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Check exercises on the knowledge environment:

Group has to check “Knowledge Environment” and develop all the Writing exercises. There are 5
students and each student develop two writing assignments in the Forum.

Student 1: unit 1.1 and unit 1.2 – I choose the number 1 – Jaider Aragon

Student 2: unit 1.3 and unit 2.1

Student 3: unit 2.2 and unit 2.3

Student 4: unit 3.1 and unit 3.2

Student 5: unit 3.3 and unit 3.4

Look for this in each unit and develop the writing exercise. Save the evidence of your developed
activities and share them in the forum.

Writing activity unit 1

Unit 1.1. Fasten your seat belt


Write a list of 6 recommendations a good driver should follow while on the road.

Copy the list on the clipboard and save it as a text/word document.

Send the list to your instructor by mail.

If you want to be a good driver and prevent accidents and hurt people that you love, you should:

 Drive slowly while you go with your family

 Don’t drive if you are drinking alcohol, it´s better that you pass the key to a chosen driver
 Use the seat belt every time you are driving without exceptions
 Respect the signals transit all along the way, for example don’t pass another vehicle in
double line
 Have all the documents in order and always have them with you
 Check your car before star the engine to see if everything is ok, like the engine, mirrors,
seat belt, breaks, clutch, accelerator and the like


Develop by Jaider Aragon

Mobile: 3104822377

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