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Present Simple Present Continuous

Things which are always true: Things which are happening at the
 Water boils at 100 degrees. moment of speaking:
 The water is boiling now, so you can put
in the pasta.

Permanent situations (or nearly permanent; true for Temporary situations:

a few years at least):  Julie is living in Paris for a few months
 Julie lives in London. (usually she lives in London).
Situations which are slowly changing:
 I'm getting better and better at speaking

Habits or things we do regularly: Temporary or new habits:

 I drink coffee every morning.  I'm drinking too much coffee these days
because I'm so busy at work.
Annoying habits (usually with 'always'):
 My flatmate is always leaving the kitchen
in a mess!

Future events which are part of a timetable: Definite future plans:

 My plane leaves at eight tonight.  I'm meeting John after class today.
To talk about the future after certain words ('when'
'until' 'after' 'before' 'as soon as'):
 I'll call you when I get home.

To talk about what happens in books, plays and To talk about people in pictures and
films: photos:
 At the end of the book, the detective catchesthe  In this photo, my mother is walkingbeside
killer. a lake.

 We use the present simple with stative verbs. We can't use any continuous tense (including the
present continuous tense, of course) with stative verbs.


El pasado continuo expresa la duración de una acción pasada y no indica si

está terminada, mientras que el pasado simple se refiere a una acción puntual
que empezó y acabó en el pasado.
I worked last Saturday.
Trabajé el sábado pasado.
It was snowing at half past four yesterday.
Estaba nevando a las cuatro y media de ayer (no había acabado).

Diferencias pasado simple y continuo

1 El pasado simple describe acciones acabadas y el pasado continuo no

especifica si la acciones finalizaron o no, sino que enfatiza que estaban en
He travelled around the world.
Viajó por todo el mundo.
I was travelling around the world.
Estaba viajando por todo el mundo.

2 Para acciones simultáneas:

Si las acciones son consecutivas, los verbos irán en pasado simple.
As I saw her I left the room.
Cuando la ví dejé la habitación.
Cuando hay un pasado simple y uno continuo este último resalta la du ración
de la acción.
As I was watching tv the telephone rang.
Cuando estaba viendo la tele sonó el teléfono.
Si las dos acciones tienen lugar durante un mismo periodo de tiempo se
usará el pasado continuo en las dos.
As I was having dinner, she was watching tv.
Cuando estaba cenando ella estaba viendo la tv.

3 Para hablar de acciones habituales se suele usar el pasado simple.

She visited her parents every day.
Sin embargo podemos usar el pasado continuo para enfatiz ar que la acción
tuvo lugar temporalmente.
When I was ill he was visiting me twice a day.
Cuando estaba enfermo me visitaba dos veces al día (también es posible usar el
pasado simple en las dos).

4 En narraciones o historias se usa el pasado continuo par a describir o

ambientar una acción.
He was walking quickly. He was not wearing her glasses.
Suddenly he fall...
Estaba andando rápido. No llevaba sus gafas. De pronto se cayó...
The Prime Minister died while he was sitting at his desk.
El Primer Ministro m urió mientras estaba sentado en su mesa.

5 Con los verbos de estado en pasado, siempre que no tengan un

significado especial como ocurre en las diferencias entre presente simple y
I loved him.
Le amaba (verbo estado pasado).
I was tasting his cake.
Estaba probando su tarta (verbo acción voluntaria).
She was being silly.
Estaba siendo tonta (verbo estado temporal).


El "future continuous" está compuesto por dos elementos:
el "simple future" del verbo 'to be' + el "present participle" (raíz+ing) del verbo principal

Sujeto "simple future" de 'to be' "present participle" del verbo principal

You will be watching

I will be staying


Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa Negativa interrogativa

I will be staying. I won't be staying. Will I be staying? Won't I be staying?

You will be staying. You won't be staying. Will you be staying? Won't you be staying?

He will be staying. He won't be staying. Will he be staying? Won't he be staying?

She will be staying. She won't be staying. Will she be staying? Won't she be staying?

It will be staying. It won't be staying. Will it be staying? Won't it be staying?

We will be staying. We won't be staying. Will we be staying? Won't we be staying?

They will be staying. They won't be staying. Will they be staying? Won't they be staying?

El "future continuous" hace referencia a una acción o evento inacabados que seguirán ocurriendo
con posterioridad al momento presente. El "future continuous" se emplea con una considerable
variedad de propósitos.

1. I wash the teeth with a water glass
2. My dad washes the car with a water basin
3. My brothers take a shower with a water basin
4. I drink a water glass every day
5. Kevin safe water for the bath


1. You didn’t watch television every night. (Usted no vio televisión todas las noches)
2. They didn’t talk on the phone last week. (Ellos no hablaron por teléfono la semana pasada)
3. She didn’t want to learn French. (Ella no quiso aprender francés)
4. They didn’t work together for many years. (Ellos no trabajaron juntos por muchos años)
5. She didn’t wish to learn Italian. (Ella no deseó aprender italiano)


1. Does she attend church every day? Yes, she attends church every day. (¿Ella va a la iglesia
todos los días? Si, ella va a la iglesia todos los días)
2. Do you speak several foreign languages? No, I don’t speak several foreing languages. (¿Tú
hablas varias lenguas extranjeras? No, yo no hablo varias lenguas extranjeras)
3. Does she eat in the cafeteria every day? No, she doesn’t eat in the cafeteria every day. (¿Ella
come en la cafetería todos los días? No, ella no come en la cafetería todos los días)
4. Does she work for your uncle? No, she doesn’t. (¿Ella trabaja para tu tío? No)
5. Does the dog chase the cat all around the house? No, it doesn’t. (¿El perro persigue al gato
por toda la casa? No)


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