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CAU HOI ON TAP TRAC NGHIEM HE DIEU HANH LINUX Giang vién T.S Dao Thé Long 1. Phan quan trong nbt cia hg did hin Linux Bh ‘a. File System b. Services © Kernel 4 Shell Ae 2. S6 phign bin kemel cia Linux e6 gi de big 3. S6 chin li phign bin én dinh b. S61 Hi phign ban thi nghigm King quan trong 4. Cava vab ding Ad 3. Khi cai RedHat Linux é ché d@ nto thi a, Workstation b. Server c, Workstation and Server 4d. Khong edi ndo ding, partion DOS bi xo: Asb 4. Kign trie Kernel Linux Ii: a. Static b. Microkernel , Distributed d. Monolithic Ad “Tae gia ciia phign ban he di Bill Gates Linus Tolvards ‘Alan Turing, Pascal hin Linux du tiga 1a ? Acb 6. DE ligt ke cée file e6 trong thur muc hign inh ta dling lénh: a Ieahls b. enh df ce. inh du leah ep Ava 7. Dé ligt ke day dit thong tin cua ede file ¢6 trong th mue hign hinh theo ta diing Ign Is véi tham so b 4 don Ab 8. Dé igt ke ce file n trong thr mue higm hin theo ta dng Kenh Is vii tham sé ab ba ce aon Ach 9. Dé chuyén sang mot thu myc khéc ta diing Iénh a. Lénh edir b. Lénhed c, Lénh mkdir d. Lénh dir Ach 10. MOt user c username li sinhvien vi home directory ciia anh ta ti ‘Ahome’sinhvien, BE we v8 home dir cua anh ta 1 eich nbanh nhit, anh ta phi ding leah aod b. ed Aromelsinhvien ©. ed/; ed home :ed sinhvien 4d. od rome’sinhvien Ath 11. Dé chép mGt file /tmp/hello.txt vio thir mye /Amp/hello/ ta phai Bim Iénh no sau day: 4, copy /tmp/hello.txt /tmp/hello’ b. ep impshello.txt /tmpyhello fc. epimp/hello /tmp/hello 4. ep /tmprhello.xt_/tmp hello Acd 12. Dé xem ndi dung m6t tap tin van ban trong Linux ta e6 thé ding Ignh no sau day a, cat b. less ec. more 4d. ca3 Henh tn Acd CD trong Linux ta phai lam thé nao ? 13. Bé doe noi dung mot a, Phai mount truée b. eject cdrom c,d /mnv/edrom 4d. Khong doc duge CD rom Aa 14, Lim thé no d8 doe m6t dta mém trong Linux a, mount /dew/f0 b. mount Mdevedrom ©. Khvng cin lim gl cd, chi vige doe ir 4 od imnufloppy Aca 15. Téip tin nao chira cée mount point mic dinh khi hé thing boot Ken: a, /etcimtab b. fetelmountcont ©. ietetab 4. fetclmodules.conf 16. Tap tin nao chita théng tin eée file system dang duge mount a, etclmntab b. lete/mount.cont c. fetclistab 4d. /etclmodules.cont Arb 17. Tap tin saw day e6 thuge tinh nur thé nao = a. 077 b. 644 ©. 755 a7 18, Dé thiét lip thude tinh cho mét tp tin vii ede yeu cd sau: = Chit sor hit duge quyén doe ghi, nhbm duge doe, thy thi, other chi de thi ta lim lenh nao dus diy. a, chmod 665 b. chmod 654 chmod 653 chmod 754 Asb 19. Tp tin c6 du chim “." Phia tarde e6 die ti gi die bigt Vidu: -hello.xt Tap tn in The thi Khong thiy doe véi Knh Is ‘Tap tin hg théng Asa 20. Lénh nio cho phép ta tgo mot account user moi trén hg thing a, Lenhadduser b. Lénh useradd e. nh passwd d. Caua vib ding Ad 21, Sau khi dinh Ignh useradd sinhvien, Hi user ¢6 account 18 sinhvien e6 thé Jogin vao he thong duge cha ? a. Duge b. Khong, 22. Tép tin etc/passwd chita thing tin gi cua users hé thong a. Chita profile ciia ngudi ding b. Chita uid,gid, home directory, shell cc. Chita password cua ngudi ding Chita tap shadow ciia nguti ding Acb 23, Tép tn fete/shadow eh dhdng tn gi eta users hg thong a, Chita profile cia ngudi ding: b. Chita uid,gid, home directory, shell ©. Chita password cia ng ding Chia login name 24. Trong hé thong Linu user nio e6 quyén eao mht ‘User administrator b. User root ©. User admin a Usere6 UID-0 Ach 25, HE thdng Linux e@ my Run Level chinh a. C67 Run Level b. C66 Run Level ¢, C65 Run Level C54 Run Level Aa 26, Run level nao la shutdown va halt hé théng a. Level b. Level fe. Level 3 d. Level S| Ab 27. Run level nio li reboot thing

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