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Moving from fearlessness
into a space of authentic trust

By Sally Kempton

Courage and fearlessness
are not the same
My understanding about courage was trans- but turning up a few months later at the ash-
formed by a conversation with an ex-Special ram of my Indian guru—an act that for him
Forces guy I met in the late 1980s. was almost as brave as jumping off a cliff
Scott (a name I’ve given him because I can’t would be for me.
for the life of me remember his real one) had Scott’s story redefined my understanding
spent 20 years as a covert operative profiled about courage. I’d always thought of courage
for hyper-dangerous missions. He was a re- as synonymous with what hard-boiled nov-
al-life version of a Nelson DeMille character – elists used to call ‘guts.’ In other words, I’d
one of those guys who spent his life sneaking assumed that if you were unafraid of physi-
into Soviet embassies in places like Cambo- cal harm, you were basically, unafraid. Talk-
dia to steal secret papers. Then the Cold War ing to him, I realized three things. First, that
ended, and he went home to someplace like courage and fearlessness are not the same—in
Pennsylvania. There, he discovered that his fact, without fear, we wouldn’t need cour-
formerly hard-drinking parents had gotten age. Courage implies moving through fear.
sober, joined AA, and wanted Scott to go to Second, that an act which for one person
Al-Anon, the 12-step program for relatives of takes tremendous courage, might be some-
alcoholics. one else’s no big deal, or even their day job.
“What you have to realize,” he told me, “is For me, doing an unsupported handstand is
that in all my years in the Special Forces, I’d an act of courage, yet I’m unfazed by stuff
never been physically afraid. I loved danger, that terrifies others—speaking in front of a
and I was really good at it. Guys like me have thousand people without notes, for instance,
what the Marine Corps psychologists call or facing into my own anger or discomfort.
throwaway lives, meaning the person doesn’t Which brought up my third recogni-
really care whether they live or die. But when tion: that each of us has a different edge. By
I walked into that meeting, I was so terrified edge, I mean the psychological demarcation
that I couldn’t stay in the room.” point beyond which lies your personal preci-
Scott hadn’t let it rest there, he told us. He pice. Your edge may be the 500-foot drop
had, in the language of the self-help move- that makes your knees shake when you face
ment, faced his fear and done it anyway, not a mountain footbridge. It may be the fear of
only going back into the Al-Anon meeting, career suicide that keeps you from speaking

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facing: moeskate

out about corporate wrong-doing, or the fear ‘heart.’ The Sanskrit word for courage is sau- famous for her risky, confrontive interviews Here are a few of facets of courage: bravery,
of losing love that paralyzes you when you try rya, which has the same root as the Sanskrit with people like Fidel Castro and Ayatollah strength, steadiness, trust, self-reliance,
to tell your partner that you need to spend word for ‘sun.’ (In fact, many ancient systems Khomeini, noted in an interview that people faith, integrity, love. And also, lets be honest,
more time alone. Your edge can be very subtle associate the sun—heart of the solar system— who have physical courage usually have mor- recklessness. In my teens, when I thought the
indeed—for instance, the moment when your with the pulsing, radiant muscle that is the al courage. But I like the heart-image, with way to conquer fear was to plunge headlong
boundaries dissolve in meditation. The point center of our circulatory system.) In Ayurve- its implication that courage comes from the into whatever you were scared to do, I often
is that each of us, sometime, will be asked to da, they say that the psychological quality of very center of being, the heart, the organ that found myself in situations that a less extreme
step off the borders of the known world, and courage is related to the health of our mamsa most directly resounds with the pulsation of person would have thought twice about.
do something that really scares us. Courage is dhatu—the muscular element in the body—a life. Still, even though I shake my head at some of
that quality of heart that lets us do it. good argument for strength training, Out- Like the heart itself, courage is a lotus with the decisions I made, I also see that the reck-
As you probably know, the English word ward Bound programs, and lots of standing many petals, all of them associated with qual- lessness I cultivated in my teens and twenties
courage comes from the French coeur or poses. Oriana Fallaci, the Italian journalist ities that even the most ironic of us celebrate. really did have that heart-full quality that

Courage seems to rest on profound trust in
something greater than your personal self-
marks any form of truly courageous behavior. of uncooked courage is the trail it leaves—of-
At the very least, it developed some courage ten, a karmic minefield of misunderstanding,
muscles, some habits of acting in the face of pain and enmity that really does come back
fear that would later allow me to hold steady to bite us if it isn’t cleared.
through some difficult life choices. Cooked courage, ripe courage, on the other
Nonetheless, there’s a difference between hand, contains discipline, wisdom and espe-
that impulsive courage—the kind that leads cially, a quality of presence. Skill has some-
people to charge into battle without a plan, thing to do with it, of course. It’s much eas-
have unprotected sex or start undercapital- ier to act bravely when you know how to do
ized dot-coms—and the courage of an Aung what you’re doing. Ultimately, though, rip-
San Suu Kyi, or, for that matter, an ordinary ened courage seems to rest on profound trust
person who lives daily with hard choices in something greater than your personal self-
without flinching. interest—trust in the Self, trust in love, trust
So, what does courage tempered with wis- in the divine, trust in the power of your own
dom look like, as opposed to the kind of cour- awareness, trust in the stability of your own die, to lose everything—not because we have contemplation, and from trust in the pow-
age that prompts your friends to say, “You’re center. That level of trust only comes out of ‘throwaway lives’, but because we’ve entered er of your divine source. I think of one path
so brave!” when what they’re actually think- inner experience, a kind of spiritual maturi- so fully into our own center that we know it as the masculine path—the path of fearless-
ing is, “You’re so out of your mind!” ty. Out of that trust, a person with ripe cour- will hold through death. In such a state, they ness through reliance on self—and the other
Basically, we’re talking about the differ- age can often surrender both the fear of los- say, a samurai can pacify an enemy with- as the feminine path—the path of fearless-
ence between the raw and the cooked, the ing and the desire to win, and act for the sake out picking up his sword, because the still- ness through trust in love. One of my teach-
green and the ripened. Between raw courage of action, even for the sake of love, like the ness is contagious. That samurai’s courage is ers used to say that the great question to con-
and the kind that’s ripe and seasoned lies a monk in the famous Zen story whose temple based on practice—a continual emptying of template in any situation is: “In what do you
whole world of discipline, surrender and ex- is invaded by an enemy warrior with a sword. the mind in meditation, a continual settling place your trust?” He would say that if your
perience. “Do you know that I have the strength to kill into inwardness, and finally a surrender into trust is in something truly great, your own
Raw courage, for one thing, is based on you with this sword?” the warrior says. The egoless awareness that is like literally dying sense of being will ultimately expand into
emotion, fueled by anger and desire. It often monk replies, “Do you know that I have the to the small self. that greatness. If your trust is in something
acts out of noble motives, yet raw courage can strength to let you?” There’s more than one way to get to the small or limited, even in your own strength
also operate without morals or ethics, or in Ripe courage arises from that stillness. In source of courage, of course. The grace-based of body, mind or will, it eventually lets you
the service of aims that are unconscious, de- the Budo martial arts tradition, it’s said that path to inner courage comes from radically down. Fear, after all, is based on the feeling of
luded or even downright sleazy. The real mark the source of true courage is the willingness to opening into love, through prayer as well as separation and smallness. Where there’s the

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previous: toniboni photo: andrey-fo

Where there’s the intuition of your own
deeper being, fear becomes beside the point
intuition of your own deeper being, fear be- tried, the worse it got. The girls would mimic sound of om. A bell-like ringing. A sound like Sally Kempton is the author of multiple books
comes beside the point. me, laugh at me, roll their eyes at my increas- the beating of a heart. on meditation, yoga and spirituality, which
Whether you approach that beingness ingly lame attempts at humor.” It wasn’t the last time this young woman she has been teaching and studying for 40
through emptying of self, like the great mar- One day, the class got so out of control that lost control of her class. But by stopping and years. Widely known as one of today’s most
tial artists and classical yogis, or through de- she was literally screaming instructions into a stepping into the unknown, she had some- influential spiritual leaders, she is one of a
votional opening to grace, you always seem sea of noise. All her fears seemed to rise up at how made contact with her own source, with select group of teachers in Ken Wilber’s In-
to go through the doors of stillness, center- the same time. Fear of inadequacy, the physi- inspiration. And, in connecting to her self, tegral Spiritual Center, and teaches regular-
ing, and surrender. The more we are in touch cal fear of violence, but especially fear of los- she’d connected with the girls in her class. ly at conferences and at Kripalu and Esalen.
with the center and the source beyond it, the ing control, of having to reveal her complete She says she has never doubted since that if Her workshops and teleconference courses
more we are able to touch that courage that inability to cope with the situation. she will stop, turn inside, and wait, that a so- integrate the wisdom of traditional yoga
doesn’t just rise to handle a crisis, but which She felt paralyzed. For nearly five minutes lution will present itself. tantra with the insights of contemporary,
can also allow us to keep getting up in the she stood silently, looking at the chaotic scene I believe that this state is what the Zen evolutionary spirituality and cutting-edge
morning and facing our interior darkness or around her. Finally, she began to ask inter- masters are talking about when they speak of psychology. Visit her website to learn more:
buried grief, hanging in through the mud- nally, “What should I do?” Nothing arose. dying into the ground of being. A text of tan-
slogging grind of transformative practice, Then, it was as if time stopped. She heard a tra called the Stanzas on Vibration says in a
standing up for what is right again and again sound forming at the back of her mouth. She famous verse that the heart of the universe,
without bitterness—or at least only a little. opened her mouth, and “Ahhhhhh” began to the pulsation of divine power, is fully pres-
A young woman recently told me how she come out. She heard her voice getting louder ent in moments of terror, intense anger, or
found that place of courage. She had volun- and louder, until it was first an undertone, absolute impasse, ‘while wondering what to
teered to teach yoga in a probation program and then an overtone in the room. The girls do.’ The secret of discovering that power is to
for teenage girls. She says now that she had began looking around for the source of the turn inward, towards the center of your fear
expected them to get yoga and her own good sound. Then she heard herself say, “Stop. Lis- or confusion, to let go of your thoughts and
intentions immediately. Instead, they made ten. Hear the echo of your own voices.” emotions about the situation, and allow the
fun of the poses and of her. Soon, she was As she said that, for just a moment, she energy at the heart to expand. That’s where
both dreading the classes, and at the same could feel herself standing in the heart of the superhuman strength comes from.
time, thinking of them as a test of her own universe. Nothing was outside her. It just takes courage.
strength. The girls stopped. They listened. Then, in
“I felt that I had to win them over,” she tones of wonder, they began to share what
said. “Of course, it was all ego. The more I they’d heard. Silence in between sounds. The

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