1. An example of the mesh used in a fully 2-D physical model simulator. (Image model is in this region, and
courtesy of Synopsis, Inc.) you do not need to solve the
full 2-D mesh equations in the
usable for circuit design. But it is possible to use the remaining 99% of the structure. This saves a lot of time
results of dc current voltage, bias-dependent S param- and computer memory.
eters, and even simulated load-pull to generate a com- More recently, new physics-based compact models
pact model that can be used for circuit design [3], [4]. for GaN FETs have been published [9]–[11] based on
The term compact model often refers to a physics- the surface potential equations. These seem to offer
based model, where the physics of the device is cap- good performance—although, as yet, without wide-
tured in an analytical or semianalytical formulation spread adoption in design or simulation tools.
that is simplified so it can be used in circuit design but The qualifier measurement-based is frequently seen to
still contains enough detail to predict device develop- des­­cribe a transistor model. One might ask, if the model
ments in line with current technological trends. While is not based on some form of measurements, then
this sounds like a lofty goal, the physics-based com- what is it based upon? Even the physics-based model
pact model is commonly used for bipolar/HBT mod- uses characteristics that have been obtained by mea-
els, wherein the device operation is well described surement to inform the solution. What we mean here
by the basic equations of the charge carrier transport is that the transistor is measured in several regions of
across the p-n junction; these fundamental equations operation where it might typically be used, including dc,
can be found in many semiconductor textbooks. small-signal RF for frequency response, and large-signal
On the other hand, the physics of the charge den- behavior at a given bias or set of biases and loads, for
sity and transport in the channel of FETs, high-elec- example. As David Root has said [12], “the device knows
tron mobility transistors (HEMTs), and the like is best” how it is going to respond to a given set of stimuli
more difficult to describe succinctly in a few equations and loads; as modelers, it is our job to create a mathemat-
and regions of the device, although several notable ical model that mimics the transistor’s terminal behavior
under those conditions and also be predictive for other
similar stimuli and loads. The broad scope of what is
Cgd Rgd
similar often determines how useful the model is.
On top of this, there are several forms that the mea-
surement-based model can take. A popular approach
Cgs is an equivalent-circuit model. This is easier to see
gm, t Cds Rds with a linear model: broadband S-parameter measure-
Rgs ments can be converted into Y parameters, and the real
S S and imaginary parts mapped onto conductance and
susceptance (usually capacitance in the case of FET
Figure 2. A commonly found FET small-signal model models); this leads to the common representation of
equivalent circuit. (Used with permission from [13].) the small-signal FET model shown in Figure 2.

82 November/December 2018
The gate-source and gate-drain branches are often of FET devices is quite complicated to describe in
described as series R-C networks, as shown in Fig- a few equations, transistor structures (particularly for
ure 2, because the series resistance is thought to model power FETs) are fairly complicated, and the material
the resistance of the gate diode in a more physically properties of GaN devices are not as fully understood
realistic manner. In practice, these series resistances as those of silicon or GaAs devices, the use of curve-
are difficult to measure accurately. This equivalent- fitting to create models to mimic the measured ter-
circuit model reduces the number of model parameters minal behavior of these devices is an expedient way
to eight rather than the number of frequencies mea- forward. Indeed, the use of such behavioral models
sured times eight (for the real and imaginary parts of has been standard practice in RF and microwave FET
the S or Y parameters). That seems pretty compact. circuit design for the past 20 or 30 years, and it has
The equivalent-circuit approach has also been adopt­ been extraordinarily successful. Of course, you need
­ed for nonlinear FET models. This is usually accom- to be careful about the equations and functions used
plished by adding a voltage dependence to several of to fit the data: that is part of the challenge in devising
the components of Figure 2, particularly the capacitors, a good GaN power FET model.
and a pair of diodes at the gate node to represent the Here, we will review an approach for the develop-
gate Schottky diode contact. Additional R-C networks ment of a compact (i.e., having a small number of param-
are often included to model the frequency dispersion eters), measurement-based, nonlinear behavioral model
associated with trapping effects, for example, in the for use in the design of discrete and monolithic micro-
GaN device. Gate-drain breakdown at high voltages is wave integrated circuit (MMIC) GaN PAs for RF and
a problem in gallium arsenide (GaAs) and laterally dif- microwave and millimeter-wave applications.
fused metal–oxide–semiconductor (LDMOS) devices
and somewhat less so (although not entirely absent) in GaN Power Transistors and PA Design
GaN: such effects are often modeled by adding shunt GaN is a good candidate for high-power applications
diodes on the output side of the model. A generic exam- at frequencies from RF through millimeter-wave. It is
ple of such a large-signal model is shown in Figure 3; a wide-bandgap material, which means that its break-
a comparison with Figure 2 indicates where the large- down electric field is high, enabling GaN transistors
signal effects have been added. to support high voltages and, therefore, high output
While this seems an eminently plausible approach, powers. GaN also has high electron mobility and satu-
adding gate-source and drain-source voltage dependen­ rated velocity, so the transit time in the channel under
ces to the two-terminal capacitances has been shown not the gate is short, enabling FET operation up to high
to conserve charge [14]–[16], which can lead to errors and frequencies. The GaN semiconductor material is usu-
poor convergence in simulation. This is outlined in more ally grown on a silicon carbide (SiC) substrate. SiC is
detail in “Taking Charge.” a semi-insulating material with a high dielectric con-
The measurement-based model can also be built stant, which is good for constructing MMICs, as well
as a table-based model. A good example of this is as high thermal conductivity, so it is a good heat-sink-
the ADSFET model, found in the Keysight Advanced ing material, enabling a high power density from the
Design System (ADS) circuit simulator. This is a large- GaN transistors. The combination of high-power and
signal model derived correctly from bias-dependent high-frequency operation is commercially very attrac-
S-parameter measurements to be charge conserva- tive, pushing solid-state PAs into the realm tradition-
tive. The values of the model’s charge and current at ally dominated by tube amplifiers.
gate and drain are stored in tables, indexed by the gate The usual picture of a heterojunction FET shows a
and drain voltages. At every instant in the simulation, simple structure onto which the small-signal param-
these node voltages are used to read the instantaneous eters can be mapped fairly straightforwardly. This is
charge and current; hence,
they determine the FET model
gate and drain currents. While
the tables can be quite large, G D
the model is fast to simulate Cgd Rgd
and as accurate as the mea-
surements and the method lds, t Cds Rds
of interpolation between data Rgs
points permits.
Finally, we come to FET Breakdown
behavioral modeling. This is
also known, sometimes dis- Figure 3. A simple FET large-signal model equivalent circuit obtained by adding voltage
paragingly, as curve-fitting. dependence to some of the components of the small-signal model. (Used with permission
But, given that the physics from [13].)

November/December 2018 83
Taking Charge
The small-signal capacitances we derive from the
measured Y parameters, as seen in Figure 2, can 100 pF
Increasing Vgs
be specified in terms of the static bias conditions, Vgs = 4.5 V
VGS, VDS, the control voltages at the gate and drain 90 pF

Capacitance (Cgs)
terminals. The instantaneous charge on a two-
80 pF
terminal capacitor is related to the voltage across its
terminals; therefore, the charge on the C gs capacitor
70 pF
is given only by Vgs and is not dependent on some
remote voltage.
60 pF Vgs = 2 V
Consider, for example, the gate-source and
gate-drain capacitances shown in Figure S1. While
50 pF
the capacitances have unique values at any given 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
pair of bias voltages ^VGS, VDS h, these capacitances
cannot be realized by a simple two-terminal nonlinear
25 pF
capacitor where the capacitance value depends on
the voltage across the terminals. In some models,
20 pF
the nonlinear gate-drain capacitance function is

Capacitance (Cgd)
described as a function of the gate-drain voltage, 15 pF
Vgd . Notwithstanding the fact that Vgd is not a control Increasing Vgs
voltage but a derived value from Vgs, Vds, it is clear 10 pF
from Figure S1(b) that a C gd cannot be described by
a single-valued function of Vgd . The behavior of a 5 pF
two-terminal capacitor whose value depends on two
voltages, such as Vgs and Vds, requires a much more 0 pF
careful definition under large-signal operation. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Snider [15] has shown clearly and elegantly that
using a remote voltage to change the capacitance and,
hence, alter the charge on a two-terminal capacitor
Figure S1. The (a) gate-source and (b) gate-drain
breaks the laws of conservation of charge and energy.
small-signal capacitances of a laterally diffused
The conservation of charge is something we tend to
metal–oxide–semiconductor (LDMOS) power FET as
take for granted: charge can be neither created nor
functions of the applied bias voltages V gs, Vds . (Figure
destroyed. But, by using capacitors that are functions
courtesy of Cambridge University Press.)
of two independent, instantaneous voltages, it is all
too easy to create non-charge-conserving elements in
a large-signal compact model.
And, while you might think that running afoul of
a couple of the laws of nature is bad enough, Root
Contour 1
and Hughes [14] noted that such a component can
accumulate a net charge under steady-state periodic Capacitance (pF)
signal conditions, even though the voltage across A
the capacitor’s two terminals returns to the same Contour 2
value at the end of the period. Further, Staudinger Vds Direction: Integrate Cgd
et al. [23] showed that by changing the model Vgs Direction: Integrate Cg
description of the gate capacitors only, using first
the classical Schottky junction model and then the
Figure S2. The 2-D capacitance field at the gate in
Statz [21] symmetrical capacitance model, and finally
coordinates ^V gs, Vdsh . The points A and B represent
using a fully charge-conservative model, only the the locations of two instantaneous signal voltages
charge-conserving capacitance model could predict in this field, and contours 1 and 2 are two different
accurately the measured third-order intermodulation paths connecting A to B. (Reprinted with permission
distortion and adjacent channel leakage ratio data for from [25].)
an RF power amplifier.
Clearly, any large-signal FET model that we build circuit simulator. This means that the state variables of
needs to be current and charge conservative if we our model need to be current and charge, rather than
want it to be accurate and run successfully in the current and capacitance.

84 November/December 2018
Taking the large-signal gate charge Q g as an
example, the concept of charge conservation is
described in the form of a conservative vector field of
× 10–11
capacitance. The two-dimensional (2-D) capacitance 4
field for the gate charge Q g is shown in Figure S2. 3
The gate-capacitance components of this field are 2

the C 11 and C 12 terms (from the small-signal Y 1
parameters), and the vector directions are Vgs and Vds, 0
respectively [25], [30]: –1
C = C 11 (Vgs, Vds) uVgs + C 12 (Vgs, Vds) uVds . 10
5 80
0 40
We can integrate along any contour between Gate Voltage 20
–5 0 Drain Voltage
two points in this field to obtain the difference in
charge between the two points. Integration around
any closed contour in the field brings us back to
the starting point, and no charge has been lost or × 10–11
accumulated: the charge is conserved.
The gate charge is related to the component 6
capacitances through the partial derivatives: 4

2Q g
= 1 Im ^Y11 h = C 11 (Vgs, Vds) 0
2Vgs ~

and –4
–6 –5
80 60 0
2Q g
= 1 Im ^Y12 h = - C 12 (Vgs, Vds) . 40
20 0 10
2V d s ~ Drain Voltage Gate Voltage

We obtain the gate charge at any instantaneous value

Figure S3. The (a) gate and (b) drain charge surfaces
of ^Vgs, Vdsh by integrating the differential equations
(in coulombs) for an LDMOS power FET model as
from an arbitrary starting point, say ^Vgs0, Vds0 h, where
functions of the applied bias voltages V gs, Vds . (Used
the gate charge is Q g0:
with permission.)

Q g (Vgs, Vds) = #V gs0
C 11 (v gs, Vds0) dv gs
where C m is the transcapacitance defined earlier.
+ #V
C 12 (Vgs, v ds) dv ds + Q g0 . We have, therefore, included the time delay, x,
ds 0
from the small-signal model automatically in the
charge-conservative description of our large-signal
The constant of integration Q g0 (in other words, model. This overcomes the historical problem in
the integration starting point) is arbitrary and can be small- to large-signal inconsistency in the S-parameter
set to zero: we are interested only in the displacement prediction caused by not including the time delay
current dQ/dt in the simulation of the model. parameter explicitly in the description of the large-
Similarly, we can derive the drain charge from signal current in equivalent-circuit models, such as
the integration of the C 21 and C 22 small-signal those described by Figure 3.
capacitance components: We now have the gate and drain charge surfaces
in the large-signal voltage space ^Vgs, Vdsh . These are
Q d (Vgs, Vds) = #V gs0
C 21 (v gs, Vds0) dv gs shown in Figure S3 for an LDMOS power transistor.
Vds These surfaces were obtained from the ADSFET (also
+ #V ds 0
C 22 (Vgs, v ds) dv ds + Q d0 . called Root) model, where the integration is performed
using Keysight IC-CAP modeling software. Of course, if
We note that the C 21 component is given by you are building your own model, you will have to write
your own integration routines in MATLAB, Python, or
C 21 = C m - C gd, another favorite mathematical language.

November/December 2018 85
in Figure 4 a slight asym-
Gate metry in the gate-source and
Source Drain gate-drain separations. The
gate-source separation is usu-
Ls Lg Ld ally kept as small as possible
Rs Rg Rd because it introduces feedback
resistance into the source-to-
Cgs Cds Cgd
ground connection, reducing
Barrier Layer the gain, which is a precious
Rs Rd
Rs Ids Rd commodity at microwave fre-
2-D EG. Layer
quencies. The drain-to-source
Si Substrate Rds separation is the larger of the
two, increasing the drain-gate
breakdown voltage and allow-
Figure 4. A schematic cross section of an HEMT device, showing the assumed locations ing a higher drain-source vol­­­­
of the intrinsic and extrinsic equivalent-circuit elements. (Used with permission from tage to be applied, which i s
[13].) EG: electron gas. useful for getting some pow­­
er out of the transistor.
In practice, power FETs are more complex than the
FP2 simple device outlined previously. A cross section of a
typical GaN power transistor is presented in Figure 5,
Gate + FP1 showing a number of features typical of power FETs.
First, the drain-to-gate separation is much increased,
allowing the device to support high drain-source volt-
ages and, hence, be able to supply high power. The
HEMT Epilayers
transistor also has two field plates. The first of these is
100-mm High-Purity Semi-Insulating 4-H SiC integrated with the gate metallization, and it produces
electric field shaping at the drain side of the gate to
Figure 5. A schematic cross section of a GaN HEMT reduce the peak electric field and, hence, increase the
power transistor, showing the gate structure, field plates drain voltage capability. It also reduces the gate (para-
(FP), and large drift region [17]. sitic) resistance by increasing the cross-sectional area
of the gate metal. After a layer of passivation over the
exposed regions of the device, the second field plate
1 is added and connected electrically to the source,
providing further electric field shaping at high drain
Normalized Drain Current

0.8 voltages. It also reduces the gate-to-drain feedback

Load Line
capacitance, enabling higher-frequency operation of
0.6 the power transistor.
Solid-state PA design at microwave and millimeter-
wave frequencies has traditionally focused on maximiz-
ing the output power; efficiency has been a secondary
concern, although efficiency is at its highest at maxi-
0 mum power. Saturated class-A or class- AB PAs are
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 commonly used, with harmonic tuning for improved
Drain Voltage (Vds) efficiency (when harmonic energy is available). This
approach is very successful for constant-envelope mod-
Figure 6. The idealized output characteristics of an FET ulation signals; when analog linearization is applied,
device, showing the class-AB quiescent bias point and the power outputs within a few decibels of the saturated
load line for maximum output power. QOP: quiescent power can be attained with digitally modulated signals
operating point. (Used with permission from [13].) of modest peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) [18].
Class-AB PAs are designed at a fixed gate–drain
illustrated in Figure 4; the intrinsic circuit elements bias. The load line is generally chosen to provide the
can be identified from Figure 2, and the remaining maximum drain voltage and current swing, as shown
resistors and inductors comprise the extrinsic or para- by the FET output characteristics depicted in Figure 6.
sitic components associated with the gate, drain, and The current and voltage will generally follow the load
source metallizations needed to build the FET and line, which, in practice with GaN FETs, will become
connect it to the outside world. One can (barely) see slightly elliptical due to the small output capacitance

86 November/December 2018
of these transistors. The device model needs to be operated nominally in a class-A bias (see, for example,
accurate around the quiescent operating point (or bias [19]–[22] and numerous others). Such models typically
point) and over a relatively small range of output char- comprise a dc component, where the static dc I-V rela-
acteristics; often, a constant output capacitance can be tionship is based on a threshold voltage and modeled
used successfully in this PA design. using a hyperbolic tangent (or similar) function, with
Modern communications signals (for example, cel- voltage-dependent capacitance elements derived from
lular or satellite) employ complex digital modulation S parameters. These are known as quasistatic models,
formats to achieve high data throughput while using derived in the expectation that the device behavior
the available bandwidth efficiently. Typically, these changes only slowly over frequency. For FETs biased
modulation techniques involve multilevel quadra- in class A using only modest signal amplitudes, this
ture amplitude modulation, perhaps with additional is a generally satisfactory assumption. However, the
coding, and the spectral efficiency of such modula- approach is not adequate to describe the large-signal
tion schemes can be very high. A consequence of operation of transistors in PA applications, where
using such signals is that the PAPR can be very high, thermal effects are important, nor in cases where
over 10 dB. memory effects such as trapping play a significant
The PA must be able to handle the peak signals, role in the terminal behavior, e.g., in GaAs- and GaN-
which requires traditional class-B/AB PAs to be oper- based FETs.
ated in deep backoff from the peak, resulting in very Further, in virtually all of these FET models, the
low efficiency at the average power. This has led to intrinsic voltage-dependent capacitances have been
the development of several PA architectures that have determined in a manner that neglects the law of
high efficiency at both peak power and (in backoff) charge conservation. Such models will not conserve
average power. These include Doherty, outphasing, charge during the simulation, creating potential off-
and polar modulation, as outlined in “High-Efficiency sets or charge buildup that needs to be redistributed
PAs.” A feature of these high-efficiency PA designs is elsewhere in the circuit; these models will therefore
that the output signal traverses a considerable portion produce the wrong answer, which constitutes a seri-
of the FET output characteristics, so now the transistor ous drawback. In [23], Staudinger et al. showed that,
model must be accurate over the whole output current- by changing the model description of only the gate
voltage (I-V) space, and the nonlinearity and voltage capacitors and comparing the classical Schottky junc-
dependence of the current and charge (capacitance) of tion model, the Statz [21] symmetrical capacitance
the device must be considered in building the model. model, and a fully charge-conservative model, only
For a model-based MMIC design, the transistor the charge-conserving capacitance model could accu-
size-scaling rules are a necessary feature: the compact rately predict the measured third-order intermodu-
model must be able predict the desired performance lation distortion and adjacent channel leakage ratio
parameters with similar accuracy over a wide range performance for an RF PA.
of device dimensions. Scaling can include a number The recipe for constructing a charge-conservative
of gate fingers, unit gate widths, source-to-source and FET model from S-parameter measurements made
drain-to-drain spacings, and through vias, for example. over the Vgs - Vds bias space was first outlined by
Scaling rules are dominated by the extrinsic param- Ward and Dutton [24] and expanded on by Root and
eters, and the complete compact model must include Hughes [14] and Wood et al. [25] for GaAs FETs and
these as well as the nonlinear intrinsic part. The PA LDMOS power FETs, respectively; a review of charge-
performance parameters for the MMIC will cover and energy-conservative transistor modeling can be
much the same set as for the discrete PA—power and found in [16]. A summary of the charge-conservative
efficiency, optimum loads and contours, gain, and modeling approach is presented in “Taking Charge.”
return losses—but now over a range of bias condi- [As an aside, a conservative charge model is not to be
tions. Additionally, there may be size constraints on confused with Gummel symmetry [26], which is asso-
the MMIC, which can affect the thermal behavior: an ciated with continuity in the drain current expression
accurate dynamic thermal model is required so that across Vds = 0, although both effects are important
the device size and layout can be adjusted for opti- in the correct simulation of distortion. A brief note is
mal performance. included in “Model (A)Symmetry.”]
Based on the previous discussion, we can con-
Modeling Considerations clude that the model should use current and charge,
for GaN Power FETs not capacitance, as the state functions. Following
Microwave PAs are designed almost exclusively with the lead of Parker [27], we can take the small-signal
FETs. It is fair to say that almost all compact models for model Y-parameter description and map directly
FETs available in commercial electronic design auto- onto the (large-signal) current- and charge-state func-
mation (EDA) , i.e., CAD, tools are derived from mod- tions. The Y-parameters small-signal model is shown
els originally developed in the 1990s for transistors in Figure 7.

November/December 2018 87
High-Efficiency PAs

Doherty PA amplifier—active load-pull or load modulation—so that

The Doherty power amplifier (PA) [S1], [S2] is the the main amplifier continues to operate at maximum
predominant PA architecture used in cellular wireless voltage and current swing and, hence, maximum
infrastructure base stations today and is also found in efficiency. At peak output power from the Doherty
some handsets (user equipment). The basic Doherty PA, the main and peaking amplifiers contribute half
amplifier structure is shown in Figure S4. the power, and high efficiency is maintained over
The main amplifier is usually class AB and is the whole range from (6-dB) backoff to peak power.
switched on at all power levels. Initially presented Clearly, the transistor model should be accurate over
with a higher-than-optimum load, the main amplifier this wide range of output characteristics, as shown in
delivers peak efficiency when it reaches a maximum Figure S5, including the knee region, and also model
output power at a 6-dB backoff from the PA voltage-dependent output capacitance.
maximum power. At this point, the peaking amplifier In practical Doherty PAs, the peaking amplifier is
switches on, changing the load presented to the main realized by a power transistor operating in a class-C
bias. The peaking amplifier
is then switched on by the
magnitude of the drive signal
Amplifier Output itself. Sizing the main and
Match peaking amplifiers appropriately
3-dB Hybrid and adjusting the value of the
class-C bias allow the switch-on
RF In λ /4 point to be adjusted to provide
a peak efficiency range different
Σ from the 6 dB described by
λ /4 simple theory.
Summing ZL
Peaking Node Doherty PA design requires
Amplifier that the compact model
be able to predict device
performance not only in the
Figure S4. A schematic circuit of the Doherty PA. (Used with permission usual Vgs - Vds class-AB bias space
from [13].) but also for class-C switched-off

Normalized Drain Current

Normalized Drain Current

0.4 Load Line
0.2 Tracks Signal Envelope
QOP 0.2
0 Class-AB Bias Point
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Drain Voltage (Vds) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Drain Voltage (Vds)
Figure S5. The output characteristics of the main
PA FET during Doherty operation. The load line 2 ×
Ropt represents the load line presented to the main
amplifier in the backoff region before the peaking Figure S6. The principle of envelope tracking: as the drain
amplifier switches on. At higher powers, the peaking voltage supply is reduced, the available signal swing is
amplifier pulls the load seen by the main amplifier reduced to ensure that the output signal swing is always
toward Ropt, the optimum load for maximum power. maximized to yield peak efficiency. (Used with permission
(Used with permission from [13].) from [13].)

88 November/December 2018
bias conditions. Few, if
any, transistor models VD
are developed with this i1
in mind, and validation Digital Baseband PA
Signal +
of performance in these Baseband Component
– v1 Y1
conditions is rare. The I/Q Separator
transistor model should I/Q I/Q
be able to predict high-
RF Carrier Dig. to
order nonlinearities. The RF VD –jX
addition of the class-C
device to a class-AB Dig. to
PA to create a Doherty RF +
– v2 Y2
PA can be shown to
increase the nonlinear
order of the model from,
Figure S7. A schematic of the outphasing architecture [S4]. Dig.: digital.
typically, the fifth degree
for class AB to the 11th
degree or higher for the Doherty PA. the RF carrier and handle broadband modulation as
well as sinusoidal excitation.
Polar Modulation
Often called envelope tracking (ET), polar Outphasing
modulation adjusts the power supply to the Outphasing is another load modulation technique, in
transistor dynamically to follow the magnitude of which the phase of the signal between two amplifiers
the modulating signal in such a way as to keep the is adjusted so that the reconstructed signal preserves
amplifier in saturation and, hence, at high efficiency the original signal modulation [S4]. A schematic
at all times [S3]. This is illustrated in Figure S6. outphasing arrangement is shown in Figure S7.
The approach has not shown much commercial Outphasing is more a transmitter system than a
success, mainly due to the cost of the high-current PA, requiring some signal processing to convert the
power modulator for the PA power supply, but it input signal into the two-phase modulated, constant-
is seeing application in cellular wireless handsets. amplitude RF signals that drive the amplifiers. Saturated
While its use of saturated PAs for high peak-to- PAs can be used for the outphasing amplifiers, resulting
average power ratio signals appears attractive in high-efficiency operation even for a large backoff,
for microwave and millimeter-wave applications, indicating promise for millimeter-wave operation. While
again, the power modulator design would appear good results have been obtained in the laboratory at
to be the main drawback with this architecture. low frequencies, so far the power and efficiency at
Essentially, it needs a linear, high-power amplifier microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies are low.
with several times the modulation bandwidth to While this PA is operated in constant envelope
drive the power supply to the main PA: this, in mode in the classic outphasing design, more modern
itself, is a major cost and design challenge for a incarnations include multilevel bias operation, and
microwave/millimeter-wave PA. the capability of the transistor model to cover a wide
Again, it can be seen that ET operation covers a range of the output characteristics is again required.
considerable area of the FET output characteristics.
A suitable transistor model for ET PA design should References
be able to cover the entire Vgs - Vds bias space [S1] W. H. Doherty, “A new high efficiency power amplifier for modu-
and produce accurate terminal responses at dc, lated waves,” Proc. IRE, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 1163–1182, Sept. 1936.
baseband, and RF over this space. Further, because [S2] S. C. Cripps, RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications.
in ET operation the power transistor receives Norwood, MA: Artech House, 2006.
signal inputs at two of its terminals—RF at the gate [S3] E . McCune, Dynamic Power Supply Transmitters. Cambridge, UK:
and envelope or video-band information at the Cambridge Univ. Press, 2015.
drain—in addition to nominal dc biases, the model [S4] T. W. Barton and D. J. Perreault, “Theory and implementation
must be able to respond accurately to signals at all of RF-input outphasing power amplification,” IEEE Trans. Microw.
frequencies from dc through the video bandwidth to Theory Techn., vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 4273–4283, Dec. 2015.

November/December 2018 89
The controlled current source is still represented where C m is the transcapacitance through which we
here in magnitude plus phase form. Recasting this as have a means of obtaining the drain charge source: see
real plus imaginary, we can write “Taking Charge” for further details.
The original development of the conservative charge
g m . exp ^- j~x h = g m + j~C m, (1) model by Ward and Dutton [24] used a partitioning

Model (A)Symmetry
The idea behind model symmetry originated in metal– based model can pass the test with ease. All you
oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) need are continuous higher-order derivatives of
modeling. Most MOSFETs are structurally symmetric: d n I ds /dV ds across Vds = 0.
looking at the layout of the transistor, it often is not But back to the intermodulation distortion
easy to tell which is the drain and which is the source (IMD) measurements and model test reported by
contact. So you might expect that the MOSFET model Staudinger et al. [23]: here, the nonlinear I-V model
should be symmetric about Vds = 0. Unfortunately, was the same for all three models; only the gate-
many early MOSFET models were not symmetric. You capacitance (charge) model was different. Because
might also expect that the model drain current would the basic third-order intermodulation prediction of all
be zero at Vds = 0. While this may be the case, the the models was basically good, one might presume
derivatives d n /I ds /dV ds can have different limits on that the nonlinear I-V model did indeed have
either side of zero: the derivatives are discontinuous, continuous d n I ds /dV ds derivatives of an order of at
and the model is singular at Vds = 0. least n = 2. The discrepancy between the different
While this may not be too important for many models must, therefore, be due to something else:
applications (and we could perhaps consider PA design the capacitance model. Each of the capacitance
to be one of them), this singularity leads to completely models used in [23] was symmetric in the Gummel
incorrect results for distortion simulation in circuits sense of swapping drain and source contacts, but
where Vds crosses zero, such as passive mixers. A only the charge-conservative model predicted the
standard test for MOSFET model symmetry was derived IMD accurately in the simulation.
by H.K. Gummel in the 1990s (known as the Gummel A noncharge conserving model will create a
symmetry test) [26]. A common interpretation of the buildup of charge over the RF period [12], [14], [16].
Gummel symmetry test is that swapping the intrinsic This excess charge looks like a discontinuity in the
source and drain terminals should result in identical I-V integration path in the capacitance-voltage field (see
characteristics. A nice exposition has been presented “Taking Charge”) around what should be a closed
by McAndrew [S5], and simple circuits for simulating loop for the RF cycle: this model has discontinuities.
the Gummel symmetry test under dc and ac conditions On the other hand, a charge-conservative model
are shown. These are applied to MOSFETs, where the will not create any excess charge at the end of the
structural symmetry is fairly clear. RF cycle. The charge-conservative model might
What is interesting about these tests is that they well be described as symmetric with regard to the
can also be applied to power transistor models. How integration path: that is, it does not matter which
should we do this? It is difficult to identify the intrinsic way around the loop you go (or, indeed, what the
source and drain connections in the power transistor details of the loop are); you always end up in the
structure. Looking at Figure 5, for example, should we same place—the starting point—at the end of the RF
use the source and drain edges of the gate metal and period. And, because the path is, by construction,
treat the rest of the structure as extrinsic, even though smooth and continuous (and conservative), all time
the field plates and drift region are fundamental to derivatives of Q are continuous. Charge conservation
the operation of the power transistor? For laterally might be thought of as a supplement to the Gummel
diffused MOS power transistors, the picture is even symmetry test for displacement currents.
worse: the intrinsic device is asymmetrical.
Generally, I would build a nonlinear model of the References
complete device, including the field plates and drift [S5] C . C. McAndrew, “Validation of MOSFET model source-drain sym-
region: this is what I use as the intrinsic FET. As I am metry,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 2202–
much more concerned with the correct predictions 2206, Sept. 2006.
of distortions at RF or microwave frequencies, I have [S6] P. Bendix et al., “RF distortion analysis with compact MOSFET mod-
used a form of the RF Gummel symmetry test from els,” in Proc. IEEE 2004 Custom Integrated Circuits Conf., Orlando,
[S6] and find that a (well-constructed) measurement- FL, Oct. 2004.

90 November/December 2018
scheme to split the channel charge between the drain
and source nodes. This is commonly done when the Ggd + jωCgd
charge sources are associated with the nodes of
the FET. These charge sources are then referenced to
ground, as shown in Figure 8(a), for GaN (and GaAs) Ggs + jωCgs Gds + jωCds
FETs where the source is connected to ground. This
effectively describes the charge sources as branch S Gm .exp(–jωt) S
components. We can then simplify the model as
shown in Figure 8(b): we connect the gate- and drain- Figure 7. The Y-parameters circuit description of the
charge sources to the internal source node and then FET small-signal model. The series R-C gate-source and
redefine the source charge to be Q g + Q d + Q s, so the gate-drain branches of Figure 2 are replaced by the parallel
net current out of the FET source node is still dQ s /dt. G + j~C representations. (Image courtesy of Obsidian
The currents into or out of each node in the FET model Microwave, LLC.)
are unchanged by this transformation. As we assume
that charge will be conserved, the total charge in the
FET, Q g + Q d + Q s, must sum to zero, so we can dis-
pense with the charge source at the FET source node,
as shown in Figure 8(c).

Nonlinear Core
Qg Qs Qd
We are now able to present the schematic for the
nonlinear core of the large-signal GaN FET model,
derived from Y-parameter description and conser-
vative-charge sources, as shown in Figure 9. It looks
simple enough, does it not? (a)
The current and charge functions depend on the
voltages Vgs and Vds, and they are represented by
surfaces over the accessible Vgs and Vds space. The I,
Q surfaces are then represented as functions such as Qg Qd
Q g (Vgs, Vds). For ease of parameter identification, it is
desirable to be able to write these 2-D functions as sep- Qg + Qd + Qs
arable one-dimensional functions; for example, for the
gate charge 2-D function, we have

Q g (Vgs, Vds) = Q gg (Vgs) .Q gd (Vds) . (2)

We try to find such separable functions wherever
possible, although experience has taught us that this
is not always possible and that some mixed functions
will be required. We aim for the minimum possible Qg Qd
number of parameters consistent with the accurate
representation of the measured data and interpolation
between the measured points as well as for sensibly (c)
constrained extrapolation qualities. Simulation speed
is a concern, so we try to avoid including too many Figure 8. (a)–(c) The conversion of the nodal charge
complex functions. It should be noted, however, that sources to branch charge sources, along with elimination of
in most modern mathematical and EDA tools, func- the need for the charge source, after [28].
tions such as tanh(x) are implemented using interpo-
lated tables and are both very accurate and quick to
Gate Drain
calculate, so they do not incur a significant computa-
tional penalty.
The drain-current function I d (Vgs, Vds) is prob-
ably the most widely studied of these 2-D function Qg Ig Id Qd
approximations, and examples such as the MET [29],
[30] and Fager-Pedro [31] models (for LDMOS) and the
Pedro [32] model (for GaN) already provide a good Figure 9. A large-signal FET intrinsic model. (Used with
starting point: permission from [13].)

November/December 2018 91
temperature, modeling the fall in
0.1 0.25 electron velocity as temperature

Transconductance and Higher Derivatives

0.08 0.2 rises. The time constant of the
thermal network determines the
0.06 0.15
response time of the temperature
0.04 0.1 to the signal power and, hence,

Drain Current
0.02 0.05 introduces a time delay or mem-
ory effect.
0 0
Careful thermal modeling of
–0.02 gm Model –0.05 the transistor is im­­portant because
gm Measured
–0.04 –0.1 the self-heating affects the inter-
gm5 modulation properties of the de­­
–0.06 –0.15
Id Model vice at high frequencies. A useful
–0.08 Id Measured –0.2 thermal modeling approach has
–0.1 –0.25 been proposed by Parker and
–4 –3.5 –3 –2.5 –2 –1.5 –1 –0.5 0 0.5
Rathmell [33]. Usually, the thermal
Gate Voltage
network is a single time constant,
but, in practice, there may be sev-
Figure 10. The drain current and transconductance as functions of the gate-source
eral time constants corresponding
voltage when comparing measured data and the Pedro model relationship [32]. The
(scaled) third and fifth derivatives of g m are also shown, indicating excellent continuity to the different elements of the
and differentiability. (Image courtesy of Wolfspeed.) complete device structure: the
GaN and its SiC substrate, the die
attach, the package, the printed
Id = b . tanh ^aVdsh . ^1 + mVdsh . (3) circuit board, and the heatsink. For MMICs, thermal
^ 1 + kV VPgst h
coupling between transistors is also important. This
can result in a fairly complicated thermal network
Here, the relationship for the drain current is shown that is not necessarily linear, as the thermal resistivity
to be separable in Vgs and Vds; in practice, however, of GaN and the SiC substrate are nonlinear.
the parameter a often includes a Vgs dependence Additionally, one should include a dependence on
to account for the features of the knee region in temperature for the threshold voltage. This thermal
GaN FETs. function reduces the threshold voltage as temperature
The I d (Vgs, Vds) relationship from the Pedro model increases, acting in the opposite sense to the self-heat-
for GaN [32] is used in the preceding expression and, ing explained previously. This results in a sweet-spot
generally, gives a good approximation of the measured bias condition when the two thermal functions cancel
drain-current and transconductance data (Figure 10). one another out [30].
The equations for gate and drain charge are developed
in “Taking Charge.” Charge Trapping
Trapping of the charge is an important, but undesirable,
Dynamic Effects feature of compound semiconductor FETs and HEMTs;
Unlike the quasistatic modeling approach outlined pre- it can be neglected for LDMOS devices. Trapping is
viously, dynamical models include time or frequency usually characterized as follows.
dependence explicitly in the model formulation. In other •• gate lag, where changes in the gate signal voltage
words, they can accommodate memory effects or tran- (Vgs) result in changes in the occupancy of traps
sistor behaviors that occur on different timescales. The in the channel of the FET, affecting the drain cur-
most common dynamical effects in FET devices are self- rent. This is usually seen as a reduction in the
heating and trapping. maximum attainable drain current.
•• drain lag, where changes in the drain output volt-
Thermal Effects age (Vds) result in changes in the occupancy of
PAs are, unfortunately, not 100% efficient: the energy traps at the hetero-interface. This is observed as
not converted into RF power is converted into heat, the knee walk-out effect, where defining the tran-
and the transistor heats up in response to the signal sition from the triode to saturation regions moves
power. Several compact models include a coupled elec- to higher values of drain voltage. The effect is most
trothermal model, which uses an electrical analog for pronounced at high drain currents and results in a
the thermal resistance and capacitance to determine reduction in the available RF voltage and current
the channel temperature of the FET and, hence, mod- amplitude and, hence, a reduction in power.
ify the model drain current. This self-heating causes The emission of charge from the traps is a much
the drain current (principally) to fall with increasing slower process by several orders of magnitude than the

92 November/December 2018
capture, resulting in a delay in
the drain-current response to the Vds(t )
voltage change: a memory effect. Rcap
A detailed analysis of trapping
based on the Shockley–Read–Hall Vds(t ) – + –
A Kv Vth(t )
mechanism has been performed +
by Rathmell and Parker [34], who C Vc (t )
have developed a trapping model Vth
for gate and drain lag that is incor-
porated into their compact model Figure 11. A circuit description of trapping effects in GaN transistors, from [38].
for GaAs- and GaN-based FET When Vds (t) > Vc (t), the trap capacitance C charges up rapidly through the small
devices [35]. resistance R cap . When Vds (t) < Vc (t), the capacitor discharges through R emis ; this
A simple circuit-based model time constant is much longer, so the trap voltage decays slowly. Vc (t) is scaled
for gate and drain lag has been and subtracted from Vds (t) and adjusts the threshold voltage Vth (t), producing a
proposed by Jardel et al. [36], with dynamically changing drain current.
a description of how to estimate
the model parameters from pulse profile measurements. trapping conditions from the static load line, changing
Their trapping model produces a time-dependent the PA design target.
adjustment of the FET model’s intrinsic gate voltage
and, hence, mimics the gate- or drain-lag behavior. Extrinsic Parameters
An update to this model for drain lag [37], [38] adjusts The extrinsic shell describes the physical structure of
the threshold voltage, using the same circuit-based the transistor and how the intrinsic core is connected
approach. The circuit model adapted from [38] is shown to the outside world. This is illustrated in Figure 4 for
in Figure 11. an idealized heterojunction FET. In practical devices
One way of demonstrating the effects of gate and for power transistors, there will be additional extrinsic
drain lag in simulations is through transient simulation contributions from the structure, such as field plates
to mimic the pulsed I-V characterization. By a suitable and so on.
choice of the quiescent gate and drain biases, gate- and The extrinsic shell accounts for much of the de­­tailed
drain-lag effects can be induced, and the model will scaling factors in a general model for MMIC design.
mimic the observed pulsed I-V behavior. Figure 12 (a) and The extrinsic parameters can be found from broadband
(b) shows the transient simulation results for the output S-parameter measurements made under cold FET con-
characteristics of a GaN FET model with, respectively, no ditions, where Vds is set to zero, essentially eliminating
trapping included and the models for gate- and drain-lag the controlled drain-current source from the small-sig-
effects turned on. The impact on the I-V is noticeable. It is nal model description [39], [40]. Under conditions where
important to show that the trapping, which is a dynamic Vgs < Vth , the extrinsic and intrinsic models reduce to
effect, can be modeled only by using a dynamic simula- capacitances only; when Vgs >> 0, the capacitances are
tion, such as a transient. I find it hard to understand how effectively shorted, and the measurements are dominated
trapping dynamics can be demonstrated using a static by resistance and inductance. Hence, the extrinsic com-
dc simulation. ponent parameters can be found. Performing this exer-
The impact of trapping on the transistor model cise over a range of device sizes enables the derivation
behavior can be seen in, for example, the harmonic of scaling rules for the given transistor technology.
balance simulation of the GaN FET transistor model The manifold structures are included specifically
under a high-power drive where the PA is in compres- to model the large bond-pad structures found in
sion. Figure 13 shows the dynamic load line—drain power transistors. These are usually modeled using an
current against drain voltage as functions of time—of electromagnetic simulator as multiport S-parameter
the transistor superimposed on the output character- blocks; they describe the bond-wire connections and
istics obtained from transient simulation. Note that, the feeds to the individual transistor gates and drains
in the transient I-V simulation, the nominal operating in the device.
point has been set to be the approximate peak value
of the output voltage. We do this because the traps The Complete Model Structure
are filled in response to the peak of the applied volt- Putting together all we have learned so far, we can see
age in the channel [37]. The dynamic load line follows that a suitable measurement-based behavioral model
the maximum drain-lag current trajectory from the of a GaN microwave power transistor for PA design
transient simulation quite closely. It is clear from this should include the following features:
graphic that trapping has a significant impact on the •• state functions that are current and charge
dynamic I-V characteristics and that the load line for •• coverage of all I-V and Q-V space that is address-
a given application may well be very different under able by the signals in practical PAs

November/December 2018 93
Vgs = 1
Vgs = 0.5
Vgs = 0
Vgs = –0.5

0.3 Vgs = –1

Pld_trap1 0.25
Vgs = –1.5

0.15 Vgs = –2

Vgs = –2.5
Vgs = –3
0 Vgs = –3.5

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Vgs = 1
Vgs = 0.5
Vgs = 0
Vgs = –0.5

0.3 Vgs = –1

Vgs = –1.5

0.15 Vgs = –2

Vgs = –2.5
Vgs = –3
0 Vgs = –3.5

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Figure 12. The transient simulation of the output characteristics of a GaN FET model with (a) no trapping effects and (b)
with gate- and drain-lag trapping effects turned on. (Image courtesy of Wolfspeed.)

•• a charge-conservative state function construction •• the ability to operate consistently in all simula-
•• continuous and infinitely differentiable functions tion modes, e.g., dc, ac (S parameter), harmonic
•• a dynamic electrothermal model, with adjustable balance, transient, and envelope
time constants •• device size scaling for MMIC design.
•• charge-trapping models for gate lag and drain lag, The model structure is shown schematically in Fig-
with adjustable time constants ure 14. It comprises a nonlinear intrinsic core embedded in
••the ability to address video and microwave fre- a passive network of the extrinsic model components. The
quencies independently nonlinear core is described by current- and charge-state

94 November/December 2018
functions for the gate and drain;
these basic state functions are 0.28
augmented by dynamical mod- 0.26
els for thermal and trapping 0.24
memory effects. 0.22
Doing the Measurements

ts (I_Drainlntr.i)
and Determining the 0.16

Model Parameters 0.14
The nonlinear core is the heart 0.12
of the model, and measure- 0.10
ments need to be made to allow 0.08
the extraction of the current 0.06
and charge model parameters. 0.04
For the form of the model des­­ 0.02
cribed previously, we would 0.00
perform 1) measurements of –0.02
the I-V characteristics to enable 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
ts (Vds_lntr)
the identification of the current
state function parameters and
2) bias-dependent S-parameter
measurements from which the Figure 13. A simulation of the GaN FET model under high-power drive showing
charge state function param- the time-domain dynamic load line I-V trajectory superimposed on the output I-V
eters are estimated after con- characteristics obtained from transient simulation, indicating drain-lag effects.
servative integration of the (Image courtesy of Wolfspeed.)
Typically, we use pulsed
techniques for both I-V and
Manifold Extrinsic Shell Intrinsic Model Manifold
S-parameter measurements.
This is chiefly to prevent the Gate Drain
transistor from heating up dur-
ing the measurement. Very Qg Ig Id Qd
short pulses on the order of 1 µs Source
are used, and the measured
currents are constant across the
measurement window dura- Trapping Model
tion, indicating no appreciable Gain Thermal Model
thermal effects. An example Rfill
of a state-of-the-art pulsed I-V Gain Σ
Vds Vgs_intr
and S-parameter measure- Pdiss Rth Cth
Rempty Vgs
ment system is shown in Fig-
ure 15, courtesy of AMCAD and
Maury Microwave. Normally, Figure 14. A schematic of a power transistor nonlinear model architecture, showing
we would mea­­sure on wafer, input/output manifolds, extrinsic component shell, nonlinear core with I and Q state
using a temperature-control­ functions, and thermal and trapping models. (Image courtesy of Wolfspeed.)
led chuck. By measuring the
pulsed I-V characteristics over a range of chuck tem- a nonlinear vector network analyzer (NVNA), capturing
peratures, we can also estimate the thermal resistance the large-signal behavior over much of the I-V and Q-V
of the transistor. operating space, making this a truly large-signal model.
The recently announced DynaFET model [41] in­­clu­des At the moment, the model is available only in Keysight
many of the desirable features for a GaN power FET ADS, and the characterization and model parameter
model mentioned in this article: it uses current and extraction (ANN training) is available in Keysight IC-
charge as the state functions, is charge conservative, and CAP. This model is very promising for product model
uses continuously differentiable functions (artificial neu- applications. However, device scaling is not so straight-
ral networks, ANNs) for the nonlinear state functions. forward, because the ANNs do not have physically mean-
It also includes electrothermal and trapping dynamics. ingful parameters and one will still need to develop the
The characterization of the transistor is carried out using extrinsic parameter model for the MMIC process.

November/December 2018 95
parameter extraction process can be described by the
flowchart shown in Figure 16.
The measurements for model validation include
I-V characterization, broadband S parameters under
active bias conditions, and large-signal measurements
such as single-tone and two-tone power drive-up and
load and source pull, often with harmonic tuning.
These large-signal measurements are usually perfor­
med using a VNA- or NVNA-based load-pull station,
and they are frequently done using pulsed measure-
ments to minimize both the average RF power that
needs to be generated and dissipated and the self-
heating of the device, which may be on wafer and,
therefore, not in an optimal heatsink configuration.
More comprehensive validation of the compact model
will include the design and measurement of a discrete
Figure 15. The AMCAD 3200 pulsed I-V system and
or MMIC PA such as a Doherty amplifier for micro-
Keysight PNAX for carrying out pulsed I-V/S-parameter
wave or millimeter-wave frequency application and
characterization. It is shown here with a connectorized
the testing thereof.
device; for model estimation, the system would be used on a
The predominant modeling environment currently
wafer-probe station. (Image courtesy of Maury Microwave.)
is Verilog-A. This is a well-documented language
that is portable between the common EDA design
The trapping model dynamics can be determined tools, making model development and deployment
from pulse-profile measurements. The device is pulsed easier. Historically, compact models were written in
into conditions to fill the traps; then, when the pulse C code and tightly coupled to the numerical proce-
bias is changed or removed, the transient response of dures built into the simulator. One of the drawbacks
the drain current is used to identify the time constants was that the partial derivatives of all parameters to
of the traps. the node voltages had to be coded by hand, a tedious
For gate lag, the bias conditions are and error-prone task. Decoupling the model from the
•• quiescent gate voltage Vgs Q < Vth simulator allowed the use of symbolic derivatives, mak-
•• quiescent drain voltage VdsQ = V bias ing the model compilation easier. This was enabled by
•• pulsed gate voltage Vgs = 0 V the development of hardware description languages
•• pulsed drain voltage Vds Q = Vds Q, such as VHDL and Verilog. The analog subset of Ver-
where V bias is the nominal drain bias for the transistor ilog is now the de facto standard environment for
in a PA. For drain lag, the bias conditions are transportable compact model development. A signifi-
•• quiescent gate voltage Vgs Q > Vth cant amount of best-practice documentation is avail-
•• quiescent drain voltage Vds Q >> V bias able for Verilog-A in terms of model development;
•• pulsed gate voltage Vgs = VgsQ see, for example, [28] and the references therein.
•• pulsed drain voltage Vds << V bias .
The pulse-filling and -emptying biases are sometimes Some Concluding Remarks
arranged using a double-pulse method, but the transient Behavioral models for FETs, in general, and for GaN
time-domain measurements can be made using a suit- FET/HEMT power transistors are still the mainstream
ably arranged single pulse and measurement window. modeling approach: they are compact, portable, and
As mentioned previously, the extrinsic shell accounts easy to use. The physics-based models such as ASM
for much of the detailed scaling factors in MMIC design. appear to be quite interesting, potentially benefitting
The extrinsic parameters are usually found from broad- both circuit design and the device engineer and pos-
band S-parameter measurements made under cold FET sibly providing a bridge between these two domains.
conditions, where Vds is set to zero [39], [40]. This per- The characterization of the transistor is now very
mits the extrinsic capacitance, inductance, and resistance sophisticated, with NVNA and very-short-duration
parameters to be found and the scaling rules for the pulsed measurements becoming more commonplace.
given transistor technology to be determined. Manifold The environment for model development is also more
structures are included specifically to model the large sophisticated, with MathWorks’ MATLAB for parame-
bond-pad structures found in power transistors. These ter identification and Verilog-A for model development
are usually modeled using an electromagnetic simula- and deployment, using advanced mathematical algo-
tor as multiport S-parameter blocks; these describe the rithms and symbolic approaches, becoming standard
bond-wire connections and the feeds to the individual practice. Simulation speed, accuracy, and convergence,
transistor gates and drains in the device. This model however, are still the primary goals.

96 November/December 2018
Pulsed IV/
dc IV

Thermal Model Gate,

Drain Lag,

Manifold Model
EM Simulation

Broadband Extrinsic
S-Parameters, Deembedding
Cold FET

Small-Signal Model
G Cgd Rgd D

Cgs Rds
Rgs gm, τ Cds


Intrinsic Large-Signal Model

Qg Ig Id Qd

Figure 16. The model parameter extraction flowchart with the thermal and trapping model definitions, extrinsic parameter
extraction using cold FET, manifold modeling by electromagnetic (EM) simulation, and integration of the Y parameters defining
the bias-dependent small-signal model to obtain the current- and charge-state variables. (Used with permission from [13].)

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