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Praise, my soul,

the king of heaven,

to His feet

thy tribute bring;

Ransomed, healed,

restored, forgiven,

evermore His praises sing;

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise the everlasting King.

Bless the Lord, O my soul

and all within me, Praise Him!

Bless the Lord, O my soul!

Redeemed by His grace,

in the Savior’s embrace,

My soul will bless His Name!

Frail as summer’s

flow’r we flourish;

blows the wind

and it is gone;

But, while mortals

rise and perish,

God endures

unchanging on:
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise the High Eternal One.

Bless the Lord, O my soul

and all within me, Praise Him!

Bless the Lord, O my soul!

Redeemed by His grace,

in the Savior’s embrace,

My soul will bless His Name!

Angels in the height,

adore Him;

Ye behold Him

face to face;

Saints triumphant,

bow before Him;

Gathered in from

ev’ry race;
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise with us

the God of grace.

Bless the Lord, O my soul

and all within me, Praise Him!

Bless the Lord, O my soul!

Redeemed by His grace,

in the Savior’s embrace,

My soul will bless His Name!

O my Savior,

I Bless your name!

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

W--Henry F. Lyte Add/Arr--Ryan Foglesong

© 2010 Resolved Music

CCLI License #1501423

All praise to Him, the God of light

Who formed the mountains by His might

All praise to Him Who names the stars

That sing His fame in skies afar

All praise to Him Who reigns in love

Who guides the galaxies above

Yet bends to hear our every prayer

With sovereign pow’r and tender care

All praise to Him whose love is seen

In Christ the Son, the Servant King

Who left behind His glorious throne

To pay the ransom for His own

All praise to Him Who humbly came

To bear our sorrow, sin, and shame

Who lived to die, Who died to rise

The all-sufficient sacrifice

All praise to Him whose pow’r imparts

The love of God within our hearts

The Spirit of all truth and peace

The fount of joy and holiness

To Father, Son, and Spirit now

Our souls we lift, our wills we bow

To You, the triune God, we raise

With loving hearts our song of praise

To Father, Son, and Spirit now

Our souls we lift, our wills we bow

To You, the triune God, we raise

With loving hearts our song of praise

All Praise to Him

W—Based on the hymn, “All Praise to Him Who Built the Hills” by Horatius Bonar

Add. W and M—Matt Merker and Bob Kauflin

© 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise

CCLI License 1501423

Jesus I am resting

in the joy of what you are

I am finding out the greatness

of Your loving heart

Your gracious, loving heart

Simply trusting You, Lord

I behold You as You are

And Your love, so pure, so changeless

satisfies my heart

satisfies my longing heart

satisfies my restless heart

O how great Your kindness

Vaster, broader than the sea

O how marvelous Your goodness

lavished all on me

lavished all on me

I rest in You, my Lord

W and M Thomas Grassi

© 2012 Highwoods Music Publishing

CCLI License #1501423

O how great the weight of sin

that lured my wicked soul

Bound with chains

and numb to every hope

O how vast the void of love,

the darkness of despair

My hell bound home assured

But God

Rich in mercy made a way

By grace I have been saved

Through faith I have been raised

Only by the blood of Christ

O how great the sacrifice

the Father made for me

Freedom flowing from

the battered King

O how vast the love of God

and still my soul it wars

Against the powers of dark

But God

Rich in mercy made a way

By grace I have been saved

Through faith I have been raised

Only by the blood of Christ

We were called from the dark

And now we stand in glory’s light,

Jesus, Savior King

We were called from the dark

And now we stand in glory’s light,

Jesus, Savior King

We were called from the dark

And now we stand in glory’s light,

Jesus, Savior King

But God

Rich in mercy made a way

By grace I have been saved

Through faith I have been raised

Only by the blood of Christ

But God
W and M—Michael Bleecker, Hunter Hall & Lauren Chandler

© The Village Church

CCLI License #1501423

The depths of Your grace

who can measure

You fully supply all I need

You restore my weary soul

again and again

And lead me in

Your righteousness and peace

You’re with me through

every dark valley

There’s nothing that

I have to fear

You are there to comfort me

again and again

Protecting me,

assuring me You’re near

The Lord is

The Lord is my shepherd

The Lord is

The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not want

You gave Your own life

for my ransom

So I could rejoice at Your side

You have shown Your faithfulness

again and again

There’s nothing good

that You will not provide

The Lord is

The Lord is my shepherd

The Lord is

The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not want

I will dwell in Your house

All the days of my life

I will dwell in Your house

All the days of my life

The Lord is

The Lord is my shepherd

The Lord is

The Lord is my shepherd

The Lord is

The Lord is my shepherd

The Lord is

Oh, You are my shepherd

I shall not want

The Lord Is
W--Pat Sczebel and Bob Kauflin M--Pat Sczebel

© 2008 Sovereign Grace Worship

CCLI License #1501423

How sweet and awe-ful is the place

With Christ within the doors,

While everlasting love displays

The choicest of her stores.
While all our hearts

and all our songs

Join to admire the feast,

Each of us cry,

with thankful tongues,

“Lord, why was I a guest?”
“Why was I made

to hear Thy voice,

And enter while there’s room,

When thousands make

a wretched choice,

And rather starve than come?”
‘Twas the same love

that spread the feast

That sweetly drew us in;

Else we had still refused to taste,

And perished in our sin.
Pity the nations, O our God,

Constrain the earth to come;

Send Thy victorious Word abroad,

And bring the strangers home.
We long to see Thy churches full,

That all the chosen race

May, with one voice

and heart and soul,

Sing Thy redeeming grace.

How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place

W--Isaac Watts M--St. Columba, ancient Irish melody

CCLI License #1501423

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