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PERANGKAT perkuliahan


Mata Kuliah : Character Building in LT

Kode Mata Kuliah : ING 562
Semester : V (Lima)

Nama Dosen : Ircham Asrori D, M.Pd

NIDN : 0427088805
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris



Mata Kuliah : Character Building in LT

Kode Mata Kuliah : ING 562
Semester : V (Lima)
SKS :3
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Standar Kompetensi : 1. Students are due to be able to develop their ability in understanding the character building in LT.
2. Students are due to be able to practicing character building, and applying the character building in or outside of the class.
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : The aim of character building is to develop students ability in understanding the character building in language teaching.

Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
1. Understand the The students are 1. Presents syllabus 1. The lecturer Lecturing - - 90 minutes -
purpose of this able to understand for one semester, presents the Discussion
course the purpose of this divides group for syllabus of the
presentation, Write the
course. course, divide the
describes the conclusion
group for
activities students presentation,
will do during the describes the
lessons, explains activities
how to pass and students will do
acquire grades. during the
lessons, explains
2. Presents the rules how to pass and
of the class acquire grades.
concerning 2. The lecturer also
absence, tasks and presents the rules
other assignments, of the class
individual concerning
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
performance, and absence, tasks
assessment and other
components. assignments,
3. Explain assessment performance, and
components and assessment
the percentage for components.
each component. 3. The lecturer and
the students
4. Explain about agree on the
micro teaching and assessment
the purpose of this components and
course. the percentage
for each
4. The lecturer
gives short
about character
building in
teaching and the
purpose of this
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
2. Understand the The students be able 1. Definitions of 1. The lecturer asks Contextual Writing Test  What do 90 minutes Harmer, Jeremy.
concepts of a to understand teaching and to students how to instruction you know How to teach
Speaking Test
good teacher. concepts of a good learning. be a good teacher. method about English (An
teacher. teaching Introduction to the
2. Definitions of 2. The lecturer gives Project and Practice of
effective teacher. explanation how based learning? English Language
should teacher talk learning Teaching). United
3. What makes a to students.  What is a Kingdom: Pearson
teacher effective? teacher? Longman. 1998.
3. The group
4. General areas of presentation gives Spalding, Dan.
 Explain the
Teacher explanation about How to Teach
concept of
Competence the instruction that Adults (Plan Your
should be given by Class, Teach Your
5. Professional a teacher to Students, Change
Responsibilities students. the World).
Jossey-Bass: San
6. A reflective 4. The lecturer Francisco. 2014.
Decision-Making explains about
Model of what the best kinds
Teaching. of lesson to build
students’ character.
7. Importance of
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
3. Understand the The students be 1. Sources of 1. The lecturer asks Contextual Writing Test  How to 90 minutes Harmer, Jeremy.
concept of good able to understand Instructional to students to instruction find How to teach
learner in the concept of Objectives describe a good method sources of English (An
language good learner in learner. instructio Introduction to the
teaching. language teaching 2. Criteria for useful Project nal Practice of
instructional 2. The group based objectives English Language
Objectives. presentation learning ? Teaching). United
a. Student- gives explanation  Explain Kingdom: Pearson
Oriented how important clearly the Longman. 1998.
b. Descriptive of the motivation criteria for
Appropriate for students. useful Spalding, Dan.
Learning instructio How to Teach
Outcomes 3. The group nal Adults (Plan Your
c. Clear and presentation objectives Class, Teach Your
understandable gives explanation . Students, Change
d. Observable about the the World).
characteristics of Jossey-Bass: San
3. Three Steps for good classroom Francisco. 2014.
writing for learners.
Objectives 4. The group
presents how to
4. How Instructional teach adults and
objectives can help different levels.
you teach
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
4. Understand how to The students be 1. How should 1. The lecture gives Contextual Speaking Test  Define the 90 minutes Harmer, Jeremy.
manage the able to understand teacher use their explanation how instruction method How to teach
teaching and how to involve the physical presence to use physical method how to English (An
learning. students in in class? presence in class. involve the Introduction to the
learning. students in Practice of
2. How should 2. The lecturer learning English Language
teachers use their gives explanation learning Teaching). United
voice in class? how to use voice Kingdom: Pearson
in class Longman. 1998.
3. What is the best
seating 3. The lecturer Spalding, Dan.
arrangement for a gives explanation How to Teach
class? what is the best Adults (Plan Your
seating Class, Teach Your
4. What different arrangement for a Students, Change
students grouping class. the World).
can teachers use? Jossey-Bass: San
Francisco. 2014.
5. How can teachers 4. The lecturer give
evaluate the explanation about
success of failure grouping can
of their lesson? teachers use

5. The lecturer
gives explanation
about how can
teachers evaluate
the success of
failure of their
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
5. Describe the The students be able 1. What do we know 1. Project Based Contextual Writing Test  What do 90 minutes Harmer, Jeremy.
teaching and to describe teaching about language Learning instruction you know How to teach
Speaking Test
learning. and learning learning? The students do method about English (An
the task in a paper language Introduction to the
2. What elements are form about Project learning? Practice of
necessary for teaching and based  English Language
successful learning and learning Teaching). United
language learning present the paper Kingdom: Pearson
in classroom? in forum Longman. 1998.

3. What teaching 2. Lecturing Spalding, Dan.

models have 3. Discussion How to Teach
influenced current 4. Write the Adults (Plan Your
teaching practice? conclusion Class, Teach Your
Students, Change
the World).
Jossey-Bass: San
Francisco. 2014.
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
6. Understand how The students 1. What does 1. Project Based Project Writing Test  90 minutes Harmer, Jeremy.
to build understand how to language study Learning based How to teach
Speaking Test
character in build character in consist of? The students do learning English (An
language language teaching 2. How should we the task in a Introduction to the
teaching expose student to paper form Contextual Practice of
language? about how to learning English Language
3. How can teachers build character method Teaching). United
help students to in teaching and Kingdom: Pearson
understand learning and Longman. 1998.
language meaning? present the
4. How can teachers paper in forum Spalding, Dan.
help students to How to Teach
understand Adults (Plan Your
language form? Class, Teach Your
5. How should Students, Change
students practice the World).
language? Jossey-Bass: San
6. Why do students Francisco. 2014.
make mistakes?
7. How should
teachers correct
8. Where do language
study activities fit
in teaching
7. Understand how The student 1. Start and finish 1. Project Based Project Writing Test 90 minutes Spalding, Dan. How
to run the class understand how to each class the same Learning Based to Teach Adults
Speaking Test
run the class way The students do Learning (Plan Your Class,
2. Build trust to the task in a Teach Your
Contextual Students, Change the
maximize learning paper form about
learning World). Jossey-Bass:
3. Cold call how to run the
method San Francisco. 2014.
4. Do it again class and present
5. Take breaks the paper
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
8. Ujian Tengah - - - - - - - -
Semester (UTS)
9. Practice for The students be 1. Why to teach 1. The lecturer Contextual Performance 90 minutes Harmer, Jeremy.
teaching reading able to teaching reading? gives explanation instruction Test How to teach
skills reading skills and examples the method English (An
2. What kind of basic rules of Introduction to the
reading should teaching reading Practice of
student do? skill; how to open English Language
and close in Teaching). United
teaching and Kingdom: Pearson
3. What reading skills
learning process; Longman. 1998.
should students
acquire? how to deliver
the material of Spalding, Dan.
4. What are the reading skill. How to Teach
principles behind Adults (Plan Your
the teaching of 2. The lecturer asks Class, Teach Your
reading? the students to Students, Change
make english the World).
5. What do reading lesson plan Jossey-Bass: San
sequences look “RPP” for Francisco. 2014.
like? reading skill.

6. More reading 3. The lecturer will

suggestions check and
correcting all of
students english
lesson plan
“RPP” of reading

4. The lecturer asks

the students to
practice and
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
apply their
english lesson
plan “RPP” as a
real teacher in
front of the class.

5. The lecturer will

check and
between students
performance with
their english
lesson plan.

6. The lecturer will

give suggestion
and also evaluate
the students
performance in
teaching listening

10. Practice for The students be 1. Why teach writing? 1 The lecturer gives Contextual Performance 90 minutes Harmer, Jeremy.
teaching writing able to teaching explanation and instruction Test How to teach
skill. writing skill 2. What kind of examples the basic method English (An
writing should rules of teaching Introduction to the
students do? speaking skill; how Practice of
to open and close English Language
3. What do writing in teaching and Teaching). United
sequences look learning process; Kingdom: Pearson
like? how to deliver the Longman. 1998.
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
4. How should material of Spalding, Dan.
teachers correct speaking skill. How to Teach
writing? Adults (Plan Your
2 The lecturer asks Class, Teach Your
5. What can be done the students to Students, Change
about handwriting? make english the Wolrd).
lesson plan “RPP” Jossey-Bass: San
6. More writing for speaking skill. Francisco. 2014.

3 The lecturer will

check and
correcting all of
students english
lesson plan “RPP”
of speaking skill.

4 The lecturer asks

the students to
practice and apply
their english lesson
plan “RPP” as a
real teacher in front
of the class.
5 The lecturer will
check and
between students
performance with
their english lesson

6 The lecturer will

Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
give suggestion
and also evaluate
the students
performance in
teaching speaking

11. Practice for The students be 1. What kind of 1 The lecturer gives Contextual Performance 90 minutes Harmer, Jeremy.
teaching able teaching speaking should explanation and instruction Test How to teach
speaking skill. speaking skill. students do? examples the basic method English (An
rules of teaching Introduction to the
2. Why encourage reading skill; how Practice of
students to do to open and close English Language
speaking tasks? in teaching and Teaching). United
learning process; Kingdom: Pearson
3. What do speaking how to deliver the Longman. 1998.
activities look material of reading
like? skill. Spalding, Dan.
How to Teach
4. How should 2 The lecturer asks Adults (Plan Your
teachers correct the students to Class, Teach Your
speaking? make english Students, Change
lesson plan “RPP” the World).
5. What else should for reading skill Jossey-Bass: San
teachers do during Francisco. 2014.
a speaking
activity? 3 The lecturer will
check and
6. More speaking correcting all of
suggestions students english
lesson plan “RPP”
of reading skill.
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
4 The lecturer asks
the students to
practice and apply
their english lesson
plan “RPP” as a
real teacher in front
of the class.
5 The lecturer will
check and
between students
performance with
their english lesson

6 The lecturer will

give suggestion
and also evaluate
the students
performance in
teaching reading

12. Practice for The students be 1. Why teach 1 The lecturer gives Contextual Performance 90 minutes Harmer, Jeremy.
teaching able to teaching listening? explanation and instruction Test How to teach
listening skill. listening skill. examples the basic method English (An
2. What kind of rules of teaching Introduction to the
listening should writing skill; how Practice of
students do? to open and close English Language
in teaching and Teaching). United
3. What’s special learning process; Kingdom: Pearson
about listening? how to deliver the Longman. 1998.
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
material of writing
4. What are the skill. Spalding, Dan.
principles behind How to Teach
the teaching of 2 The lecturer asks Adults (Plan Your
listening? the students to Class, Teach Your
make english Students, Change
5. What do listening lesson plan “RPP” the World).
sequences look for writing skill. Jossey-Bass: San
like? Francisco. 2014.
3 The lecturer will
6. More listening check and
suggestions correcting all of
students english
lesson plan “RPP”
of writing skill.

4 The lecturer asks

the students to
practice and apply
their english lesson
plan “RPP” as a
real teacher in
front of the class.

5 The lecturer will

check and
between students
performance with
their english lesson

6 The lecturer will

Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
give suggestion
and also evaluate
the students
performance in
teaching writing
13. Understand The students be 1. What are the 1. Project Based Project Performance 90 mniutes Harmer, Jeremy.
how to use able to understand different options Learning Based test How to teach
textbooks how to use for textbooks? The students do Learning English (An
textbooks 2. What do adding, the task in a Introduction to the
adapting and paper form about Practice of
replacing look how to use English Language
like? textbooks and Teaching). United
3. Why use textbooks present the paper Kingdom: Pearson
at all? in forum Longman. 1998.
4. How should
teachers choose Spalding, Dan.
textbooks? How to Teach
Adults (Plan Your
Class, Teach Your
Students, Change
the World).
Jossey-Bass: San
Francisco. 2014.
14. Understand how The students be 1. Why plan at all? 1. Project Based Project Performance 90 minutes Harmer, Jeremy.
to plan lessons able to understand 2. What are the aims Learning Based test How to teach
how to plan of plan? The students do Learning English (An
lessons 3. What should be in the task in a Introduction to the
a plan? paper form about Practice of
4. What questions do how to plan English Language
we need to ask? lessons and Teaching). United
5. What form should present the paper Kingdom: Pearson
a plan take? in forum Longman. 1998.
Kriteria Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Pencapain Pokok Bahasan dan Bentuk Estimasi Sumber
Dasar Kompetensi Sub Pokok Bahasan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Pustaka
Instrumen Instrumen
6. How should
teachers plan Spalding, Dan.
sequences of How to Teach
lesson? Adults (Plan Your
Class, Teach Your
Students, Change
the World).
Jossey-Bass: San
Francisco. 2014.
15. Understand what The students be 1. What if students 1. Project Based Project Performance 90 minutes Harmer, Jeremy.
if able to understand keep using their Learning based test How to teach
what if own language? The students do learning English (An
2. What if students the task in a Introduction to the
are uncooperative? paper form about Practice of
3. What if students what if and English Language
don’t want to talk? present the paper Teaching). United
4. What if students in forum Kingdom: Pearson
are all at different Longman. 1998.
5. What if the class is Spalding, Dan.
very big? How to Teach
6. What if students Adults (Plan Your
don’t understand Class, Teach Your
the listening? Students, Change
the World).
Jossey-Bass: San
Francisco. 2014.
16. Ujian Akhir - - - - - - - -
Semester (UAS)
Bekasi, 15 Agustus 2018
Mengetahui, Dosen Pengampu,
Wakil Ketua 1 Akademik


( Supriyadi, S.T.P., M.Pd ) ( Ircham Asrori D, M.Pd )

Ketua Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

( Yon A. E. M.Pd )

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