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Criterion Exceptional Mastery Adequate Mastery Approaching Mastery Inadequate Mastery

Author, Genre, Title Correctly identifies and Includes almost all of the Omits some important Omits the majority or all of the author’s
includes the following: the important details of the aspects of the author’s name, genre, and title
author’s name, title author, genre, and title name, genre, and title
punctuated correctly, and punctuated correctly
Rhetorically accurate verb Text has a strong claim The rhetorically accurate The author’s claim is only Misreads or incorrectly states author’s claim.
and author’s primary claim that demonstrates insight verb may be somewhat partially stated or is Inaccurate or weak verb usage.
and understanding of the generic, and the author’s oversimplified. Weak,
author’s position. Includes claim is accurate. vague, or generic verb
a rhetorically accurate usage.
Purpose Purpose tightly connects Purpose is generic or Purpose does not connect Purpose is entirely inaccurate.
to the claim. mimics the claim. to the claim.
Audience Accurately identifies the Accurately identifies the Is general in identifying the Misidentifies the audience and/or tone or
tone, clearly explains who tone, clearly explains who audience. The tone is does not include the audience at all.
the target audience is, and the target audience is yet vague or unclear.
why this audience would overlooks why the
be receptive to the audience would be
message. receptive to the message.
Textual Support and Précis Specifically addresses Addresses relevant Only includes some Fails to address important evidence. Includes
Requirements/MLA primary evidence in the evidence in the text and primary evidence or is multiple errors regarding Précis
Formatting text using accurate uses correct language, but vague in identifying Requirements/MLA Formatting, including
language; adheres to the may overlook a primary evidence. Language is spacing, heading, header, sentence number,
Précis Requirements/MLA piece of evidence. Includes inaccurate. Includes and word count.
Formatting, including minor errors regarding multiple errors regarding
spacing, heading, header, Précis Requirements/MLA Précis Requirements/MLA
sentence number, and Formatting, including Formatting, including
word count. spacing, heading, header, spacing, heading, header,
sentence number, and sentence number, and
word count. word count.

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