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Types of cell references

1. Relative references change when a formula is copied to another cell.
2. Absolute references, on the other hand, remain constant no matter where they are copied.
3. Mixed reference is a reference that refers to a specific row or column. For example, $A1 or A$1. If you want to
create a mixed reference - press the F4 key on the formula bar two or three times depending on whether you
want to refer to row or column. Press F4 one more time to go back to the relative cell reference.
 By default, all cell references are relative references.
 When copied across multiple cells, they change based on the relative position of rows and columns. For example, if
you copy the formula =A1+B1 from row 1 to row 2, the formula will become =A2+B2.
 There may be a time when you don't want a cell reference to change when copied to other cells.
 You can use an absolute reference to keep a row and/or column constant.
 An absolute reference is designated in a formula by the addition of a dollar sign ($). It can precede the column
reference, the row reference, or both.

Hands-on Instructions for Excel 8 (MARCH 6, 2019)

1. Copy the file CELL REFERENCING PRACTICE.xlsx from Cell Referencing folder in APHRODITE to your own folder
and rename it as First Name-Excel 9
2. On the Menu Order Sheet Compute for the Sales Tax
=(B4*C4)*$E$2 then auto copy by double clicking the fill handle.
3. On the Menu Order(No Tax) Sheet Compute for the Line Total by Multiplying the Unit Price and the Quantity.
4. On the Paper Goods Sheet compute for the Sales Tax.
=(B4*C4)*$E$2 then auto copy by double clicking the fill handle.
5. On the Catering Invoice Sheet fill in the
 Menu Order Line Total using this formula:
=‘Menu Order’!E14
 Paper Goods Line Total formula
=‘Paper Goods’!E13
6. Preview and change the Page Set Up:
 Fit to one page
 Center to page horizontally
 Header title: Right Section – Cell Referencing


1. Use the SUM Function to get the Total for the Written Work and Performance Task.
2. Written Work Formula for the Equivalent Grade use this formula =K3/$K$3*100.
3. Weighted Score Written Work use this formula =L3*$M$1.
4. Performance Task Equivalent Grade use this formula =T3/$T$3*100
5. Performance Task Weighted Score use this formula =U3*$V$1
6. Quarterly Assessment Formula for the Equivalent Grade: use this formula =W3/$W$3*100
7. Weighted Score (QA) use this formula =Y3*$AA$1
8. For the Initial Grade: Add all the weighted Score =M3+V3+Z3


USE THIS FORMULA: on cell B2, type this =$A3*B$1 THEN AUTOCOPY

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