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/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

Created by Jason Elbourne on 2011-12-29.

Copyright (c) 2011 Jason Elbourne. All rights reserved.

import operator

## Get each word - Turn to Lower case (.lower())

## Count Duplicates of words
## Dictionary {word:count,word2:count2}
## Sort this based on most used word
## Print the Top 20 Words

def sort_dict(d, reverse=True):

return sorted(d.iteritems(), reverse=reverse, \

def rank_words_from_File(f):
Takes in a file, then ranks all the words within the file

Args: a file

Return: A Dictionary of all the words as the Key

and the ranking as the value
word_dict = {}
words = []
for line in f:
list_of_words = line.split()
for w in list_of_words:

for word in words:

if word_dict.has_key(word):
word_dict[word] += 1
word_dict[word] = 1

return word_dict

def main():
# Title
print 'The Word Game'
print '='*30
print ""

# Game Setup
f = open('alice.txt', 'rU')
print 'Loading Words....'
orig_ranked_words_dict = rank_words_from_File(f)
print 'Loading Complete!!!'
print 'Game Starting...'
print ""

#Game Loops
while True: # loop for each Game
# Determine what the round limit is
while True:
round_limit = int(raw_input('Choose Game Length, how many Rounds?
[enter a number larger than 0]: '))

if int(round_limit) <= 0:
print 'Answer must be more than 0, Please try again!'
print ""
print 'An Error Occured, make sure you enter an Integer.'
print ""

# Setup initial Variables

points = [0,0]
cur_player = 1
cur_word = ""
cur_round = 1
round_over = False

# Important Create a copy of the Dictionary

ranked_words_dict = orig_ranked_words_dict.copy()

while True: # loop for each Round

print 'Round', cur_round
print 'Player 1: %d Player 2: %d' % (points[0],points[1])
print ""
print ""

while True: # loop for each word

if len(cur_word) > 0:
print ""
print ""
print (" "*5)+'Current String = "%s"' % cur_word
print ""

# Get the new letter

new_letter = str(raw_input('Player %d, Please enter a letter: ' %
if len(new_letter) > 1:
new_letter = new_letter[0]
# Add it to the current Word
cur_word = str(cur_word)+str(new_letter).lower()

# Check if word in Ranked Word Dict

potential_word = False
for key, value in ranked_words_dict.items():
#found = re.match(str(cur_word), str(key))
#if found: # alice
if len(cur_word) <= len(key) and str(cur_word) ==
potential_word = True
if str(cur_word) == str(key) and len(cur_word)>3:
round_over = True
round_points = value
del ranked_words_dict[key]

# Check if the cur_word is not valid using the variable

if potential_word == False:
round_over = True
round_points = int(5)

print ""
print ""
print '%s - will not make valid word, Player %d lost that
Round!!' % \

# Check if round_over is True

if round_over:
# Statement to determine list position of winning player
if cur_player == 2:
p = 0
winning_player = 1
p = 1
winning_player = 2

# Assign points to winning player

points[p] += round_points

print ""
print "!#YAH#!"*10
print ""

print (" "*15)+'Winning Word = "%s"' % cur_word

print (" "*4)+'Player %d just won that Round!!! (%d points)'
% \

print ""
print "!#YAH#!"*10
print ""

cur_word = ""
# Exit Round


# Change the player
if cur_player == 1:
cur_player = 2
cur_player = 1
# Back inside of the Rounds Loop
if cur_round == round_limit:
print ""
print 'Round Limit Reached'
print ""
print 'Player 1: %d Player 2: %d' % (points[0],points[1])
print ""
print ""
if points[0] > points[1]:
print 'Player 1 WINS !!!!'
elif points[0] < points[1]:
print 'Player 2 WINS !!!!'
print "It's a TIE !!!!"
print ""


round_over = False
cur_round += 1

# Back in the Game Loop

user_input = str(raw_input('Type "q" to quit or "<any key>" to play again:
if user_input.lower() == 'q':

# The Game has been exited

print ""
print ""
print 'Thank You for Playing!!!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

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