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Candidate Statements for Uncontested Positions

Questions for any candidate can be sent to

Danielle Stampley-Chair
I am the outgoing Co-Vice-Chair of the Democrats Abroad - Toronto Chapter, and I am
running for Chair because I would like to build on the momentum we created in 2018 by
increasing engagement in 2019 and getting out the vote in 2020. I am also the current
Counsel of Democrats Abroad Canada.

Before joining Democrats Abroad, I worked with other small volunteer projects. In the short
time I have been with DA (since 2017), I have learned a lot about organizing and how to
best deploy the resources we have available. We are all volunteers, which means we have
limited time and have to be strategic in how we invest that time. We are getting better and
better at this, and our enthusiasm is limitless.

As a Vice Chair, I helped plan meetings and chair them in our Chair's absence. I organized
volunteers, sent out communications and planned events. I also worked to organize chapter
resources online and train volunteers. I have attended our international DA Meeting and
have developed a good understanding of the organization's resources and rules.

When I'm not working with DA, I'm a lawyer. I started out practicing in a large law firm in
New York, and now I represent workers and unions in an employment and labour practice.
In both settings, organization, planning, and leadership are key to a successful practice. I
rely on these skills in my work with DA.

I am a Missouri voter, and I won't be satisfied unless we do everything we can to turn out
every overseas Democratic vote in 2020. I would very much appreciate your support.

Karin Lippert-Co-Vice-Chair
Nominated by Julie Buchanan
We need people like Karin Lippert who inspires the people with hope and
justice in their heart to devote enough time into changing the world.

She has devoted hundreds of hours to voter outreach events, hitting the
streets and handing out literature, working in voter outreach booths at
street fairs, organizing events like debate watches and producing a voter
outreach video at Second City.

In the last term she co-chaired the first ever Women's Caucus in Toronto and has been
fighting for womens' rights for 50 years.

As our media contact, she sent out press releases and organized at least 3o interviews with
various board members. The key in terms of media is establishing good relationships,
providing accurate information and putting forward spokespersons who can put the
issues and Democrats Abroad role in getting out the vote to as wide an
audience as possible. Building the media relationships is especially
important in a large media market like Toronto.

She has the experience, expertise and is an inspiration to us all.

George Polak – Co-Vice-Chair


I am a retired sales and marketing leadership professional with some 44 years of doing the
work and leading the work of others in a team-oriented setting.

I am committed to the ideals of the Democrat party who, I firmly believe today more than
ever needs to take back the White House and Senate while retaining the House.

I am an Army veteran of 3 years which included a tour in 1970 in Vietnam Nam and feel I
did not make this sacrifice so that our thin skinned, no nothing, egomaniac could become
leader of the US and the free world.
It would be my honour to serve!

Mari Rutka-Secretary
Self Nominated

I have enjoyed my duties as co-secretary for the Toronto Chapter and am willing to continue
in that role. It has been a pleasure to be around so many who are dedicated to making a
difference by helping to support Americans abroad, both in their ability to vote and in
supporting matters of particular concern to Americans living in Canada. Hope I can still

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