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Luke Landrum 1 Landrum

Senior Literature

Annotated Bibliographies

Anshari, Muhammad, Mohammad Nabil Almunawar, Masitah Shahrill, Kuncoro

Wicaksono Danang, and Miftachul Huda. "Smartphones Usage in the Classrooms: Learning Aid

Or Interference?" ​Education and Information Technologies​ 22, no. 6 (11, 2017): 3063-79,​.

In the article, Anshari examines the topic of whether the use of cellphones in a classroom

type environment is more of a distraction or an educational aid. As the author continued to

analyze the topic the research was mostly conducted around young adults or even children. The

research was conducted in high schools and elementary schools to see what type of age group

would mostly be affected by the use in their phone. The young adult group for the research was

asked to fill out a survey to see whether the students were being affected by their own

technology. The stats differed between genders and age groups in high school, but the average

amount of the students concluded that the use of technology has been used by about 48% of the

students agreed they were moderately good at technology. With this knowledge all the students

own technology and are examined through the psychological process. The students admit that the

phone’s are pulled out in front of the teacher as pure nature as in the phone is an addiction the

students know it's wrong, but do it anyway. I want to use this source as evidence to the

physiological role smartphones have on the young adults.

Luke Landrum 2 Landrum
Senior Literature
Carr, Nicholas. "How Smartphones Hijack our Minds; Research Suggests that as the Brain

Grows Dependent on Phone Technology, the Intellect Weakens."​ Wall Street Journal (Online)​,

Oct 06, 2017​. ProQuest​, ​​.

The author’s article informs his audience of any person who owns a smartphone of what

the phones are doing to their intelligence. The author conducted some research on the effects the

phone has on your intelligence and finds out that the effects of your phone make you more

reliable on technology than any other source. Using technology as your source seems to make

people less intelligent and that effect lasts even after using technology. The effects are that the

ringing of the phones makes people anxious and when the phone is heard people can not trouble

shoot because they are too focused on their phones. This was a point the author tries to prove

with al these skills being decreased due to a buzz of a phone is somewhat an addiction. The

addiction can be compared to a smoker as it is not as servier of a case, the additional side effects

are similar when we worry about checking our phone. I will use this as one of the negative side

effects smartphones have on your brain.

Reimers, Stian, and Neil Stewart. "Using Adobe Flash Lite on Mobile Phones for Psychological

Research: Reaction Time Measurement Reliability and Interdevice Variability."​ Behavior

Research Methods​, vol. 40, no. 4, 2008, pp. 1170-6​. ProQuest,​​.
Luke Landrum 3 Landrum
Senior Literature

According to Reimer’s article, this Adobe software is a good thing for the people who use

the software as it strengthens your thought process and how it makes a person reliable. As the

whole purpose of the Adobe Flash Lite on the smartphones could test your psychological skills

and other skills if need be. The whole creation of Adobe Flash Lite was to measure people

reaction times as it is said many times in this article to the point where reaction time is simply

(RT). The Adobe software confirmed by the company themselves showed stats to people of their

software to get people interested as the reaction time’s of people would increase by a use of a

simple software. This software according to the author as a positive outcome as the software is

trying to better people with technology and not try to destroy any intellect with the entertainment

on the smart phones. This article will be used for my positive look on what smartphones have.

Speake, Janet and Leopoul Nchawa Yangke. ""what do I do with My Old Mobile Phones? I just

Put them in a Drawer": Attitudes and Perspectives Towards the Disposal of Mobile Phones in

Liverpool, UK." ​Human Geographies​ 9, no. 2 (11, 2015): 241-60,​.

This article written by author Speake, is a different look on how people in the United Kingdom

view their older and not so advanced cell phones. As the article goes into more detail, the article

mentions about 80% of the United kingdom's population owns a mobile phone, but not as

advanced. The article specifically references it as a “retired phone”. The phone was meant to be a
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Senior Literature
sort of home phone where you could make calls and possibly text, however these phones are not

smartphones so they are often left in places to be left in the home instead of being in a pocket or

stared at twenty four hours a day. The article explain with its research evidence that the phones

that are used in the United Kingdom don’t take people away from being social or being

unintelligent. It does the opposite since people are not relying on their smartphone to entertain

them all the time. I will use this article to explain an alternative solution to having a smartphone.

"Simple Changes in Behaviour, Smarter Electricity use, can Save You Money; being 'Power

Smart' about Your Electricity can Save You Money and Earn You Rewards."​ The Vancouver

Sun​, Feb 21, 2014​. ProQuest​,​.

The Vancouver Sun has posted a website about how to save money by making certain lifestyle

changes. For example the article uses a man using so much electricity on turning on the stove

only to waste the water he poured down the drain, but with a simple tool he bought by using less

electricity to save money allows the man to simply recycle the unused water into the faucet

again. The reason the article talks about this particular incident it to get the general audience of

their own to think about changing certain things they do every day to save a couple of dollars or

so. The money then could be spent on other materials or bills that an average person does not

like to do. This part of my research is going to be a huge part in explaining a plan that I have
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Senior Literature
created that allows people to save money with the internet providers, the price of a cell phone,

and a computer that would simplify their lifestyle to save money.

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