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Here below and example of voltages measured on potentiometers 3PT10 (parallel size) and 3PT11
(perpendicular size).
Parallel size can be cheked on test point TP2-INAN 10 on CPU board 25S1
Perpendicular size can be checked on test point TP2-INAN11 on CPU board 25S1

Voltages may change depending on potentiometer’s coupling (mechanical installation on cassette

tray) or table by table due to calibration tollerances, but this references gives an idea on how they
should be.
If your references are far away from this values, you probably need to check potentiometer’s
adjustments. In this case refer to Adjustment Manual, section 4.11.

INAN10 // INAN11 ┴

Without cassette in cassette tray: 378 mV 580 mV (cassette tray IN)

24 x 18 993 mV (18cm) 2.89 Volt (24 cm)
18 x 24 2.92 V (24 cm) 945 mV (18 cm)
24 x 30 4.84 Volt (30 cm) 2.89 Volt (24 cm)
35 x43 9.05 Volt (43 cm) 6.50 Volt (35 cm)
43 x 35 6.45 Volt (35 cm) 9.10 Volt (43 cm)

Your values shouldn’t be far away from this voltages, let’s say +/- 20 mV .
To check if table recognize cassette size correctly, choose a division or a whole size, then press
again same division button and hold it: on 2 displays of console you will see the 2 casse sizes. If
size is wrong (you have a 24x30 cassette and you read 30x30) or if displays show 000 - 000 you
have a problem with potentiometer calibration or feedback is missing.


This are the values (+/- 2mm) checked at GMM during quality test.
Once the cassette size has been recognized, openings will be always the same .
Code 051 is normally set at value 51 (correction of diaphragms spaces)

This values are to be checked making PREPARATION (cassette tray in X ray position and
diaphragms open to Exposure position)

Cassette size opening

18 cm 169 mm
24 cm 228 mm
30 cm 285 mm
35 cm 333 mm
43 cm 409 mm

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