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Increase interest in literacy from an early age for quality education

Created for the final task of Joint Stage Preparation Course (TPB)

Written by:

Harry Pari Swara


Animal Husbandry Study Program

Faculty of Animal Husbandry

Padjadjaran University


Praise and Thanksgiving let us give to Allah almighty creator of the universe
thanks to the grace and the gift of this paper can be resolved. Blessings and greetings
hopefully always expressed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. A Paper entitled “Increase
interest in literacy from an early age for quality education” This was written for the final
project course TPB.

Don’t forget thank for all lectures has exposed course about “Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)”, And all parties who helped so that this paper can be

This paper is not perfect and there are still many deficiencies, It is expected that the
criticism and suggestions that build to furnish deficient in this paper. And I hope this paper
beneficial for everyone and they can provide a solution to the problem that goes around us
and bring good for all of us.

Jatinangor, December 2017

Harry Pari Swara


PREFACE .... ......................................................................................................................I

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... II

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ III

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1

1.1. ISSUE BACKGROUND ............................................................................ 1

1.2. PROBLEM FORMULATION .................................................................... 1
1.3. PURPOSE ............................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER 2. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................. 2

2.1. QUALITY EDUCATION........................................................................... 2

LEARNING ............................................................................................. 4


PANCASILA AND CITIZENSHIP .............................................................. 5
2.4.1. Quality education in the perspective of Citizenship.................... 5
2.4.2. Quality education in the perspective of Pancasila...................... 6

CHAPTER 3. CLOSING ................................................................................................... 7

3.1. CONCLUSION ................................................................................... 7

3.2. SUGGESTION .................................................................................... 7

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................ 8


Table 1. Indonesian Reading Culture ..................................................................................... 4


1.1. Issue Background

As time passes, the world becomes faster with tight competition, it demands a
person to be more creative, innovative, strong mentally and characterized in order to
compete in this increasingly fast age, to produce someone who can compete with the
development of an increasingly advanced era, quality education is required.

Basically, quality education aims to produce a quality. To realize the quality

education, of course, required good education facilities, qualified educators, and
integrated education system. In addition to realizing quality education can be
supported with small things, for example, increase interest in literacy early on.

Increasing the interest of literacy will increase creativity, motivation, and

broaden knowledge and knowledge on such basis will support the realization of
quality education. As well as being introduced and applied from an early age is
expected to be a good habit going forward.

1.2. Problem Formulation

a. What is quality education?
b. What prevents learners from learning in order to realize quality education?
c. How is the solution to the barriers learning to learners can be overcome?
d. How to review quality education in the perspective of Pancasila and citizenship?

1.3. Purpose
a. To know what is meant by quality education
b. To find out what is inhibiting learners in learning for the realization of quality
c. To know the solution to the barriers learning to learners can be overcome
d. To know how to review quality education in the perspective of Pancasila and


2.1. Quality education

Education is a right that every Indonesian citizen must have, in general

education is "a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and
learning process so that learners actively develop their potential to have spiritual
power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as
skills needed him, society, nation and state "(UU no.20 of 2003). So education is
needed by everyone, because with the education of one's knowledge can increase, with
the demanded to always think it will be motivated to be intelligent, and inculcated
souls responsible and discipline with a strong religious foundation.
To produce a quality and have a high competitiveness then it takes a quality
education to support the realization of it. According to Nugroho (2012), there are 5
important factors for realizing quality education:
a. Vision
Vision is a goal to be achieved for the future, therefore to make quality education
requires a clear, transparent and consistent vision.
b. Curriculum
The curriculum is a reference in planning and creating programs that will be
applied in the process of daily teaching and learning in school. In order to obtain a
quality education, a curriculum should be established that emphasizes more on two-
way interaction between teacher and student. Never again a curriculum with a Top-
Down system, which is the learner as a passive object that only accepts whatever
the teacher conveyed to the students, the learner's brain like a science paddock
filled by the teacher, the learner accommodates only what is delivered by the
c. Quality of Teachers
The quality of the teacher is very important to note because in learning to teach, a
student interacts and absorb knowledge from the teacher. So with qualified teachers
expected students can absorb the quality of a teacher.

d. Physical Education Facility
Good physical facilities are needed to create safety and comfort in learning so that
in the learning process can run well.
e. Learners/ student
Learners are very important because learners are objects or products resulting from
the education system. They are also very influential towards the achievement of
quality education. The most important thing for learners is they must have a strong
learning motivation because with it as heavy as any learning process that he felt
would be overcome with strong motivation.
It takes synergy of the above five factors to create a quality education to create
competing and useful resources for the nation and country.

2.2. Barriers learners in realizing quality education

To be able to realize something there must be obstacles in the process. in
realizing quality education a lot of factors that affect the process of achieving these
goals. But in this paper which is the emphasis is the factor of learners. Because
learners are a major part of education. The main barrier of learners is in the learning
process. According to Ardi (2015) the main problems in learning are as follows:
a. Lazy
lazy is owned by everyone, everyone has their own way to overcome it, but the
main thing in the cause of laziness is the lack of motivation from the learner.
b. Learn to pursue academic value
In this case, learning just to gain value is not to gain knowledge in the lessons. The
occurrence of things like this because the students do not have something to
achieve because of lack of information and insight they have that causes them not
know where to go.
c. Self-Judgment
Self-judgment is a form of self-disbelief because of their lack of knowledge and
desire to be a better person.
d. Hate against certain subjects
Things like this are caused by several factors, namely, teachers who are less
friendly, or lack of confidence to be able to master the subjects.

e. Wrong way of learning
How to learn each person is different, most people learn in a way that is less precise
they tend to learn to push yourself because they do not know with themselves and
lack of information and insights that can support the way of learning.
f. Inconsistent learning spirit
The spirit of learning is up and down due to low motivation and do not want to be
like what the future because of lack of information and insight owned.
If the above things are not overcome then it will cause a decrease in student
achievement that also affects the decrease in the quality of education. It would be
useless if Vision, Curriculum, Good Teachers, Facilities are adequate but not balanced
with good students.

2.3. Solutions to overcome the obstacles of learners in learning

Solutions to overcome problems in learning is to increase the interest of literacy
early on. The goal is done from an early age to become good habits for the future.
According to KBBI (2016) language Literacy is the ability to write and read.
Given the reading interest in Indonesia is still very low which is shown in the
following table:
Table 1. Indonesian Reading Culture

Source: the study of National Library of Indonesia (2015)

Therefore there needs to be increased interest in Literacy. By often reading and
writing will add insight and hone one's mindset. By often reading and writing will add
insight and sharpen one's mindset, knowledge will be expanded, so with the
knowledge, it will give a picture of what will be done for the future. So will be formed
motivation and passion for learning because it has a goal to be achieved for the future.
Quoted from there are many benefits if often read, including:
a. Can stimulate mental
b. Can reduce stress
c. Increase the insight and knowledge
d. Adding vocabulary
e. Improve memory quality
f. Train skills for thinking and analyzing
g. Increase focus and concentration
h. Train to write well
i. Can expand one's thinking
j. Can improve social relationships
k. May help prevent cognitive impairment
l. Can increase one's empathy
m. Can push one's life goals
n. Can help us connect with the outside world
o. Can be more economical

With the interest of literacy early on, it is expected that literacy interest can
become a habit and become a solution to eliminate the obstacles that are felt when

2.4. Quality education is reviewed in the perspective of Pancasila and citizenship

2.4.1. Quality education in the perspective of Citizenship
Education in Indonesia is regulated in UU No.20 of 2003 on National
Education System, quality education is set out in the following articles:
a. Article 5, paragraph 1 “Setiap Warga Negara mempunyai hak yang sama
untuk memperoleh Pendidikan yang bermutu.”

b. Article 11 paragraph 1 “Pemerintah dan Pemerintah Daerah wajib
memberikan layanan dan kemudahan, serta menjamin terselenggaranya
pendidikan yang bermutu bagi setiap warga negara tanpa diskriminasi.”
c. Article 41 paragraph 3 “Pemerintah dan Pemerintah Daerah wajib
memfasilitasi satuan pendidikan dengan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan
yang diperlukan untuk menjamin terselenggaranya pendidikan yang

In the above chapters, it can be said that the government has regulated the
quality education system in such a way, by granting the right to receive a quality
education for everyone without exception. And the government has an obligation
to facilitate and provide services to the community as well as possible in order to
achieve a quality education.

2.4.2. Quality education in the perspective of Pancasila

Pancasila is the foundation of the State of Indonesia, in the precepts of
Pancasila there are points that can be used as a reference in forming quality
education, the items are as follows:
a. The 2nd principle item 1 “Mengakui persamaan derajat persamaan hak dan
persamaan kewajiban antara sesama Manusia.”
b. The 4th principle item 1 “Mengutamakan kepentingan negara dan
c. The 5th principle item 1 “Mengembangkan perbuatan-perbuatan yang luhur
yang mencerminkan sikap dan suasana kekeluargaan dan gotong-royong.”
d. The 5th principle item 12 “Bersama-sama berusaha mewujudkan kemajuan
yang merata dan berkeadilan sosial.”

From the points above can be concluded that each person must get a
quality education because everyone has the same rights and obligations. Quality
education should be based on the interests of the state and society. And to realize
the quality education needed mutual cooperation from all related parties together
to realize quality education.


In realizing quality education of course influenced by many factors one of them
is a factor of learners. the main obstacle experienced by learners is in the learning
process. learners are often lazy, not confident and the spirit of up and down. To
overcome these problems it is necessary to increase interest in Literacy early to
increase insight and knowledge, and improve intelligence because by reading and
writing the brain is required to always think. With Literacy expected learners can
know what the desire for the future and will arise motivation and spirit to achieve the
goal so that the barriers to learn learners can be overcome.
In UU No.20 of 2003, it has been stipulated that the important role in the
realization of quality education is the government.

The constructive criticism and suggestion of the reader are desirable to
improve this paper in the future, as this paper still has many shortcomings.


Ardi, Glenn. (27 March 2015). 6 masalah utama dalam belajar dan solusinya. Retrieved
Jaranan. ( 16 Agustus 2017). Safari Gerakan Nasional Gemar Membaca 2016 di tengah
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KBBI. (2016). KBBI Daring. Retrieved from
Nugroho, Puguh. (12 November 2012). Lima hal penting dalam mewujudkan pendidikan
berkualitas. Retrieved from
Presiden Republik Indonesia. (8 July 2003). Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor
20 tahun 2003 Tentang sistem pendidikan Nasional. Retrieved from
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