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of Markets

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington

Let us go to the market...
•  Opportunity for buyers and
sellers to:

–  compare prices

–  esFmate demand

–  esFmate supply

•  Achieve an equilibrium
between supply and

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 2

How much do I value apples?
One apple for my break

Take some back for lunch

Enough for every meal

Home-made apple pie

Home-made cider?


Consumers spend until the price is equal to their marginal utility

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 3
Demand curve
Price •  AggregaFon of the
individual demand of all
•  Demand funcFon:

q = D(π )
•  Inverse demand funcFon:

Quantity −1
π = D (q)

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ElasFcity of the demand
•  Slope is an indicaFon of the
elasFcity of the demand
High elasticity good
•  High elasFcity
–  Non-essenFal good
–  Easy subsFtuFon

•  Low elasFcity
–  EssenFal good
–  No subsFtutes

Low elasticity good •  Electrical energy has a very

low elasFcity in the short

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Price elasFcity of the demand
•  MathemaFcal definiFon:

q π dq
ε= = ⋅
dπ q dπ

•  Dimensionless quanFty

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Supply side
•  How many widgets shall I produce?
–  Goal: make a profit on each widget sold
–  Produce one more widget if and only if the cost of
producing it is less than the market price

•  Need to know the cost of producing the next widget

•  Considers only the variable costs
•  Ignores the fixed costs
–  Investments in producFon plants and machines

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How much does the next one costs?
Cost of producing a widget


Normal production procedure

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How much does the next one costs?
Cost of producing a widget


Use older machines

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How much does the next one costs?
Cost of producing a widget


Second shift production

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How much does the next one costs?
Cost of producing a widget


Third shift production

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How much does the next one costs?
Cost of producing a widget


Extra maintenance costs

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Supply curve
•  AggregaFon of marginal cost
Price or marginal cost curves of all suppliers
•  Considers only variable
operaFng costs
•  Does not take cost of
investments into account
•  Supply funcFon:

π = S −1 (q)
•  Inverse supply funcFon:

q = S(π )
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Price elasFcity of the supply
Price or marginal cost

q π dq
ε= = ⋅
dπ q dπ


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Market equilibrium
Price Supply curve
Willingness to sell

market equilibrium

Demand curve
Willingness to buy

volume Quantity

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Supply and Demand


equilibrium point



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Market equilibrium
q* = D(π * ) = S(π * )
supply π * = D−1 (q* ) = S −1 (q* )

market •  Sellers have no incenFve

clearing to sell for less
•  Buyers have no incenFve
demand to buy for more

volume Quantity

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Centralized aucFon
•  Producers enter their
offers: quanFty and price
–  Offers are stacked up to
construct the supply Price
•  Consumers enter their bids:
quanFty and price
–  Bids are stacked up to
construct the demand
•  IntersecFon determines the
market equilibrium:
–  Market clearing price Quantity
–  Transacted quanFty

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Centralized aucFon
•  Everything is sold at the
market clearing price
•  Price is set by the “last” unit Price supply
•  Marginal producer:
–  Sells this last unit
–  Gets exactly its offer
•  Infra-marginal producers:
–  Get paid more than their
offer Infra-
–  Collect economic profit marginal
•  Extra-marginal producers:
–  Sell nothing
Marginal producer

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Bilateral transacFons
•  Producers and consumers trade directly and
•  Consumers “shop around” for the best deal
•  Producers check the compeFFon’s prices
•  An efficient market “discovers” the
equilibrium price

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What makes a market efficient?
•  All buyers and sellers have access to sufficient
informaFon about prices, supply and demand
•  Factors favouring an efficient market
–  Number of parFcipants
–  Standard definiFon of commodiFes
–  Good informaFon exchange mechanisms

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•  Efficient markets:
–  Open air food market
–  Chicago mercanFle exchange

•  Inefficient markets:
–  Used cars

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Consumer’s Surplus
•  Buy 6 apples at 10¢
•  Total cost = 60¢ Price
•  At that price I am
gedng apples for which Consumer’s surplus

I would have been

ready to pay more
Total cost
•  Surplus:
6 Quantity

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Economic Profit of Suppliers
Price Price
supply supply


demand Cost
Quantity Quantity

•  Cost includes only the variable cost of producFon

•  Economic profit covers fixed costs and shareholders’
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Social or Global Welfare

Consumers’ surplus

Suppliers’ profit demand

= Social or global welfare Quantity

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Market equilibrium and social welfare

Operating point
π π
supply supply

Welfare loss

Market equilibrium Artificially high price:

•  larger supplier profit
•  smaller consumer surplus
•  smaller social welfare
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Market equilibrium and social welfare

Welfare loss
π π
supply supply

Operating point

Market equilibrium Artificially low price:

•  smaller supplier profit
•  higher consumer surplus
•  smaller social welfare
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Market Equilibrium: Summary
•  Price = marginal revenue of supplier
= marginal cost of supplier
= marginal cost of consumer
= marginal uFlity to consumer

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Time varying prices
•  Market price varies with offer and demand:
–  If demand increases
•  Price increases beyond uFlity for some
•  Demand decreases
•  Market sefles at a new equilibrium
–  If demand decreases
•  Price decreases
•  Some producers leave the market
•  Market sefles at a new equilibrium
•  In theory, there should never be a shortage
•  Encourages efficient use of resources
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Time-varying prices vs. fixed price
•  Assume fixed price = average of market price
•  Period of high demand
–  Fixed price < marginal uFlity and marginal cost
–  Consumers conFnue buying the commodity rather
than switch to another commodity
•  Period of low demand
–  Fixed price > marginal uFlity and marginal cost
–  Consumers do not switch from other commodiFes
•  Inefficient allocaFon of resources

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 30

Concepts from the Theory of the Firm

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington

ProducFon funcFon
y = f ( x1,x 2 )
•  y: output
•  x1 , x2: factors of producFon
y y
x2 fixed x1 fixed

x1 x2

Law of diminishing marginal return

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Long run and short run
•  Some factors of producFon can be adjusted
faster than others
–  Example: ferFlizer vs. planFng more trees
•  Long run: all factors can be changed
•  Short run: some factors cannot be changed
•  No specific duraFon separates long and short
•  Long run = long term
•  Short run = short term
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Input-output funcFon
y = f (x1 ,x2 ) x 2 fixed

The inverse of the production function is the

input-output function
x 1 = g ( y ) for x 2 = x 2

Example: amount of fuel required to produce a

certain amount of power with a given plant

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 34

Short run cost funcFon
c SR ( y ) = w 1 ⋅ x 1 + w 2 ⋅ x 2 = w 1 ⋅ g( y ) + w 2 ⋅ x 2

•  w1, w2: unit cost of factors of producFon x1, x2

c SR ( y )

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Short run marginal cost funcFon
c SR ( y )
Convex due to law
of marginal returns

dc SR ( y )
Non-decreasing function

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OpFmal producFon
•  ProducFon that maximizes profit:
max { π ⋅ y − c SR ( y ) }

d {π ⋅ y − c SR ( y ) }

dc SR ( y ) Only if the price π does not depend

π= on y è perfect competition
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Costs: Accountant’s perspecFve
•  In the short run, some costs are
variable and others are fixed
•  Variable costs:
–  labour Production cost [$]
–  materials
–  fuel
–  transportaFon
•  Fixed costs (amorFzed):
–  equipment
–  land
–  Overheads
•  Quasi-fixed costs
–  Start-up cost of power plant
•  Sunk costs vs. recoverable costs Quantity

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Average cost
c( y ) = c v ( y ) + c f
c( y) cv (y ) c f
AC ( y ) = = + = AVC ( y ) + AFC ( y )
y y y

Production cost [$] Average cost [$/unit]

Quantity Quantity

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Marginal vs. average cost



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When should I stop producing?

•  Marginal cost = cost of producing one more unit

•  If MC > π next unit costs more than it returns
•  If MC < π next unit returns more than it costs
•  Profitable only if Q4 > Q1 because of fixed costs

Average cost [$/unit] Marginal


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 41

Costs: Economist’s perspecFve
•  Opportunity cost:
–  What would be the best use of the money spent to make
the product ?
–  Not taking the opportunity to sell at a higher price
represents a cost
•  Examples:
–  Use the money to grow apples or put it in the bank where
it earns interests?
–  Growing apples or growing kiwis?
•  Comparisons should be made against a “normal profit”
–  What putting money in the bank would bring
•  Selling “at cost” means making a “normal profit”
–  Usually not good enough because it does not compensate for the risk
involved in the business

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 42

Risks, Markets and Contracts

Concept of Risk
•  Future is uncertain
•  Uncertainty translates into risk
–  In this case, risk of loss of income
•  Risk = probability x consequences
•  Doing business means accepFng some risks
•  Willingness to accept risk varies:
–  Venture capitalist vs. reFree
•  Ability to control risk varies:
–  Professional traders vs. novice investors

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Sources of Risk
•  Technical risk
–  Fail to produce or deliver because of technical
•  Power plant outage, congesFon in the transmission system
•  External risk
–  Fail to produce or deliver because of cataclysmic
•  Weather, earthquake, war
•  Price risk
–  Having to buy at a price much higher than expected
–  Having to sell at a price much lower than expected

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Managing Risks
•  Excessive risk hampers economic acFvity
– Not everybody can survive short term losses
– Society benefits if more people can take part
– Business should not be limited to large
companies with deep pockets
•  How can risk be managed:
– Reduce the risk
– Share the risk
– Relocate the risk
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Reducing the Risks
•  Reduce frequency or consequences of technical
–  Those who can reduce risk should have an incenFve to do it!
•  Owners of power plants
•  Reduce consequences of natural catastrophes
–  Owners and operators of transmission system
–  Design systems to be able to withstand rare events
•  Enough crews to repair the power system aser a hurricane
•  Security margin in power system operaFon
–  Limits the consequences of rare but unpredictable and
catastrophic events
–  Increases the daily cost of electrical energy
–  Does not cover all possible problems because that would cost
too much

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Sharing the Risks
•  Insurance:
–  All the members of a large group pay a small
amount to compensate the few who suffer a big
–  The consequences of a catastrophic event are
shared by a large group rather than a few
•  Grid operator does not have to pay
compensaFon in the event of a blackout

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RelocaFng Risk
•  Possible if one party is more willing or able to
accept it
–  Loss is not catastrophic for this party
–  This party can offset this loss against gains in
other acFviFes
•  Applies mostly to price risk
•  How does this relate to markets?

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 49

Spot Market

Sellers Buyers

•  Immediate market, “On the Spot”

–  Agreement on price
–  Agreement on quanFty
–  Agreement on locaFon
–  UncondiFonal delivery
–  Immediate delivery

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 50

Examples of Spot Markets

•  Examples
–  Food market
–  Basic shopping
–  Roferdam spot market for oil
–  CommodiFes markets: corn, wheat, cocoa, coffee
•  Formal or informal
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Advantages and Disadvantages
•  Advantages:
–  Simple
–  Flexible
–  Immediate
•  Disadvantages
–  Prices can fluctuate widely based on
–  Example:
•  Effect of frost in Brazil on the price of coffee
•  Effect of trouble in the Middle East on the price
of oil

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Spot Market Risks
•  Market may not have much depth
–  Not enough sellers: market is short
–  Not enough buyers: market is long
•  Lack of depth causes large price fluctuaFons
–  Small producer may have to sell at a low price
–  Small purchaser may have to buy at a high price
–  “Price risk”
•  Relying on the spot market for buying or selling large
quanFFes is a bad idea

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 53

Example: buying and selling wheat

•  Farmer produces wheat

•  Miller buys wheat to make flour
•  Farmer carries the risk of bad weather
•  Miller carries the risk of breakdown of flour mill
•  Neither farmer nor miller control price of wheat
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Harvest Fme

•  If price of wheat is low:

–  Possibly devastaFng for the farmer
–  Good deal for the miller
•  If the price is high:
–  Good deal for the farmer
–  Possibly devastaFng for the miller
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What should they do?
•  OpFon 1: Accept the spot price of wheat
–  Equivalent to gambling
•  OpFon 2: Agree ahead of Fme on a price that
is acceptable to both parFes
–  Forward contract

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Forward Contract
•  Agreement:
–  QuanFty and quality
–  Price
–  Date of delivery (not immediate)
•  Paid at Fme of delivery
•  UncondiFonal delivery

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Forward Contract

Contract (1June)
1 ton of wheat at $100
on 1 September

Maturity (1 September)
Seller delivers 1 ton of wheat
Buyer pays $100
Spot Price = $90
Profit to seller = $10 58
© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington
How is the forward price set?
Spot Price

•  Both parFes look at their alternaFve: spot price
•  Both forecast what the spot price is likely to be
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Sharing risk
•  In a forward contract, the buyer and seller
share the risk that the price differs from their
•  Difference between contract price and spot
price at Fme of delivery represents a “profit”
for one party and a “loss” for the other
•  However, in the meanFme they have been
able to get on with their business
–  Buy new farm machinery
–  Sell the flour to bakeries

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Adtudes towards risk
•  Suppose that both parFes forecast the same value
spot price at Fme of delivery

•  Equal adtude towards risk

–  Forward price is equal to expected spot price

•  “Risk aversion”

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Adtudes towards risk
•  If buyer is less risk averse than seller
–  Buyer can negoFate a forward price lower than
the expected spot price
–  Seller agrees to this lower price because it reduces
its risk
–  Difference between expected spot price and
forward price is called a premium
–  Premium = price that seller is willing to pay to
reduce risk

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Adtudes towards risk
•  If buyer is more risk averse than seller
–  Seller can negoFate a forward price higher than
the expected spot price
–  Buyer agrees to this higher price because it
reduces its risk
–  Buyer is willing to pay the premium to reduce risk

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Case 1:
•  Farmer esFmates that the spot price will be
•  Miller also forecasts that the spot price will
be $100
•  They can agree on a forward price of $100

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Case 2:
•  Farmer esFmates that the spot price will be
•  Miller forecasts that the spot price will be
•  They can easily agree on a forward price of
somewhere between $90 and $110
•  Exact price will depend on negoFaFon ability
and relaFve risk aversion

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 65

Case 3:
•  Farmer esFmates that the spot price will be
•  Miller forecasts that the spot price will be
•  Agreeing on a forward price is likely to be
difficult unless they have widely different risk

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Forward Markets
•  Since there are many millers and farmers, a
market can be organised for forward
•  Forward price represents the aggregated
expectaFon of the spot price, plus or minus
a risk premium

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What if...
Spot Price


•  Suppose that millers are less risk adverse
•  Premium below the expected spot price
•  Spot price turns out to be much lower than forward price because
of a bumper harvest
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What if...
Spot Price


•  Farmers breathe a sigh of relief…
•  Millers take a big loss
•  The following year the millers ask for a much
bigger premium
•  Is agreement between the millers and the
farmers going to be possible?
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Undiversified risk
•  Farmers and millers deal only in wheat
•  Their risk is undiversified
•  Can only offset “good years” against “bad
•  Risk remains high
•  Reducing the risk further would help business

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•  DiversificaFon: deal with more than

one commodity
•  Average risk over different
•  Farmers may not want to diversify
their producFon because it could be

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Physical parFcipants vs. traders

•  Physical parFcipants
–  Produce, consume or can store the commodity
–  Face undiversified risk because they deal in only one

•  Traders (a.k.a. speculators)

–  Cannot take physical delivery of the commodity
–  Diversify their risk by dealing in many commodiFes
–  Specialize in risk management
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Trading by speculators
•  Cannot take physical delivery of the commodity
•  Must balance their posiFon on date of delivery
–  QuanFty bought must equal quanFty sold
–  Buy or sell from spot market if necessary
•  May involve many transacFons
•  Forward contracts limited to parFes who can take
physical delivery
•  Need a standardised contract to reduce the cost of
trading: future contract
•  Future contracts (futures) allow others to
parFcipate in the market and share the risk

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 73

Futures Contract

2 tons at $110

1 ton
2 tons at $90 At $ 95

1 ton
At $115

All contracts for wheat

on 1 September

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Futures Contract
Shortly before 1 September Spot Price $100
bought 2 tons at $110
bought 1 ton at $95
sold 1 ton at $115

sold 2 tons at $110

sold 2 tons at $90

Delivers 4 tons
Sells 2 tons at $100
bought 2 tons at $90
sold 1 ton at $95

bought 1 ton at $115

Sells 1 ton at $100

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Futures Contract
bought 2 tons at $110
bought 1 ton at $95
sold 1 ton at $115
sold 2 tons at $100
sold 2 tons at $110 net profit: $0
sold 2 tons at $90

bought 2 tons at $90

sold 1 ton at $95 Spot Price = $100
sold 1 ton at $100
net profit: $15

bought 1 ton at $115

© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington
bought 3 tons at $100 76
Importance of informaFon
•  Speculators own some of the commodity before it is
•  They carry the risk of a price change during that
•  Need deep pockets
•  Without addiFonal informaFon, this is gambling
•  InformaFon helps speculators make money
•  Example:
–  Global perspecFve on the harvest for wheat
–  Long term weather forecast and its effect on the
demand for gas and electricity
© 2017 B. Zhang and the University of Washington 77
•  Spot, forward and future contracts: uncondiFonal

•  OpFons: condiFonal delivery

–  Call OpFon: right to buy at a certain price at a
certain Fme
–  Put OpFon: right to sell at a certain price at a certain
•  Two elements of the price:
–  Exercise or strike price = price paid when opFon is
–  Premium or opFon fee = price paid for the opFon
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Example of Call OpFon
•  Call OpFon with an exercise price of $100
•  About to expire
•  If the spot market price is $90 the opFon is
worth nothing
•  If the spot market price is $110 the opFon is
worth $10
•  Holder makes money if value > opFon fee

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Example of Put OpFon
•  Put OpFon with an exercise price of $100
•  About to expire
•  If the spot market price is $90 the opFon is
worth $10
•  If the spot market price is $110 the opFon is
worth nothing
•  Holder makes money if value > opFon fee

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Financial Contracts
•  Contracts without any physical delivery

contract Physical Market


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One-way contract for difference
•  Example:
–  Buyer has call opFon for 50 units at $100 per unit
–  Spot price goes up to $110 per unit
–  Buyer pays $5500 for the 50 units in the physical
–  Seller receives $5500 for the 50 units in the
physical market
–  Buyer calls the opFon to buy 50 units at $100
–  Seller transfers $500 to the buyer to sefle the
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Two-Way Contract for Difference
•  CombinaFon of a call and a put opFon for the
same price --> will always be used
•  Example 1: CFD for 50 units at $100
–  spot price = $110
–  buyer pays $5500 on physical (spot) market
–  seller receives $5500 from the physical market
–  seller pays buyer $500
–  buyer effecFvely pays $5000
–  seller effecFvely gets $5000

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Two-Way Contract for Difference
•  Example 2: CFD for 50 units at $100
–  spot price = $90
–  buyer pays $4500 to the physical (spot) market
–  seller receives $4500 from the physical market
–  buyer pays seller $500
–  buyer effecFvely pays $5000
–  seller effecFvely gets $5000
•  Buyer and seller “insulated” from physical
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